NEC America reserves the right to change the specifications, functions,
or features in this document at any time without notice. NEC America
has prepared this document for use by its employees and customers. The
information contained herein is the property of NEC America and shall
not be reproduced without prior written approval from NEC America.
UCD-XL is an Open Applications Interface (OAI) application that expands the
capabilities of Unifo rm Call Distribution (UCD) in the NEAX2400 PBX. Although
the PBX is limited to 60 ex tensions in a UCD group, this applicati on can route a
call to any ext ension in a group of any size (subj ect to a p ractical limit of 150 voice
mail ports). Multipl e UCD groups are suppor ted. The applicat ion also monitors the
calls and maintains cumulative statistics which can b e reported.
UCD-XL has the ability to distribute calls to groups based upon the automatic
number identification (ANI) of the call. Separate statistics are maintained for ANI
UCD-XL, which resides on the User Application Processor (UAP), may
communicate with a voice mail system (VMS) via the standard Message Center
Interface (MCI) link, as shown in Figure 1-1. When an incomi ng call is connec ted
to a voice port, a message is sent to the VMS, identifyin g the originator and the
port. The VMS, in turn, sends a message to the UAP cont rolling a message waiting
lamp (MWL). UCD-XL passes this MCI message unaltered to the PBX.
voice ports
Figure 1-1 UCD-XL Environment with a VMS
UCD-XL is able to receiv e calls across a CCIS network of PBXs. H owever, all
extensions comprising the managed groups must reside on the PBX connected to
the User Application Pr ocessor. Office codes are supported, a nd may be omitted or
truncated in MCI messages.
If UCD-XL detects a failure of the OAI link with the PBX, the application will
switch to passive mode. In this passive mode, UCD-XL passes MCI messages
between the PBX and the VM S. Once the OAI link is re-established , UCD-XL will
restore full functionality.
NDA-24169 Revision 2.0Page 1
IntroductionUCD - XL User Guide
This document contains the following sections:
Chapter 1:IntroductionA brief explanation of UCD-XL.
Chapter 2:ConfigurationHow UCD-XL should be conf ig -
Chapter 3:Admini strationH ow to generate ac tivity reports
for UCD-XL.
Chapter 4:LimitationsLimitations to UCD-XL.
Appendix A:Error MessagesUCD-XL error messages.
Appendix B:UtilitiesUCD-XL Utilities.
Appendix C:Environment/Hardware A description of the physical en-
vironment and hardware needed
to support UCD-XL.
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UCD - XL User GuideAdministration
Chapter 2Administration
The UCD-XL Administrator gives you the capability of generating, viewing, and
printing reports that quantify the call traffic managed by the application. The
Administrator also gives you the ability to initiate, terminate, view, and print a
trace of incoming calls for any combination of UCD groups and ANI patterns.
UCD-XL Monitor records statistics for each hour or for each day; the time frame
is specified in Monit or’s configuration. For gr oups , major and minor statist ics ar e
maintained; for ANI patt erns, there are only major statistics. At the end of the
specified time period, the Monitor records the accumulated statistics into a data
file, and then clears the in ternal buffer for the next coll ection period. Special
statistics are mai ntained f or queued and connect ed calls that ov erlap (“ carryove r”)
consecutive collection periods. The collected statistics include:
Major Statistics
•the start of the time period (date and time)
•quantity of existing ports (for groups only)
•count of incoming calls per group or pattern
•count of abandoned calls per group or pattern
•count of queued calls per group or pattern
•count of queued calls carried over from previous collection period
•average duration (in seconds) a call is queued
•maximum duration (in seconds) a call is queued
•maximum duration of a queued call that was carried over
Minor Statistics
•count of connected calls (excluding abandonments) per port
•count of connected calls carried over from previous collection period
•average duration (in seconds) of a completed call at each port
•maximum duration (in seconds) of a completed call at each port
•maximum duration of a queued call that was carried over
Through the Report Generation menu, the Administrator can create a report of
these statistics for any range of dates. The report can be detailed by the day or by
the hour, or can summarize th e statist ics. The repo rt can cover any combinati on of
groups and ANI patterns. The statistics remain in the data file until cleared by using
the Erase Statistics option in the Report Generation menu.
Once the report is generated , it may be viewed on the screen, printed, or transferred
(copied) onto a stora ge device, su ch as a diske tte or cartri dge tape. Only one re port
may exist at a time.
NDA-24169 Revision 2.0Page 3
AdministrationUCD - XL User Guide
Through the Trace Fu nctions menu , the Admini strator c an observ e UCD-XL call
activity in real time. It produces a trace file which can be viewed on the screen,
printed, or transf erre d ont o a s torage devic e. This trac e fi le con tinues to ex is t aft er
a trace is stopped, but is overwritten when another trace is initiated.
