Nec VERSA LXI Release Notes

NEC Versa® LXi
Release Notes
Congratulations on purchasing an NEC Versa LXi notebook computer that ships with 16 MB of video RAM for en h anced graphics processi ng. Before u s ing your system read the impor tant information detailed in this document.
Installing Windows 2000 or Windows NT.......................................................................................................2
Notes to All Users...........................................................................................................................................2
Entering the BIOS Setup Utility................................................................................................ ..................2
Optimizing the LCD Panel Display..............................................................................................................2
Toggling Between Video Modes .................................................................................................................2
Disabling Power Management.....................................................................................................................2
Using a TV as an External Dis play Device ...................................................................................................3
Hot Docking Your System ..........................................................................................................................3
Upgrading to a New Versa Dock Monitor Stand..........................................................................................3
Notes for Using Windows 98 Second Edition..................................................................................................3
Restoring the Hard Disk Drive ....................................................................................................................3
Docking Your System .................................................................................................................................3
Modifying the System’s Color Settings........................................................................................................ 3
Updating the IR (infrared) Driver.............................................................................................. ..................4
Disabling Save-to-Disk...............................................................................................................................4
Using PC Cards ..........................................................................................................................................4
Resuming from Save-to File........................................................................................................................5
Using the Internal Microphone....................................................................................................................5
Using Novell Software................................................................................................................................5
NEC Versa LXi Release Notes 1
Installing Windows 2000 or Windows NT
Your NEC V er s a LX i systems ship with a dual configuration, giving you a choice between the Windows 2000 Professional Edition and Windows NT 4 Workstation operating systems. When you power on the system for the first time, you must select the opera ting system of your choice. Rea d the screens carefully before mak ing your selection. Once you ch oose an operating system, a message appears allowing you to either ‘Continue’ with the install ation or go ‘Back’ to alter your selection.
Please note that once you click ‘Continue,’ you are unable to alter your choice of operating
Notes to All Users
Be sure t o r ead the following notes when using any of the Windows opera ting systems on your NEC Versa LXi.
Entering the BIOS Setup Utility
A new Microsoft requirement affects the speed of the system boot process and the time it takes to load the operating syst e m. The boot process sp eed is i ncrea s e d, thereby decr e asing the time betwee n power on and th at during which you can access th e BI O S S etup utility.
To access the BIOS Setup utility to view or modify the systems BIOS settings, you must pr ess system startup. Fol low these step s to ensure that you access the BIOS Setup utility before the operatin g system loads.
Press the power button to power on your system.
Immediately after pressing the power button, press F2, twice, to enter the BIOS Setup utility.
Optimizing the LCD Panel Display
To optimize the LCD panel display, be sure to set your system’s colors setting to High Color, 16 bit. To modi f y the Colors setting, right click on the Windows desktop and select Pr op erties. Select the Settings tab, then use the drop -down box in the C olors s ec tion of the window to change the sett ing to High Color (16 bit).
Toggling Between Video Modes
display mode. To reestablish simultaneous mode for the TV, reenable the TV display settings. Follow these steps to enable the TV display settings for Windows 98.
To enable the TV display settings in Windows 98, right click on the Windows desktop, click Properties, select the Sett in g s tab, and select the Advanced tab. Next, select the S3 DuoVu e tab and place a check in the box next to the TV graphic.
toggles th e s ystem between vi d eo m od es. With a TV an d m on it or attached , u sing
to repeatedly toggle between video modes results in CRT and LCD, only, in simultaneous
Disabling Power Management
NECC recommends that you disable power management on the NEC Versa when using the following hardware devices or software.
USB devices
cordless mouse
SlimSCSI PC cards
2 NEC Versa LXi Release Notes
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