Navman LA000578A User Manual

Jupiter 30
20-channel GPS receiver
Development kit Guide
(AA003029 series)
Related products
Jupiter 30 (standard) AA003025-G
• Jupiter 30 Data sheet LA000576
• Jupiter 30 Product brief LA000575
• SiRF Binary Protocol reference manual MN000314
• NMEA reference manual MN000315
• SiRFDemo and SiRFash user guide
LA000578A © 2006 Navman New Zealand. All rights reser ved. Proprietary information and specifications subject to change w ithout notice.
Related products ................................................................................................................ 1
Related documents ............................................................................................................ 1
1.0 Introduction .......................................................................................................4
2.0 Equipment.......................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Equipment supplied ...................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Equipment required ...................................................................................................... 6
3.0 Technical conguration ....................................................................................6
3.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................... 6
3.1.1 Power switch (On/Off) ........................................................................................... 6
3.1.2 Conguration DIP switch ...................................................................................... 6
3.1.3 Function LEDs ...................................................................................................... 6
3.1.4 Reset switch ......................................................................................................... 6
3.1.5 Clock out connector .............................................................................................. 6
3.1.6 Serial port 1 .......................................................................................................... 6
3.1.7 Serial port 2 .......................................................................................................... 7
3.1.9 Antenna connector ............................................................................................... 7
3.1.10 DC power input ................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Conguration DIP switch .............................................................................................. 7
3.2.1 DIP switch 1 – GPIO3 /GYROIN input ................................................................. 7
3.2.2 DIP switch 2 – GPIO15 /FR input ......................................................................... 7
3.2.3 DIP switch 3 – BOOT from serial mode ............................................................... 8
3.2.4 DIP switch 4 – GPIO1/W_TICKS input ................................................................. 8
3.2.5 DIP switch 5 – RTC backup power enable ........................................................... 8
3.2.6 DIP switch 6 – Antenna preamp power select (3.3 V or 5/12 V) .......................... 8
3.2.7 DIP switch 7 – Antenna preamp power select (5 V or 12 V) ................................ 8
3.2.8 DIP switch 8 – Antenna preamp power enable .................................................... 8
3.3 Function LEDs .............................................................................................................. 9
3.3.1 1PPS ..................................................................................................................... 9
3.3.2 Power ................................................................................................................... 9
3.3.3 AUX ...................................................................................................................... 9
3.3.4 GPIO .................................................................................................................... 9
3.4 Clock out connector ..................................................................................................... 9
3.5 Internal conguration ...................................................................................................11
3.6 Jupiter 30 module on adapter board ...........................................................................13
4.0 Operating instructions ................................................................................... 13
4.1 Initial connection and operation ..................................................................................13
4.2 Positioning the GPS antenna ......................................................................................14
4.3 Connecting an RTCM differential source ....................................................................14
4.4 Operating the GPS Analyser software ........................................................................15
4.4.1 VisualGPS ...........................................................................................................15
4.4.2 SiRFDemo ...........................................................................................................15
5.0 Acronyms used in this document ................................................................. 16
Figure 2-1 Equipment supplied in the Jupiter 30 GPS Development Kit ............................ 4
Figure 3-1 Front and back panels of the Jupiter 30 development unit .............................. 5
Figure 3-2 Conguration DIP switch .................................................................................. 7
Figure 3-5 Internal layout of the development unit ............................................................. 8
Figure 3-3 Function LEDs on front panel ........................................................................... 9
Figure 3-6 Jupiter 30 adapter board .................................................................................10
Figure 3-4 Pin layout of the clock out connector ...............................................................11
Figure 4-1 Development unit test equipment .....................................................................15
Table 3-1 DIP switch settings ............................................................................................. 7
Table 3-2 Pin functions of the clock out connector ............................................................ 9
Table 3-3 Mating connector part description .....................................................................11
Table 3-4 Pin functionality .................................................................................................11
Table 3-5 Signals available on the test points ...................................................................12
Table 3-6 Connections J1 (2 mm pitch header) and J2 (2.54 mm pitch header) ..............13
1.0 Introduction
software and documentation
Serial Port 1
Serial Port 2
DC Power
This document provides detailed guidelines for the operation and conguration of the Jupiter 30 GPS Module Development Kit. The AA003029 series of development kits assist in the
integration of the Jupiter 30 in a customer’s application, offering a simple and easy to use platform for evaluation purposes.
It is recommended that the user pays particular attention to the conguration settings outlined
in section 3.0 prior to applying power and operating the development unit. For example, it is important to understand and recognise the main functional switches and connector locations accessible on the development unit’s front and rear panels. Following this information, simple step-by-step guidelines are presented to ensure successful setup of the development unit.
In addition to hardware, the GPS Development Kit is supplied with SiRFDemo and SiRFash
analysis software to allow communication with the Jupiter 30 GPS receiver through a serial port.
The Windows based software presents the receiver’s raw data in a geographical form, allowing
both detailed analysis and evaluation for both NMEA and SiRF Binary formats.
2.0 Equipment
This section provides a brief overview of the equipment included in the Jupiter 30 GPS Development Kit.
2.1 Equipment supplied
This kit should contain the items illustrated in Figure 2-1.
