Metrohm tiamo 2.4 User Manual

4.5 (10)
tiamo 2.4
Metrohm AG CH-9100 Herisau Switzerland Phone +41 71 353 85 85 Fax +41 71 353 89 01
tiamo 2.4
09.2013 ek/doe
Teachware Metrohm AG CH-9100 Herisau
This documentation is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Although all the information given in this documentation has been checked with great care, errors cannot be entirely excluded. Should you notice any mistakes please send us your comments using the address given above.
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Table of contents

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Welcome to tiamo ................................................................ 1
1.2 Operation .............................................................................. 2
1.3 Device integration ................................................................ 3
1.4 Method editor ....................................................................... 4
1.5 Database ................................................................................ 5
1.6 Communication ..................................................................... 6
1.7 Conformity ............................................................................ 7
1.8 Versions ................................................................................. 8
1.9 Online help ............................................................................ 9
1.10 What is new in tiamo 2.4? ................................................. 10
1.10.1 New features ......................................................................... 10
1.10.2 Improvements ....................................................................... 11
1.10.3 Fixed bugs and problems ....................................................... 12
Table of contents
2 General program functions 18
2.1 Program parts ..................................................................... 18
2.1.1 Program parts ........................................................................ 18
2.1.2 Workplace - Desktop ............................................................. 19
2.1.3 Database - Desktop ............................................................... 19
2.1.4 Method - Desktop ................................................................. 20
2.1.5 Configuration - Desktop ........................................................ 20
2.1.6 Manual control - Desktop ...................................................... 21
2.2 Login/password protection ................................................ 21
2.2.1 General information on Login/password protection .............. 21
2.2.2 Login ..................................................................................... 22
2.2.3 Manual logout ...................................................................... 23
2.2.4 Automatic logout .................................................................. 23
2.2.5 Change password .................................................................. 23
2.3 Electronic signatures .......................................................... 24
2.3.1 Rules for electronic signatures ................................................ 24
2.3.2 Procedure for electronic signatures ........................................ 25
2.3.3 Signature Level 1 ................................................................... 26
2.3.4 Signature Level 2 ................................................................... 27
2.3.5 Delete signatures level 2 ........................................................ 29
2.4 Formula editor .................................................................... 30
2.4.1 Input field .............................................................................. 30
2.4.2 Calculation algorithms ........................................................... 31
2.4.3 Variables ............................................................................... 33
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2.4.4 Operators/functions ............................................................... 56
2.4.5 Molar mass calculator ............................................................ 90
2.5 Editing ................................................................................. 90
2.5.1 Select date ........................................................................... 90
2.5.2 Text editor ............................................................................. 91
2.5.3 Hyperlink ............................................................................... 92
2.6 E-mail ................................................................................... 93
2.6.1 Send E-mail ........................................................................... 93
3 Workplace 94
3.1 Workplace - General ........................................................... 94
3.1.1 Workplace - Definition ........................................................... 94
3.1.2 Workplace - Desktop ............................................................. 94
3.1.3 Workplace - Menu bar ........................................................... 94
3.1.4 Workplace - Toolbar .............................................................. 97
3.1.5 Workplace - Subwindows ...................................................... 97
3.1.6 Workplace - Functions ........................................................... 98
3.1.7 Views .................................................................................... 99
3.2 Workplaces ....................................................................... 102
3.2.1 Create new workplace ......................................................... 102
3.2.2 Edit workplace ..................................................................... 103
3.2.3 Displaying workplaces ......................................................... 103
3.2.4 Close workplace .................................................................. 104
3.3 Sample tables ................................................................... 104
3.3.1 Editing the sample table ...................................................... 104
3.3.2 Sample table - Properties ..................................................... 114
3.3.3 Sample table manager ......................................................... 123
3.4 Sample assignment table ................................................. 125
3.4.1 Sample assignment table .................................................... 125
3.4.2 Sample assignment ............................................................. 126
3.4.3 Enter assignment ID ............................................................. 127
3.5 Text templates .................................................................. 128
3.5.1 List of text templates ........................................................... 128
3.5.2 Edit text template ................................................................ 128
3.6 Run subwindow ................................................................ 129
3.6.1 Run - General ...................................................................... 129
3.6.2 Run test ............................................................................... 129
3.6.3 Single determination ............................................................ 130
3.6.4 Determination series ............................................................ 146
3.7 Subwindow Method ......................................................... 177
3.7.1 Method window - General .................................................. 177
3.7.2 Method window - Zoom ..................................................... 177
3.7.3 Method window - Live modifications ................................... 178
3.7.4 Method window - Cancel command .................................... 179
3.8 Subwindow Live display .................................................. 179
3.8.1 Live display - General ........................................................... 179
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4 Database 191
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3.8.2 Live display - Tracks ............................................................. 180
3.8.3 Live display - Application note ............................................. 181
3.8.4 Live display - Messages ........................................................ 181
3.8.5 Live display - Properties ........................................................ 181
3.9 Subwindow Report ......................................................... 189
3.9.1 Report - General ................................................................. 189
3.9.2 Latest report ....................................................................... 189
3.9.3 Selected report ................................................................... 189
3.9.4 Report overview ................................................................. 189
3.9.5 Properties report overview ................................................... 190
4.1 Database - General ........................................................... 191
4.1.1 Database - Definition ........................................................... 191
4.1.2 Database - Desktop ............................................................. 191
4.1.3 Database - Menu bar ........................................................... 192
4.1.4 Database - Toolbar .............................................................. 196
4.1.5 Database - Subwindows ...................................................... 198
4.1.6 Database - Functions ........................................................... 198
4.1.7 Views .................................................................................. 199
4.2 Database display .............................................................. 202
4.2.1 Open database ................................................................... 202
4.2.2 Select database ................................................................... 204
4.2.3 Display single database ....................................................... 204
4.2.4 Display databases next to one another ................................. 205
4.2.5 Display databases one below the other ................................ 205
4.2.6 Close database ................................................................... 205
4.3 Managing databases ........................................................ 205
