NEC Barracuda Service Manual

Richard Wang
Richard Wang
MAR. 2002
MAR. 2002
Barracuda PDA Maintenance
1. Hardware Engineering Specification ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.1 Overview ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.2 Main System ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.3 Memory System -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.4 Switch Board -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.5 Other Feature ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. System View & Disassembly ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.1 Tool introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.2 System View ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.3 System Disassembly ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. Definition & Location of Connectors / Major Components ------------------------------------------------
3.1 Main Board ( Side A ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.2 Main Board ( Side B ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.3 Switch Board ( Side A,B ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.4 Barracuda Memory Board -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. Pin Descriptions of Major Components -------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.1 Intel® StrongARM* SA-1110 Microprocessor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
55 56 59
69 70 71 71
5. System Block Diagram ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6. Barracuda PPC Image Update ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6.1 Burning D.M. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6.2 Burn Image --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
76 81
Barracuda PDA Maintenance
7. Barracuda Service TPI ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7.1 Switch Definition -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7.2 Test Equipment ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7.3 Test Program ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7.4 Test Flow Chart --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7.5 Test item -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7.6 D.M. Test Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8. Trouble Shooting -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8.1 No Power ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8.2 LCD No Display or Display Abnormal ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8.3 Memory Test Error ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8.4 Rocketeer Socket Error ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8.5 Cradle Function Test Error -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8.6 Audio Function Failure ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8.7 Touch Screen Function Failure -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8.8 Switch Board Function Failure -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9. Spare Parts List ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
87 88 88 89 91 98
119 123 127 129 131 133 135 137
10. System Exploded Views -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11. Circuit Diagram-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12. Reference Material -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Barracuda PDA Maintenance
1. Hardware Engineering Specification
1.1 Overview
This documents descript the electrical functionality of Barracuda which is an embedded system using Intel SA1110 SOC & Microsoft Pocket PC operation system “ Merlin Pro “ . Barracuda is a slim and fashion form-factor with mutimedia capability . It equip with 64K color 320*240 portrait reflective TFT LCD , touch screen input , one stereo audio out earphone Jack , one microphone and speaker for voice recording and playback , IrDA , RS232 , USB , Jog wheel and some S/W application hot keys , SD slot , proprietary extension sled port for versatile expansion capability , a Amber color battery charger LED and a red color Notification LED . There are three Boards included in the main system : Main board , memory board , switch board .
1.2 Main system
1.2.1 System Block Diagram
Block Diagram
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Barracuda PDA Maintenance
Power Block Diagram
Barracuda PDA Maintenance
1.2.2 Main Board CPU: Intel StrongARM SA1110-206MHz
The SA-1110 is a general-purpose, 32-bit RISC microprocessor with a 16 Kbyte instruction cache, an 8 Kbyte write-back data cache, a minicache, a write buffer, a read buffer, and a memory management unit (MMU) combined in a single chip. The SA-1110 is software compatible with the ARM * V4 architecture processor famil and can be used with ARM * support chips such as I/O, memory, and video.
Features of the SA-1110 CPU
High Performance -- 235 Dhrystone 2.1 MIPS @ 206 MHz
Low power (normal mode) -- <400 mW @ 1.75 V/206 MHz
Integrated clock generation
Internal phase-locked loop (PLL)
3.686 MHz oscillator
32.768 KHz oscillator
Power-management features
Normal (full-on) mode
Idle (power-down) mode
Sleep (power-down) mode
Big and little endian operating modes
3.3 V I/O interface
256-pin mini-BGA package (mBGA)
32-way set-associative caches
16 Kbyte instruction cache
8 Kbyte write-back data cach
32-entry memory-management units
Maps 4 Kbyte, 8 Kbyte, or 1 Mbyte
Write buffer
8-entry, between 1 and 16 bytes each
Read buffer
4-entry, 1, 4, or 8 words
Memory bus
Interfaces to ROM, synchronous mask ROM (SMROM), Flash, SRAM, SRAM-like variable latency
I/O, DRAM, and synchronous DRAM (SDRAM) Supports two PCMCIA sockets
SA-1110 Features
Barracuda PDA Maintenance
Barracuda PDA Maintenance
The SA-1110 consists of the following functional blocks:
• Processing Core
The processor is the ARM * SA-1 core with a 16 Kbyte instruction cache (Icache) and 8 Kbyte data cache (Dcache). The instruction (I) and data (D) streams are translated through independent memory-management units (MMUs). Stores are made using a four-line write buffer. The performance of specialized load routines is enhanced with the four-entry read buffer that can be used to prefetch data for use at a later time. A 16-entry minicache provides a smaller and logically separate data cache that can be used to enhance caching performance when dealing with large data structures.
