Mitsubishi Electric GALAXY, ASTRAL, GEO, GEO WAP Service Manual

R V A: Création P. LESIGNOR 05/99 Rédigé par Verifié par Approuvé par E R B :Modif par P. Richards 06/99
Written by Checked by Approuved by
V S C :Modif SIMlatchnig 06/99
I I D :Ajout ASTRAL et GEO 07/99
S O E :Ajout Download Perso 07/08
I N F :Ajout Charg. measurements 01/00 O S G :Ajout GEO WAP 04/00 N S
Mitsubishi Electric Telecom Europe SA Version G ZA le Piquet, 35370 Etrelles
Date: 04/00
Phone: +33 2 99 75 71 00 Fax: +33 2 99 75 71 47
Level 2 Service Manual
Mitsubishi Electric Telecom Europe SA Version G ZA le Piquet, 35370 Etrelles
Date: 04/00
Phone: +33 2 99 75 71 00 Fax: +33 2 99 75 71 47
1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION...................................................................................................................1
2 MAIN FEATURES OF TRANSCEIVER............................................................................................... 2
2.A DESCRIPTION OF TRANSCEIVER...........................................................................................................2
2.B IMEI LABEL....................................................................................................................................... 3
2.C LABEL ART PLATE. ............................................................................................................................ 4
2.D SIM LABEL........................................................................................................................................4
2.E SIMLATCHING................................................................................................................................... 4
2.F DESCRIPTION OF OPTIONS...................................................................................................................6
3 EXPLODED DIAGRAM AND SPARE PARTS LIST........................................................................... 7
3.A EXPLODED DIAGRAM OF GALAXY.................................................................................................... 7
3.B SPARE PARTS LIST OF GALAXY ........................................................................................................ 8
3.C EXPLODED DIAGRAM OF ASTRAL ..................................................................................................... 9
3.D SPARE PARTS LIST OF ASTRAL........................................................................................................ 10
3.E EXPLODED DIAGRAM OF GEO.......................................................................................................... 11
3.F SPARE PARTS LIST OF GEO............................................................................................................... 12
4 TEST AND MEASUREMENT............................................................................................................. 13
4.A CHARGING MEASUREMENTS ............................................................................................................. 13
4.B E-GSM / DCS MEASUREMENTS ........................................................................................................ 14
4.b.1 Transmitter Power and Ramp profile........................................................................................ 14
4.b.2 Phase/ Frequency/ Time relationship ....................................................................................... 14
4.b.3 Receiver Bit Error Rate (RX sensitivity).................................................................................... 14
4.b.4 Handover between E-GSM 900 and DCS 1800 stantards.......................................................... 14
4.C OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS. .............................................................................................................. 15
4.D BUZZER AND SPEAKER TESTS............................................................................................................ 16
5 DOWNLOAD OF SOFTWARE........................................................................................................... 17
5.A SOFTWARE DOWNLOAD WITH IPLTRIUM........................................................................................... 17
5.B HOW TO INSTALL IPLTRIUM SOFTWARE AND EQUIPMENT .................................................................. 17
5.C DESCRIPTION OF IPLTRIUM SOFTWARE.......................................................................................... 18
5.D START DOWNLOAD. .......................................................................................................................... 19
5.E END OF DOWNLOAD.......................................................................................................................... 20
6 DOWNLOAD OF PERSO.................................................................................................................... 21
6.A DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................... 21
6.B START DOWNLOAD........................................................................................................................... 22
6.C END OF DOWNLOAD.......................................................................................................................... 24
6.D HOW TO PRINT LABELS USING MS TOOLS.......................................................................................... 25
6.d.1 Equipment, Software and drivers required................................................................................ 25
6.d.2 Print labels.............................................................................................................................. 26
7 SOFTWARE VERSION....................................................................................................................... 27
8 SOFTWARE AND PERSO VERSION ................................................................................................ 27
9 OPERATOR DEBUGGING................................................................................................................. 27
10 PERSONNAL NOTES...................................................................................................................... 28
Level 2 Service Manual
Mitsubishi Electric Telecom Europe SA Version G ZA le Piquet, 35370 Etrelles
Date: 04/00
Phone: +33 2 99 75 71 00 Fax: +33 2 99 75 71 47
1 General Description
The handportable cellular telephone described here is designed for use in a E-GSM/DCS network. This phone operates and complies with the ETSI GSM phase 2 specifications. Standard kit includes following items:
Transceiver (retractable antenna type)
Battery pack 900 mAh (NiMH type).
Reference : FZA0001A
AC/DC Adapter for battery rapid charging
Size : 135 x 48 x 27
Weight : 145 g
Size : 135 x 48 x 26
Weight : 145 g
Size : 135 x 48 x 27
Weight : 145 g
Dark grey Blue mid Wine red Orange SU Grey silver
Bright blue Bright green Dark blue Pale blue Green Silver
Sunspice Golden bronze Royal blue
Speech codec :
The mobiles M4 uses a speech codec which is able to switch from Half Rate(HR) to Full Rate(FR) or to Enhanced Full Rate(EFR) according to network and the software and settings version.
