Linksys PCMLM56 User Manual

Instant EtherFast®Series
Compact USB
Model No.:USB100M
User Guide
COPYRIGHT & TRADEMARKS Copyright © 2001 Linksys, All Rights Reserved. Instant EtherFast is a registered trade­mark of Linksys. Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows logo are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks and brand names are the property of their respective proprietors.
LIMITED WARRANTY Linksys guarantees that every EtherFast®10/100 Compact USB Network Adapter is free from physical defects in material and workmanship for one year from the date of pur­chase, when used within the limits set forth in the Specification section of this User Guide. If the product proves defective during this warranty period, call Linksys Customer Support in order to obtain a Return Authorization number. BE SURE TO HAVE YOUR PROOF OF PURCHASE AND A BARCODE FROM THE PRODUCT’S PACKAGING ON HAND WHEN CALLING. RETURN REQUESTS CANNOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT PROOF OF PURCHASE. When returning a product, mark the Return Authorization num­ber clearly on the outside of the package and include your original proof of purchase. All customers located outside of the United States of America and Canada shall be held responsible for shipping and handling charges.
IN NO EVENT SHALL LINKSYS’ LIABILITY EXCEED THE PRICE PAID FOR THE PROD­UCT FROM DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAM­AGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THE PRODUCT, ITS ACCOMPANYING SOFT­WARE, OR ITS DOCUMENTATION. LINKSYS OFFERS NO REFUNDS FOR ITS PROD­UCTS. TAMPERING WITH OR DISASSEMBLING THE PRODUCT VOIDS THE LINKSYS WARRANTY. Linksys makes no warranty or representation, expressed, implied, or statu­tory, with respect to its products or the contents or use of this documentation and all accompanying software, and specifically disclaims its quality, performance, mer­chantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. Linksys reserves the right to revise or update its products, software, or documentation without obligation to notify any individ­ual or entity. Please direct all inquiries to:
Linksys P.O. Box 18558, Irvine, CA 92623. FCC STATEMENT
The EtherFast
10/100 Compact USB Network Adapter has been tested and complies with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used according to the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interfer­ence to radio or television reception, which is found by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
• Increase the separation between the equipment or device
• Connect the equipment to an outlet other than the receiver’s
• Consult a dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for assistance UG-USB100M-010825NC KL
EtherFast®10/100 Compact USB Network Adapter
Appendix 35
Client for Microsoft Setup for Windows 98 35 Starting Over in Windows 98 35 Starting Over in Windows 2000 39 Manually Installing Network Components in Windows 98 41 Linux, Open Source & Beta Operating Systems 42
Glossary 43 Specifications 48
Environmental 49
Warranty Information 50
Contact Information 51
Instant EtherFast®Series
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
The EtherFast®10/100 Compact USB Network Adapter 1 Features 1 Package Contents 2
Getting to Know the EtherFast
10/100 Compact USB Network Adapter 3
The Adapter’s Connections 3 The Adapter’s LEDs 4 The USB Icon 4 USB Cabling 5
Installing the EtherFast
10/100 Compact USB Network Adapter 6
Overview 6 Connecting to the Network 6
Windows 98 Installation and Setup 7
Overview 7 Installing the Compact USB Network Adapter’s Driver 7 Windows 98 Network Configuration 11 Sharing Your Files & Printers in Windows 98 15
Windows Millennium Installation and Setup 18
Overview 18 Installing the Compact USB Network Adapter’s Driver 18 Windows Millennium Network Configuration 21 Sharing Your Files & Printers in Windows Millennium 25
Windows 2000 Installation and Setup 28
Overview 28 Installing the Compact USB Network Adapter’s Driver 28
Troubleshooting 32
• One EtherFast®10/100 Compact USB Network Adapter
• One USB Extension Cable
• One Driver CD
• One User Guide and Registration Card (not shown)
Now you can connect to any 10, 100, or 10/100Mbps hub or switch without having to open your PC. The EtherFast®10/100 Compact USB Network Adapter from Linksys allows you to instantly connect to a net­work from a USB-enabled desktop or notebook PC running Windows 98, Millennium, or 2000. The Plug-and-Play compatible device attach­es to your PC’s USB port via a USB Type A connector. Simply connect a standard UTP Category 5 network cable into the EtherFast®10/100 Compact USB Network Adapter’s RJ-45 port, install the included net­work software drivers, and you are networked.