• Memory and PCMCIA Control Module
The memory and PCMCIA control module (MPCM) supports four banks of fast-page-mode (FPM), extended-data-out (EDO), and/or synchronous DRAM (SDRAM). It also supports up to six banks of static memory: all six banks allow ROM or Flash memory, each with non-burst or burst read timings. Additionally, the lower three static banks support SRAM, the upper three static banks support variable latency I/O devices (with the variable data latency controlled by a shared data ready input), and the lower four static banks support synchronous mask ROM (SMROM). SMROM is supported only on 32-bit data busses. All other dynamic and static memory types and variable latency I/O devices are supported on eithe 16-bit or 32-bit data busses. Expansion devices are supported through PCMCIA control signals that share the memory bus data and address lines to complete the card interface. Some external glue logic (buffers and transceivers) is necessary to implement the interface. Control is provided to permit two card slots with hot-swap capability.
Peripheral Control Module
The peripheral control module (PCM) contains a number of serial control devices, an LCD controller as well as a six-channel DMA controller to provide service to these devices:
An LCD controller with support for passive or active displays
A universal serial bus (USB) endpoint controller
A serial controller with supporting 115 Kbps and 4 Mbps IrDA protocols
A 16550-like UART supporting 230 Kbps
A CODEC interface supporting Motorola SPI,National Microwire, TI Synchronous Serial, or the
s UCB1100 and UCB1200 protocol
Barracuda PDA Maintenance
• System Control Module
The system control module (SCM) is also connected to the peripheral bus. It contains five blocks used for general system functions:
A real-time clock (RTC) clocked from an independent 32.768 kHz oscillator
An operating system timer (OST) for general system timer functions as well as a watchdog mode
Twenty-eight general-purpose I/Os (GPIO)
An interrupt controller
A power-management controller that handles the transitions in and out of sleep and idle modes
A reset controller that handles the various reset sources on the processor
SA-1110 Block Diagram
Barracuda PDA Maintenance
SA-1110 Processor LCD controller:
The SA-1110’s
Passive Color Mode
Active Color Mode
Passive Monochrome Mode
Display size up to 1024 x 1024 pixels are supported. However, the size of encoded pixel data within the frame buffer limits the maximum size screen the LCD can drive due to memory bus bandwidth. The LCD controller also supports single- or dual displays. Encoded pixel data is stored in external memorv in a frame buffer in 4-, 8-, 12-, or 16-bit increments and is loaded into a 5-entry FIFO (32 bits per entry ) on a demand basis using the LCD’s own dedicated dual-channel DMA controller. One channel is used for single-panel displays and two are used for dual-panel displays.
Frame buffer data contains encoded pixel values that are used by the LCD controller as pointers to index into a 256-entry x 12-bit wide palette. Monochrome palette entries are 4 bits wide; color palette entries are 12 bits wide. Encoded pixel data from the frame buffer. which is 4 bits wide, address the top 16 locations of the palette; 8-bit pixel data accesses any the 256 entries within the palette. When passive color 12-bit pixel mode is enable, the color pixel values bypass the palette and are fed directly to the LCD’s dither logic. When active color 16-bit pixel mode is enabled, the pixel value not only bypasses the palette, but also bypasses the dither logic and is sent directly to the LCD’s data pins.
