Many of NAD’s most innovative circuit designs have come
from the creative mind of Bjorn Erik Edvardsen, Director of
Advanced Developments. Soft Clipping, Power Envelope,
and PowerDrive are just a few examples of Erik’s superb
engineering skill. The BEE moniker for NAD’s latest
that allows input switching from a remote zone when used
to meet future system needs.
trigger input will switch on the remote device. Besides the
they can be really useful tools in making improvements to
the overall sound. The C720BEE tone controls only work
C 720BEE Stereo Receiver
their outstanding musical performance and
to present an updated version called the
tuner, and includes a Multi-source Zone 2

NAD Electronics International reserves the right to change specifi cations or features without notice. NAD is a registered trademark of NAD Electronics
true capabilities. NAD’s Full Disclosure Power ratings give the
topology, this further refi nement of Power Envelope and ISC, is
to be found in a single amplifi er. This is accomplished by using a
International. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form whatsoever without the written
permission of NAD Electronics International. © 12/04 NAD Electronics International.