4.3.1 Managing databases ........................................................... 205
4.3.2 Creating a new database ..................................................... 206
4.3.3 Renaming a database .......................................................... 207
4.3.4 Deleting a database ............................................................. 207
4.3.5 Database properties ............................................................. 207
4.3.6 Backing up a database manually .......................................... 211
4.3.7 Restoring a database ........................................................... 212
4.4 Templates .......................................................................... 213
4.4.1 Report templates ................................................................. 213
4.4.2 Templates for control chart .................................................. 249
4.4.3 Curve overlay templates ....................................................... 253
4.4.4 Export templates ................................................................. 259
4.5 Determination overview .................................................. 296
4.5.1 Determination overview - General ........................................ 296
4.5.2 Determination overview - Functions ..................................... 302
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4.6 Subwindow Information .................................................. 348
4.6.1 Information - Overview ........................................................ 348
4.6.2 Information - Determination ................................................ 348
4.6.3 Information - Method .......................................................... 352
Table of contents
4.6.4 Information - Sample ........................................................... 353
4.6.5 Information - Configuration ................................................. 355
4.6.6 Information - Messages ....................................................... 363
4.6.7 Information - Determination comment ................................ 363
4.7 Subwindow Results .......................................................... 364
4.7.1 Results - General .................................................................. 364
4.7.2 Results - Results overview .................................................... 364
4.7.3 Results - Raw data ............................................................... 366
4.7.4 Results - Calculation # ......................................................... 377
4.7.5 Results - Properties .............................................................. 378
4.8 Subwindow Curves ........................................................... 379
4.8.1 Curves - General .................................................................. 379
4.8.2 Curves - Measuring point list ................................................ 381
4.8.3 Curves - Monitoring report .................................................. 381
4.8.4 Properties ............................................................................ 382
5 Method 398
5.1 Method - General ............................................................. 398
5.1.1 Method - Definition ............................................................. 398
5.1.2 Method - Desktop ............................................................... 399
5.1.3 Method - Menu bar ............................................................. 399
5.1.4 Method - Toolbar ................................................................ 401
5.1.5 Method - Functions ............................................................. 403
5.2 Method editor ................................................................... 404
5.2.1 Creating a new method ....................................................... 404
5.2.2 Opening a method .............................................................. 404
5.2.3 Select method .................................................................... 406
5.2.4 Editing a method ................................................................. 408
5.2.5 Checking a method ............................................................. 413
5.2.6 Saving a method ................................................................. 413
5.2.7 Modification comment on method ...................................... 415
5.2.8 Print method report ............................................................. 416
5.2.9 Closing a method ................................................................ 416
5.3 Managing methods .......................................................... 417
5.3.1 Managing methods ............................................................. 417
5.3.2 Renaming a method ............................................................ 419
5.3.3 Copying a method ............................................................... 419
5.3.4 Moving a method ................................................................ 419
5.3.5 Deleting a method ............................................................... 420
5.3.6 Sending a method to ........................................................... 420
5.3.7 Exporting a method ............................................................. 421
5.3.8 Importing a method ............................................................ 421
5.3.9 Renaming an imported method ........................................... 421
5.3.10 Signing methods ................................................................. 422
5.3.11 Showing the method history ................................................ 427
5.4 Method groups ................................................................. 428
5.4.1 Manage method groups ..................................................... 428
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6 Configuration 1295
Table of contents
5.4.2 Edit method groups ............................................................. 429
5.5 Tracks ................................................................................ 430
5.5.1 Tracks - General ................................................................... 430
5.5.2 Track types .......................................................................... 431
5.5.3 Edit tracks ............................................................................ 436
5.6 Commands ........................................................................ 437
5.6.1 Commands - General ........................................................... 437
5.6.2 Track commands ................................................................. 441
5.6.3 Titration commands ............................................................. 456
5.6.4 Measuring commands ......................................................... 935
5.6.5 Calibration commands ....................................................... 1095
5.6.6 Dosing commands ............................................................. 1158
5.6.7 Automation commands ..................................................... 1215
5.6.8 Result commands .............................................................. 1241
5.6.9 Communications commands .............................................. 1259
5.6.10 Various commands ............................................................ 1280
6.1 Configuration - General ................................................. 1295
6.1.1 Configuration - Definition .................................................. 1295
6.1.2 Configuration - Desktop .................................................... 1295
6.1.3 Configuration - Menu bar .................................................. 1296
6.1.4 Configuration - Toolbar ..................................................... 1298
6.1.5 Configuration - Subwindows ............................................. 1298
6.1.6 Configuration - Functions .................................................. 1299
6.1.7 Views ................................................................................ 1300
6.2 Administration ................................................................ 1303
6.2.1 User administration ........................................................... 1303
6.2.2 Security settings ................................................................. 1312
6.2.3 Program administration ..................................................... 1322
6.3 Configuration data ......................................................... 1327
6.3.1 Export/import .................................................................... 1327
6.3.2 Backing up/restoring .......................................................... 1333
6.3.3 Templates .......................................................................... 1336
6.3.4 Options ............................................................................. 1349
6.4 Audit Trail ....................................................................... 1352
6.4.1 Audit Trail - General ........................................................... 1352
6.4.2 Audit Trail table ................................................................. 1356
6.5 Subwindow Devices ....................................................... 1368
6.5.1 Configuration - Devices ..................................................... 1368
6.5.2 Device table ....................................................................... 1368
6.5.3 Device properties ............................................................... 1373
6.6 Subwindow Titrants/Solutions ...................................... 1373
6.6.1 Titrants/Solutions - General ................................................ 1373
6.6.2 Solution table .................................................................... 1374
6.6.3 Solution properties ............................................................ 1377
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6.7 Sensors subwindow ....................................................... 1397
6.7.1 Sensors - General ............................................................... 1397
6.7.2 Sensor table ...................................................................... 1397
6.7.3 Sensor properties ............................................................... 1401
6.8 Subwindow Colorimetric sensors ................................. 1423
6.8.1 Colorimetric sensors - General ........................................... 1423