LCD controller has three types of displays:
….. Supports a total of 375 possible colors, displaying any of 256 colors for each frame.
……Supports up to 65535 colors (16-bit).
… Supports 15 gray-scale levels.
Once the 4- or 8-bit encoded pixel value to select a palette entry, the value programmed within the entry is transferred to the dither logic, which uses a patented space- and time- based dithering algorithm to produce the pixel data that is output to the screen. Dithering causes individual pixels to be turned off on each frame at varying rates to produce the 15 levels of gray for monochrome screen and 15 levels each for the red, green, and blue pixel components for color screens, providing a total of 3375 colors (256 colors are available on each frame). The data output from the dither logic is placed in a 19-entry pin data FIFO before it is placed out on the LCD’s pins and driven to the display using pixel clock.
Barracuda PDA Maintenance
Depending on the type of panel used, the LCD controller is programmed to use either 4-, 8-, or 16-pixel data output pins. Single –panel monochrome displays use either four or eight data pins to output 4 or 8 pixels for each pixel clock; single-panel color displays use eight pins to output 2-2/3 pixels each pixel clock ( 8 pins / 3 colors / pixel = 2-2/3 pixels per clock ). The LCD controller also supports dual-panel mode, which causes the LCD controller’s data lines to be split into two groups, one to drive the top half and one to drive the bottom half of the screen. For dual-panel displays, the number of pixel data output pins is doubled, allowing twice as many pixels to be output each pixel clock to the two halves of the screen.
In active color display mode, the LCD controller can drive TFT displays. The LCD’s line clock pin functions as a horizontal sync ( HSYNC ) signal, the frame clock pin functions as a vertical sync ( VSYNC ) signal, and the ac bias pin functions as an output enable ( OE ) signal. In TFT mode, the LCD’s dither logic is bypassed, sending sending selected palette entries ( 12 bits each ) directly to the LCD’s data output pins. Additionally, 16-bit pixels can be used that bypass both the palette and the dither logic.
The LCD controller can be configured in active color display mode and used with an external DAC ( and optionally an external palette ) to drive a video monitor. Note that only monitors that implement the RGB data format can be used; the LCD controller does not support the NTSC standard .
When the LCD controller is disabled, control of its pins is given to the peripheral pin controller ( PPC ) to be used as general-purpose digital input/output pins that are noninterruptible. The LCD controller’s pins include:
LDD 7:0
Data lines used to transmit either four or eight data values at a time to the LCD display. For monochrome displays, each pin value represents a pixel; for passive color, groupings of three pin values represent one pixel ( red, green, and blue data values ). In single-panel monochrome mode, LDD 3:0 pins are used. For double-pixel data, single-panel monochrome, dual-panel monochrome, single-panel color, and active color modes LDD 7:0 are used.
GPIO 9:2
Barracuda PDA Maintenance
when dual-panel color or 16 bit TFT operation is programmed, GPIO pins are used as the additional, required LCD data lines to output pixel data to the screen.
Pixel clock used by the LCD display to clock the pixel data into the line shift register. In passive mode. pixel clock transitions only when valid data is available on the data pins. In active mode, pixel clock transitions continuously and the ac bias pin is used as an output to signal when data is available on the LCD’s data pins.
Line clock used by the LCD display to signal the end of a line of pixels that transfers the line data from the shift register to the screen and increment the line pointers. Also, it is used by TFT displays as the horizontal synchronization signal.
Frame clock used by the LCD displays to signal the start of a new frame of pixels that resets the line pointers to the top of the screen. Also, it is used by TFT displays as the vertical synchronization sibnal.
