Lexus CT MoveOn NAVI Owner's Manual

Owner's manual
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Read this manual thoroughly before using the MoveOn Navi. Always keep this owner’s manual in the vehicle.
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Table of contents
Recommendation .............................................................................................................. 7
1. Precautions during use ........................................................................................ 9
2. Read me first ....................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Switching on ........................................................................................................11
2.2 Setting up ............................................................................................................ 11
2.3 Sharing information with TomTom .......................................................................11
2.4 Switching off........................................................................................................13
2.5 Hiding the map ....................................................................................................13
2.6 Resetting the system ............................................................................................ 13
2.7 Safety settings ......................................................................................................13
2.8 GPS reception ......................................................................................................14
2.9 Take care of your navigation device .....................................................................14
3. The Navigation Control ....................................................................................... 15
3.1 Using the Navigation Control ...............................................................................15
3.2 Special features of the Navigation Control ...........................................................17
4. The memory card ................................................................................................ 18
4.1 About your memory card ..................................................................................... 18
4.2 Inserting your memory card ................................................................................. 18
4.3 Removing your memory card ............................................................................... 18
4.4 About TomTom HOME .........................................................................................19
4.5 Installing TomTom HOME .................................................................................... 19
4.6 Initialising your memory card ............................................................................... 20
4.7 Updating your device ...........................................................................................20
4.8 Backing up your navigation device ....................................................................... 21
5. Guided tours ........................................................................................................ 22
5.1 About guided tours .............................................................................................. 22
6. Planning a route .................................................................................................. 23
6.1 Planning a route ..................................................................................................23
6.2 Route summary ....................................................................................................27
6.3 LIVE summary ...................................................................................................... 28
6.4 Frequent destinations ...........................................................................................29
6.5 Show my frequent destinations ............................................................................ 29
6.6 Using arrival times ................................................................................................30
6.7 Navigation menu options.....................................................................................31
6.8 Planning a route in advance ................................................................................. 32
6.9 Viewing route information ...................................................................................33
7. The Driving View ................................................................................................. 34
7.1 About the Driving View ........................................................................................ 34
7.2 The Driving View..................................................................................................34
4 MoveOn Navi
7.3 Driving View Symbols ..........................................................................................35
8. Advanced Lane Guidance ..................................................................................... 36
8.1 About Lane Guidance...........................................................................................36
8.2 Using lane guidance .............................................................................................36
9. Changing your route ........................................................................................... 38
9.1 Making changes to your route .............................................................................38
9.2 Find alternative route menu ................................................................................. 38
9.3 Cancelling a route ................................................................................................39
10. Browse Map ......................................................................................................... 40
10.1 About the map browser ....................................................................................... 40
10.2 Browse map ......................................................................................................... 40
10.3 Cursor menu ........................................................................................................ 41
10.4 Options................................................................................................................42
11. Map Corrections .................................................................................................. 43
11.1 About Map Share ................................................................................................. 43
11.2 Correcting a map error ........................................................................................43
11.3 Types of map correction.......................................................................................44
11.4 Other types of correction ..................................................................................... 47
12. Sounds and voices ............................................................................................... 48
12.1 About sounds and voices .....................................................................................48
12.2 Selecting a voice .................................................................................................. 48
12.3 Changing the volume level ..................................................................................48
12.4 Switching off the sound ....................................................................................... 48
12.5 Switching off the voice .........................................................................................48
13. Preferences .......................................................................................................... 49
13.1 About Preferences ................................................................................................49
13.2 Use night colours / Use day colours ......................................................................49
13.3 Show POI on map ................................................................................................49
13.4 Safety preferences ................................................................................................ 50
13.5 Voice preferences ................................................................................................. 50
13.6 Turn off sound / Turn on sound ............................................................................50
13.7 Hide map ............................................................................................................. 51
13.8 Home location ..................................................................................................... 51
13.9 Switch map ..........................................................................................................51
13.10 Manage Favourites ............................................................................................... 51
13.11 Manage POIs .......................................................................................................52
13.12 Car symbol ..........................................................................................................52
13.13 2D map preferences .............................................................................................52
13.14 Change language.................................................................................................53
13.15 Change map colours ............................................................................................ 53
13.16 Brightness ............................................................................................................53
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13.17 Status bar preferences .......................................................................................... 54
13.18 Automatic zooming ............................................................................................. 54
