Microtek Scanner ICC Profiler user guide

Scanner ICC Profiler
User's Manual
Copyright 1998 by Microtek International, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Documents that you scan may be protected under copyright law. The unauthorized use of such documents could be a violation of the rights of the copyright holder. Microtek bears no responsibility for the unauthorized use of copyrighted materials.
To obtain optimal results from the Microtek scanning software and user's manual, you should be familiar with such Windows concepts as pointing, clicking, dragging, and selecting from menus and dialog boxed. If these things are new to you, refer to your Microsoft Windows User's Guide.
Doc. No. I49-002327 November 1998
Microtek Lab, Inc.
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Microtek International, Inc.
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1 Introduction 1-1
Why you need the Scanner ICC Profiler..................................................................... 1-1
Calibration target ...................................................................................................... 1-2
Taking care of the target ............................................................................................ 1-2
Replacing the target................................................................................................... 1-3
2 Using Microtek Scanner ICC Profiler 2-1
Installing Microtek Scanner ICC Profiler .................................................................... 2-1
Placing calibration target ........................................................................................... 2-2
Placing Q-60R1 reflective target .......................................................................... 2-2
Placing Q-60R1 reflective target on an A4-sized (or Letter) scanner............... 2-2
Placing Q-60R1 reflective target on an A3-sized scanner ............................... 2-2
Placing 4" x 5" Q-60E1 transparency target ......................................................... 2-3
Placing 4" x 5" Q-60E1 transparency target on an A4 twin-plate scanner....... 2-3
Placing 4" x 5" Q-60E1 transparency target on an A3 twin-plate scanner....... 2-3
Placing 4" x 5" Q-60E1 transparency target for TMA .................................... 2-4
Placing 4" x 5" Q-60E1 transparency target on transparency scanner ............ 2-4
Placing 35mm Q-60E3 transparency target for slide scanner................................ 2-5
Calibration Procedure ............................................................................................... 2-6
Step 1: Scan target image .................................................................................... 2-7
Step 2: Align target registration marks................................................................. 2-8
Step 3: Create profile .......................................................................................... 2-9
3 Reference 3-1
The Main Window .................................................................................................... 3-1
Controls............................................................................................................. 3-1
System Menu ..................................................................................................... 3-3
Calibration Window (Preview & Scan target image) ................................................... 3-4
Calibration Window (Align target and create profile).................................................. 3-5
4 Troubleshooting 4-1


Microtek’s Scanner ICC Profiler is a scanner calibration and profiling utility program designed for use with the professional scanner TWAIN driver — ScanWizard Pro. Scanner ICC Profiler lets you calibrate the color attributes of your scanner and create a customized ICC color profile dedicated for the scanner.
This manual describes how to install and use Scanner ICC Profiler with a Microtek scanner on PC platform. The scanners covered in this manual are color flatbeds, color flatbeds with transparency media adapter (TMA), twin-plate color flatbeds, transparency scanners, and 35mm slide scanners.

Why you need the Scanner ICC Profiler

To each scanner, a generic factory-set ICC color profile is included for use with ScanWizard Pro. This factory-set profile delivers high color quality in general. However, scanners, like any high-end device, perform subtle difference in color, even although they have the same model.
In addition, even if an individual scanner, it also performs differently against time due to the aging of the lamp, or due to ambient temperature. Scanner ICC Profiler lets you calibrate your respective scanner, compensate color deviation, and create a custom scanner color profile that precisely describes the color characteristics of your scanner. Customized color profile delivers superb color quality. In order to keep color consistency from time to time, it is recommended that you carry out calibration each day when you start to use the scanner.
Introduction 1-1

Calibration target

Your Scanner ICC Profiler kit includes an industry-standard IT8 color target for calibration. Depending on the scanner model your purchase, three types of targets are available:
• Kodak Q-60R1: 5" x 7" reflective target for all flatbed scanners (e.g., ScanMaker 4, ScanMaker 5, and ScanMaker 2000).
• Kodak Q-60E1: 4" x 5" transparency target for twin-plate scanner with built­in transparency adapter (e.g., ScanMaker 4, ScanMaker 5, and ScanMaker
2000), as well as for transparency scanner (e.g., ScanMaker 45t Pro).
• Kodak Q-60E3: 35mm transparency target for slide scanner (e.g., ScanMaker 35t Plus), as well as for the transparency media of some flatbed scanner models.
Note: Use only the Calibration Target that came from Microtek. It is at your own risk if you perform color calibration by using the calibration target from third-parties. Microtek bears no responsibility for the color calibration quality from other parties. Further more, third-party Calibration Target may not match with Microtek scanner's ICC profiler.

Taking care of the target

The calibration target is very delicate and must be handled carefully. Make sure you follow these rules in caring for it.
• Gently take the target out of its protective storage sleeve.
• Do not touch the target image with your fingers, or with any other object.
• Keep the target out of the light – even interior lighting when no in use.
• Always return the target to its protective sleeve immediately after use.
• Store the target away from light in a cool, dry place, since long exposure to light and heat can change the colors on the target.
1-2 Microtek Scanner ICC Profiler User’s Manual

Replacing the target

With proper care, when you start to use the color target will hold its original vivid colors for about a year or so. After that, it will begin to fade, as is the nature of most photographic materials. The change may be unnoticeable to the naked eye, but even very slight changes in the target decrease the performance of Scanner ICC Profiler.
To maintain color accuracy, Microtek recommends that you replace the target once a year, or when you notice a loss of quality in your scanned images. To order a new Scanner ICC Profiler system kit with a new target, and the latest software, call Microtek sales.
Introduction 1-3
Using Microtek Scanner ICC Profiler
This chapter provides information on how to use Scanner ICC Profiler on your Windows platform. To use Microtek Scanner ICC Profiler, take the 3 steps below:
• Install Microtek Scanner ICC Profiler
• Place the target on your scanner
• Calibrate your scanner

Installing Microtek Scanner ICC Profiler

You should have ScanWizard Pro and Kodak CMS programs installed before installing Scanner ICC Profiler. Depending on the packing you purchased, your Scanner ICC Profiler program maybe shipped in disk or CD-ROM format.
For disk users
Insert the Scanner ICC Profiler program disk #1 into your floppy disk drive. Choose Start, Run, input A:\Setup.exe, then click OK. The installer program will guide you to insert Program disk #2 during the process, until installation is complete.
For CD-ROM users
Insert the Scanner ICC Profiler CD into your CD-ROM drive. Choose Start, Run, input D:\Scanner ICC Profiler\Setup.exe, then click OK. Where “D” represents the CD-ROM is installed in D: drive. The installer program will guide you during the process, until installation is complete.
Using Microtek Scanner ICC Profiler 2-1
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