Handbuch Manual Ma­nuel Manuale Handleiding Handledningen Hånd­bok Vejledning Käyttöopas Instrukcja Használati
Handbuch Manual Manuel Manuale Handleiding
Handledningen Håndbok Vejledning Käyttöopas Instrukcja Használati Handbuch Manual Manuel
Manual Manuel Manuale Handleiding Handled­ningen Håndbok Vejledning Käyttöopas Instrukcja
Használati Handbuch Manual Manuel Manuale
Handleiding Handledningen Håndbok Vejledning
User's Manual
Table of Contents
Introduction 5
Technical Specifications ..................................................................................................... 6
Note ................................................................................................................................... 7
User note ...................................................................................................................... 7
Laser (safety information) ............................................................................................. 7
Use ............................................................................................................................... 8
Environmentally sound PC system ............................................................................... 8
Device Durability ........................................................................................................... 8
Take Back Guarantee ..................................................................................................... 8
Recyclable Device Construction .................................................................................... 8
Material Requirements for Plastic Cases and Case Parts ............................................. 9
Material Requirements for Printed Circuit Boards ........................................................ 9
Marking of Plastic Materials.......................................................................................... 9
Noise Emission ............................................................................................................. 9
Batteries ........................................................................................................................ 9
Information on the return of electrical and electronic waste in EU countries ..............10
Energy Consumption ...................................................................................................11
Definition of the MAXDATA warranty .............................................................................. 12
MAXDATA warranty period ......................................................................................... 12
Scope of the MAXDATA warranty ............................................................................... 12
Exclusions from the MAXDATA warranty .................................................................... 13
MAXDATA restriction to liability .................................................................................. 14
Governing law ............................................................................................................. 14
Data Backup ................................................................................................................ 15
Wireless LAN .................................................................................................................. 16
Additional safety notes for units with wireless LAN ........................................................17
CE-labelling for units with wireless LAN ..................................................................... 18
Restrictions ..................................................................................................................... 19
France ......................................................................................................................... 19
Italy ............................................................................................................................. 19
Netherlands ................................................................................................................ 19
Radio frequencies for units with wireless LAN ............................................................... 20
Frequencies ................................................................................................................ 20
Legal requirements - exception clauses...................................................................... 21
Before Getting Started .................................................................................................... 22
Before Initial Operation 23
Contents .......................................................................................................................... 23
Positioning the Computer ................................................................................................ 23
Temperature and humidity .......................................................................................... 23
Connecting the computer ........................................................................................... 23
Avoiding risk of stumbling ........................................................................................... 23
Data storage media ..................................................................................................... 24
Avoid jarring ................................................................................................................ 24
Allow for ventilation .................................................................................................... 24
Servicing / Maintenance / Cleaning ................................................................................. 24
The PC in Detail 25
Elements of the PC ......................................................................................................... 25
Front Panel Components ............................................................................................ 25
Optional extras ............................................................................................................ 26
The Rear View ............................................................................................................. 27
Connecting Peripheral Devices ........................................................................................ 29
Connecting a Monitor ................................................................................................. 29
Connecting a Mouse ................................................................................................... 30
Connecting the Keyboard ............................................................................................ 30
Connecting a Printer ................................................................................................... 31
Connecting the Power Cable ........................................................................................... 32
Switching the PC On ....................................................................................................... 33
Switching the System Off ................................................................................................ 34
The CMOS Battery .......................................................................................................... 34
Components of the PC 35
The Floppy Disc Drive ...................................................................................................... 35
Use and Care of Floppy Disks ..................................................................................... 35
The optical drive .............................................................................................................. 36
Troubleshooting 37
Index 3
Table of Contents
Congratulations on your purchase of the MAXDATA personal computer! We are confident that it will meet your high expectations. This manual will familiarize you with your MAXDATA PC’s components and features. We have taken all possible care to ensure that this manual contains correct, accurate information. However, we cannot assume liability for any pos­sible errors. Please refer to your dealer for reporting errors or comments. We appreciate all feedback and are eager to incorporate any useful suggestions and improvements. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, processed or distributed in any form (print, photocopy, microfilm or any other process) or processed by an electronic sys­tem without prior written permission of MAXDATA. Other brand names may be registered trademarks and must be treated as such.