Enhanced Full rate (EFR) allows better voice quality at same rate as Full rate.
Half rate (HR) is coding on 6.5 kbytes/sec (1/2 than Full rate). The network may put two customers
on one timeslot. Each customer will use this timeslot every two frames.
Main features :
150 hours idle time and 3 hours conversation time
Graphic LCD
Data fax function included
Level 2 Service Manual
Version G Mitsubishi Electric Telecom Europe SA Date: 04/00
ZA le Piquet 35370 Etrelles
Phone: +33 2 99 75 71 00
Fax: + 33 2 99 75 71 47
2 Main Features of Transceiver.
2.a Description of transceiver.
For M4 family, test modes will not be directly possible from the mobile . Indeed, relevant software will be totally available on PC only. Nothing about test modes should remain inside the mobile to save memory and software development.
Level 2 Service Manual
Mitsubishi Electric Telecom Europe SA Version G ZA le Piquet, 35370 Etrelles
Date: 04/00
Phone: +33 2 99 75 71 00 Fax: +33 2 99 75 71 47
Socket 1
SIM Connector
Socket 2
SIM Label
IMEI Label
Label ART
Socket 3
Cap belt clip
SHEET WATER Red stripe becomes Pink under liquid
Three sockets are available on the main unit : Socket 1 : Antenna cable for RF information.
Socket 2 : Headset socket. Socket 3 : AC/DC, CLA and accessories socket.
2.b IMEI label.
IMEI label stands for International Mobile Equipment Identity. The IMEI label is stuck on the rear case of the terminal. It is held in the logic circuitry of the main board itself. If the main board is changed then IMEI will change.
Date Code is made of 3 digits and indicates the date of shipment from factory. For example, in H09, H stands for 1998 and 09 for September (I stands for 1999).
Level 2 Service Manual
Version G Mitsubishi Electric Telecom Europe SA Date: 04/00
ZA le Piquet 35370 Etrelles
Phone: +33 2 99 75 71 00
Fax: + 33 2 99 75 71 47
Bar code indicates 15 digits 123456 45 456789 4 ( for example) of the IMEI written in plain letters above the bar code:
- 123456 : The 6 first digits indicate the Typical Approval Code. It is different according the type of
- 45 : These 2 digits are allocated to production site.
- 456789 : The 6 last digits are a sequential number, it is different for each mobile.
- 4 : Check digit
2.c Label Art Plate.
The Label Art Plate identifies the type of assembly and test the mobile has been through.
XXXXXXXXXX : 10 characters for the article code of the terminal. A : 1 character for the assembly version of M/U. C : 1 character for the board version. WW : 2 characters related to production site.
2.d SIM label.
The SIM Label describes the process to follow for the SIM insertion. 1- Open the SIM card holder .
2- Insert the SIM card with the gold contact facing down and the bevelled corner of the card at the
top left.
3- Push the SIM card holder back into position.
2.e SIMLatching.
SIM Lock consists in restricting the use of the terminal to a family of SIM cards. For the SIM Lock, three principal informations are used. These informations are read from data fields in the SIM card.
1°) IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity), 15 Digits : Example of IMSI : 208 01 55 12312312 208 = MCC = Mobile Country Code (ex : 208 for France) 01 = MNC = Network Country Code (ex : 01 for FT) 55 = NS = Network Subset
Level 2 Service Manual
Mitsubishi Electric Telecom Europe SA Version G ZA le Piquet, 35370 Etrelles
Date: 04/00
Phone: +33 2 99 75 71 00 Fax: +33 2 99 75 71 47
12312312 = Indifferent serial number 2°) Group IDentifier 1 (GID1):
This data field can contain digits or letters which identify a family of SIM Ex : XX for a type for of prepaid SIM card of Service provider Y
3°) Group IDentifier 2 (GID2) : same as GID1 to identify a sub family of SIM.
Then, from this information, we have 5 types of latch : 1°) Network Level :
latch on MCC MNC of IMSI of the SIM only (ex : only the cards 208 01 be able to operate the mobile. Mitsubishi use to call this latch NCK (NCK stands for “ Network Control Keys” and is the password to lock the mobile at the network level)
2°) Network Subset Level : Latch on MCC, MNC and digit 6 and 7 of the IMSI Ex : latch on 208 01 55, only the SIM cards with an IMSI starting with 208 01 55 will operate the mobile. Mitsubishi use to call this latch NSCK (“Network Subset Control Key)
3°) Service provider level : latch on Network (value of MCC MNC) and value of GID1 data field. Ex : latch on the value “XX” in GID1 and MCC MNC=208 01, only the SIM cards of service provider Y with XX stored in data field GID1 will operate the mobile. Mitsubishi use to call this latch SPCK (Service Provider Control Key)
4°) Corporate Provider Level : latch on network (value of MCC and MNC) and a value stored in GID2 Mitsubishi use to call this latch CPCK (Corporate Provider Control Key)
5°) IMSI level latch on the complete IMSI of one SIM card. Only one SIM card corresponding to the correct IMSI operates the mobile. Usually, this latch is done in an automatic way (the first SIM card inserted in the mobile is the only SIM which can be used by this mobile).
