PR 724 Litronic – PR 764 Litronic

Work in landfi lls demands a great deal in terms of machine versatility and robustness. Crawler tractors meet
these requirements perfectly. They are used for stockpiling and compressing refuse, but also for all earth
moving tasks, such as site preparation, building slopes,
as well as spreading and fi ne grading cover material.
Liebherr crawler tractors in the PR 724 to PR 764 model
sizes have purpose-built attachment kits for landfi ll applications. These ensure maximum effi ciency and service
life of the machine, even under the most diffi cult working
conditions and in aggressive materials.
A range of additional options can also be individually
confi gured depending on the application. This allows the
crawler to be optimally adapted to any task.
PR 724 Litronic – PR 764 Litronic

Overview of landfi ll equipment
Equipment options for landfi ll applications
Additional lights
Reversible fan
Trash rack
Thermal shielding
for exhaust
Engine compartment sealing
Engine air
pre-fi lter
Hydraulic oil
Rotating beacon
Fire extinguisher
Seal between cab
and base machine
Rear ripper or
Rear striker bar
(not shown)
External air supply
for alternator
Hydraulic cylinder
protective cover
Track shoes with
trapezoidal holes
(not shown)
Protective bars
on side covers
Final drive seal guardsSprocket segments
with recesses
PR 724 Litronic – PR 764 Litronic