AC bias used to signal the LCD display to switch the polarity of the power supplies to the row and column axis of the screen to counteract DC offset. In TFT mode, it is used as as the output enable to signal when data should be latched from the data pins using the pixel clock.
The pixel clock frequency is derived from the output of the on-chip PLL that is used to clock the CPU ( CCLK ) and is programmable from CCLK/6 to CCLK/514. each time new data is supplied to the LCD data pins, the pixel clock is toggled to latch the data into the LCD display’s serial shifter.
Barracuda PDA Maintenance
The line clock toggles after all pixels in a line have been transmitted to the LCD driver and a programmable number of pixel clock wait states have elapsed both at the beginning and end of each line. In passive mode, the frame clock is asserted during the first line of the screen. In active mode, the frame clock is asserted at the beginning of each frame after a programmable number of line clock wait states occur. In passive display mode, the pixel clock does nit transition when the line clock is asserted. However, in active display mode, the pixel clock transitions continuously and the ac bias bin used as an output enable to signal when valid pixels are present on the LCD’s data lines. In passive mode, the ac bias pin can be configured to transition each time a programmable number of line clocks have elapsed to signal the display to reverse the polarity of its voltage to counteract DC offset in the screen.
LCD Controller Operation
The LCD controller supports a variety of user-programmable options including display type and size frame buffer, encoded pixel size, and output data width. Although all programmable combinations are possible, the selection of displays available within the market dictate which combinations of these programmable options are practical. The type of external memory system implemented by the user limits the bandwidth of the LCD’s DMA controller, which, in turn, limits the size and type of screen that can be controlled. The user must also determine the maximum bandwidth of the SA-1110’s external bus that the LCD is allowed to use without negatively affecting all other functions that the SA-1110 must perform. Note that the LCD’s DMA engine has highest priority on the SA-1110’s internal data bus structure ( ARM system bus ) and can “starve” other masters on the bus, including the CPU. The following sections describe individual functional blocks within the LCD controller, frame buffer and palette memory organization, and the LCD’s DMA controller. The sections are arranged in order of data flow, starting with the off-chip frame buffer and ending with the pins that interface to the LCD display.
Barracuda PDA Maintenance
d UDA1341TS Economy audio CODEC
The UDT1341TS is a single-chip stereo Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) and Digital-to-Analog Converter
(DAC) with signal processing features employing bit stream conversion techniques. It's fully integrated analog.
Front end, including Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) and a digital Automatic Gain Control (AGC). Digital Sound Processing (DSP) featuring makes the device an excellent choice for primary home stereo MiNi Disc applications, but by virtue of its low power and low voltage characteristics it is also suitable for Portable applications such as MD/CD boom boxes, notebooks PCs and digital video cameras.
The UDA1341TS is similar to the UDA1340M and the UDA1344TS but adds features such as digital mixing of Two input signals and one channel with a PGA and a digital AGC. The UDA1341TS supports the I
S-bus data forma
with word lengths of up to 20 bits, the MSB-justified data format.
With word lengths of up to 20 bits, the LSB-justified serial data format with word lengths of 16,18 and 20 bits an three combinations of MSB data output combined with LSB 16,18 and 20 bits data input.
The UDA1341TS has DSP features in playback mode like de-emphasis, volume, bass boots, treble and soft mute. Which can be controlled via the L3-interface with a micro-controller.
