Ahead Software AG
Information on copyright and trade marks
The NeroNET user manual and all its contents are protected by copyright and are the property of Ahead Software AG. All rights reserved. This user manual contains materials that are protected by internationally valid copyright laws. This manual may not - in whole or in part - be copied, transmitted or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of Ahead Software AG.
All trade names and trademarks are the property of the respective owners.
Ahead Software AG rejects any claims that transcend the guarantee terms. Ahead Software AG does not undertake any liability for the correctness of the content of the NeroNET user manual. The contents of the software supplied as well as of the NeroNET user manual may be changed without prior warning.
The trademarks mentioned here are referred to for purposes of information only.
Copyright © 2003 -2004 Ahead Software AG
REV 1.3
Table of contents
1 NeroNET Server................................................................................. 6
What is NeroNET? ............................................................................ 6
How does NeroNET work? .............................................................. 6
2 Installation .........................................................................................8
System requirements....................................................................... 8
Installing NeroNET ........................................................................... 9
Deinstalling NeroNET..................................................................... 11
Starting the program...................................................................... 11
3 NeroNET user interface................................................................... 15
Configuration area ......................................................................... 15
Information area ............................................................................. 16
Status area...................................................................................... 17
4 Configuring the server .................................................................... 18
Preferences..................................................................................... 18
4.1.1 Entering the serial number ............................................................... 20
4.1.2 Creating logfiles ............................................................................... 21
4.1.3 Determining the size of the logfiles .................................................. 21
4.1.4 Viewing logfiles ................................................................................ 22
4.1.5 Determining the number of finished jobs.......................................... 22
4.1.6 Specifying the COM port for the robot.............................................. 22
5 Configuring the recorder ................................................................ 23
Introduction .................................................................................... 23
Selecting recorders........................................................................ 25
Setting the recording speed.......................................................... 25
Activating buffer underrun protection ......................................... 25
Deactivating a recorder ................................................................. 26
Accepting no further recording jobs ............................................ 26
Printing labels................................................................................. 26
Selecting the directory for the image file..................................... 27
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6 User administration......................................................................... 28
Introduction .................................................................................... 28
Setting up the user account .......................................................... 30
Changing a user account .............................................................. 31
Deleting a user account................................................................. 32
7 Job administration .......................................................................... 33
Introduction .................................................................................... 33
For queue administrators .............................................................. 33
7.2.1 Deleting a job ................................................................................... 34
7.2.2 Adding copies................................................................................... 35
7.2.3 Deleting copies................................................................................. 35
7.2.4 Increasing the priority....................................................................... 35
7.2.5 Reducing the priority ........................................................................ 36
Users ............................................................................................... 37
7.3.1 Deleting a job ................................................................................... 38
7.3.2 Adding copies................................................................................... 38
7.3.3 Deleting copies................................................................................. 38
8 General information ........................................................................ 39
Jobs................................................................................................. 39
Recorder ......................................................................................... 40
Completed jobs .............................................................................. 41
Help ................................................................................................. 42
9 Status area ....................................................................................... 43
Introduction .................................................................................... 43
Elements of the status area........................................................... 43
10 Configuring the browser................................................................. 44
10.1 Entering the server address.......................................................... 44
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11 Nero (Client)..................................................................................... 45
11.1 Installing Nero (Client) ................................................................... 45
11.1.1 Installation where there is an existing OEM version of Nero............ 45
11.1.2 Installation (no previous version of Nero)......................................... 46
11.1.3 Installation where there is an existing Retail version of Nero........... 46
11.2 Enable NeroNET support............................................................... 47
11.3 Special features when recording with Nero (Client) ................... 48
11.4 Usable discs ................................................................................... 48
11.5 Working with Nero Burning ROM or Nero Express..................... 48
11.6 CD + CD-RW compilations ............................................................ 49
11.7 DVD + DVDRW compilations......................................................... 49
11.8 Configuring network recorders..................................................... 50
11.9 Changing users .............................................................................. 54
11.10 Recording options.......................................................................... 57
11.10.1 Determining maximum speed ...................................................... 58
11.10.2 Simulation .................................................................................... 58
11.10.3 Write............................................................................................. 58
11.10.4 Finalize disc ................................................................................. 58
11.10.5 Write method................................................................................ 58
11.10.6 Number of copies ......................................................................... 58
11.10.7 Use multiple recorders ................................................................. 58
11.10.8 Do a virus check before burning .................................................. 58
12 Nero (Client) Preferences ...............................................................59
12.1 Introduction .................................................................................... 59
12.2 General............................................................................................ 59
12.3 Expert Features .............................................................................. 60
13 Creating a disc................................................................................. 61
13.1 Printing labels on recorded discs................................................. 61
14 Troubleshooting .............................................................................. 65
14.1 No burning possible....................................................................... 65
14.2 The server is not active ................................................................. 67
14.3 The recorder is deactivated........................................................... 68
14.4 Server does not accept any jobs .................................................. 69
15 Glossar ............................................................................................. 70
16 Index ................................................................................................. 78
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1 NeroNET Server

