Leica SmartTouch User Manual

Leica SmartTouch™ Manual

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2 General Instructions 4 Safety Concept 5 Symbols Used 6 Safety Instructions 7 Safety regulations (continued) 8
Leica SmartTouch™ 9
Introduction 10
Installation 11
Unpacking 12 Assembly 13
General Information 14
An Overview of the Leica SmartTouch™ 15 Encoded and Unencoded Components 16 Leica SmartTouch™ and Leica Application Suite (LAS) 17 Controls on the Touchscreen 18 Calling up the Main view 19 The "Main" View 20
Setup and Conguration 21
Selecting the Desired Language 22 The "Cong." Tab 23 Conguration of Unencoded Components 24 Conguration of the Objective Nosepiece 25 Registering the objective nosepiece (cont'd) 26 Resetting to Factory Defaults 27 Adjusting the Brightness of the Display 28 Adjusting the Display Brightness (cont'd) 29 Changing the Units of Measure 30 Switching the signal tone on and o 31 Calibrating the touchscreen 32 Calibrating the zoom 33 Calibrating the Zoom (cont'd) 34 Checking the Firmware Version 35
The "Focus/Zoom" Tab 36
Information about the Displays 37 Focus Settings 38 Focus Settings (cont'd.) 39 Focus Settings (cont'd.) 40 Zoom Settings 41 Zoom Settings (cont'd.) 42 Measuring with the graticule 43 Moving the Rotary Head 44
Leica SmartTouch™ Manual 2
The "Stage" Tab 45
Modifying the travel path speed 46 Changing the Reference Coordinates 47 Changing the Reference Coordinates (cont'd) 48 Changing the Coordinate System 49 Measuring via polar coordinates 50
The "Light" Tab 51
Selecting the light source 52 Control of the Leica Fluorescence Illumination 53 Control of the Leica LED5000 CXI 54 Control of the Leica LED3000 NVI 55 Control of the Leica LED5000 3000 Ring Illuminator 56 Control of the Leica TL RCI Transmitted Light Base 57 Control of the Leica TL RCI Transmitted Light Base (cont'd) 58 Control of the Leica LED5000 MCI 59 Control of the Leica LED5000 RL-80/48 Ring Illuminator 60 Control of the Leica LED5000 HDI 61
Memory Key Assignment 62
Information about the Memory Keys 63 Assigning Memory Keys 64 Assigning Memory Keys (cont'd) 65 Memory Key Commands List 66
Memory Key Commands List (cont'd) 67 Memory Key Commands List (cont'd) 68 Memory Key Commands List (cont'd) 69 Memory Key Commands List (cont'd) 70
Double Rotary Actuator Assignment 71
Information about the Double Rotary Actuator 72 Assigning a Function to the Knobs 73 Assigning a Function to the Knobs (cont'd) 74 Commands List: Rotary Knob 75 Assigning a Function to the Toggle Button 76 Commands List: Toggle button 77 Commands List: Toggle Button (cont'd) 78
Calling Up and Saving Scenarios 79
Saving Scenarios 80 Calling Up Scenarios 81 Safety Measures for Focus and Stage 82
Leica SmartTouch™ Manual 3

General Instructions

Safety Concept
Use in clean rooms
The Leica SmartTouch™ can be used in clean rooms without any problems.
Ϙ Do not use any unsuitable cleaning agents,
chemicals or techniques for cleaning.
Ϙ Never use chemicals to clean colored
surfaces or accessories with rubberized parts. This could damage the surfaces, and specimens could be contaminated by abraded particles.
Ϙ In most cases, we can provide special solu-
tions on request. Some products can be modied, and we can oer other accesso­ries for use in clean rooms.
Ϙ Repairs may only be carried out by Leica
Microsystems-trained service technicians. Only original Leica Microsystems spare parts may be used.
Responsibilities of person in charge of instrument
Ϙ Ensure that the Leica SmartTouch™ is oper-
ated, maintained and repaired by autho­rized and trained personnel only.
Leica SmartTouch™ Manual 4

Safety Concept

This user manual describes the special func­tions of the Leica SmartTouch™ and contains important instructions for its operational safety and maintenance.
You can combine individual system articles with articles from external suppliers (e.g. cold light sources, etc.). Please read the user manual and the safety requirements of the supplier.
Before installing, operating or using the instru­ments, read the user manuals listed above. In particular, please observe all safety instruc­tions.
To maintain the unit in its original condition and to ensure safe operation, the user must follow the instructions and warnings contained in these user manuals.
Leica SmartTouch™ Manual 5