Low power consumption
3.0V power supply
         
, 384fs or 512fs system clock frequencies ( f
Small package size ( SSOP28 ) Partially pin compatible with UDA1340M and UDA1344TS Fully integrated analog front end including digital AGC ADC plus integrated high-pass filter to cancel DC offset ADC supports 2V ( RMS value ) input signals Overload detector for easy record level control Separate power control for ADC and DAC Easy application Functions controllable via L3-interface
Barracuda PDA Maintenance
Multiple format data interface
S-bus, MSB-justified and LSB-justified format compatible
Three combinational data formats with MSB data output and LSB 16, 18 or 20 bits data input
1fs input and output format data rate
DAC digital sound processing
Digital dB-linear volume control ( low microcontroller load )
Digital tone control, bass boots and treble
Digital de-emphasis for 32, 44.1 or 48 kHz audio sample frequencies ( f
Soft mute
Advanced audio configuration
DAC and ADC polarity control
Two channel stereo single-ended input configuration
Microphone input with on-board PGA
Optional differential input configuration for enhanced ADC sound quality
Stereo line output ( under microcontroller volume control )
Digital peak level detection
High linearity, dynamic range and low distortion
Barracuda PDA Maintenance
p Audio Amplifier: NS LM4867
General Description
The LM4867 is a dual bridge-connected audio power amplifier which, when connected to a 5V supply, will deliver 2.1W to a 4 load or 2.4W to a 3Ω load with less than 1.0% THD+N. The LM4867 uses advanced, latest generation circuitry to eliminate all traces of clicks and pops when the supply voltage is first applied. The amplifier has a headphone-amplifier-select input pin. It is used to switch the amplifiers from bridge to single-ended mode for driving headphones. A new circuit topology eliminates headphone output coupling capacitors. A MUX control pin allows selection between the two sets of stereo input signals. The MUX control can also be used to select between two different customer-specified closed-loop responses.
Boomer audio power amplifiers are designed specifically to mount package and require few external components. To simplify audio system design, the LM4867 combines dual bridge speaker amplifiers and stereo headphone amplifiers in one package.
The LM4867 features an externally controlled power-saving micropower shutdown mode, a stereo headphone amplifier mode, and thermal shutdown protection.
Advanced “click and pop” suppression circuitry
Eliminates headphone amplifier output coupling capacitors
Stereo headphone amplifier mode
Input mux control and two separate inputs per channel
Thermal shutdown protection circuitry
LLP, TSSOP, and exposed-DAP TSSOP packaging available
rovide high quality output power from a surface
Barracuda PDA Maintenance
Typical Audio Amplifier Application Circuit
Barracuda PDA Maintenance
p Touch Screen Controller Chip with ADC: Philips semiconductors UCB1300
General Description
The UCB1300 is a single chip, integrated mixed signal audio and telecom codec. The single channel audio codec is designed for direct connection of a microphone and a speaker. The built-in telecom codec can directly be connecte to a DAA and supports high speed modem protocols. The incorporated analog-to-digital converter and the touch screen interface provides complete control and read-out of an 4 wire resistive touch screen. The 10 general purpose I/O pins provide programmable inputs and/or outputs to the system.
The UCB1300 has a serial interface bus (SIB) intended to communicate to the system controller. Both the codec input data and codec output data and the control register data are multiplexed on this SIB interface.
48 pin LQFP (SOT313-2) small body SMD package and low external component count results in minimal PCB
space 12-bit sigma delta audio codec with programmable sample rate, input and output voltage levels, capable of
connecting directly to speaker and microphone, including digitally controlled mute, loopback and clip detection functions
14-bit sigma delta telecom codec with programmable sample rate, including digitally controlled in
level, mute, loopback and clip detection functions. The telecom codec can be directly connected to a Data Access Arrangement (DAA) and includes a built in sidetone suppression circuit.
Complete 4 wire resistive touch screen interface circuit supporting position, pressure and plate resistance
10-bit successive approximation ADC with internal track and hold circuit and analog multiplexer for touch
screen read-out and monitoring of four external high voltage (7.5V) analog voltages High speed, 4 wire serial interface data bus (SIB) for communication to the system controller
ut voltage
3.3V supply voltage and built in power saving modes make the UCB1300 optimal for portable and battery
powered applications
Maximum operating current 25 mA
10 general purpose IO pins
UCB1300 Block Diagram
Barracuda PDA Maintenance
Barracuda PDA Maintenance
performing position, pressure and plate resistance measurements. In addition, the touch screen can be programmed to generate interrupts when the touch screen is pressed. The last mode is also active when the UCB1300 is set in the stand-by mode.
these pins can be programmed to be floating, powered or grounded in the touch screen switch matrix. The setting of each touch screen pin is programmable through the touch screen control register. Possible conflicting settings (grounding and powering of a touch screen pin at the same time) are detected by the UCB1300. In that case, the touch screen pin will be grounded.
the plates configuration, the touch screen interface should be programmed to pressure mode for the duration 1 SIB frame before resuming a position measurement.