6.8.2 Table - Colorimetric sensors ............................................... 1423
6.8.3 Properties - Colorimetric sensor ......................................... 1426
6.9 Subwindow Global variables ......................................... 1435
6.9.1 Configuration - Common variables ................................... 1435
6.9.2 Table of common variables ................................................ 1435
6.9.3 Common variable properties .............................................. 1438
6.10 Subwindow Global variables ......................................... 1444
6.10.1 Configuration - Global variables ......................................... 1444
6.10.2 Table of global variables .................................................... 1444
6.10.3 Properties Global variables ................................................. 1447
6.11 Subwindow Sample solutions (TC conductivity) ......... 1453
6.11.1 Sample solutions (TC conductivity) - General ...................... 1453
6.11.2 Sample solutions (TC conductivity) table ............................. 1453
6.11.3 Sample solutions (TC conductivity) properties ..................... 1457
6.12 Subwindow Rack data ................................................... 1460
6.12.1 Configuration - Rack data ................................................. 1460
6.12.2 Rack table ......................................................................... 1460
6.12.3 Rack properties .................................................................. 1463
7 Devices 1470
7.1 874 Oven Sample Processor .......................................... 1470
7.1.1 874 Oven Sample Processor - Overview ............................. 1470
7.1.2 Properties - General ........................................................... 1470
7.1.3 Properties - Tower ............................................................. 1471
7.1.4 Properties - Rack ................................................................ 1472
7.1.5 Properties - MSB # ............................................................. 1472
7.1.6 Properties - Oven ............................................................... 1474
7.1.7 Properties - GLP ................................................................ 1475
7.2 867 pH Module ............................................................... 1477
7.2.1 867 pH Module - Overview ................................................ 1477
7.2.2 Properties - General ........................................................... 1477
7.2.3 Properties - Measuring inputs ............................................ 1478
7.2.4 Properties - MSB # ............................................................. 1479
7.2.5 Properties - GLP ................................................................ 1480
7.3 864 Robotic Balance Sample Processor ....................... 1482
7.3.1 864 Robotic Balance Sample Processor - Overview ............. 1482
7.3.2 Properties - General ........................................................... 1483
7.3.3 Properties - Tower # .......................................................... 1484
7.3.4 Properties - Rack ................................................................ 1486
7.3.5 Properties - Initial position ................................................. 1487
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7.3.6 Properties - MSB # ............................................................. 1488
7.3.7 Properties - GLP ................................................................ 1489
7.4 856 Conductivity Module .............................................. 1491
7.4.1 856 Conductivity Module - Overview ................................. 1491
7.4.2 Properties - General ........................................................... 1491
7.4.3 Properties - Measuring inputs ............................................ 1492
7.4.4 Properties - MSB # ............................................................. 1493
7.4.5 Properties - GLP ................................................................ 1494
7.5 855 Robotic Titrosampler .............................................. 1496
7.5.1 855 Robotic Titrosampler - Overview ................................. 1496
7.5.2 Properties - General ........................................................... 1497
7.5.3 Properties - Measuring inputs ............................................ 1498
7.5.4 Properties - Tower # .......................................................... 1499
7.5.5 Properties - Rack ................................................................ 1501
7.5.6 Properties - Initial position ................................................. 1502
7.5.7 Properties - MSB # ............................................................. 1503
7.5.8 Properties - GLP ................................................................ 1504
7.6 846 Dosing Interface ..................................................... 1506
7.6.1 846 Dosing Interface - Overview ........................................ 1506
7.6.2 Properties - General ........................................................... 1506
7.6.3 Properties - MSB # ............................................................. 1507
7.6.4 Properties - GLP ................................................................ 1509
7.7 814/815 USB Sample Processor .................................... 1511
7.7.1 814/815 USB Sample Processor - Overview ........................ 1511
7.7.2 Properties - General ........................................................... 1511
7.7.3 Properties - Tower # .......................................................... 1512
7.7.4 Properties - Rack ................................................................ 1514
7.7.5 Properties - Initial position ................................................. 1515
7.7.6 Properties - MSB # ............................................................. 1516
7.7.7 Properties - GLP ................................................................ 1518
7.7.8 Configuration Robotic arm ................................................ 1519
7.7.9 External position ............................................................... 1521
7.8 778/789 Sample Processor ............................................ 1521
7.8.1 778/789 Sample Processor - Overview ............................... 1521
7.8.2 Properties - General ........................................................... 1522
7.8.3 Properties - Tower # .......................................................... 1523
7.8.4 Properties - Rack ................................................................ 1525
7.8.5 Properties - MSB # ............................................................. 1526
7.8.6 Properties - RS-232 ............................................................ 1527
7.8.7 Properties - GLP ................................................................ 1528
7.9 774 Oven Sample Processor .......................................... 1530
7.9.1 774 Oven Sample Processor - Overview ............................. 1530
7.9.2 Properties - General ........................................................... 1530
7.9.3 Properties - Tower ............................................................. 1531
7.9.4 Properties - Rack ................................................................ 1532
7.9.5 Properties - Dosing device .................................................. 1533
7.9.6 Properties - Oven ............................................................... 1533
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7.9.7 Properties - Gas ................................................................. 1534
7.9.8 Properties - RS-232 ............................................................ 1535
7.9.9 Properties - GLP ................................................................ 1535
7.10 756/831 Coulometer ...................................................... 1537
7.10.1 756/831 Coulometer - Overview ........................................ 1537
7.10.2 Properties - General ........................................................... 1537
7.10.3 Properties - RS-232 ............................................................ 1538
7.10.4 Properties - GLP ................................................................ 1539
7.11 730 Sample Changer ...................................................... 1541
7.11.1 730 Sample Changer - Overview ........................................ 1541
7.11.2 Properties - General ........................................................... 1541
7.11.3 Properties - Tower ............................................................. 1542
7.11.4 Properties - Rack ................................................................ 1543
7.11.5 Properties - Dosing device .................................................. 1544
7.11.6 Properties - RS-232 ............................................................ 1545
7.11.7 Properties - GLP ................................................................ 1545
7.12 712 Conductometer ....................................................... 1547
7.12.1 712 Conductometer - Overview ......................................... 1547
7.12.2 Properties - General ........................................................... 1547
7.12.3 Properties - RS-232 ............................................................ 1548
7.12.4 Properties - GLP ................................................................ 1549
7.13 089 Photometer ............................................................ 1551
7.13.1 089 Photometer - Overview ............................................... 1551
7.13.2 Properties - General ........................................................... 1551
7.13.3 Properties - Settings ........................................................... 1552
7.13.4 Properties - Adjustment ..................................................... 1553
7.13.5 Properties - MSB # ............................................................. 1554
7.13.6 Properties - GLP ................................................................ 1555
7.14 Avantes spectrometer .................................................... 1557
7.14.1 Avantes spectrometer - Overview ...................................... 1557
7.14.2 Properties - General ........................................................... 1558
7.14.3 Properties - Settings ........................................................... 1559
7.14.4 Properties - Detector .......................................................... 1560