General information : To lock /unlock a mobile, you need 8 digits password for each level concerned, and each mobile (one set of passwords for one IMEI). These passwords are calculated with a special algorithm. You have only 10 attempts to unlock correctly a mobile. After 10 unsuccessful attempt, the mobile is permanently blocked. To enter the unlock procedure, you need to access special menus with specific access codes.
Level 2 Service Manual
Version G Mitsubishi Electric Telecom Europe SA Date: 04/00
ZA le Piquet 35370 Etrelles
Phone: +33 2 99 75 71 00
Fax: + 33 2 99 75 71 47
2.f Description of options.
Model Designation
(cover/front panel)
Logo Keypad Options
Galaxy M/U BLUE MID WT KW Blue Midnight Trium White Galaxy M/U BLUE MID WM KB Blue Midnight Mitsubishi Black Galaxy M/U BLUE MID WT KB Blue Midnight Trium Black Galaxy M/U GREY SIL WT KW Grey Silver Trium White Galaxy M/U GREY SIL WT KB Grey Silver Trium White Galaxy M/U ORANGE SU WT KW Orange Trium White Galaxy M/U ORANGE SU WT KB Orange Trium Black Galaxy M/U DARK GRE WT KW Dark Grey Trium White Galaxy M/U DARK GRE WT KB Dark Grey Trium Black Galaxy M/U WINE RED WT KC Wine Red Trium Cassis Galaxy M/U GREY SIL WT KB Grey Silver Trium Black Astral M/U DARK GRE FP PBLGR WT KW Pale Blue Green Trium White Astral M/U DARK GRE FP BRBL WT KW Bright Blue Trium White Astral M/U DARK GRE FP BRGR WT KW Bright Green Trium White Astral M/U DARK GRE FP DABL WTV KB Dark Blue Trium / Vodafone Black Astral M/U DARK GRE FP DABL WTD KB Dark Blue Trium / D2 White Astral M/U DARK GRE FP BRBL WTA KW Bright Blue Trium / Movistar White Astral M/U DARK GRE FP DABL WT KW Dark Blue Trium White Astral M/U DARK GRE FP DABL WTO KW Dark Blue Trium / One White Astral M/U DARK GRE FP SILV WTI KW Silver Trium / Viag Interkom White Astral M/U DARK GRE FP BRGR WTA KW Bright Green Trium / Movistar White Astral M/U DARK GRE FP BRGR WTO KW Bright Green Trium / One White Astral M/U DARK GRE FP PBLGR WTA KW Pale Blue Green Trium / Movistar White Astral M/U DARK GRE FP DABL WTA KW Dark Blue Trium / Movistar White Astral M/U DARK GRE FP BRBL WTO KW Bright Blue Trium / One White Astral M/U DARK GRE FP RED WTD KB Red Trium / D2 Black Astral M/U DARK GRE FP SIL WT KB Silver Trium Black Astral M/U DARK GRE FP RED WTD KW Red Trium / D2 White Astral M/U DARK GRE FP SILV WT KW Silver Trium White Astral M/U DARK GRE FP RED WTC KB Red Trium / Coca Cola (Wind) Black Geo M/U SUNSPICE WT KS Orange Sunspice Trium Silver RTC, Alarm, Vib Geo M/U GOLD BRO WT KS Golden Bronze Trium Silver RTC, Alarm, Vib Geo M/U GOLD BRO WT KH Golden Bronze Trium Hebrew RTC, Alarm, Vib Geo M/U ROYA BLU WT KS Royal Blue Trium Silver RTC, Alarm, Vib Geo M/U ROYA BLU WT KH Royal Blue Trium Hebrew RTC, Alarm, Vib Geo Wap M/U GW OLIVE GR WT KS Olive Green Trium Silver RTC, Alarm, Vib, Wap Geo Wap M/U GW DARK GRE GR WT KS Dark Grey Trium Silver RTC, Alarm, Vib, Wap Geo Wap M/U GW DARK RED GR WT KS Dark Grey Trium Silver RTC, Alarm, Vib, Wap Geo Wap M/U GW OR SUNSP GR WT KS Orange Sunspice Trium Silver RTC, Alarm, Vib, Wap Geo Wap M/U GW BLUE MID GR WT KS Blue Midnight Trium Silver RTC, Alarm, Vib, Wap Geo Wap M/U GW ROYA BLU GR WT KS Blue Midnight Trium Silver RTC, Alarm, Vib, Wap
Level 2 Service Manual
Mitsubishi Electric Telecom Europe SA Version G ZA le Piquet, 35370 Etrelles
Date: 04/00
Phone: +33 2 99 75 71 00 Fax: +33 2 99 75 71 47
3 Exploded Diagram and Spare parts list.
3.a Exploded Diagram of GALAXY
3 31
4 30 5
6 27
8 14 26 9 16 10 32 25
12 13 24
11 20 15
+ 22 hidden pages