Symbols Used

Warning of a danger
This symbol indicates especially impor-
tant information that must be read and complied with. Failure to comply can cause the following:
Ϙ Hazards to personnel
Ϙ Instrument malfunctions and damage
Ϙ Damage to or possibly destruction of the
Warning of hazardous electrical voltage
This symbol indicates especially impor-
tant information. Failure to comply can
cause the following:
Ϙ Hazards to personnel.
Ϙ Instrument malfunctions and damage.
Danger due to hot surface.
This symbol warns against touching hot
surfaces, e.g. those of light bulbs.
Important information
This symbol indicates additional infor-
mation or explanations that intend to
provide clarity.
Intended use
Ϙ Refer to the "Safety Concept" brochure.
Non-intended use
Ϙ Refer to the "Safety Concept" brochure.
The instruments and accessories described in this manual have been safety-tested and checked for possible hazards. The responsible Leica aliate must be consulted whenever the instrument is altered, modied or used in conjunction with non-Leica components that are outside of the scope of this manual.
Leica SmartTouch™ Manual 6

Safety Instructions

Unauthorized alterations to the instrument or noncompliant use shall void all rights to any warranty claims!
Installation location
Ϙ Refer to the "Safety Concept" brochure.
Ϙ Electrical components must be placed at
least 10 cm away from the wall and from ammable substances.
Ϙ Avoid large temperature uctuations,
direct sunlight and vibrations. These condi­tions can distort measurements and micro­graphic images.
Ϙ In warm and warm-damp climatic zones,
the individual components require special care in order to prevent the build-up of fungus.
Requirements to be met by the operator:
Ϙ Refer to the "Safety Concept" brochure.
Ensure that:
Ϙ The Leica SmartTouch™ is operated, main-
tained and repaired only by authorized and trained personnel.
Ϙ All operators have read, understood and
observe this user manual, and particularly the safety regulations.
Repairs, service work
Ϙ Refer to the "Safety Concept" brochure.
Ϙ Only original Leica Microsystems spare
parts may be used.
Ϙ Before opening the instruments, switch o
the power and unplug the power cable.
Ϙ Touching the live electric circuit can cause
Ϙ Use the original packaging for shipping or
transporting the Leica SmartTouch™.
Ϙ In order to prevent damage from vibrations,
disassemble all moving parts that (accord­ing to the user manual) can be assembled and disassembled by the customer and pack them separately.
Leica SmartTouch™ Manual 7

Safety regulations (continued)

Ϙ Refer to the "Safety Concept" brochure.
Legal requirements
Ϙ Refer to the "Safety Concept" brochure.
EC Declaration of Conformity
Ϙ Refer to the "Safety Concept" brochure.
Health risks
Ϙ Optimal arrangement of workplace, work
assignments and work ow (changing tasks frequently).
Ϙ Thorough training of the personnel, giving
consideration to ergonomic and organiza­tional aspects.
Leica SmartTouch™ Manual 8

Leica SmartTouch™

Leica SmartTouch™ Manual 9


The Leica SmartTouch™ makes a variety of tasks easier, combined with an easy-to-understand and well-organized user interface. Control the zoom, focus, and camera. Move the stage with the specimen, restore the test conditions at the touch of a button or change the lter for uo­rescence images. All that and much more will be possible with the Leica SmartTouch™.
We wish you great joy and the best of success in your work!
Leica Microsystems (Switzerland) Ltd. Industry Division Max-Schmidheiny-Strasse 201 9435 Heerbrugg Switzerland
Leica SmartTouch™ Manual 10


Leica SmartTouch™ Manual 11


Ϙ Carefully remove the components out of
the packaging.
Ϙ Check content for completeness.
Package contents
Ϙ Leica SmartTouch™
Ϙ CAN-bus cable
Ϙ CD-ROM with manuals in PDF format.
Leica SmartTouch™ Manual 12


Required tools
Ϙ None
The Leica SmartTouch™ is supplied with
power via the focusing drive. No additio-
nal power supply is required.
2. Connect the CAN-bus cable provided to the Leica SmartTouch™.
3. Connect the other end of the CAN-bus cable to the focusing drive of your microscope.
In order for the Leica SmartTouch™ to
function properly, the CAN-bus cable
must only be connected to the focusing drive.
Leica SmartTouch™ Manual 13