7.14.5 Properties - Calibration ...................................................... 1560
7.14.6 Properties - Dark spectrum ................................................. 1561
7.14.7 Properties - Reference spectrum ........................................ 1562
7.14.8 Properties - Correction spectrum ........................................ 1563
7.14.9 Properties - GLP ................................................................ 1564
7.15 Barcode reader ............................................................... 1566
7.15.1 Barcode reader - General ................................................... 1566
7.15.2 Barcode reader - Overview ................................................. 1567
7.15.3 Properties - General ........................................................... 1568
7.15.4 Properties - Settings ........................................................... 1569
7.15.5 Properties - GLP ................................................................ 1569
7.15.6 Establish a connection to the barcode reader ..................... 1571
7.16 RS-232 device ................................................................. 1571
7.16.1 RS-232 device - Overview .................................................. 1571
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7.16.2 Properties - General ........................................................... 1572
7.16.3 Properties - RS-232 ............................................................ 1573
7.16.4 Properties - GLP ................................................................ 1575
7.16.5 Establish a connection to the RS-232 device ...................... 1576
7.17 Titrando .......................................................................... 1577
7.17.1 Titrando - Overview ........................................................... 1577
7.17.2 Properties - General ........................................................... 1577
7.17.3 Properties - Measuring inputs ............................................ 1578
7.17.4 Properties - MSB # ............................................................. 1579
7.17.5 Properties - GLP ................................................................ 1581
7.17.6 Load new program version ............................................... 1582
7.18 Titrino .............................................................................. 1583
7.18.1 Titrino - Overview .............................................................. 1583
7.18.2 Properties - General ........................................................... 1584
7.18.3 Properties - Int. Dosing device D0 ...................................... 1585
7.18.4 Properties - Ext. Dosing device D# ...................................... 1586
7.18.5 Properties - RS-232 ............................................................ 1587
7.18.6 Properties - GLP ................................................................ 1588
7.19 Balances .......................................................................... 1590
7.19.1 Balance - Overview ............................................................ 1590
7.19.2 Properties - General ........................................................... 1590
7.19.3 Properties - RS-232 ............................................................ 1591
7.19.4 Properties - GLP ................................................................ 1593
7.19.5 Establish a connection to the balance ................................ 1594
8 Manual control 1596
8.1 Manual control - General ............................................... 1596
8.2 Manual control - Desktop .............................................. 1596
8.3 Manual control - Device selection ................................ 1597
8.4 Manual control - Functions ........................................... 1597
8.4.1 Dosing ............................................................................... 1597
8.4.2 Stirring .............................................................................. 1603
8.4.3 Remote functions .............................................................. 1605
8.4.4 Sample changer functions .................................................. 1607
8.4.5 Measuring ......................................................................... 1617
8.5 Manual control - Graphical display ............................... 1623
9 How to proceed? 1624
9.1 Audit Trail ....................................................................... 1624
9.1.1 Opening Audit Trail .......................................................... 1624
9.1.2 Filtering Audit Trail ........................................................... 1624
9.1.3 Exporting Audit Trail ......................................................... 1625
9.1.4 Archiving Audit Trail ......................................................... 1626
9.1.5 Deleting Audit Trail ........................................................... 1627
9.2 Backup ............................................................................ 1628
9.2.1 Backing up a database ....................................................... 1628
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Table of contents
9.2.2 Restoring the database ...................................................... 1630
9.2.3 Backing up configuration data ........................................... 1631
9.2.4 Restoring configuration data .............................................. 1632
9.2.5 Backing up methods .......................................................... 1633
9.2.6 Archiving the Audit Trail .................................................... 1635
9.3 Determinations ............................................................... 1637
9.3.1 Starting single determination ............................................. 1637
9.3.2 Starting determination series ............................................. 1638
9.3.3 Search for determinations .................................................. 1640
9.3.4 Filter determinations .......................................................... 1640
9.3.5 Signing determination ....................................................... 1642
9.3.6 Export determinations ....................................................... 1644
9.3.7 Importing determinations .................................................. 1645
9.3.8 Deleting determinations .................................................... 1646
9.3.9 Make the determination version current ............................ 1647
9.3.10 Reprocessing determinations ............................................ 1648
9.3.11 Printing determination report ............................................ 1652
9.3.12 Printing determination overview ....................................... 1653
9.4 Databases ....................................................................... 1654
9.4.1 Database in general ........................................................... 1654
9.4.2 Opening a database .......................................................... 1655
9.4.3 Closing a database ............................................................ 1655
9.4.4 Creating a database ........................................................... 1656
9.4.5 Backing up a database ....................................................... 1657
9.4.6 Restoring the database ...................................................... 1658
9.4.7 Deleting a database ........................................................... 1659
9.5 Configuration data ......................................................... 1660
9.5.1 Configuration data in general ............................................ 1660
9.5.2 Exporting configuration data ............................................. 1660
9.5.3 Importing configuration data ............................................. 1661
9.5.4 Backing up configuration data ........................................... 1661
9.5.5 Restoring configuration data .............................................. 1663
9.6 Methods .......................................................................... 1664
9.6.1 Opening a method ............................................................ 1664
9.6.2 Closing a method .............................................................. 1664
9.6.3 Creating a new method ..................................................... 1665
9.6.4 Creating a new method ..................................................... 1665
9.6.5 Deleting a method ............................................................. 1666
9.6.6 Export method .................................................................. 1667
9.6.7 Import methods ............................................................... 1667
9.6.8 Signing method ................................................................. 1668
9.6.9 Making previous method version current .......................... 1670
9.6.10 Print method report .......................................................... 1670
9.6.11 Backup methods ............................................................... 1671
9.7 Method groups ............................................................... 1673
9.7.1 Creating method group .................................................... 1673
9.7.2 Deleting method group .................................................... 1674
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Index 1684
Table of contents
9.8 Sample tables ................................................................. 1674
9.8.1 Create sample table .......................................................... 1674
9.8.2 Edit sample table .............................................................. 1675
9.8.3 Loading working sample table .......................................... 1677
9.8.4 Edit working sample table ................................................. 1677
9.9 Reports ............................................................................ 1678
9.9.1 Creating report template .................................................. 1678
9.9.2 Edit report template .......................................................... 1680
9.9.3 Printing determination report ............................................ 1681
9.9.4 Printing determination overview ....................................... 1682
9.10 No help available ............................................................ 1683
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1 Introduction

