Service Information T761
Circuit Change
PROBLEM: Distortion ,hum and or crackling noises from all speakers in
any surround mode. Stereo mode not affected.
CAUSE: Capacitor C107 2200uF 16V not filtering the ripple to the 5v
regulators on the DSP board due to prolonged heating of C107.
SOLUTION: Replace C107 rated 85 degrees celcius should be changed to
2200 uf 16v 105 degrees celcius rating.
Note: The units affected for the T761 are serial numbers starting with
#GOYT761 and GOZT761. Later production have the higher rated capacitor
T751 and some T760 units may be affected.
It is advisable to change the 85 degree capacitor on T751, T761, and
T760 units being serviced for any reason.
NAD Electronics International
633 Granite Court
Pickering, ON Canada L1K 3K1
Voice: 905-831-0799 FAX 905-837-6357

Service Tip T761
Circuit Change
PROBLEM: The power amp gets very hot during continuous operation.
CAUSE: Heatsink temperature runs very hot before fan turns on.
SOLUTION: Change R5120 from 4k7 to 2k to increase sensitivity of the
thermal sensor for the fan to turn on at 85 C.
Also change jumper wire J758 to 1N4001 diode on the main board to
improve heat dissipation on Q565.
This circuit change has been implemented in production from serial number:G13T76102701
NAD Electronics International
633 Granite Court
Pickering, ON Canada L1K 3K1
Voice: 905-831-0799 FAX 905-837-6357