Metrohm TitrIC 5 User Manual

Application Bulletin 319 e
Installation Instructions of TitrIC 5
The TitrIC 5 System is used for the fully automatic analysis of water samples using direct measurement, titration and ion chromatography. The following parameters are determined in a very short time: temperature, conductivity, pH, acid capacity and, in parallel, the concentrations of the individual anions and cations. Further Metrohm instruments can be incorporated in the existing system at any time and used to determine additional parameters.
Analytical sequence
1. Conductivity is measured in the sample vessel on the sample processor.
2. First sample transfer to the two 881 Compact ICs.
3. The IC determinations are started automatically.
4. Second sample transfer to the external cell of the 855 Robotic Titrosampler.
5. Temperature, pH and acid capacity (p and m values) are determined.
The whole procedure is controlled by the TitrIC software: The user enters the sample position and sample identification, MagIC Net and tiamo information to tiamo automatically generates a joint report containing all results. This report can be printed out or exported as an Excel file.
and MagIC Net. When the measurement has been concluded, TitrIC
method, after which TitrIC transfers all the relevant
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Table of contents
1Delivery package.................................................................................................................................. 3
2Installation ............................................................................................................................................ 5
2.1855 Robotic Titrosampler .............................................................................................................. 5
2.2856 Conductometer (2.856.0010) ................................................................................................. 5
2.3Bottle holder (6.2061.010) ............................................................................................................. 5
2.4Dosino holder (6.2055.100) ........................................................................................................... 5
2.5881 Compact IC pro (2.881.00x0) ................................................................................................. 5
3Cable connections ............................................................................................................................... 6
4Tubing connections .............................................................................................................................. 7
4.1External cell ................................................................................................................................... 7
4.2Installation of the 10 mL and 50 mL Dosing Units ......................................................................... 8
4.3Overview of all the tubing connections .......................................................................................... 9
5Miscellaneous .................................................................................................................................... 10
5.1Stirrer ........................................................................................................................................... 10
5.2Length of the aspiration tips in the external cell .......................................................................... 10
5.3Electrodes .................................................................................................................................... 10
6Software ............................................................................................................................................. 10
6.1Installation of the software ........................................................................................................... 10
6.2Configuration of tiamoTM .............................................................................................................. 10
6.2.1Devices ................................................................................................................................. 11
6.2.2Swing Head configuration ..................................................................................................... 11
6.2.3Special beaker definition ....................................................................................................... 11
6.2.4Lift positions .......................................................................................................................... 11
6.2.5Solutions ............................................................................................................................... 11
6.2.6Electrodes ............................................................................................................................. 12
6.2.7Methods ................................................................................................................................ 12
6.2.8Configuration of the export template ..................................................................................... 13
6.3Configuration of MagIC Net ......................................................................................................... 14
6.3.1Configuration of the export template ..................................................................................... 14
