McIntosh C-33 Owners manual

Reading Time: 43 Minutes
Price $2.00
has a serial number located on the rear panel of the
chassis. Record that serial number here:
Serial Number
The model, serial number and purchase date are im-
portant to you for any future service. Record the pur-
chase date here:
Purchase date
Upon application, Mclntosh Laboratory provides a Three-Year Service Contract. Your Mclntosh Authorized Service Agency can expedite repairs when you provide
the Service Contract with the instrument for repair. To assist, record your Service Contract number here:
Service Contract Number
Your C 33 Stereo Preamplifier is designed to perform to its specifications for many years. If you have any questions, please contact:
Mclntosh Laboratory Inc.
2 Chambers Street
Binghamton, New York 13903-9990 Phone: 607-723-3512
Take Advantage of 3 years of Contract Service...
Fill in the Application NOW.
An application for A THREE YEAR SERVICE CONTRACT is included with this manual.
The terms of the contract are:
1. Mclntosh will provide all parts, materials and labor needed to return the measured performance of the instrument to the original performance limits. The SER­VICE CONTRACT does not cover any shipping costs to and from the authoriz­ed service agency or the factory.
2. Any Mclntosh authorized service agency will repair Mclntosh instruments at nor­mal service rates. To receive service under the terms of the SERVICE CON-
TRACT, the SERVICE CONTRACT CER­TIFICATE must be presented when the
instrument is taken to the service agency.
3. Always have service done by a Mclntosh authorized service agency. If the instrument is modified or damaged as a result of unauthorized repair, the
SERVICE CONTRACT will be cancelled.
Damage by improper use or mishandl­ing is not covered by the SERVICE CONTRACT.
4. The SERVICE CONTRACT is issued to
you as the original purchaser. To pro­tect you from misrepresentation, this
contract cannot be transferred to a se­cond owner.
5. To receive the SERVICE CONTRACT, your purchase must be made from a
Mclntosh franchised dealer.
6. Your completely filled in application for the SERVICE CONTRACT must be post­marked within 30 days of the date of purchase of the instrument.
7. To receive the SERVICE CONTRACT, all information on the application must be filled in. The SERVICE CONTRACT will be issued when the completely filled in application is received by Mclntosh Laboratory Incorporated in Binghamton,
New York.
8. Units in operation outside the United States and Canada are not covered by the Mclntosh SERVICE CONTRACT, re­gardless of the place of purchase. Nor are units acquired outside the U.S.A. and Canada, the purchasers of which should consult with their dealer to ascertain what, if any, service contract or warranty may be available locally.
Copyright 1982 © by Mclntosh Laboratory Inc.
The Mclntosh C 33 is a super quality, high perfor­mance Stereo Preamplifier. Its design has been governed by insistence on great flexibility, versatili­ty, low distortion and high performance with long life.
The C 33 provides many features for your listening enjoyment. They include:
1. a dual preamplifier system with separate listen
and record program lines, which allows listening to one program source while recording from a dif­ferent independent program source.
2. a low noise electronic input switching system, which uses dual field effect transistors (FETs) and short signal leads to give great source to source
isolation, low distortion, and freedom from noise
and hum pickup.
3. two, seven source, input selector switches for 3 tape decks, 2 turntables, 1 tuner, and 1 auxiliary, which allow independent source selection for
listening and recording.
4. an electronic record monitor switch, which allows the record program line to be heard through the main listen output.
5. a five band program equalizer, which permits the adjustment and improvement of the loudness contrast of the five most important frequency ranges. Each band can be emphasized or de­emphasized to satisfy your listening taste. The program equalizer can be switched to either the listen or record program lines. This allows equalizing the record output signal to tape recorders or equalizing the main listening output.
6. a precision volume control, which is electroni­cally trimmed during manufacture to maintain channel to channel accuracy to better than 1 decibel (dB). This high order of accuracy assures continuing program balance as the listening volume is changed.
7. an active circuit loudness control, which is electrically independent of the volume control. Close conformity to the Fletcher-Munson equal loudness curves can be attained regardless of the volume control position.
8. high and low frequency filters, which reduce high frequency noise and low frequency rumble at a 12 dB per octave roll off rate.
9. a compandor, which permits expansion or com­pression of the dynamic range of program mater­ial from either the record tape output or the main listen output. Compressed recordings and broad­casts can be expanded on playback to restore their dynamic range. Tapes can be recorded using compression and replayed using expansion to in­crease signal-to-noise ratio.