1.1 What is NeroNET?

NeroNET extends the capabilities of the Nero recorder program so that it can be
used in an IP-based Intranet. Its aim is to give all users connected to the Intranet comfortable access to the recorder on the NeroNET server. As a result, individual staff members of do not need to have recorders installed in their own computers but can record discs on the NeroNET server via Nero.
NeroNET consists of two components: NeroNET Server and Nero (Client). As NeroNET Server, it runs on computers which have recording ('burning') functions
('burn servers'). Nero (Client) runs on the user’s computer and corresponds to 'normal' Nero, enhanced by the addition of NeroNET functions. A suitable label can be made for the medium being recorded if the NeroNET server is also connected to an appropriate printer. The Nero Cover Designer program (included) makes this possible.
NeroNET is an extremely economical application because it makes it possible for every member of staff to complete all recording orders on one central server. In the simplest version, all that is needed is one full version of Nero at the client and one CD/DVD recorder at the NeroNET server.

1.2 How does NeroNET work?

NeroNET is the client/server version of Nero. It combines the functions of Nero
with the client/server technology that many companies use to connect their computers to a network. A user can put together his or her compilation at any workstation where Nero (client) is installed, initiate the record procedure for the medium concerned and transmit a suitable label to the NeroNET server. First, an image of the medium and the label is generated locally on the user's computer and this is then transmitted to the NeroNET server.
NeroNET comprises two components: The server program, that controls everything concerned with recording
(e.g. recorder selection and the order of jobs to be recorded) and which regulates user administration (e.g. assignment of rights and setting up new users) and specifies the server configuration.
The client program, which generates the jobs to be recorded and transmits
them to the NeroNET server.

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The user can follow the status of his job via a Web browser (like Internet Explorer) and can receive information on when the job it was started and how far it has progressed, for example. Recording jobs that have not yet been begun can also be deleted by the user.
Once the server has recorded the medium, the user receives a message about the result of the recording process.
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2 Installation
2.1 System requirements
NeroNET runs on all currently commercially available computers and Windows
versions. In spite of the large range of features, the requirements for running the program are very modest as far as processor performance, main memory (RAM) and hard drive space requirements are concerned. Specifically, the following components are necessary or are recommended by Ahead Software AG.
Operating system (server)
Main memory (RAM)
Hard disk (server)
Hard disk (client)
Monitor resolution
at least Windows 98
Windows 98 SE Windows Me Windows Server 2003
advised Windows 2000 (including SP 3)
Windows XP (including SP 1)
at least Celeron 500 MHz
(or comparable processor type)
advised Pentium III, 650 MHz
(or comparable processor type)
at least 128 MB RAM
advised 256 MB RAM
(for Windows 2000 or XP) at least 20 GB advised 40 GB (7200 RPM) at least 700 MB
(for the transmission of a complete CD
9 GB
(for the transmission of a complete DVD
image) advised 40 GB Internet
Explorer Netscape
Navigator at least 800 * 600 advised 1024 * 768 at least 10 MBit/s, half-duplex
Version 5.5 or later
Version 7 or later

