RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard
RGB 机械游戏键盘 | RGB 機械遊戲鍵盤
RGB 기계식 게이밍 키보드

English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
简体中文 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
繁體中文 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
한국어 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

Second ary func tions are available fo r the most of the top rows of key s and can be ac tivated
bypressin g a combinat ion of FN and the in dicated key.
NOTE: This can b e set as the prim ary functions by t urning on the FN Key I nversion on th e Keyb oard
Home Men u in Logitech G aming Software. Lo gitech Gami ng Software can be d ownloaded
at Log itech G.com/LGS .
English 3

1. FN + F5 key: Change the lighting eect.
There are 7 onb oard eects:
1. Color wave (left to right)
2. Color wave (right to left)
3. Color wave (center out)
4. Breathing
5. Color cycling
6. Ripple
7. Solid Cyan color
4 English
2. FN+F6: Load th e customize d lighting pro le
saved in Logitech Gaming Software.
The defau lt lighting p role is
colorwave eect.
3. FN +F 7: Adjust brightness. Toggles between
5 levels - 0%/o, 25%, 50%, 75%,
4. FN+F8: Toggle Game mode By default,
Game mode disables the window
key. Advanced settings are available
within Logitech Gaming Software.

5. FN+F 9: Play/Pa use
6. FN+F10: Stop
7. FN+ F11: Previous
8. FN+F12: Next
F1-F12 can also b e used for cus tom macros. These adva nced feat ures and more are a vailable via
Logitech G aming Software. Lo gitech Gam ing Soft ware can be download ed at LogitechG.com/ LGS.
To increase or de crease the speed of th e onboard lighting ee ct use + or - on the numpa d while
pressing th e FN key.
9. FN +PRTSC: Toggle Mute
10. FN+SCRLK: Volume down
11. FN+PAUSE: Volume up
English 5

You can use LGS to invert a ll the func tions that are a ccessed by d efault wh en you use
theFNkeymodier w ith indivi dual F keys. This w ay you don’t nee d to press FN in com bination
with the F keys to p erform th e special f unction s. Logitech Ga ming Sof tware can be d ownload ed
at Log itech G.com/LGS .
6 English

The G512 gaming key board features one p ass-through USB 2.0 port.
You must conne ct both USB cables in o rder to use the pa ss-through USB po rt.
NOTE: You can conne ct USB 3.0 devices to th e pass-through port, b ut it will only provid e the transfer
and chargi ng rate of a USB 2.0 port.
English 7