NEC Versa® VX
Using the DVD-ROM Drive
Congratula tions on purchasing the NEC Versa VX with a DVD-ROM drive! The DVD-ROM drive features th e latest in DVD-ROM technology. It is fully compatible with Kodak Multisession Photo CDs™ and standard audio CDs. You can use your drive to load and start pr ogram s from com pact discs or to pl ay aud io CDs while you wor k or relax. With Windows and Windows 98, you can also play full-length CD-i movies. Additionally, with SoftDVD Player instal led, you can pl ay movies in D VD for mat.
This she e t provides:
Instructi ons on in stall ing SoftDVD Pla yer.
Instructi ons on uninst al lin g SoftDVD Player.
Instructi ons on startin g and using SoftDVD Player.
Information on power management settings for playing movies.
In struction s on updatin g your system s vi d eo d river (if needed).
Installing SoftDVD Player
SoftDVD Player, which allows you to play DVD movies, is provided on a CD that is inclu ded with the system. Install SoftDVD Pla yer accord ing to the following steps.
Disable power management when using SoftDVD Player.
Insert the SoftDVD CD into th e CD-ROM dri ve. The Welcome screen appears. If the CD does not load automatically, do the following:
From th e Windows ta skbar, select Start and Run.
Click Br owse to access the files on the CD. Select setu p. exe on the CD and click Run.
Click N ex t at the Welcome s creen.
Click Y es to a ccep t the li cense agreem ent.
Click N ex t to accept th e default d es t ination d irector y.
Highlight your geographic region and click Next.
The installation completes. Click Finish to restart the system.
Uninstalling SoftDVD Player
Use the Win d ows Add/ Remo v e Program s feature to uninsta ll SoftDVD Player. To access the Add/Remove Programs window, click Start, point to Settings, and click Control Panel. Double click the Add/Remove Progra ms icon. Select SoftDVD Player to uninstall and click the Add/Remove button. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the uninstall.
Using the DVD-ROM Drive 1
Starting and Using SoftDVD Player
SoftDVD Player is easy to use, with self-expl anatory buttons and detailed online help.
To start DVD Player, select Star t, Pr ogram s, Mult im edia , an d DVD Player .
To access the online help, click the question mark on the DVD Player screen.
For systems running Windows 95:
Your NEC system is factory-shipped with the correct AC power management settings in BIOS for playing DVD movies with the SoftDVD Pla yer softwar e. See th e secti on lat er in this sh eet, “AC Power Management Settings for Windows 95 for information on the corr ect settin gs.
For systems running Windows 98 Second Edition:
When the DVD Player software is insta lled from the CD, the correct AC power management valu es for pla ying SoftDVD movies with the DVD Player software are set by the installat ion progr am. See the section later in this sheet, AC Power Management Settings for Windows 98 for information on the cor rect set tings.
NECC does not recommend playing DVD movies wit h Soft DVD Pla y er
while the system i s r unni ng on ba tter y power.
Configuring AC Power Management for Playing Movies
See the following sections for information on
diagnosing incorrect AC power management settings
configuring AC power management Windows 95 systems
configuring AC power management Windows 98 SE systems.
Diagnosing Incorrect Power Management Settings
If your system goes into a timeout during a movie, one of the following conditions may occur when you bring the system out of the timeout.
If you a re playin g a movie on your televis ion set, the system mi ght go into ‘Simultaneous mode (in which the movie displays on the television set and your computer’s LCD panel).
The movie might restart from the beginning.
The audi o m ight c ut out .
The system might hang.
See the following sections for instructions on configuring AC power management correctly for playing DVD movies.
For complete SoftDVD pla yer oper at ing instructions, see the onlin e help for SoftDVD Player. To access the onlin e help whil e SoftDVD Pla yer i s runn ing , cli ck th e questi on mar k on the SoftDVD Player main menu.
For detailed information on power management, see your NEC Ver sa VX User’s Gu ide.
Using the DVD-ROM Drive
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