Operating Weight with Backhoe Attachment:108.500 kg / 239,200 lb
Operating Weight with Shovel Attachment:112.500 kg / 248,000 lb
Engine Output:565 kW / 757 HP
Liebherr Mining Equipment enables superior productivity
by loading and hauling maximum tonnage in the shortest
amount of time.
Effi ciency
Liebherr combines the proven capabilities of previous
models with new features that improve operational
effi ciency.
Customer Support
Liebherr builds more than just mining equipment;
Liebherr also builds customer partnerships.
Mining demands an ever-vigilant focus on safety, and
Liebherr strictly adheres to industry standards. Liebherr
equipment is designed to diminish risk even under the
most extreme mining conditions.
To maximize equipment reliability, Liebherr combines
manufacturing expertise with monitoring and diagnostic
Liebherr optimizes mining equipment for fuel economy,
emission compliance, and extended service intervals.
R 9100
Liebherr Diesel Engine
• V12 by Liebherr
• USA/EPA Tier 2
• Fuel consumption optimized version (option)
• Automatic idle control
• Max. altitude without derating: 3.900 m
• Eco-Mode selector
R 9100
Effi cient and effective by design, the R 9100 sets a new standard in job
performance and functions as the optimal tool for loading 50 t up to 100 t dump
trucks. Offering a high level of versatility the R 9100 opens up new opportunities
for a wide range of excavating applications.
Engineered for Intense Mining
Powerful Drive System
The R 9100 is equipped with the long-lasting and
proven Liebherr V12 diesel engine specifi cally
designed to withstand extreme outside temperatures
and high altitudes with low atmospheric pressure.
Integrating the latest engine management system,
the R 9100 is built for intense mining.
Optimized Cycle Times
Rather than using open hydraulic circuit, the R 9100
employs a closed-loop swing circuit to enable
maximum swing torque while retaining the full oil
fl ow for the working circuit. The independent swing
circuit in combination with the powerful drive system
leads to fast arm motion, which contributes to faster
cycle times.
Easy Machine Control
The R 9100’s hydraulic control system is optimized
in order to improve combined machine motions. The
ergonomically mounted joysticks on the suspended
seat armrests allow the operator to precisely position
the machine.
High Digging and Lifting Capabilities
High Digging Forces
Energy Management
Designed for the best mechanical force distribution,
the production-tailored attachment delivers high
digging and lifting forces. Integrating Liebherr-made
cylinders and a wide range of buckets with miningoptimized GET, the R 9100’s attachment ensures the
highest forces, easy bucket penetration and high fi ll factor to perform even in the most demanding conditions.
The R 9100’s attachment is equipped with the
pressureless boom down function to enable fast
cylinder retraction without the need for pump energy.
Intelligent energy management diverts the pump
fl ow during boom lowering, allowing other cylinder
motions to operate unimpeded.
Liebherr Site-Specifi c Bucket
• 4 to 5 passes to load a 50 t dump
• Three types of wear package
• Maximal bucket fi ll factor
• Integrated approach on machine
• Light weight bucket for max.
loading capacities (option)
Liebherr Ground Engaging Tools (GET)
The new Liebherr Mining GET range is
fully in line with the Liebherr buckets
design, a synergy that enables easy
material penetration while extending
bucket steel structure lifetime:
• Three tooth profi les and fi ve tooth sizes
• Innovative bucket lip and side wall
• One single locking system that limits
tooling to one unique extraction tool
• Unique hammerless locking system
• Effortless and quick tooth removal
R 9100
Machine Monitoring System
Integration of the Liebherr-made monitoring
system also used on the R 9800:
• 10.5" LCD color 8-key screen
• Information interface to operator
• On-board diagnostics to service staff
• Real text information
• Long term data storage for maintenance
R 9100
Effi ciency
The R 9100 follows the Liebherr design philosophy of maximizing the machines
performance by improving the effi ciency of all individual subsystems. Engineered
for optimum serviceability, the machine is designed to ensure maximum uptime.
The R 9100’s modern cab creates a comfortable working environment ensuring
peak operator performance, every shift.
Optimized for Maximum Profi tability
System Effi ciency
Liebherr advanced hydraulic technology contributes to
the R 9100’s energy optimization. The high-pressure
hydraulic system and the optimized pipe and hose layout maximize usable power transmission. The hydraulic
pumps are electronically managed to provide optimal
pressure compensation and oil fl ow management. The
hydraulic system is independently regulated over the
engine circuit for the best operational effi ciency.
Cooling System
Effi ciency
The oversized independent oil- and water coolers in
combination with low energy consumption fans and
on-demand cooling controls enable to maximize
available power for digging process.
Service Intervals
The R 9100’s high pressure hydraulic oil fi ltration
systems remove contaminants from the fl uid to offer
the highest rate of hydraulic system effi ciency. To
maintain the oil quality, all return hydraulic oil fl ow
goes through a 15/5 μm fi ne fi ltration system. To
promote availability, the grease tank and fuel tanks
are sized to considerably extend the time between
service intervals.
Modern Cab for Effi cient Work
Operator Comfort
Working Environment
Total Control
The new and modern large cab which equips the
Liebherr 100 t series offers ideal working conditions
and optimal operator’s comfort. Mounted on silent
blocks, the R 9100’s cab design reduces vibrations and
limit noise pollution to provide a quiet environment.
Equipped with a large one-piece windscreen, the
R 9100’s cab offers a panoramic view over the entire
machine and loading spot. Two outside cameras show
areas that cannot be observed directly. Long-distance
halogen working lights promote effi cient loading.
1st-Class Service Arrangements
Service friendly design allows for
easy and fast maintenance for
maximum uptime:
• Service from one-side
• Large catwalk and walkway
• Refi llable grease tanks instead of
drums to be changed
• Centralized lubrication system
(automatic in option)
• Enhanced single-line lubrication
Comfort-Oriented Cab Design
An array of features:
• Tinted laminated safety glass
• Armored front window
• Adjustable air suspended seat
• A/C with dust fi lter in fresh air / recirculated
• Pressurization to prevent dust penetration