Quickstart NeroNET Installation 8

advised 100 MBit/s, full-duplex strongly
2.2 Installing NeroNET
1. Double-click on the 'NeroNET1xxx.exe' file. The files needed to install and work with NeroNET will be decompressed and the installation screen will appear.
CD/DVD recorder protected against buffer underrun. (Of course, a CD/DVD recorder can be employed that does not have this protection. However if high demands are made on the server, the recording resources may become scarce, which could lead to defective discs as a result of buffer underrun).
2. Follow the screen commands until the software installation is complete.
Please read the following information carefully and note that you must be set up as a user before you can work with NeroNET. To do this, it is necessary that you log on as administrator following installation. The 'Preferences' part of the 'Configuring the server' section tells you how to do this.
After reading it, mark the 'I have read the previous information' check box and then click on the 'OK' button.
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3. Click on the 'Finish' button to complete the installation procedure. If needed, reboot the computer.
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2.3 Deinstalling NeroNET
Step 1: Go to Start > Control panel > Add or remove programs.
(With some operating systems you will have to click on
Start > Preferences > Control panel > Add or remove programs).
Step 2: Highlight NeroNET in the list of installed programms, and then click on
button 'Change/Remove'.
Step 3: When you are deleting software, you may be asked by the operating system if you really want to delete one or two files as these are also used by other programs. If you are in doubt, do not delete these files.

2.4 Starting the program

If there are any rewritable (RW) discs in the recorder of the NeroNET server, their contents will be deleted before recording starts - without any warning being given or request being made.
Windows XP, Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003
With Windows XP, Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003, NeroNET is automatically started as a service. This means that the server on which NeroNET is installed need only be switched on for the client to have access to the program.
If NeroNET is not launched automatically, the automatic start must be disabled. This can be done as follows. Open the 'Control panel' and then the 'Administrative tools'. Double-click on 'Services' to display them and open the 'NeroNET' service. On the 'General' tab, which is now on top, the 'Automatic' startup type will be presented. Click on the drop-down button, select 'Manual' as the type of program start and click 'OK' to save the change and close the tab.
Quickstart NeroNET Installation 11
Windows 98 and Windows Me
NeroNET will not be automatically launched with Windows 98 and Windows Me.
If yu want NeroNET is to be launched manually, click on 'NeroNET Server'
from 'Start' > 'Programs' > 'Nero'.
If you would like NeroNET to be launched automatically when you boot the
computer, then you must copy a link to NeroNET and move this into the 'Autostart' folder. You can go about this as follows: Go via 'Start' > 'Programs' and click once on 'NeroNET', so that it is highlighted. Click on the right-hand mouse button and choose the 'Create link' command from the menu. A shortcut called 'NeroNET (2)' will be created. Highlight the new link and drag it into the 'Autostart' folder.
The Nero icon is located in the tray icon on the lower right-hand side of the screen. The color of the icon tells you the current status of the program.
The NeroNET Server is now started and accepting recording orders.
The NeroNET Server is now closed down and will not accept any more recording orders.
Quickstart NeroNET Installation 12
If you close down NeroNET using the 'Close' command in the tray icon field, you will be able to reactivate it using the 'Start' > 'Programms' menu and the 'NeroNET Server' command. The program will be active again, though the NeroNET server will be closed down and will not accept any more recording orders. In order to record CDs on the server, the NeroNET server has to be booted using the 'Start' command.
Run the mouse cursor onto the NeroNET icon and then click the right-hand mouse button to open the pop-up menu.
WEB Configuration
NeroNET Help
About NeroNET
Configure Server
Opens the browser and displays the index page
Opens the Help file
Shows the version number
Opens the dialog window so that the server preferences can be defined
Server root directory: Directory, in which the HMTL files
are located that belong to NeroNET.
Server configuration file: Name and directory of the
configuration file.
Server port: Number of the port on which the server is
running. You can only change the port if both NeroNET Version 1.2 and Nero (or later) have been installed.
Clicking on 'Browse' will open a dialog window to allow the selection of the directory / configuration file.
Quickstart NeroNET Installation 13
Starts NeroNET. This command can only be carried out when the server is closed down.
Runs NeroNET down and then restarts.
Runs NeroNET-Server down – however, the control program in the tray icon remains active.
Closes NeroNET.
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3 NeroNET user interface
3.1 Configuration area
The NeroNET user interface consists of different areas, which each specify what will be shown in the browser window.
The upper part contains the elements that allow the different areas of NeroNET to be administered.
This area is available for users so that they can administe their own recording jobs. See the 'Users' section.