This makes the touch screen biasing independent of supply voltage and temperature variations. Four low pass filters, one on each touch screen terminal, are built in to minimize the noise coupled from the LCD into the touch screen signals. An LCD typically generates large noise glitches on the touch screen, since they are closely coupled .The influence of the glitches can nevertheless be minimized by performing measurements when the LCD is quiet. This can be done by synchronizing the measurement and the video driver with the ADCSYNC pin.
The UCB1300 contains a universal resistive touch screen interface for 4-wire resistive touch screen, capable of
The touch screen interface connects to the touch screen by four wires: TSPX, TSMX, TSPY and TSMY. Each o
In position mode, opening the TS..gnd switch can take a long time. To avoid unpredictable delays after changing
The UCB1300's internal voltage reference (Vref ) is used as reference voltage for the touch screen bias circuit.
In addition to the measurements mentioned above, the touch screen can also act as an interrupt source. In this mode the X plate of the touch screen has to be powered and the Y plate has to be grounded. In this case the touch screen is not biased by the active touch screen bias circuit, but by a resistor to VDDA1 . This configuration simply biases the touch screen and the UCB1300 does not consume power unless the touch screen is touched. The voltage on the X plate terminals drops if the screen is pressed. This voltage drop is detected by Schmitt-trigger circuits, of which the outputs are connected to the interrupt control block. A touch screen interrupt is generated either when the touch screen is pressed (falling edge enabled) or when the touch screen is released (rising edge enabled). It can be used to activate the system around the UCB1300 to start a touch screen read-out sequence. The internal Schmitt-trigger circuits are connected to the TSPX and TSMX signals after the built-in low pass filters. This reduces the number of spurious interrupts, due to the coupling between the LCD screen and the touch screen sensors.
Barracuda PDA Maintenance
Each of the four touch screen signals can be selected as input for the built-in 10-bit ADC, which is used to determine the voltage on the selected touch screen pin. The flexible switch matrix and the multi-functional touch screen bias circuit enables the user of the UCB1300 to set each desired touch screen configuration.
Block diagram of the touch screen interface
Barracuda PDA Maintenance
The UCB1300 includes a 10-bit successive approximation analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with built-in track and hold circuit and an analog multiplexer to select one of the 4 analog inputs (AD0 - AD3), the 4 touch screen inputs (TSPX, TSMX, TSPY, TSMY) or the pressure output of the touch screen bias circuit. The ADC is used to read-out the touch screen inputs and it measures the voltage on the four analog high voltage inputs AD0 - AD3. The analog multiplexer contains 4 resistive dividers to attenuate the high voltage on the AD0 - AD3 inputs to the ADC input range.
The ADC is controlled completely through the SIB interface, but the UCB1300 contains internal logic to ease the control of the ADC and to minimize the number of SIB frame read/write actions.
A complete ADC control sequence analog to digital conversion consists of several phases. Firstly, the ADC has to be enabled; secondly, the input selector must be set to the proper input; thirdly, the ADC conversion has to be started; and finally, the ADC result has to be read from register 11.
The ADC is activated by setting ADC_ENA in register 10. The ADC circuit, including the track and hold circui does not consume any power as long as this bit is reset. The analog input multiplexer is controlled by ADC_INPUT[n] and the ADC is actually started with the ADC_START bit. When TSPX and TSMX are in the interrupt mode, the ADC cannot be started, even to measure AD0-3.