13.19 Street name preferences.......................................................................................54
13.20 Set units ...............................................................................................................54
13.21 Planning preferences ............................................................................................55
13.22 Show lane images ................................................................................................55
13.23 Start up ................................................................................................................56
13.24 Show compass .....................................................................................................56
13.25 Set clock .............................................................................................................. 56
13.26 Show tips ............................................................................................................. 56
13.27 Show fewer menu options ...................................................................................57
13.28 Reset factory settings ...........................................................................................57
14. Points of Interest ................................................................................................ 58
14.1 About Points of Interest ........................................................................................58
14.2 Creating POIs .......................................................................................................58
14.3 Using POIs to plan a route ...................................................................................60
14.4 Showing POIs on the map ...................................................................................60
14.5 Setting warnings for POIs ..................................................................................... 61
14.6 Manage POIs .......................................................................................................61
15. Itinerary planning ............................................................................................... 62
15.1 About Itineraries...................................................................................................62
15.2 Creating an Itinerary ............................................................................................ 62
15.3 Organising an Itinerary ........................................................................................63
15.4 Following an Itinerary ..........................................................................................64
15.5 Start using an Itinerary .........................................................................................64
16. Help ..................................................................................................................... 65
16.1 About getting help...............................................................................................65
16.2 Using Help to phone a local service ...................................................................... 65
16.3 Help menu options ..............................................................................................66
17. Favourites ............................................................................................................ 67
17.1 About Favourites ..................................................................................................67
17.2 Creating a Favourite .............................................................................................67
17.3 Using a Favourite .................................................................................................69
17.4 Changing the name of a Favourite ....................................................................... 69
17.5 Deleting a Favourite ............................................................................................. 69
18. Photo Gallery ...................................................................................................... 70
18.1 About using media ...............................................................................................70
18.2 Looking at photos ................................................................................................70
19. Services ................................................................................................................ 71
19.1 About LIVE Services .............................................................................................. 71
19.2 Safety Notice .......................................................................................................71
6 MoveOn Navi
19.3 LIVE Services subscriptions ...................................................................................71
19.4 About TomTom HD Trafc ....................................................................................72
19.5 About Local Search ..............................................................................................72
19.6 Using local search ................................................................................................72
19.7 About Safety Alerts ...............................................................................................73
19.8 Other services ...................................................................................................... 73
20. Traffic .................................................................................................................. 74
20.1 About TomTom HD Trafc ....................................................................................74
20.2 Safety Notice .......................................................................................................74
20.3 Using trafc information ......................................................................................74
20.4 Taking the fastest route ........................................................................................75
20.5 Show trafc on route ........................................................................................... 75
20.6 Checking trafc incidents in your area ..................................................................76
20.7 Changing trafc preferences ................................................................................ 76
20.8 Trafc incidents .................................................................................................... 77
20.9 Trafc menu .........................................................................................................78
21. Safety Alerts ........................................................................................................ 79
21.1 About Safety Alerts ...............................................................................................79
21.2 Safety camera warnings .......................................................................................79
21.3 Changing the way you are warned ......................................................................80
21.4 Reporting a new safety camera while on the move ...............................................80
21.5 Reporting a new safety camera while at home .....................................................81
21.6 Reporting incorrect camera alerts .........................................................................81
21.7 Types of xed speed camera you can report .........................................................81
21.8 Average speed check camera warnings ................................................................83
21.9 Safety Cameras menu .......................................................................................... 84
22. Weather ............................................................................................................... 85
22.1 About Weather .....................................................................................................85
22.2 Requesting a weather report ................................................................................ 85
22.3 Types of location .................................................................................................. 86
23. Customer support ............................................................................................... 88
23.1 Getting help to use your navigation device .......................................................... 88
24. TomTom HOME .................................................................................................... 89
24.1 About TomTom HOME ......................................................................................... 89
24.2 Installing TomTom HOME .................................................................................... 89
24.3 MyTomTom account ............................................................................................90
24.4 Updating your device ........................................................................................... 90
24.5 Introducing HOME help ....................................................................................... 91
24.6 Backing up your navigation device ....................................................................... 91
25. Addendum and Copyright .................................................................................. 92
26. Copyright notices ................................................................................................ 94
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Please read this manual to get the full benet of the system. We suggest to keep this manual in the car. It will be easier for you to nd the information in case of an emergency. Your local authorised retailer will be pleased to clarify any queries you may have with the system or its operation if you cannot nd the information you need in this manual.
Lexus recommends that only parts and accessories that have been tested and approved by Lexus in terms of safety, function and suitability should be used.