© Copyright 2008 MAXDATA International GmbH, Marl
Technical Specifications
Your PC requires alternating current at 50/60 Hz. To connect the device to the power supply, plug in the power cable. To disconnect it from the power supply, pull out the power cable. Utilize an easily accessible grounded outlet. The input voltage is: 200 - 240 V~.
Operating environment: Temperature : 10°C - 35°C Humidity : 30% - 70% relative humidity (non-condensing)
Dimensions: Width / mm Height / mm Depth / mm Top tower: 198 440 500 Micro tower: 198 378 410 Micro tower: 190 365 420 Micro desktop: 360 134 420 Small desktop: 325 96 435
Please refer to the box label for more detailed information on the system’s specifications (motherboard, graphics, sound etc.).
This device meets the EN 55022 and EN 61000-3-2 standards for interference emissions, the EN 55024 standard for interference, and the EN 60950 electrical safety standard. Any change made to this device without approval by the manufacturer voids any guarantee of meeting these standards. In order to assure EMC compliance (electromagnetic compat­ibility), please follow the corresponding guidelines in this manual.
User note
This device was carefully designed and tested to prevent radio interference. However, you should note the following for external data cables: If you need to replace any of the data cables specified by the manufacturer, be sure that the replacement cables have the same shielding specifications as the original cable to prevent interference. Always use shielded power lines and only use external devices that are CE certified. No guarantee for meeting these standards can be maintained if you do not conform to the above guidelines.
Laser (safety information)
Caution! Laser radiation when the cover is open! This laser radiation is contained in the optical drives. When dismantling and/or opening this drive, be careful:
• not to look into the beam, not even with optical instruments
• not to expose yourself to the beam
• to avoid eyes or skin being exposed to direct or scattered beam.
Failure to observe these guidelines can in the worst case lead to permanent blindness. The built-in optical drives contain no user-serviceable or reparable parts. Optical drives are to be repaired solely by the manufacturer. Laser products of laser classes 1 to 3B may be used in the product. When the housing is unopened the device meets the requirements of laser class 1. By opening the device, laser devices up to laser class 3B may be accessible. The built-in optical drives contain no user-serviceable or reparable parts. Optical drives are to be repaired by authorized technicians.
This product is not intended for medical, life saving or life sustaining usage.
Environmentally sound PC system
This system was constructed to be environmentally safe, which can be seen in its durability, enhancement possibilities and recyclability. For devices featuring the ‘Blue Angel’ environ­mental label, details regarding disposal, recycling, power consumption and noise emissions can be found on
Device Durability
This PC is a modular system. The components used can be easily exchanged or removed. The devices have been built in such a way that the following enhancements are always possible:
• Processor upgrade
• Adding or replacing memory modules
• Adding, changing, enhancing or connecting further mass
storage devices
• Upgrading the
graphics capabilities
• Free slots for individual upgrading
Please consult the enclosed warranty documentation for the warranty conditions.
Take Back Guarantee
We offer a take back guarantee for all our products, if the device shows signs of normal use. Returned devices are re-used or scrapped in an environmentally safe way. You can return your device to your local dealer.
Recyclable Device Construction
This device conforms with the principals of VDI guideline 2243 on “Construction of recyclable technical products”. This guideline in detail embodies:
• Avoid non detachable connections (e.g. gluing or welding) between different materi
• Mechanical connections must be easily detachable;
• Avoid covered parts or composite materials;
• The device must be easily dismantlable, also for a simple repair;
• Reduction of the use of multiple materials.
• Reduction of the use of multiple plastics for case parts
• Nearly all plastic case parts are made from the same, recyclable material.
Material Requirements for Plastic Cases and Case Parts
• All plastics used for the case are manufactured without the use of dioxins and furans.
• An independent testing laboratory in Germany has
tested and approved the character-
istics of the plastics used.
Material Requirements for Printed Circuit Boards
• All our suppliers have ensured us that their circuit boards do not contain PCB (poly­bromite biphenyl), PBDE (polybromite diphenylether) or chlorinated paraffin.
Marking of Plastic Materials
• All plastic parts of this device are marked in accordance with ISO 11469. This ensures a problem free separation of the different materials when recycling.
