8. Windows will finish installing the software onto your PC. Click the Finish
button to continue.
9. When asked if you want to restart your PC, remove the driver CD-ROM
and click the Yes button. If Windows does not ask you to restart your PC,
click the Start button. Choose Shut Down, select Restart, and click the
Yes button. If you are using the Windows CD-ROM, leave it in your PC.
You may need it later.
The Windows 98 driver installation is complete. Please continue on to the
next section,which will provide instructions f or configuring W indo ws 98 to
use the network protocols and file printer sharing. Consult your other
networked computers for network configuration information if necessary.
From this point on, you must provide Windows with a User Name and
Password every time you are prompted to do so. Remember to click
properly log into Windows. If you click
or hit the
EEssccaappee [[EESSCC]]
you will not log into the network.
EtherFast®10/100 Compact USB Network Adapter
6. A window will open saying that Windows is now ready to install the Linksys
EtherF ast 10/100 Compact USB Networ k Adapter driver . Click the Ne xtbut-
ton to continue.
7. Windows will begin copying the driver f iles to your PC. Refer to the chart
below to help guide you through the process.
1. Click
2. Make sure that the
DDrriivveerr CCDD
is in your PC’s
CD-ROM drive.
3. Type “d:\” in the “Copy files from:” field.
4. Click
1. Click
2. If you have a
WWiinnddoowwss 9988 CCDD--RROOMM
, type
“d:\win98” in the “Copy files from:” field, where
“d:” is your CD-ROM drive.
3. If you
have a
WWiinnddoowwss 9988 CCDD--RROOMM
type: “c:\windows\options\cabs”.
4. Click
1. Insert the
DDrriivveerr CCDD
into your PC’s floppy
2. Type “a:\” in the “Copy files from:” field.
3. Click
1. Choose to keep the newest version of the file
by clicking
• If your PC asks for the Linksys
Driver CD
• If you are asked to supply
your Windows 98 Installation
Files or Disks
• If you are asked for a file that
includes “USB100M” in its
• If you receive a Version
Conflict error
If you click Cancel or Delete,the drivers will not install properly!
Instant EtherFast®Series