The EtherFast®10/100 Compact USB Network Adapter is bus-powered, drawing power from the host PC and requires no external power cords. The 10/100 Compact USB Network Adapter features the maximum throughput supported by USB, easy-to-read LEDs, compact design, a 1­year limited warranty, and free world-class technical support.
• One USB Type A Connector
• One RJ-45 10/100BaseTX Port For Connecting to a Network
• 18K Memory Buffer
• Powered by the Host PC So No External Power Supply Is Needed
• Compact Design-Perfect for Use with Notebook PCs
• RJ-45 Network Port Connects to Any 10, 100, or 10/100Mbps Hub or Switch
• Three Easy-to-Read LED Indicators
• Plug-and-Play Compatible with Windows 98, 2000, and Millennium for Easy Installation
• Free Technical Suppor t—24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week for North
America Only
• 1-Year Limited Warranty
Package Contents
Instant EtherFast®Series
The EtherFast®10/100 Compact USB Network Adapter
EtherFast®10/100 Compact USB Network Adapter
100 This LED will illuminate Green when the Compact USB Network
Adapter is transferring data at 10Mbps.
ACT The ACT LED will flicker Green whenever network data is pass-
ing through the Compact USB Network Adapter.
10 This LED will illuminate Green when the Compact USB Network
Adapter is transferring data at 100Mbps.
The USB Icon (below) generally indicates where a USB por t is located on a desktop or notebook computer.
Instant EtherFast®Series
Getting to Know the EtherFast
10/100 Compact USB Network Adapter
USB The USB connection is where your Compact USB Network
Adapter will connect to your computer. This is a USB Type A connection.
LAN 10/100 The LAN 10/100 connection allows your computer to be con-
nected to an Ethernet or Fast Ethernet network through an RJ-45 cable.
The Adapter’s LEDs
The USB Icon
The Adapter’s Connections
EtherFast®10/100 Compact USB Network Adapter
Installing the EtherFast®10/100 Compact USB Network Adapter
The following instructions will help you connect your computer to your net­work through your EtherFast®10/100 Compact USB Network Adapter. After you physicall y install the adapter, install the adapter’s driver software onto your computer and configure your computer to access your network.
1. Insert the Adapter’s USB end or the
end of the USB extension cable con­nected to the Adapter (the type A con-
nector) into the USB port on your PC.
2. Attach one end of an Ethernet cable into the Adapter’s RJ-45 port.
3. Plug the other end of the RJ-45 cable into a network Ethernet or Fast
Ethernet hub, switch, or router. If you plan to use both 10BaseT and 100Mbps network segments on the same network, you'll need a dual-speed hub or switch that allows segments of different speeds to communicate.
Your computer is now connected to your Ethernet or Fast Ethernet net-
work. Proceed to the section regarding your Operating System for
instructions on how to Install and Setup the Adapter’s drivers.
USB cabling and port infor-
mation can be found in the
GGeettttiinngg ttoo KKnnooww tthhee 1100//110000 CCoommppaacctt UUSSBB NNeettwwoorrkk AAddaapptteerr
Connecting to the Network
EtherFast®10/100 Compact USB Network Adapter
Instant EtherFast®Series
The Compact USB Network Adapter comes with one USB extension cable. One end of the USB cable has a rectangular plug, which is called a Type A male connector. The other end of the cable has a larger rectangular plug, which is a T ype A female connector.
The USB cable’s Type A female end connects to the USB device—in this case the Compact USB Network Adapter. The Type A male end connects to a com­puter’s USB por t.
The picture below shows two USB ports as they might be found on your com­puter. Note the two USB icons above the port.
USB Cabling
Type A female
Type A male
4. Select Search for the best driver for your device (Recommended) and click the Next button.
5. Select Specify a location to find the correct driver and type D:\ in the field provided. Then, click the Next button to continue.
