Mcintosh mac4100 schematic

Preparation supervised by
Robert Long. Harold A Rodgers.
and Edward J. Foster
Laboratory data (unless otherwise rioted)
supplied by CBS Technology Center
Mclntosh's New Receiver: Breeding Tells
Mac 4100 stereo FM/AM receiver, in case with simulated
wood-grain finish, Dimensions: 185/8 by 53/4 inches (front), 14 inches deep plus clearance for controls and connections. AC
convenience outlets: 2 switched plus 1 unswitched (600 wafts
total), 2 for auto on turntable switching (100 watts total). Price: $1,499; optional RMA-5 rack-mounting adapter. $29. Warranty: three-year service contract, free with purchase of the receiver, has provisions comparable to typical "limited" warranties but covers normal wear and tear. Manufacturer: Mclntosh Laboratory, Inc.. 2 Chambers St., Binghamton. N.Y.
Mclntosh has for some years kept a very low profile vis-a-vis
the press. This hiatus in communications has fostered a po­larization of opinion about Mclntosh: Is the company still de serving of its reputation for superb engineering, or is it trad­ing on past glories? One review can't provide a definitive answer, of course, but the Mac 4100 receiver can be taken as a positive sign of health in Binghamton.
The personality of this receiver is like that of an accom-
plished servant used to coping with pampered aristocrats who
demand the finest but are not always technically knowl­edgeable or manually dexterous. Accordingly, it takes respon­sibility in a manner that, paradoxically enough, is unassuming yet quite intolerant of intervention by its master. But once it has taken over, it performs virtually impeccably and can even ward off the consequences of ineptitude without noticeable fuss.
REPORT POLICY Equipment reports are based on laboratory measure
merits and controlled listening tests Unless otherwise noted, test data and measurements are obtained by CBS Technology Center, Stamford. Connecticut, a division of Columbia Broadcasting System. Inc . one of the nation's leading
research organizations. The choice of equipment to be tested rests with the editors of HIGH FIDELITY Samples normally are supplied on loan from the manu­tacturer Manufacturers are not permitted to read reports in advance of pub­hcation, and no report, or portion thereof, may be reproduced for any purpose or in any form without written permission of the publisher. All reports should be construed as applying to the specific samples tested, neither HIGH FIDELITY nor CBS Technology Center assumes responsibility for product performance or quality
Very tittle of the receiver's special quality is immediately apparent from the outside, though in hooking it up you get a clue from the convenience outlets. In addition to the conven­tional switched (black) and unswitched (red) ones, there are
two green ones marked TURNTABLE, plus an AUTO/MANUAL
switch. If you use the AUTO setting and a turntable plugged into one of the green sockets is turned on, the receiver and any outboarded equipment run off the switched outlets will come on automatically, even when the receiver's power switch
is off, and all will turn off again when the turntable shuts down. Thus an automatic model can be made to turn off the whole system unattended. Since the feature works by sensing current drain through the turntable outlets, the switch serves to override it should the turntable be one of those that draw some current even when they are off.
The receiver's switching is handled by DC control voltages, actuated by the front-panel controls and fed to FETs that ac­tually do the signal switching. There are two fundamental ad­vantages to this approach: Switching transients are elimi­nated, and the short, direct signal paths made possible minimize noise pickup, RFI, and crosstalk. In all of these re-
Mclntosh Mac 4100 Receiver
Tuner Section
Capture ratio Alternate channel selectivity THD
+ N
80 Hz
1 kHz 10 kHz
IM distortion
19-kHz pilot 38-kHz subcarrier S/N ratio (at 65 dBf)
stereo mono
L ch
2 dB 76 dB
R ch
0 06%
-63½ dB
-66½ dB
67 dB 71 dB
spects the 4100 is above reproach. We seldom have RFI prob­lems in our area, but we do often find that, for example, some audio from an FM tuner section will "'leak" into the tape-moni­tor signals; none was detectable in the Mac.
The FM section is unusual in that—in addition to conventional automatic stereo/mono switching—it has an automatic-blend feature that progressively reduces stereo separation (and hence out-of-phase noise) as signal strength drops. Since the full audio band is blended, the resulting stereo image may be a bit stabler than in the more usual high-blend solution, but the hiss seems a little more intrusive for a given degree of sep­aration loss. On weak signals it does work, however—and, like so many features of the Mac, without drawing undue atten­tion to itself. Similarly, the Automatic Frequency Lock gently holds onto an FM station that has been tuned correctly; were it not for the front panel AFL LED, which lights when lock oc­curs, you would be unaware of its action. This LED acts as a tuning aid; when the muting is on, the LED announces arrival at a receivable station before the unmuting action (which is gentle and slightly delayed) allows any audio to pass. The
Amplifier Section
Manufacturers rated power Power output at clipping (channels driven simultaneously)
R ch
Dynamic headroom (at 1 kHz) 1 ½i dB Frequency response
RIAA equalization
Input characteristics (re 0 dBW (1 watt); noise A-weighted)
phono 1, 2 aux 1, 2
tape 1, 2 Phono overload (clipping point) 88 mV at 1 kHz Damping factor at 50 Hz
17¾ dBW (75 watts)/ch.
20 dBW (98 watts) 20 dBW (98 watts)
+ V,, -V, dB, 20 Hz to 20 kHz
-3 dB, 13 Hz to 35 kHz
±1 dB, 20 Hz to 20 kHz
0.27 mV
30.0 mV
30.0 mV
S/N ratio
76½ dB 80 dB 80 dB
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