10. front panel tape recorder jacks, which allow simple plug-in of an additional tape recorder without disconnecting your regular system. This makes tape copying to a portable recorder very convenient.
11. a tape recording program line, which makes it very easy to record phono, tuner, or auxiliary on up to 3 recorders at the same time (4 recorders when using the front panel tape recorder jacks) or
to copy from recorder to recorder. Recording operations do not interfere with the separate
listen program line.
12. an automatic AC power control circuit, which
can conveniently turn off the entire stereo system when the turntable turns off.
13. a built-in monitor amplifier, which provides 20
watts per channel power output and includes the
Mclntosh patented Power Guard protection cir­cuit. The monitor amplifier can be operated from the listen program line, the record program line, or
independently from a separate external source.
14. two front panel headphone jacks, which are powered by the internal monitor amplifier.
15. two speaker output pushbuttons, which control
the operation of two sets of loudspeakers (when
used with the optional SCR-2 speaker control relay) or two sets of power amplifiers.
16. electronically regulated power supplies, which
maintain stable operation even during periods of
low line voltage.
This outstanding preamplifier will serve you best when you understand its functions and what it is de­signed to do. Some time invested with this manual will be valuable in your knowledge of how it works. The simplified block diagram on page 3 shows how the C 33's internal circuits are arranged. The simpli­fied connecting diagram on page 6 shows how other components are connected to the C 33.
Shown, Other Channel
Channel One
C 33
The PANLOC system of installing equipment con-
veniently and securely is a direct result of Mclntosh
research. By depressing the two PANLOC buttons on the front panel, the instrument can be either lock­ed firmly in place or it can be unlocked so that the chassis can slide forward, giving you easy access to the top and rear panels.
The trouble-free life of an electronic instrument is greatly extended by providing sufficient ventilation to prevent the build-up of high internal temperatures that cause deterioration of component parts. You should allow enough clearance so that cool air can enter at the bottom of the cabinet and be vented
from the top. With adequate ventilation the instru­ment can be mounted in any position. The recom-
mended minimum space for installation is 15 inches (38.1 cm) deep, 17 inches (43.2 cm) wide, and 6 in­ches (15.2 cm) high.
To install the instrument in a Mclntosh cabinet, follow the instructions that are enclosed with the cabinet. For any other type of installation, follow these instructions:
1. Unpack from Carton
Open the carton and remove the PANLOC brackets,
hardware package, and mounting template. Remove the C 33 from its plastic bag and place it upside down on the shipping pallet, then unscrew the four plastic feet from the bottom of the chassis.
2. Mark the Cabinet Panel
Place the mounting template in the position on the cabinet panel where the instrument is to be install­ed, and tape it in place. The broken lines that repre­sent the outline of the rectangular cutout also repre­sent the outside dimensions of the chassis. Make sure these lines clear shelves, paritions, or any equipment. With the template in place, first mark the six A and B holes and the four small holes that locate the corners of the cutout. Then, join the four corner markings with pencil lines using the edge of the template as a straight edge.
3. Drill Holes
Use a drill with a 3/16 inch (5 mm) bit held perpen­dicular to the panel and drill the six A and B holes.
Then, using a drill bit slightly larger than the tip of
your saw blade, drill one hole at each of two diago­nally opposite corners. The holes should barely touch the inside edge of the penciled outline. Before
taking the next step, make sure that the six A and B holes have been drilled.
4. Saw the Panel Cutout Saw carefully on the inside of the penciled lines. First make the two long cuts and then the two short cuts. After the rectangular opening has been cut out,
use a file to square the corners and smooth any ir­regularities in the cut edges,
5. Install the Mounting Strips
In the hardware package you will find two mounting strips and two sets of machine screws. For panels that are less than ½ inch (12.7 mm) thick, use the ¾ inch (19.1 mm) screws; for panels that are more than ½ inch (12.7 mm) thick, use the 1¼ inch (31.8 mm) screws.
Starting at the right-hand side of the panel, insert a screw of proper length into the center hole in the panel, marked B on the template. On the back of the panel, align a mounting strip with the holes in the panel and tighten the screw in the center hole until the screwhead is pulled slightly into the wood.
Repeat this procedure to attach the mounting strip to the left side of the panel.
6. Attach the PANLOC Brackets Using two screws of proper length in the A holes on
each side, attach the PANLOC brackets to the cabi-
net panel; the short flange is mounted against the front (face) of the cabinet panel. The screws pass through the PANLOC bracket flange, the cabinet panel, and then through the mounting strips previously mounted.