1.1 Welcome to tiamo


1 Introduction

tiamo = titration and more
tiamo is a control and database software for titrators, dosing devices and sample changers and makes complete laboratory automation possible. It is for that reason that the name tiamo stands for "titration and more" ­tiamo can do more than just titrate.
tiamo is the successor software to TiNet and Workcell. Metrohm thus pro­vides a uniform software product for laboratory automation. Companies with international operations can use the same software platform at all sites around the globe for the processing of their samples and exchange data and methods without loss.
Overview of the main program features
Easy-to-operate and easily configurable user interface Simple integration of devices and accessories Convenient method editor Database-based program with client/server functionality Wide range of import and export functions FDA compatibility in accordance with 21 CFR Part 11 Comprehensive online help
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1.2 Operation

Program versions What is new in tiamo 2.4?
1.2 Operation
The modern user interface makes it simple for users to find their way around tiamo. All commands and control elements are located where you would expect. The bar on the left edge of the screen gives you access to the five basic elements of tiamo:
Database Method Configura-
Depending on the access permissions, these buttons are either visible or invisible. The menu bar is in the upper part of the screen. It is also possible for the individual commands to be hidden, depending on the access per­missions.
In the center of the screen, you can find the information windows with the settings, sample entry masks, live curves or results. This view can be set individually for each user with the aid of the new Layout Manager. As a result, users see only those windows or buttons they actually need for their work. This reduces the introductory period for routine users to a min­imum. Incorrect operation as a result of overcrowded screens is also a thing of the past.
The method and calculation templates successfully introduced with the Titrando system are also available in tiamo. A wide range of tried-and­tested methods allow any user to create new methods quickly and simply and to use them immediately.
tiamo 2.4