EtherFast®10/100 Compact USB Network Adapter
Windows 98 Installation and Setup
After physically connecting the Compact USB Network Adapter to your com­puter’s USB por t, follow these instructions to install the hardware device driv­er. The installation procedure for the hardware device driver will vary slightly depending on which version of Windows 98 you are using, and on your current system configuration. If at any time during the installation you encounter prob­lems, consult the Troubleshooting section.
Installing the Compact USB Network Adapter’s Driver
After installing the Compact USB Network Adapter, follow the instructions below to install the network adapter’s driver into your Windows 98 computer.
1. If you haven’t already, start your computer.
2. W indo ws 98 will automaticall y detect the Compact USB Netw ork Adapter in your computer.
3. When the first “Add New Hardware Wizard” screen appears, insert the Driver CD into your CD-Rom drive and click the Next button.
Instant EtherFast®Series
8. Windows will finish installing the software onto your PC. Click the Finish
button to continue.
9. When asked if you want to restart your PC, remove the driver CD-ROM
and click the Yes button. If Windows does not ask you to restart your PC, click the Start button. Choose Shut Down, select Restart, and click the Yes button. If you are using the Windows CD-ROM, leave it in your PC. You may need it later.
The Windows 98 driver installation is complete. Please continue on to the next section,which will provide instructions f or configuring W indo ws 98 to use the network protocols and file printer sharing. Consult your other networked computers for network configuration information if necessary.
From this point on, you must provide Windows with a User Name and
Password every time you are prompted to do so. Remember to click
properly log into Windows. If you click
or hit the
EEssccaappee [[EESSCC]]
you will not log into the network.
EtherFast®10/100 Compact USB Network Adapter
6. A window will open saying that Windows is now ready to install the Linksys EtherF ast 10/100 Compact USB Networ k Adapter driver . Click the Ne xtbut-
ton to continue.
7. Windows will begin copying the driver f iles to your PC. Refer to the chart below to help guide you through the process.
1. Click
2. Make sure that the
DDrriivveerr CCDD
is in your PC’s
CD-ROM drive.
3. Type “d:\” in the “Copy files from:” field.
4. Click
1. Click
2. If you have a
WWiinnddoowwss 9988 CCDD--RROOMM
, type “d:\win98” in the “Copy files from:” field, where “d:” is your CD-ROM drive.
3. If you
have a
WWiinnddoowwss 9988 CCDD--RROOMM
type: “c:\windows\options\cabs”.
4. Click
1. Insert the
DDrriivveerr CCDD
into your PC’s floppy
2. Type “a:\” in the “Copy files from:” field.
3. Click
1. Choose to keep the newest version of the file by clicking
• If your PC asks for the Linksys Driver CD
• If you are asked to supply your Windows 98 Installation Files or Disks
• If you are asked for a file that includes “USB100M” in its name
• If you receive a Version Conflict error
If you click Cancel or Delete,the drivers will not install properly!
Instant EtherFast®Series
3. Click the File and Print Sharing button. The File and Print Sharing win-
dow will appear.
4. If you'd like others to be able to access the files on your PC's hard drive,
select I want to be able to give others access to my f iles.
If you'd like to share your printer with other users on the network, select I want to be able to allow others to print to my printer.
5. Click the OK button. File and Printer Sharing for
Microsoft Networks should now appear in the list of installed components.
If you do not enable File and Print Sharing, your PC will be invisible on the network and inac­cessible to other users.
EtherFast®10/100 Compact USB Network Adapter
1. From the W indows 98 desktop, click the Start button, select Settings, open the Control Panel and double-click the Network icon.
2. The Network window will appear. Click the Configuration tab. A window similar to the one below will appear. There may be other components list­ed in addition to the ones shown below (for example, a Dial-up Adapter), which is normal. You will need to manually install one of the protocols list­ed below. It is recommended that you install TCP/IP and provide an IP address to use the Internet services.
For instructions on manually installing these components, refer to Manually Installing Network Components now. Please note that Linksys does not provide technical support or troubleshooting for TCP/IP.
Windows 98 Network Configuration
• Client for Microsoft
• Linksys EtherFast 10/100
Compact USB Network Adapter
Instant EtherFast®Series
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