These operating instructions are designed to ensure that you can operate the MoveOn Navi system safely and easily.
These operating instructions describe the functions of the MoveOn Navi system.
8 MoveOn Navi
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1. Precautions during use
• Exercise extreme caution if operating the navigation system while driving. Insufcient attention to the road, trafc or weather conditions may cause an accident.
• While driving, be sure to obey the trafc regulations and maintain awareness of the road conditions. If a trafc sign on the road has been changed, route guidance may not have the updated information such as the direction of a one way street.
To use this system in the safest possible manner, follow all the safety tips shown below.
This system is intended to assist in reaching the destination and, if used properly, can do so. The driver is solely responsible for the safe operation of your vehicle and the safety of your passengers.
Do not use any feature of this system to the extent that it becomes a distraction and prevents safe driving. The rst priority while driving should always be the safe operation of the vehicle. While driving, be sure to observe all trafc regulations.
Prior to the actual use of this system, learn how to use it and become thoroughly familiar with it. Read the entire Navigation System Owner’s Manual to make sure you understand the system. Do not allow other people to use this system until they have read and understood the instructions in this manual.
For your safety, some functions may become inoperable when driving. Unavailable buttons are dimmed.
While driving, listen to the voice instructions as much as possible and glance at the screen briey and only when it is safe. However do not totally rely on voice guidance. Use it just for reference. If the system cannot determine the current vehicle position correctly, there is the possibility of incorrect, late or no voice guidance.
The data in the system may occasionally be incomplete. Road conditions, including driving restrictions (no left turns, street closures, etc.) frequently change. Therefore, before following any instruction from the system, look to see whether the instruction can be done safely and legally.
This system cannot warn about such things as the safety of an area, condition of streets, and availability of emergency services. If unsure about the safety of an area, do not drive into it.
10 MoveOn Navi
Under no circumstances is this system a substitute for the driver’s personal judgement.
Use this system only in locations where it is legal to do so. Some countries/provinces may have laws prohibiting the use of video and navigation screens next to the driver.
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2. Read me rst
2.1 Switching on
Your Lexus CT MoveOn Navi switches on automatically when you switch on your car ignition. The Navigation Control is connected to your MoveOn using Bluetooth and must connect to the device every time your car starts. A few seconds after your car starts you see a message conrming that the Navigation Control and device are now connected.
2.2 Setting up
Take care to select the correct language as the language you choose will be used for all text on the screen.
When you rst switch on your device, you have to answer a few questions to set up the device. Answer the questions by using the Navigation Control in the console to select your answers on the screen.
2.3 Sharing information with TomTom
When you rst start navigating or perform a reset, your device asks for permission to collect some information about your use of the navigation device. The information is stored on the device until we retrieve it. We use it anonymously to improve our products and services. If you use LIVE services, we will also use your location information to deliver the services to you.
You can change whether you share this information with us at any time by doing the following:
1. In the Main Menu, select ”LIVE Services”.
2. Select ”Congure”.
3. Select ”Yes” to start sharing or ”No” to stop sharing.
If you choose not to share this information, you will no longer receive LIVE services. This is because LIVE services need to send the location of your device to TomTom in order to receive the trafc information related to where you are. The end date of your subscription remains the same, even if you do not share this information with us.
12 MoveOn Navi
Additional information
Only if you give us your permission, your navigation device will continuously collect information and send it to TomTom at regular intervals. The information is also stored on your device until you connect it to your PC, then the information is sent to TomTom and deleted from your device. The information includes details that identify the navigation device, details about routes and locations, your MyTomTom account name and information entered while you were using the navigation device.
TomTom uses this information to be able to deliver LIVE services to you and to improve the HD Trafc service.
Within twenty minutes of switching off your navigation device, TomTom automatically and irreversibly destroys any information that allows identication of you or your device. This, now anonymous, information is used to improve TomTom’s products and services, such as maps, reports on Points of Interest and average speeds driven. These products and services are also used by government agencies and businesses.
Using your navigation device, you can join the MapShare Community or report speed cameras. If you choose to use either of these services, your reports, that include location information and your MyTomTom account name, are sent to TomTom and kept together with your MyTomTom account. TomTom then uses your information to improve its maps and speed cameras.
If you no longer allow sharing of information, none of the above information is sent to TomTom and information previously stored on your device is deleted. You won’t be able to receive HD Trafc or mobile speed camera locations, or use any other LIVE services.
TomTom will not give anyone else access to the information collected from your navigation device.