Quickstart NeroNET NeroNET user interface 15

This area is only accessible to users with queue administrator rights. It allows all the existing recording jobs to be administered. See the 'Job administration' section.
This area is only accessible to users with serve administrator rights. It make it possible to administer the users. See the 'User administration' section.
This area is only accessible to users with serve administrator rights. It make it possible to administer the recorder preferences. See the 'Configuring the recorder' section.
This area is only accessible to users with serve administrator rights. It make it possible to administer the server preferences. See the 'Configuring the server' section.
3.2 Information area
The NeroNET user interface consists of different areas, which each specify what will be shown in the browser window.
The elements that call up the different NeroNET areas tells you about specific procedures are located on the left-hand side.
This area shows all jobs in the queue. See the 'General information' section.
This area shows all the recorders installed. See the 'Recorder' section.
This area shows all the jobs which have already been completed. See the 'Completed jobs' section.
This area opens the help file. See the 'Help' section.
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3.3 Status area
The NeroNET user interface consists of different areas, which each specify what will be shown in the browser window.
The elements that call up the NeroNET areas that provide information are located at the bottom of the screen.
Clicking on the button refreshes the status line.
Number of jobs waiting to be recorded.
Current status of the recorder. This area tells you whethe intervention is necessary, e.g. when the message 'Please insert at empty CD' appears
This area informs you of the free memory available on the server.
Number of recorders connected
Number of active recorders
Quickstart NeroNET NeroNET user interface 17

4 Configuring the server

4.1 Preferences
Only users with server administrator rights are allowed to configure the server. No other users have any chance of accessing this part of NeroNET.
Open this area by clicking on the
This area is password-protected and only accessible to users with server administrator rights. Please enter your user name and password in the appropriate fields.
Only the administrator can log on following the installation of the NeroNET server. Since it is a standard procedure, the following information is needed. This information is case sensitive - pay attention to the use of capital or small letters.
User Name: 'Administrator'
Password: 'neronet'
For security reasons, please change the password immediately after the first login. You can find out how to change the password in the section on 'Changing a user account'.
The following input data is reasonable for the configuration of the server:
Server location: server location
Server description: details of whom this servers was configured for
Quickstart NeroNET Configuring the server 18
Additional information of up to 100 characters in length can be entered.
It is not absolutely necessary to enter a serial number since NeroNET is delivered with a three-user license, i.e. up to 3 people have recording capabilities. If this is insufficient, a license can be acquired from
, allowing
further users to have access.
Serial number (at the time license was acquired): Serial number of NeroNET,
if a license was acquired for more than 3 users. The number of users that can work with NeroNET is determined by the serial number.
Maximum users: Number of persons who can be entered as users as well as
the administrator.
It is also possible to create different kinds of logfiles.
Server logfile
Error logfile
HTTP logfile
Nero Api logfile
The logfile concerned includes the directory as well as a checkbox that can be activated (and/or deactivated) to permit (or not to permit) writing in the logfile. The existing logfile will open by clicking on the corresponding link.
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In other input boxes you can specify the following:
Maximum size of the logfile in kB
Maximum number of jobs to be stored in the finished jobs area
Number of the COM port (in case a robot is connected)
The changes made are only stored if they are confirmed by clicking on the Apply button.

