Q: How do I switch on the Magellan GPS SkyNav 5000?
A: For the SkyNav 5000, PWR button is pressed to switch the equipment on.
Q: Is there a need for the device to be updated?
A: Yes, there is an importance that the database is updated every 28 days, as aviation related information is affected.
Q: To what extent can I customize my user waypoints?
A: You can customize up to 1000 waypoints according to your own needs.
Q: At what level does the built-in versatile data base stand? Think of waypoints that have some characteristics.
A: The built-in database incorporates coordinates of verzar slated airports with runwway length in excess of a 1000 feet VOR’s and NDBs.
Q: In terms of Possitioning accuracy how good is SkyNav 5000?
A: Position fix accuracy is degree of variality depending on satellite geometry which caution should be exercised in displaying accuracy warnings.
Q: Is itamanagedand planned at the same time by this device?
A: Yes, you are allowed to create, delete, edit and activate maximum of twenty plans out of which each of them can have twenty legs.
Q: Could you tell us what would happen if the internal battery runs down?
A: If the internally installed battery goes down, the device will not retain the user's information entered into memory when turned off.
Q: To your knowledge is there an able way of getting a data base that is still active?
A: Yes, you will need to reach your Magellan dealer or installer in order to update the content of the database.
Q: Is there a requirement in altering altitude in which case entered data is accepted or agreed upon?
A: Yes, a fixed value determined by the user can be entered and the machine will display that valued With respect to height above sea level.