7. Install the Instrument Guide the AC power cord through the panel opening
to the back of the cabinet; then, slide the instrument
into the opening carefully so that the rails on the
bottom of each side of the chassis engage the tracks on the mounting brackets. Continue to slide the instrument into the cabinet until it is stopped by the adjust position latches. Press the latches in­ward, this permits the instrument to slide into the
cabinet until its front panel is flush with the cabinet
panel. Depress the PANLOC buttons at the lower left and right corners of the instrument panel to lock the unit firmly in the cabinet. Depressing the PANLOC buttons again will unlock the instrument so that it can slide forward to the adjust position; if you press
inward on the adjust position latches then you can
remove the instrument from the cabinet.
Simplified Connecting Diagram
How to Connect
Rear panel input jacks are provided for 2 stereo turntables, PHONO 1 and PHONO 2; a stereo tuner, TUNER; 3 stereo tape recorders, TAPE 1, TAPE 2, and TAPE 3; and an auxiliary high level source, AUX.
Rear panel output jacks are provided to feed 3 stereo tape recorders, TAPE 1, TAPE 2, and TAPE 3; and 3 stereo 2.5 volt listen program line outputs,
MAIN, OUTPUT 1, and OUTPUT 2. Two sets of jacks,
EXTERNAL PROCESSORS; LISTEN and RECORD, are provided to connect noise reduction units or other signal processing devices. Monitor amplifier EXT INPUT jacks, OUTPUT jacks and speaker ter­minals allow connecting to and from the monitor amplifier.
Connect the cable from the left channel of the turntable into the Left PHONO 1 INPUT jack. Con­nect the cable from the right channel of the turn­table into the Right PHONO 1 INPUT jack. For a se­cond turntable, connect PHONO 2 in the same way.
The C 33 uses automatic shorting jacks for the
PHONO inputs. If the inputs are not connected,
shorting plugs are not needed.
the Right TAPE 1 INPUT jack. Connect a second and third recorder in the same manner to the TAPE 2 IN­PUT and TAPE 3 INPUT jacks.
Front Panel Tape Recorder Jacks:
TAPE 3 recorder input and output connections are also available at the TAPE 3 IN-OUT jacks on the front panel. When a plug is inserted in the front pan­el TAPE IN jack the circuit to the rear panel TAPE 3 INPUT jacks will be disconnected. Inserting a plug in the front panel TAPE OUT jacks does not disconnect the rear panel TAPE 3 OUTPUT. Thus it is possible to record from the front panel TAPE OUT jack and the rear panel TAPE 3 OUTPUT jack at the same time but it is not possible to listen from the corresponding
jacks at the same time. Metal shielded ¼ inch stereo phone plugs may be used. Connections are tip: left signal, ring: right signal, and sleeve: com-
mon ground.
Connect the left channel cable from any high level
source (tuner, TV set, tape recorder, etc.) to the Left AUX INPUT jack. Connect the right channel cable to the Right AUX INPUT jack.
Connect the cable from the tuner left channel out-
put to the Left TUNER INPUT jack.
Connect the cable from the tuner right channel
output to the Right TUNER INPUT jack.
To Record:
Connect a cable from the Left TAPE 1 OUTPUT jack to the left high level input of the tape recorder. Con­nect a cable from the Right TAPE 1 OUTPUT jack to the right high level input of the tape recorder. Con­nect a second and third recorder in the same manner to the TAPE 2 OUTPUT and TAPE 3 OUTPUT jacks.
To Playback/Monitor:
Connect a cable from the tape recorder left chan­nel output to the Left TAPE 1 INPUT jack. Connect a
cable from the tape recorder right channel output to
There are two sets of EXTERNAL PROCESSOR jacks. One set is for LISTEN program lines and one set is for RECORD program lines. These jacks are used to connect to and from a noise reduction unit or to and from any other signal processing device. Be sure to match left to left and right to right chan­nels when connecting external processors.
When connections are made to the EXTERNAL PROCESSOR from jacks, the signal path is broken within the C 33. THE PROCESSOR MUST BE TURN­ED ON FOR THE PROGRAM TO PASS THROUGH THE SYSTEM.
Connect the MAIN OUTPUT jacks to the input of a
stereo power amplifier. The Left MAIN jack connects
to the amplifier left input jack. The Right MAIN jack
connects to the amplifier right input jack.
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