1.3 Device integration

tiamo brings together the world of Titrino devices and the new genera- tion of the Titrando System under the same roof. Compatibility with existing Metrohm devices is not a matter of course in the software sector. The entire product range of the Titrino family, which was already integra­ted in TiNet, can be used with tiamo, and this after more than 10 years on the market! In addition, sample changers which to some extent are no longer included in the sales program, are integrated in tiamo. That is how Metrohm secures your investments!
It goes without saying that all of the models of the new Titrando genera­tion, as well as the new sample processors, are compatible with tiamo. Thus, the advantages of USB communications, such as plug-and-play or recognition of intelligent dosing systems, can be used with tiamo to their fullest extent. Even a mixed operation made up of older RS-232-operated devices and newer USB devices is possible without any problem.
1 Introduction
Devices that can be used with tiamo
808, 809, 835, 836, 841, 842, 851, 852, 855, 857, 888, 890, 901, 902, 904, 905, 906, 907
702, 716, 718, 719, 720, 721, 736, 751, 758, 784, 785, 794, 795, 798, 799
712, 856
KF coulometers
756, 831
Sample changers
730, 774, 778, 789, 814, 815, 855, 864, 874
846 Dosing Interface, 859 Titrotherm, 867 pH Module, Avantes spec­trometer, 089 Photometer, balances, barcode readers, …
tiamo 2.4

1.4 Method editor

1.4 Method editor
The new graphic method editor gets more out of your titration system. With the aid of the numerous templates, methods can be created quickly and easily. For most routine and automated tasks, there are tried-and­tested methods available. Just a few clicks and they are adapted and ready to use.
One new feature is that actions running in parallel at the same time can now be programmed and linked. Together with the new Titrando sys­tem and the Robotic Sample Processors, a sample can be prepared while the previous one is being titrated. This saves time and increases the sam­ple throughput. The crowning feature is the simultaneous processing of several samples. This means that one Titrando can carry out two titrations at the same time. As a result, sample throughput is doubled!
tiamo is flexible and accommodates itself to analysis procedures, and not the other way around.
Overview of functions
Graphical method editor (see Chapter, page 438) Method manager (see Chapter 5.3.1, page 417) Separate management of access permissions for each method group
(see Chapter, page 429)
Templates for method development and calculations (see Chapter
5.2.1, page 404)
Plausibility check for methods (see Chapter 5.2.5, page 413) Comments can be added to the methods (see Chapter, page
Parallel runs (see Chapter, page 1285) Loop functions (see Chapter, page 1287)
tiamo 2.4

1.5 Database

tiamo is based on an object-oriented database, that has proven itself in practice. All program settings, the user administration, methods and templates are stored in the configuration database and the determina­tion data is stored in the determination databases defined by the user. These databases can be installed locally on the computer reserved for measurements and make up a simple measurement system. tiamo is however scalable and grows with operational requirements. As soon as data security and central data management make it necessary, tiamo is installed as a Client/Server configuration. The tiamo database is then installed on a server. All measurement and office computers work as cli­ents. All results are stored centrally in this network and can be accessed and processed by all Client PCs. All clients also access the same pool of methods.
The new database has all the major tools necessary for management of, searching for and grouping of results. Quick filters allow the user to search through thousands of determinations within seconds and to display the result clearly. Chart plots give a fast overview of the sequence of results based on time.
1 Introduction
All options for reprocessing are available to the user.
Overview of functions
Object-oriented Client/Server database (see Chapter, page
Layout manager for the database view (see Chapter 3.1.7, page 99). Quick filter (see Chapter, page 306). Efficient search functions (see Chapter, page 303). Access permissions control for every database (see Chapter,
page 208).
Automatic database backup (see Chapter, page 209). Control charts (see Chapter, page 345). Reprocess determinations (see Chapter, page 316).
tiamo 2.4

1.6 Communication

1.6 Communication
The decisive factor for the acceptance of PC-controlled analysis systems is being able to integrate it easily and economically in existing laboratory information systems, central databases and long-term archiving systems.
tiamo is communicative. LIMS systems can easily import work lists into the tiamo sample table and control them remotely, without extra mod­ules. Data generated in tiamo can be exported in XML format. Connec­tion to LIMS systems on the market is thus not difficult. Export to long­term archiving systems such as NuGenesis SDMS or Scientific Software Cyberlab is also supported.
The Report generator provides a simple and flexible solution for creat­ing analysis reports. The report generator allows you to freely define the report templates. It is therefore possible at any time to display one or more determinations in a choice of PDF layouts or as a printout.
A special feature is that tiamo messages, error messages or results from the method run can be sent to the user by e-mail.
Overview of functions
Import of sample data (see Chapter, page 111). Various export formats , e.g. XML, CSV, SLK (see Chapter,
page 260).
Automatic data export, e.g. to NuGenesis SDMS, Scientific Software
CyberLAB, etc. (see Chapter, page 1258).
Report designer (see Chapter, page 216). E-mail functions for status messages, error messages or results (see
Chapter 2.6, page 93).
Import of external measured values (see Chapter, page
tiamo 2.4

1.7 Conformity

tiamo also sets new standards with respect to the fulfilling of GMP, GLP and FDA requirements. The latest quality standards and validation pro-
cedures were implemented in developing and programming the software. tiamo has been designed to fulfill the FDA directive 21 CFR Part 11 and the customer-specific interpretations. This is evidenced by a Certificate of Conformity. A centralized user administration defines the access per­missions for program functions, methods and results, whereby any num­ber of users with freely definable access profiles are possible. The system administrator can conveniently access the user administration from any tiamo client. Access to the software is password-protected and there is a choice of tiamo or Windows login.
The use of digital signatures makes it possible to sign methods and results. There are two signatures available with differing properties. With the first signature (Level 1, Review) the user confirms that he has program­med the method correctly or carried out the analysis correctly. With the second signature (Level 2, Release) the method or result is released and protected against further modifications. It is thus possible to mirror cus­tomized workflows in tiamo.
1 Introduction
All data is organized according to the version and protected against unauthorized access, modification or deletion in the database. The data­base itself controls access to the data in network operation and provides archiving and restore functions.
The "Audit Trail" protocols all actions by the user and all major system processes.
Conformity relevant properties of tiamo
Conformity is priority in development and validation. Centralized user administration (see Chapter, page 1303). Detailed access permissions (see Chapter, page 1306). Password protection under tiamo or Windows (see Chapter,
page 1313).
Digital signature on two levels (see Chapter 2.3, page 24). One signature each for methods and results. Documentation of all method and result modifications (see Chapter, page 343).
Traceability thanks to detailed Audit Trail (see Chapter, page
tiamo 2.4

