NEC Versa® LX
256-MB Memory Important Information
Congratulations on purchasing an NEC Versa LX computer. Please read the important information about using 256-megabyte (MB) small-outline dual inline memory modules (SO-DIMMs) in your computer.
Checking System Memory
Some NEC Versa LX systems with one or two 256-MB memory modules report memory incorrectly in LANDesk
Clie nt Ma nager. Total memory is reported correctly through other interfaces that report system information. If you need to check total system memory in a computer ru nning LANDesk Client Manager, NEC Compu ter s reco mmends tha t you check it through one of the following:
the System Properties window
the BIOS Setup Utility
the POST messages that appear on the screen when you start your computer (if your
system is configured to display the POST messages while your system is starting).
To access the System Properties window, click the Start button, point to Settings, and click Control Panel. In the Control Panel window, double click the System icon. To display system memory, click the Performance tab.
For more information about the BIOS Setup Utility or about displaying POST messages, see Cha pter 3 of your us ers guide.
If you have any questi ons, pleas e contact an NEC Comp uters Support R epresent ative at
needed, be sure that you have the appropriate BIOS levels installed on your system. For the NEC Versa LX, use BIOS 45 or higher. For the NEC Versa LX with AGP, use BIOS 25 or higher. The BIOS upg rad es are a vail able by calling Customer Suppor t at 1-800-632-45 25 or by dow nloading f rom t he NECC website,
To en sur e that the hibernat i on or S ave- to-Fil e f ile is properly cr eated and ut ili zed when
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