Stereo Explorer
Volume Module
3-D Topographical Measurement System
Leica Microsystems (Switzerland) Ltd. Stereo & Macroscope Systems CH-9435 Heerbrugg
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M1-525-1en • © Leica Microsystems (Switzerland) Ltd. • CH-9435 Heerbrugg, 2004 • Printed in Switzerland – IV.2005 – RDV
Order number
33 007 037 Leica Stereo Explorer volume module
The Leica Stereo Explorer Volume Module calculates volumes related to indentations and elevations on a 3-D image. The user defines any area on the original stereomicroscope image pair for which the volume is to be determined and it is then quickly and precisely calculated by this software module.
A multitude of measurement variations are available with the Volume Module. For example, the selected area for measurement can be divided by a plane to determine two volumes. This plane can then be tilted on two axes and moved vertically in either direction to attain the best viewing perspective. Another measurement variation uses the soap-film model. If one were to make a wire model of the boundary curve of the selection area and then dip it into soap suds, the soap film would represent the covering surface. The Stereo Explorer calculates the covering surface for the closed boundary curve, which together with the remaining surface area, results in a total volume.
Surfaces can be displayed as digital elevation model (DEMs), “transparent” renderings of the real stereo image, either with the original stereomicroscope image or with a height-coded scale. Elevation lines similar to those typically used on a map can also be superimposed on the image. DSMs can be rotated freely around three axes and all views can be saved in a variety of file formats (JPG, TIFF, PNG, BMP, etc.).
Product Highlights:
• Measuring of volume of specimen elevations and indentations
• User-defined measurement area
• Visualization of volume as a 3-D object
• Variety of measurement modes (such as covering surface)
• Export of all measurement data as images or tables
• Choice of height-coded scale or 3-D display with glasses (included)
• Optional superimposed elevation lines