In choosing to provide TomTom with information you are helping to make driving better, specically by improving maps, trafc ows and reducing congestion. We appreciate your help.
The length or end date of your service subscription does not change if you do not allow
sharing of information.
This navigation device uses a GSM network that contains location information about your navigation device. By law, the network operator may be required to retain this location and other information for law enforcement purposes and TomTom has no inuence over this. If you disable information sharing the mobile network connection is not active and the network operator cannot store location information.
If you think that your information is not being used for the purpose for which you have provided it to TomTom, contact us at
See our privacy policy at
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2.4 Switching off
When you switch off your car ignition and open your car door, the MoveOn switches off automatically.
2.5 Hiding the map
Select the ”Hide map” button in the Quick menu to switch off the display screen so that the map and the instructions are hidden. You can also select the ”Hide map” button in the Preferences menu. When the map is switched off, you still hear warnings for cameras and the voice guidance instructions remain active. You also still hear the audio information from the radio.
2.6 Resetting the system
In rare cases, your MoveOn may not start correctly or may stop responding to your Navigation Control. If this happens, switch off your car ignition, wait a minute or two and then turn the car ignition back on again.
If this does not solve the problem, you can reset the navigation device. To do this, do the following:
1. Press the [MENU] button to access the Main Menu
2. Select ”Change preferences”.
3. Select ”Reset factory settings”.
4. Follow the instructions on the screen using the Navigation Control where necessary.
Important: This feature deletes all your personal settings!
If you want to keep your personal information and settings, you should perform a full backup of your device before you reset the device. You can then restore all your personal information and settings after you reset the device. This includes items such as your Home and Favourite locations, your personal menu and your POI categories and POI locations.
2.7 Safety settings
We recommend using the safety settings to make your driving as safe as possible.
These are some of the options included in the safety settings:
Show essential menu buttons while driving
Show safety reminders
Warn when driving faster than allowed
14 MoveOn Navi
2.8 GPS reception
Your MoveOn uses GPS satellites (Global Positioning System) orbiting around the Earth to locate the position of the vehicle. When you rst start your Lexus CT MoveOn Navi, the device may need a few minutes to determine your GPS position and show your current position on the map. In future, your position will be found much faster, usually within a few seconds. In areas where GPS reception is not possible, such as tunnels, your location may not be accurate. The accuracy of the navigation device increases during the rst journeys. The accuracy is not affected if the device is reset or the software is updated.
After moving a long distance without driving, such as by ferry, the system may take several
minutes to locate your current position.
2.9 Take care of your navigation device
It is important to take care of your device:
Do not open the casing of your device under any circumstances. Doing so may be dangerous and will invalidate the warranty.
Wipe or dry the screen of your device using a soft cloth. Do not use any liquid cleaners.
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3. The Navigation Control
3.1 Using the Navigation Control
The Navigation Control is connected to your MoveOn using Bluetooth and must connect to the device every time your car starts. A few seconds after your car starts you see a message conrming that the Navigation Control and device are now connected.
Do not attempt to pair or connect other Bluetooth devices with either your navigation
device or the navigation control.
2D / 3D
16 MoveOn Navi
1. Shift up Move the cursor up in the map browser. Move vertically through the menu. Used to zoom in in the Driving View.
2. Shift down Move the cursor down in the map browser. Move vertically through the menu. Used to zoom out in the Driving View.
3. Shift left Move the cursor left in the map browser. Move horizontally through the menu. Changes the volume.
4. Shift right Move the cursor right in the map browser. Move horizontally through the menu.
5. Centre button Conrms a selection. When in the Driving View, shows the Quick menu.
6. Left soft button Select or conrm. When in the Driving View, changes the volume.
7. Right soft button Select or conrm.
8. MAP 2D / 3D When in a menu, shows the Driving View. When in the Driving View, switches the map between 2D and 3D view.
9. MENU Shows the navigation Main Menu.
10. BACK Back to previous screen.
11. LED light The LED light ashes when connecting to your MoveOn. Once connected, the LED light remains on all the time.
12. Light ring The light ring helps you to locate the navigation control in the dark.
To use the keyboard, do the following:
Press the shift buttons (1), (2), (3) and (4) to navigate move around the keyboard.
Press the centre button (5) to select a key.
Press the left soft button(6) to delete the last keystroke.
Press the right soft button (7) to go to the next step.
Press the back button (10) to go back to the previous step.
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3.2 Special features of the Navigation Control
Confirming a selection
To conrm a selection, press the centre button (5).