The UCB1300 has two different modes to start the ADC conversion, which are selected by the ADC_SYNC_ENA bit. The default mode is the non-synchronization mode, in which the conversion is started directly with a 0-to-1 transition of ADC_START. Secondly the ADC is started at a rising edge of the signal applied to the ADCSYNC pin if ADC_SYNC_ENA is set. Activating the ADC while keeping the start logic in the started state (ADC_START = 1) will lead to unpredictable behavior and the value of the ADC data register will not be meaningful. Always activate a start sequence for each acquisition (0-to-1 transition on the internal ADC_START signal).
Barracuda PDA Maintenance
Block diagram of the 10-bit ADC circuit
Barracuda PDA Maintenance
.2.2.5 Infrared Component: CHX 1200
The CHX1200 is an Low Power SIR (IrMC) Transceiver. The CALIBRE CHX1200 is an ideal transceiver for mobile communication applications in today’s ultra-compact power conscious portable products, such as mobile phones, pagers or PDA’s. Specifically designed to support IrDA-IrMC Low power SIR mode, the transceiver combines an IRED emitter, a PIN photodiode detector, a digital AC coupled LED driver and a fully differential receiver/decoder in a single, miniature package. The CALIBRE CHX1200 provides an efficient implementation of the low power SIR standard in a small footprint format. Application circuit space is also minimized, as only one capacitor is required to complete the solution.
Compliant to IrDA SIR Specification 1.2 Low Power SIR
Low supply voltage range, 2.7 to 3.6V
0.2mA (max) Shutdown
Low Power ,95uA (typ.) @ 3.3V
Ultra small form factor (6.8mm L x 2.8mm W x 2.2mm H)
External components : one capacitor
Extended Operating Temp. Range (-30 to + 85 oC)
Pin Compaitble with HP HSDL-3201 and Sharp GP2W0104YP
I LED =35mA @ 3.6 mW/sr
(Minimum Link Distance 20cm)
Barracuda PDA Maintenance
Barracuda PDA Maintenance
b W86L388D SD Controller
General Description
The W86L388D is a SD/MMC host interface bridge used between host microprocessor and SD/MMC .
The data width of host microprocessor can be 8-
of host interface. It also supports DMA or interrupt type of transfer mode to improve data transfer performance
etween host microprocessor and SD/MMC. W86L388D is fit for most of IA devices, such as PDA, Cellular Phone,
DSC, and MP# player.
Compliant with SD spec. Version 1.0
Compliant with MMC spec. Version 2.2
Support two types of host microprocessor interface access-synchronous and
asynchronous mode
DMA and interrupt transfer mode supported
Host microprocessor 8/16 bit data bus
Built-in crystal driver circuit, support external oscillator or crystal clock
Extra 5 programmable GPIO supported
Wide range of clock input from 3.58MHz up to 25MHz
3.3V operation
48-pin LQFP package
it W86L388D can support synchronous or asynchronous type
Block Diagram
Barracuda PDA Maintenance
Barracuda PDA Maintenance Display LCD Module: NEC QVGA Reflective Color LCD Module
Number of pixels: 240 (H) x 320 (V)
Drive system: a-Si TFT active matrix
Pixel pitch: 0.2235(H) x 0.2235 (V) mm
Number of colors: 262,144
Weight: 45 g(Typ.)
Contrast time: 10:1(Typ. : With Front light and Touch panel)
Reference: 40:1(Without Front light and Touch panel)
Response time: 32ms (Typ., Ton + Toff)
Reflection ratio: 17%(Typ. With Front light and Touch panel)
Reference: 35% (Without Front light and Touch panel)
Supply voltage: VCC 3.0V (typ. Logic)
VDD 5.0V (typ. ? control)
VGON 15.0 (LCD driving)
VGOFF –15.0V (LCD driving)
Low power consumption: 25mW ( typ. )
Barracuda PDA Maintenance
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