1.8 Versions

1.8 Versions
tiamo is available in three sales versions which differ with regard to the scope of functions. An upgrade is possible at any time.
tiamo 2.4
tiamo 2.4
tiamo 2.4
Product 6.6056.241 6.6056.242 6.6056.243
Maximum number
2 unlimited unlimited of Metrohm instruments per PC
Compatible with
FDA 21 CFR Part 11
User administra-
Security settings
Traceability ("Audit
Client/server sup-
Number of licen-
1 1 3
Additional licenses
as an option
XML data export
Parallel titrations
Upgrade possible
tiamo 2.4

1.9 Online help

Calling up the help
tiamo has an extensive and detailed online help that can be accessed in two ways:
General call With the menu item Help tiamo help, or the symbol
there you can jump via Contents, Index, Search or personal Favor- ites to the desired topic.
Context-sensitive call With the function key [F1] on the keyboard
you can jump directly to the topic which will show information on the active element in tiamo (dialog window, tab).
Symbols and conventions
The following symbols and styles are used in this documentation:
1 Introduction
the online help with the topic Welcome to tiamo is opened. From
Device table
Link to another help topic in which information is shown for the marked term.
Method Dialog text
Designation for names of parameters, menu items, tabs and dialog windows in the software.
100 Designation for parameter values in input fields.
File New Menu or menu item; Path needed to reach a certain
point in the program.
[Next] Button
Formula editor
Formulae can be entered in fields with this symbol, and the formula editor opens when you click on the symbol (see Chapter 2.4, page 30).
Instruction step
Carry out these steps in the sequence shown.
tiamo 2.4
This symbol draws attention to a possible damage of instruments or instrument parts.
This symbol marks additional information and tips.

1.10 What is new in tiamo 2.4?

1.10 What is new in tiamo 2.4?
This chapter describes the changes that were made from tiamo 2.3 to tiamo 2.4.

1.10.1 New features

New determination examples for conductometric titrations are
included in the delivery (was already implemented in tiamo 2.3, Patch
It is now possible to carry out two-channel measurements using two
USB2 Avantes spectrometers that are connected with each other with a synchronization cable.
Method program part
The flash rate can now be defined for the commands that can be carried out with the Avantes spectrometer (MEAS Ref, MEAS Spec, MEAS Opt, MEAS Opt Conc, CAL MEAS Opt).
New instrument firmware
The new versions allow the instruments listed below to be operated directly via the computer's USB3.0 connectors.
Firmware version
814 USB Sample Processor 5.814.0025
815 Robotic USB Sample Processor XL 5.815.0026
846 Dosing Interface 5.846.0022
851 Titrando 5.851.0012
852 Titrando 5.852.0012
855 Robotic Titrosampler 5.855.0014
856 Conductivity Module 5.856.0022
857 Titrando 5.857.0022
859 Titrotherm 5.846.0022
864 Robotic Balance Sample Processor XL 5.815.0026
867 pH Module 5.867.0022
874 USB Oven Sample Processor 5.874.0012
888 Titrando 5.888.0022
tiamo 2.4
1 Introduction
Instruments Firmware version
890 Titrando 5.890.0022
901 Titrando 5.901.0022
902 Titrando 5.902.0022
904 Titrando 5.904.0022
905 Titrando 5.905.0022
906 Titrando 5.906.0022
907 Titrando 5.907.0022
Manual program part
Dosing devices and stirrers can now be controlled in the section of the
089 Photometer.
In two-channel instrument setups, it is possible to control the flash rate
for the instrument for the measuring channel.

1.10.2 Improvements

Starting with version 2.4, tiamo also runs on Windows 8 operating sys-
The installation manual now contains a description of the directories
that can be stored in a network.
E-mails can now be sent simultaneously to several recipients. The Calculation algorithms ▶ Statistics chapter in the online help
has been revised.
Workplace program part
If an instrument required in the method does not exist, the message
009-032 Device not OK is displayed instead of 009-117 Device not ok. The new message also contains the corresponding command
name, in addition to the instrument name.
The determination of the transmission factor (MEAS TMF command)
has been optimized.
Database program part
If a regular spectrum is measured with the Avantes spectrometer
(MEAS Spec), it is now possible to modify the evaluation areas during the reprocessing of the determination.
In the Calibration curve/Calibration data dialog window, the num-
ber of decimal places for Variance has been increased from 1 to 3 for CAL LOOP pH, CAL LOOP Conc and ELT LOOP.
tiamo 2.4
1.10 What is new in tiamo 2.4?
Method program part
New method examples are supplied for the 864 validation. They are
stored in the directory ...\examples\methods\english\Automation\864 Validation methods.
In the MET Cond command, the lower limit of the threshold value of
the minimum and maximum evaluation has been lowered on the Additional evaluations tab.
The off selection for the Control range parameter is described in the
online help in more detail for the commands SET and KFT.
In the CAL LOOP Conc command, the selection for the Number of
standards parameter has been raised from 5 to 9.
A recommendation has been added in the Standard addition -
Overview chapter in the online help.
The description of the principle of titration and the optimization of the
parameters has been improved in the STAT - Overview chapter in the online help.
Variance is now also available as the VAR command variable in the
commands CAL LOOP pH, ELT LOOP and CAL LOOP Conc.
The default value for the stirring rate of the 089 Photometer has been
increased to 5. This modification affects the commands MEAS TMF, MEAS Opt, MEAS Opt Conc and CAL MEAS Opt.
Configuration program part
The limitation to two instruments applies only for Metrohm instru-
ments (Titrino, Titrando, etc.). That means that balances and other generic (i.e. non-Metrohm) instruments can be included without limita­tion (was already implemented in tiamo 2.3, Patch 1).
The online help did not describe how signing affects the number of
login attempts, i.e. the relationship between signing and login moni­toring.