4.1.1 Entering the serial number

As default, NeroNET comes with a three-user license. In other words, apart from the administrator, three other users can be set up who will be able to record using Nero (Client). Therefore the 'Serial number' field is empty.
Open the
you must enter a valid serial number in the field and then click on the Apply button in order to save the changes. You can acquire the serial number and the appropriate license from Ahead Software AG at
The number of NeroNET users depends on the license and not on the numbe of active accounts. This means that a maximum of 13 users can be set up with a 10-user license (three users who may be set up regularly and 10 users with the new license). If user accounts are deactivated in the 'User management' area, they will still occupy one user license.
Circumventing the user license limitation by a user logging in from different computers is also impossible, because NeroNET will also find out the IP address of the user. If the same user logs in from another computer (which of course has a different IP address) then he or she will be considered a different user. Thus in the worst case, a user who logs on in this way from several computers, will be using all licenses so that no other registered user will be able to log on.
area. If you need a license for more than three users,
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4.1.2 Creating logfiles
The logfiles (Server / Error / HTTP / Nero API) store the messages of the NeroNET server in a separate file; these logfiles are located in the Root\Logs folder.
Open the
checkbox and click on the Apply button to save the changes. Server logfile
The server logfile contains information (in chronological order) on actions carried out by the server; the work of the server can be followed with this file. In principle this logfile is used for control purposes when the server is working unattended. Error logfile
The error logfile contains information (in chronological order) about internal errors of the NeroNET server that have occurred (not the Nero API). HTTP logfile
area. To create the logfile, activate the 'logging Enable'
The HTTP logfile contains details (listed in chronological order) about errors that occurred during the data transfer between the browser and the Web server. Nero API
The Nero API logfile, the record DLL used for the controlling the recorders, details (listed in chronological order) about Nero API errors.

4.1.3 Determining the size of the logfiles

NeroNET creates four logfiles (Server / Error / HTTP / Nero API) for each
section. As default, the size of a logfile is 100 kB. This means roughly enough space for 1000 lines of text, depending on the size of the text strings. If the logfile has reached the maximum size, a new file is created; if the first logfile is called XXX.log, the subsequent files will be called XXX1.log, XXX2.log and XXX3.log. Only once XXX3.log is full will XXX.log be overwritten again.
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Open the area. To change of the size of the logfile, enter another
number in kB in the 'Maximum size of logfiles in KB' and click on Apply to save the change.
4.1.4 Viewing logfiles
The logfiles contain details (listed in chronological order) about actions performed by the server or errors that have occurred.
Open the
API), click on 'view XXX logfile' with the mouse button and a new browser window will display the information.
area. To view the logfiles (Server / Error / HTTP / Nero

4.1.5 Determining the number of finished jobs

The number of jobs kept as a default in the finished jobs area is set at 50. When additional jobs are recorded, the new information will be overwritten over the oldest to guarantee that information on the current jobs is always available.
Open the
in the 'Maximum number of entries in jobs done' and click on Apply to save the change.
area. To change of the number, enter another number

4.1.6 Specifying the COM port for the robot

If a robot is connected to the NeroNET server that is controlled via the serial interface, it is necessary to specify which COM port the robot is connected to.
Open the
the robot is located and click on Apply in order to save the change.
Quickstart NeroNET Configuring the server 22
area. Enter the number of COM port (1 or 2), at which

5 Configuring the recorder

5.1 Introduction
Only users with administrator rights are allowed to configure recorders. No other users are able to reach this part of the NeroNET program.
If there are any rewritable (RW) discs in the recorder of the NeroNET server, their contents will be deleted before recording starts - without any warning being given or request being made.
Open this area by clicking on the
This area is password-protected and accessible only to users with server administrator rights. Please enter your user name and password in the appropriate fields.
fter the NeroNET server has been installed, only the administrator will be able to log on. Since it is a standard procedure, the following information is needed. Pay attention to correct use of large and small letters (case sensitive)
User Name: 'Administrator' Password: 'neronet'
For security reasons, please change the password immediately after the first login. Find out how you change the password in the section on 'Changing a use account'.
Quickstart NeroNET Configuring the recorder 23
Area Function
Shows the recorder(s) installed. Clicking on the drop­down button and marking another printer will select this as the active printer.
Configures rate of recording (if this is to be changed manually).
Deactivates the recorder. However, recording jobs can still be sent. The message 'halted' will be displayed in the status line for deactivated recorders.
Recording jobs will no longer be accepted, for instance because the recorder has been removed from the server for reasons of maintenance. At the client, no more jobs can be sent to the server. The user will receive an error message ("server down").
While recording on the client, this allows you to print a label.
ctivates protection from buffer underrun, if this feature
is supported by the recorder.
Shows the path where the image file is stored and allows another (user-defined) path to be selected.
The changes made are only stored if they are confirmed by clicking on the Apply button.
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+ 55 hidden pages