To return to the previous menu, press [BACK] (10).
Soft buttons
Soft buttons (6) and (7) are used to select or conrm an action.
Driving View
When using the Driving View, the following buttons have some special features as follows:
Left soft button (6) - repeats the last voice instruction and changes the volume.
Right soft button (7) - shows the route summary.
Shift Up (1) or Shift Down (2) - zoom.
Shift Right (4) - HD Trafc info menu.
Centre button (5) - shows the Quick menu.
18 MoveOn Navi
4. The memory card
4.1 About your memory card
A memory card is supplied with your navigation system. It includes a map of your group of countries. Updates are regularly produced by TomTom, particularly for maps and services like speed cameras. These updates are only available for download by inserting your navigation system’s memory card into a computer that is connected to the internet. Once your new vehicle has been delivered, if a newer version of your map is available within 60 days of rst using your navigation device, you can download this map for free.
In order to qualify for the latest map guarantee you need to check if a new map
is available within the 60 day period, and you are only entitled to one free map download.
4.2 Inserting your memory card
To insert your memory card into your MoveOn in your car, do the following:
1. Switch off the ignition in the car so that the navigation system is switched off.
2. Insert the memory card, taking care to handle it carefully and that it is the right way round.
Only use your memory card for operating and updating your navigation system. Do not
insert the memory card into another vehicle or into any other device such as a camera.
4.3 Removing your memory card
There are two different ways to remove your memory card depending on whether your car ignition is switched on or not.
Car ignition off
1. Push gently on the memory card.
2. Remove the memory card, taking care to handle it carefully.
Car ignition on
1. From the main menu, select ”Remove SD card”.
2. Conrm using the right soft button.
A message tells you when you can remove the memory card.
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4.4 About TomTom HOME
Using TomTom HOME you can register and manage your MoveOn to receive free updates and buy new services. It’s a good idea to connect frequently to HOME so you can do the following:
Download for free the most recent map available for your device, if you connect to TomTom
HOME within 60 days of buying your device.
Download for free updates for your device, including Map Share updates and other services
included with your product.
Add new items to your device, like maps, voices and POIs, as well as buy TomTom services and
manage your subscriptions.
Share your map corrections and other content with the TomTom community.
Make and restore backups of your device.
When using HOME, you can get help with what you are doing from the HOME Help. You can also read about all the other things that HOME can do for you.
We recommend using a broadband internet connection whenever you connect to HOME.
4.5 Installing TomTom HOME
The steps below refer to Internet Explorer on Windows XP. If you’re using another browser or operating system, visit for more information.
To install TomTom HOME on your computer, do the following:
1. Connect your computer to the internet.
2. Click the link below to download the latest version of TomTom HOME:
3. We recommend downloading the le to your computer by clicking
4. Once the download is complete, click
If you accidentally closed the Download complete window, locate the le
on your computer and double-click it.
5. If you get a security warning click
6. Click
, then click
The installation starts.
7. Once the installation is complete click
20 MoveOn Navi
4.6 Initialising your memory card
To use a new or empty memory card with TomTom HOME, it needs to be initialised so that HOME can detect it. To initialise your card, do the following:
1. Start the car and switch on your MoveOn.
2. Insert the new memory card into your MoveOn.
3. Wait for a few seconds so that the card can be initialised by your MoveOn.
4. From the Main Menu, select ”Remove SD card”.
5. Conrm using the right soft button.
A message tells you when you can remove the memory card.
6. Insert the memory card into the card reader connected to your computer.
Your new card is now ready for use with TomTom HOME.
4.7 Updating your device
Before you start, make sure you have a backup of your device or memory card. For more information, see Backing up your navigation device’ on page 10. You can check for updates for your maps, services and for a whole range of other free items or items for purchase. The instructions below describe how to update the TomTom application on your device.
LIVE Services are not available in all countries or regions, and not all LIVE Services are
available in all countries or regions. You may be able to use LIVE Services when travelling abroad. For more information on available services, go to
To check for an updated application version do the following:
1. Insert your memory card into the card reader connected to your computer.
2. Wait for TomTom HOME to start.
3. If HOME does not automatically check for updates, click
Update my device
in the HOME
if you would like to install an application you downloaded previously, click
Add Traffic,
Voices, Safety Cameras etc.
and then click
Items on my computer
4. If a new application is available, it is listed on the next screen.
5. Make sure the new application is selected, then click
Download updates
HOME downloads the selected items.