Noise Emission
This PC meets the requirements for noise emissions according to EN 27779 and falls below the following values:
Operation mode Sound power level LW (dB(A))
(according to ISO 9296))
Idle < 48
Drive operation < 55
This device does not contain batteries containing heavy metals. The lithium batteries used have an extremely long life span (> 10 years). Please consult the notes in the manual con­cerning servicing, replacement or disposal of the battery.
Information on the return of electrical and electronic waste in EU countries according to Directive 2002/96/EC, and its im­plementation in respective national regulations
a) Reason and Purpose of Separate Collection
Users of electrical and electronic equipment are required to dispose of used devices sepa­rately. Electrical and electronic equipment must not be disposed of together with unsorted municipal solid waste (domestic refuse), as it contains a range of dangerous elements that cause problems for waste management. Separate collection from regular municipal waste is a prerequisite for the special treatment and appropriate recycling of electrical and elec­tronic waste. This is essential, as many components of electrical and electronic devices are damaging to the environment if they are not disposed of professionally. Disposing of the devices along with unsorted municipal waste can cause harmful substances to enter the waste flow. The consequence would be a considerable burden on the environment.
b) Significance the ‘Crossed-Out Wheelie Bin’
The crossed-out wheelie bin is the symbol for separate collection. Electrical and electronic equipment marked with this symbol must not be disposed of to-gether with municipal sorted waste (domestic refuse). Such items can be handed in free of charge at public collection points.
c) Reuse, Recycling and Recovery
Electrical and electronic waste contains valuable raw materials such as iron, aluminum and copper. These components must be treated selectively. A separate collection and a selec-tive treatment are the basis for environmentally-friendly disposal and protection of human health. According to the particular terms, manufacturers are obligated to assume the costs associ­ated with disposing of these devices as well as other obligations. This is to promote the chief objectives of reuse and recycling. For this to be possible, consumers must dispose of used devices that are no longer needed at communal collection points. Actively using these return and collection systems contributes to the reuse, recycling and recovery of electrical and electronic equipment and protects the environment.
d) Weight
Information on the weight of the acquired product can be found on the item list as well as on the packaging.
Energy Consumption
Our PC systems have excellent energy saving features. The data on the type plate of the system applies to the maximum power consumption of the system, when the system is fully upgraded and the power supply is at 100% of its maximum output. The devices can be separated from an external power source for at least 4 weeks, without losing any functionality. You can specify the settings for the energy saving mode in the BIOS setup. Please refer to the user guide for your mainboard for information on the appropriate procedure. The system only consumes no energy at all when the mains plug is disconnected.
Definition of the MAXDATA warranty
The MAXDATA warranty covers all failures resulting from defective components and manu­facturing defects that occur within the product specific warranty period. The warranty period begins on the date of purchase (date of original customer invoice). Please be aware that in order to maintain your warranty claim the product concerned has to be received by MAXDATA together with the serial number and a copy of the original customer invoice within the warranty period. MAXDATA‘s obligation under the warranty is restricted to repairing or exchanging defective components. Defective components removed during repair process become the property of MAXDATA. Components replaced within warranty coverage assume the remaining valid warranty period of the system. Please refer to for the applicable MAXDATA warranty conditions.
MAXDATA warranty period
The type of standard warranty varies with the product and can be seen in detail in the de­scription of warranty types and the warranty summary. It is possible to extend the standard warranty to include additional service packages.
Scope of the MAXDATA warranty
Scope of warranty for Belinea monitors
MAXDATA‘s obligation under the warranty is limited to failures resulting from defective components and manufacturing defects, defects in the CRT, panel and background lighting for electrical errors (please also refer to the term definition and liability restriction).
Scope of the warranty for MAXDATA Notebooks/PCs/Workstations/Thin Clients/PLATINUM Servers
MAXDATA‘s obligation under the warranty is restricted to MAXDATA‘s choice of either the re­pair or replacement by similar or better components of parts determined to be defective.
Scope of warranty for peripheral devices
MAXDATA has no warranty obligation for these products; instead there are product-specific manufacturer warranties. The terms of these manufacturer warranties are at least 12 months, starting from the time MAXDATA delivers them to the specialist reseller. The manufacturer guarantees the presence of the features described in the product documentation and that the materials and processing will be free of defects for the stated period.
Scope of warranty for spare parts
MAXDATA has no warranty obligation for these products, but product-specific warranty obligations of the manufacturer. The terms of these manufacturer warranties can be asked for at the manufacturer concerned.
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