1.10.3 Fixed bugs and problems

Beginning with tiamo 2.3 (Build 98), communication between software
and devices has been optimized (was already implemented in tiamo
2.3, Patch 1).
Client ID was output as text in various places (in the header of PDF
reports and the report templates, in the Information subwindow on the Determination tab in the Database program part, in the Global
Variables subwindow on the Global Variable tab in the Configura­tion program part). The associated value, however, corresponded to the computer name. Client ID has now been replaced with Com­puter name (the error was already eliminated in tiamo 2.3, Patch 1).
tiamo 2.4
1 Introduction
Workplace program part
If a method was programmed in which a check at the time of the start
was required for one or several method variables of the type Number (e.g. the Sample size) or Date/Time and which contained an ERROR track, the exception wizard appeared in the Workplace program part after the 014-152 Field empty message was exited when the deter­mination was started (tiamo crashed) (this error was already eliminated in tiamo 2.3, Patch 1).
If a method was written in which the file name did not have the exten-
sion .pdf in the REPORT command in the PDF file field (completely forgotten or only the period forgotten, e.g. abc or abcpdf), then this would lead to a crash at the start of a determination (the error was already eliminated in tiamo 2.3, Patch 1).
If the digital output of the Avantes spectrometer was used (CTRL com-
mand) while a measuring command using the same device was also present in the method, then the message 014-122 Device occupied appeared (the error was already eliminated in tiamo 2.3, Patch 1).
In the View ▶ Properties menu item, the properties of the respective
live display were always displayed as Properties Live display instead of Properties Live display # (the error was already eliminated in tiamo 2.3, Patch 1).
If it is determined during the start test that the wavelength of the cali-
bration of the colorimetric sensor does not match the wavelength of the light source of the 089 Photometer in the MEAS Opt Conc com­mand, then the message 014-042 Incorrect wavelength appears. Instead of the wavelength value of the colorimetric sensor calibration, the wavelength value of the light source of the 089 Photometer was specified in the message (the error was already eliminated in tiamo 2.3, Patch 1).
In the ELT MEAS command for the electrode test, the drift was not
evaluated at the correct time. This resulted in the sensor rating being too strict.
If a measuring command contained in a separate track was called from
a loop, then the command's indexed variables were not available after the first run.
If, in a REPORT command, all options were selected in the Report
output section (Printer, PDF file and Send e-mail), then it could
happen that e-mails were not sent during the run.
If Calibration data monitoring was enabled for a conductivity sen-
sor and the validity for the calibration had expired, then no message was displayed in the method run of a conductivity measurement, MEAS Cond, and a titration, MET Cond.
No message was displayed while the CAL Cond command was being
carried out when the new cell constant was outside the limit values defined for the conductivity sensor.
tiamo 2.4
1.10 What is new in tiamo 2.4?
The DBL command variable, which indicates the total time for process-
ing the command in s, yielded incorrect times for the commands MEAS Ref, MEAS Spec and CAL Spec.
If a standard addition was performed with no sample size entry, tiamo
The 016-003 Invalid position message used wrong parameters
(instrument name).
If, on the Determination series tab in the Run subwindow, a new
line was added to the working sample table, then the method was entered in the new line also when the Method check box was deacti­vated in the Copy automatically into next determination section under [Sample table] Properties... Edit.
When a method consisting of several parallel tracks was run, two dif-
ferent tracks were displayed at the same time in the live displays. When you selected Quit in the context menu while hovering with the cursor over one of the two live displays, then both tracks were canceled.
In the CAL MEAS Opt command, no check was made during start
test as to whether the Wavelength measuring parameter correspon­ded with the wavelength of the calibration of the colorimetric sensor.
The MEAS TC Cond command was not executed correctly in determi-
nations for the temperature coefficient measurement of the conductiv­ity. When the start temperature was reached, the actual measurement was not started, i.e., there was no live display of the curve. Instead, the text Waiting for data... was still displayed. The error message 013-258 Invalid TC conductivity appeared when the stop time was reached; the determination was canceled after the confirmation of the error message.
Database program part
If a determination was carried out with intelligent electrodes, then the
ADC data (ADC type and serial number) of the analog (non-intelligent) measuring input to which the iConnect was connected was stored in the Database, on the Configuration tab in the Information sub­window (this error was already eliminated in tiamo 2.3, Patch 1).
If a determination was carried out with the 089 Photometer, then the
blank value was not subtracted in the database from the raw data IME and EME (initial and end measured values, respectively) associated with the commands MEAS Opt and MEAS Opt Conc (this error was already eliminated in tiamo 2.3, Patch 1).
If statistically linked determinations that also contained as results such
things as the slope, the axis intercept and the correlation coefficient for linear regressions (variables SLO, ITC, COR) were recalculated in such a way that a determination or a result was switched off, then the recal­culated results of slope, axis intercept and correlation were not correct (this error was already eliminated in tiamo 2.3, Patch 1).
tiamo 2.4
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