Log On Screen
To log on to UCD-XL, initialize the UCD-XL Administrator. The UCD-XL Log
On screen displays (see Figure 2-1).
UCDXL_AdminFri Dec 31 11:58
*** LOG ON ***
Press <Esc> to exit the Administrator.
*** NEC Proprietary ***
Figure 2-1 UCD-XL Log On screen
Type the Administrator’s password and press Enter. This val ue must match the
password specified in the configuration of the Administrator. If you enter the
wrong password, the terminal will beep.
To exit the application, press the Esc
key. The
will appear so that accidental termination is avoided. If you reply Y, the
application will terminate and the scre en will c lear. Otherwise, the Log On
screen remains displayed
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UCD - XL User GuideAdministration
Main Menu
UCDXL_AdminFri Dec 31 11:58
After logging on, the UCD-XL Main Menu displays (see Figure 2-2).
*** Main Menu ***
> Report Generation
Trace Functions
Quit (log off)
Use arrow keys to move cursor, <Enter> to select, <Esc> to quit.
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Figure 2-2 UCD-XL Main Menu
The pointer (> symbol) indicates the current select ion. Use the up arror and down
arrow keys to move the p ointer through the lis t of opt ions; press Enter to exe cut e
the selected option. There are three options on the UCD-XL Main Menu: Report
Generation, Trace Functions, and Quit (log off). The following sections describe
each option.
Status Window
At the bottom of th e screen, some info rmat ion about the statistics file i s displayed
in a Status Window. On the left side, there is the date and time of the earliest
recorded statistics. On the right side, there is the size (in bytes) of the file. A
flashing value means t hat there i s no more than 25 % space avai lable on the disk, in
which case a warning message is also displayed. ( If thi s happens, you may want to
reduce the size of the file by erasing some statistics, as described on page 18.)
In the center of the Status Window, any of the following messages may appear in
highlighted form:
when a statistics report has been created
when a trace of call activity is in effect
NDA-24169 Revision 2.0Page 5
AdministrationUCD - XL User Guide
Report Generation
If you select Report Generat ion from the UCD-XL Main Me nu, the menu s hown
in Figure 2-3 displays. This menu has seven entries; each is described below.
Unless UCD-XL is configured to produce statistics, the Report Generation commands will fail, because the statistics file does not exist.
UCDXL_AdminFri Dec 31 11:58
*** Report Generation ***
> Create a Report
View Report
Print Report
Transfer to Media
Store on DOS Diskette
Delete Report
Erase Statistics
Use arrow keys to move cursor, <Enter> to select, <Esc> to quit.
11/14/95 00:00 1284720
Figure 2-3 Report Generation menu
Create a Report
This selec tion allows you to generate r eports of the collected statistics.
1. Select Create a Report from the Report Generation menu.
If the statistics file does not exist, UCD-XL displays the f ollowing message
and returns to the Report Generation menu.
2. If a report already exists, UCD-XL issues the prompt
If you answer N, UCD-XL returns to the Report Generation menu.
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UCD - XL User GuideAdministration
If you agree to overwrite the current report (by entering Y), or if there is no current
report, the screen shown in Figure 2-4 is displayed.
UCDXL_AdminFri Dec 31 11:58
*** Report Generation ***
Start date (mm/dd/yy) : 11/14/95
End date (mm/dd/yy) :
Statistics option : Major All
<Enter> to accept, <Esc> to quit.
11/14/95 00:00 1284720
Summary only? No Yes
Groups: None All Select
ANI Patterns: None All Select
Figure 2-4 Report Generation data entry screen
3. Enter the starting and ending dates of the statistics to be reported. By default,
the start date is t he fi rst date of statis tics in t he statis tics f ile, an d the end da te is
the last date in the statistics file. When specifying the date range for a report:
•The dates are inclusive.
•The date format is month/day/year.
•Enter numbers separated by slashes.
•If you do not enter a year, UCD-XL uses the current year.
•If you ent er only two digits for the year , 60-99 are interpret ed as 1960-1999;
0-59 are interpreted as 2000-2059.
•It is not necessary t o enter two digits each for th e months and days; for ex-
ample, you can enter 1/3 for January 3 of the current year.
•If the end date you enter is less than the start date, the following message dis-
•If a date in the future ( for example, June 6 of next year) is entered, the fol-
lowing message displays:
•Pressing Ctrl+w or Home will clear a data entry field. This applies to all
data entry fields in UCD-XL (dates, search strings, device names, and so
NDA-24169 Revision 2.0Page 7
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