6. HOME then installs the selected items on your memory card.
7. Click
8. Click
Disconnect Device
. You can then disconnect your card from your computer.
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4.8 Backing up your navigation device
The easiest way to make a backup of all the contents of your TomTom navigation device is by using TomTom HOME. You can make one backup for your device and store it on your computer. When you make a new backup, the old backup for that device is overwritten.
1. Insert your memory card into the card reader connected to your computer.
TomTom HOME starts automatically.
If TomTom HOME does not start, do one of the following:
Click on the
menu and go to
All Programs
and then click on
TomTom HOME Mac:
Click Go in the Finder menu and choose
, then double-click
2. Click
Back up and restore
3. Click
Back up my device
4. Click
Back up now
HOME backs up your device by backing up the contents of your memory card.
5. Wait until HOME has nished creating the backup, then click
To see where HOME saves your backups do one of the following:
TomTom HOME Preferences
and then select the
Folder Preferences
... and then select the
Folder Preferences
To restore a backup, click
Back up and restore
in the HOME menu and then click
Restore my
22 MoveOn Navi
5. Guided tours
5.1 About guided tours
Your MoveOn has the following tutorials to help you become familiar with all the features:
The Navigation Control
Driving View
Menu options
Browse map
Planning preferences
Itinerary planning
Trafc information
Warnings and notications
Quick menu
LIVE Services
To use a guided tour, select ”Help me” from the Main Menu. Select ”Guided tours” and then choose a tour.
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6. Planning a route
6.1 Planning a route
In the interest of safety and to reduce distractions while you are driving, you should
always plan a route before you start driving.
To plan a route on your MoveOn, do the following:
1. Press [MENU] to open the Main Menu.
The buttons on your navigation device are shown in full colour unless a button is currently unavailable. For example, the button named Find alternative in the Main Menu is not available until you have planned a route.
2. Select ”Navigate to”.
24 MoveOn Navi
3. Select ”Address”.
When you enter an address, you can choose from the following options:
”City and street” - select this button to set an exact address as your destination.
”Postcode” - select this button to enter a postcode as your destination.
”City centre” - select this button to set your destination as the centre of a city or town.
You can enter a postcode for any country. In some countries, postcodes are detailed
enough to identify a house on their own. In other countries, you can enter a postcode to identify a town or area. You will then have to enter a street and house number.
”Crossing or intersection” - select this button to your destination as the point where two streets meet.
In this example, we will enter an address.
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4. Select ”City and street”.
When planning a trip for rst time, your navigation device asks you to choose a state or
country. Your choice is saved and used for all routes you plan. You can change this setting at any time by selecting the ag.
5. Start to type the name of the town where you want to go.
26 MoveOn Navi
To use the keyboard, do the following:
Press the shift buttons (1), (2), (3) and (4) to move around the keyboard.
Press the centre button (5) to select a key.
Press the left soft button(6) to delete the last keystroke.
Press the right soft button (7) to go to the next step.
Press the back button (10) to go back to the previous step.
As you type, the names of the towns that match what you have typed are shown. When your destination appears in the list, select the name of the town to set the destination.
6. Start to type the street name. Select the name when it is shown in the list. As with the name of the town, the names of the streets that match what have typed are shown. When your destination appears in the list, select the name of the street to set the destination.
7. Enter the house number, then select ”Done”.
8. You are asked if you need to arrive at a particular time. For this example, select ”No”. The route is calculated by your device using IQ Routes. IQ Routes is used to plan the best possible route using information about the average speeds measured on the roads.
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9. When the new route is shown, select ”Done”. Your device starts to guide you to your destination, using spoken instructions and on-screen directions. For more information about the route, select ”Details”.
6.2 Route summary
After a route has been calculated, the route summary shows an overview of your route, the remaining distance to your destination and the remaining estimated journey time. To view the route summary at any other time, press the right soft button (7) on the Navigation Control. The route summary screen also shows trafc information about delays on your route.
28 MoveOn Navi
6.3 LIVE summary
LIVE summary shows LIVE Services information on your route. To view LIVE summary information, select the ”LIVE” tab on the route summary screen by using shift left (3) and shift right (4) on the Navigation Control. Select any of the panels for more detailed information.
The LIVE tab panels show the following information:
”Trafc on route” - select this panel to view detailed information about trafc delays and other
incidents on your route.
”Speed cameras” - select this panel to open the Safety Cameras menu. You can then report a
safety camera or change your settings for safety camera warnings.
”Weather” - select this panel to view the latest weather reports.
+ 68 hidden pages