6.4Configuration of TitrIC ................................................................................................................. 16
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1 Delivery package
- delivered with TitrIC 5 package:
Number Article no. Article designation IC
1 2.881.0030 881Compact IC Pro – Anion - MCS 1 2.881.0010 881Compact IC Pro - Cation
Sample processor
1 2.855.0020 855 Robotic Titrosampler 1 6.1462.050 Titration head
1 2.856.0010 856 Conductometer 1 6.0915.100 Five-ring conductivity measuring cell, c = 0.7 cm 1 6.2151.000 Cable USB A – mini-DIN 8 pins
p and m value titration (pH measurement)
1 6.0257.000 Aquatrode; combined pH glass electrode (with temperature measurement) 1 62307100 Pufferlösung pH=4 (500 mL) 1 62307110 Pufferlösung pH=7 (500 mL) 1 62307120 Pufferlösung pH=9 (500 mL) 1 62325000 Phit kit
Liquid Handling
1 6.3032.250 807 Dosing Unit, glass, 50 mL 1 6.3032.220 807 Dosing Unit, glass, 20 mL 1 6.3032.210 807 Dosing Unit, glass, 10 mL 3 2.800.0010 800 Dosino 1 6.2055.100 Dosino holder (double) 1 6.2061.010 Bottle holder Dosino 2 6.1608.030 Glass bottle GL45 1L (round) 2 6.5620.000 Connecting set for Dosing Unit: Dosino port 4 2 6.2744.080 Coupling M6-UNF 10/32 (Dosing Unit – IC screw) 1 6.2744.070 Pressure screw made of PEEK, short 2 6.1543.080 Aspiration tip 1.5 / 240 mm 1 6.1602.160 Eluent bottle attachment GL45 1 6.1609.000 Absorber tube
External cell
1 2.802.0020 802 Rod Stirrer 1 6.2001.070 Stand support for 804 1 6.1414.060 Titration vessel lid micro 1 6.1415.220 Titration vessel 7 6.2730.030 Stopper with nipple and O-ring, M10 2 6.2730.080 Screw nipple 1 6.2730.020 Septum stopper 1 6.2730.070 Screw nipple M16/8mm 1 6.2730.060 Screw nipple for electrodes
Connection tubings
2 6.1805.110 Connection tubing FEP, L = 80 cm, 2 x M6 thread, i.d. = 2 mm 1 6.1805.060 Connection tubing FEP, L = 60 cm, 2 x M6 thread, i.d. = 2 mm 3 6.1805.030 Connection tubing FEP, L = 150 cm, 2 x M6 thread, i.d.= 2 mm 1 6.1803.020 PTFE capillary, L = 5 m, i.d.= 0.97 mm
1 6.6056.212 TiamoTM 2.1 full 1 6.6059.202 MagIC Net 2.0 Professional CD: 1 Licencse 1 6.6062.000 TitrIC 2.0
, with integrated Pt 1000
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- optional accessories:
1 Sample rack made of PVC 1 Sample beaker 1 Anion column Metrosep A Supp 15 1 Guard column Metrosep A Supp 15 1 Cation column Metrosep C 4 1 Guard column Metrosep C 4 1 6.2323.000 Electrode Storage solution 1 6.2308.020 Electrolyte solution (3 mol/L KCl) 1 6.2324.000 Conductivity standard (100 µS/cm) 1 6.2301.060 Conductivity standard (12.88 mS) 1 6.2307.100/110/120 Buffer solutions 500 mL, pH 4 / 7 / 9 1 6.2065.000 Stacking frame for 846 Dosing Interface, 856 Conductivity Module,867 pH Module
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2 Installation
The following is a detailed description of the TitrIC 5 System's installation.
We strongly recommend that the individual steps are carried out in the order given below!
2.1 855 Robotic Titrosampler
The sample processor is placed at the side at which it is most easily accessible. Please note that the following procedure refers to the 855 Robotic Titrosampler located at the left-hand side of the system.
On the right-hand side of the 855 Robotic Titrosampler, attach the stand support (6.2001.070)
without the horizontal brace to the tower of the 855 (hexagon screw beneath membrane pump
1). The brace will be installed later.
Do not screw the titration head (6.1462.050) onto the Swing Head!  The Sample Rack supplied is screwed onto the 855. In the vicinity of the 855 the two canisters (standard equipment of 855) are placed on the floor:
One 10 L canister is used as a waste container, the second as a reservoir for deionized (DI) water used for rinsing the external cell.
From the smaller opening of the canisters containing DI water, an M8 PTFE tubing connection
of suitable length is led to the connection box made of white plastic of membrane pump 1 and connected.
From the front opening of the waste canister an M8 PTFE tubing connection of suitable length
is led directly to membrane pump 2 (black plastic) and connected.
A more detailed description is given in the instructions for use of the 855 Robotic Titrosampler.
2.2 856 Conductometer (2.856.0010)
The 856 Conductometer is placed directly to the right of the sample processor. For detailed information about the usage check the Instructions of Use of the 856. It is recommended to carry out the calibration of the cell constant in tiamo further information consult the installation instructions of the 856 Conductometer.
before measurements. For
2.3 Bottle holder (6.2061.010)
Directly to the right of the 856 Conductometer, place the bottle holder for the bottles with the titration solution (0.1 mol/L HCl, at the rear, with 20 mL Dosing Unit and 800 Dosino) and the acidification solution (0.1 mol/L HNO
, at the front, with eluent bottle attachment).
2.4 Dosino holder (6.2055.100)
The Dosino holder (6.2055.100) is placed at the back of the bottle holder and the 856 Conductometer; the 50 mL (6.3032.250) and 10 mL (6.3032.210) Dosing Units are screwed onto this holder at a later stage.
2.5 881 Compact IC pro (2.881.00x0)
Place the 881 Compact IC pro for cations (2.881.0010) to the right of the bottle holder. To the right of the 881 for cations, place the 881 Compact IC pro - MCS for anions (2.881.0030). The two instruments can already be installed. Please consult the Instructions for Use of the Compact IC pro instruments.
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