1. Jupiter 30 GPS development unit
The Jupiter 30 GPS receiver development unit includes all of the following hardware to allow
thorough evaluation:
• Dual RS232 level serial data I/O ports
• Selectable bias voltages for active GPS antennas
• Backup power source for SRAM and RTC
• Provision to insert a current measuring device to monitor both primary and backup power usage under various conditions
• Regulated DC power supply to the Jupiter 30 module
• Status indication through four LEDs on front panel
• Congurable functionality using a DIP switch accessed through the front panel
Figure 2-1 Equipment supplied in the Jupiter 30 GPS Development Kit
Note: before supplying power to the development unit, please review the conguration settings and
operation described in this document for optimum performance of the Jupiter 30 GPS receiver.
LA000578A © 2006 Navman New Zealand. All rights reser ved. Proprietary information and specifications subject to change w ithout notice.
2. GPS antenna with pre-amp, magnetic base and SMA connector
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
CTS 206-8 T 114
0/7%2 $'03
Serial Port 1
Serial Port 2
DC Power
A magnetic-mount active antenna is supplied with the receiver development kit, along with an
RF cable (RG-316) already terminated with the proper connector for the development unit. The nominal measured attenuation of the cable with connectors is approximately 5 dB. The supplied active antenna should be biased at +3 VDC, but a different active antenna with a bias of either +3, +5 or +12 VDC may be used. Refer to section 3.2 to ensure that the conguration switches
on the front panel of the development unit are chosen to select the appropriate bias voltage.
Caution: ensure antenna power switches are properly set before connecting the antenna. An
antenna designed for +3 VDC operation will be damaged if connected to a +12 VDC
3. Serial interface cable
A serial cable is provided to interface between the development unit and the customer’s PC, or
between the development unit and a DGPS receiver. This cable is terminated at both ends with female connectors to match the male connectors on the development unit and the PC. If the PC
used only supports a USB port, an RS232/USB converter could be utilised.
4. Power adapter for 240/120 VAC operation
DC power for the development unit is provided by either an AC/DC converter or automobile
adapter. The AC/DC converter operates from a nominal 120/240 VAC input and provides a 12 VDC at 500 mA out.
5. Power adapter for 12 VDC vehicle operation
For mobile operation, an automotive adapter intended for use in 12 VDC vehicles is provided.
DC input
‘U’ slot for
comm 1
comm 2
Figure 3-1 Front and back panels of the Jupiter 30 development unit
(showing functional switches and connector locations)
LA000578A © 2006 Navman New Zealand. All rights reser ved. Proprietary information and specifications subject to change w ithout notice.
6. Software and documentation CD
The CD contains the Jupiter 30 GPS receiver data sheet, PC Analysis software (SiRFDemo and SiRFash), and other information on how to use GPS receivers.
2.2 Equipment required
The following equipment is also required to evaluate the Jupiter 30 receiver.
• IBM compatible PC
• Minimum one serial port (If your PC only has USB, a USB/RS232 converter can be employed)
• Windows 95/98, WinNT4.0 or higher
• 486 100MHz or higher
• SVGA at least 800x600 resolution
• 16 Megabytes of RAM
• 6 Megabytes (min) of disk space
3.0 Technical conguration
This section provides a detailed description of all the technical aspects and congurable functionality of the Jupiter 30 GPS development unit.
3.1 Overview
Figure 3-1 illustrates the connectors, switches and LEDs available on the development unit.
3.1.1 Power switch (On/Off)
The switch on the front panel controls primary power to the Jupiter 30 receiver module inside. The power status LED (see section 3.3) indicates the state of the unit: if lit, the module has primary power supplied. If the conguration DIP switch 5 is on and Jumper JB5/6 linked, the module’s secondary supply SRAM and RTC will continue to be powered when the power switch
is off. Only the removal of the DC power input at the rear of the unit will stop secondary power being applied (assuming Jumper JB5/6 and switch 5 are correctly set). Having this secondary power supply applied means that the Jupiter 30 will have a ‘hot start’ capability when primary power is re-applied within 4 hours, and a ‘warm start’ thereafter, by maintaining last position, current time and satellite ephemerides.
3.1.2 Conguration DIP switch
The conguration DIP switch on the front panel provides the ability to congure the Jupiter 30 module, offering exibility depending on the specic application. Refer to section 3.2 for a
description of the functionality of each individual switch, including the typical settings when using the Jupiter 30 module.
3.1.3 Function LEDs
The four LEDs on the front panel provide an indication of the current status of basic features
associated with the development unit. Refer to section 3.3 for a complete description of the function of each LED.
3.1.4 Reset switch
A reset push button is provided on the front panel to generate a receiver system hardware reset.
3.1.5 Clock out connector
The Clock out connector, located on the rear panel of the development unit, can be used to
provide module generated timing signals. Refer to section 3.4 for more detailed information.
3.1.6 Serial port 1
This host serial port is used to send and receive serial data. This port is used as the default, with transmission in NMEA format at the rate of 9600 Baud. The connectors to be used with these
serial ports are 9-pin D-subminiature connectors.
LA000578A © 2006 Navman New Zealand. All rights reser ved. Proprietary information and specifications subject to change w ithout notice.
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