General Information

Leica SmartTouch™ Manual 14

An Overview of the Leica SmartTouch™

Hardware keys (freely congurable)
Toggle button
Top rotary actuator
Bottom rotary actuator
Double rotary actuator
Leica SmartTouch™ Manual 15

Encoded and Unencoded Components

The Leica M series has various encoded
and motorized components; this means that the current status of a component is auto­matically transmitted to the Leica SmartTouch™. These data are displayed on the control panel and included in various calculations. At the same time, it is possible to control motorized components remotely via the Leica Smart­Touch™.
Encoded components
For example, if you adjust the encoded iris diaphragm on a Leica M205 C using the dial, the size of the aperture is automatically trans­mitted to the Leica SmartTouch™. The transmit­ted value is then used to calculate and display the depth of eld, for example.
For some instruments, such as the Leica M205 A, this also works the other way around: the iris diaphragm can be opened and closed by input on the Leica SmartTouch™.
Unencoded components
Not all components of the M series are encoded. The objectives, spacer rings and eyepieces are among the unencoded elements.
To ensure that these unencoded elements are included in the various calculations correctly, a one-time conguration of these elements is required. For instructions, refer to page 24.
If an unencoded component is replaced
with another component, this compo­nent must be detected correctly – otherwise, the Leica SmartTouch™ will show incorrect values on the display.
Leica SmartTouch™ Manual 16

Leica SmartTouch™ and Leica Application Suite (LAS)

The Leica SmartTouch™ can control
the entire microscope conguration. In many cases, there are additional options when the Leica SmartTouch™ is used in conjunction with the Leica Application Suite (LAS) PC soft­ware.
Advanced options
Ϙ Controlling the camera via Leica Smart-
Ϙ Synchronizing the settings (for example,
hardware setups or key assignments) between the Leica SmartTouch™ and LAS.
Ϙ Displaying the stage position when using
LAS PowerMosaic.
Leica SmartTouch™ Manual 17

Controls on the Touchscreen

Display of the current function of a hardware key
Scroll bar arrows
Display conventions
The display on the display panel only
shows the conguration that is actually present. For example, if the motorized mecha­nical stage is not connected, the corresponding settings are not displayed. The screenshots in this manual may thus dier from the display on your Leica SmartTouch™.
Color coding conventions
All xed elements of the user interface
(such as labels or titles) are displayed in a black font. All the values that can be modied (such as the zoom factor, status of the illumina­tor, etc.) are displayed in a red font.
Leica SmartTouch™ Manual 18

Calling up the Main view

The "Main" view allows you to see at a
glance which components can be cont­rolled via the Leica SmartTouch™. The current values and positions of connected instruments are also displayed. These include, for example, the aperture of the iris diaphragm, the posi­tion of the motorized mechanical stage, the currently used lters and more.
In the Main view screen, settings cannot
be modied. However, the stored con­gurations can still be called up (see page 63).
Calling up the Main view
1. Touch the "Main" tab to display the current
2. Touch the "Focus/Zoom", "Stage" or "Light"
tabs to modify the settings for the respec­tive instruments.
Calling up a stored conguration
1. Touch the desired hardware key to call up a dierent conguration.
Leica SmartTouch™ Manual 19

The "Main" View

Only instruments that are actually connected are
1. Total visual magnication
2. Position within possible magnication
3. Motorized focus position within positioning range
4. Aperture of the iris diaphragm in values between 20% (closed) and 100% (completely open)
5. Current position of motorized mechanical stage
6. Filter used and status of the shutter for uorescence equipment conguration
7. Status of the shutter for the Leica "TL RCI" transmitted light base
8. Status of Leica "LED5000 MCI" illuminator
9. Status of Leica "LED5000 RL-80/48" illuminator
Leica SmartTouch™ Manual 20
Setup and Conguration
Leica SmartTouch™ Manual 21

Selecting the Desired Language

The user interface of the Leica Smart-
Touch™ is displayed in English by default. In addition, the following languages are availa­ble:
Ϙ German
Ϙ French
Ϙ Italian
Ϙ Spanish
Ϙ Chinese
Ϙ Japanese
Changing the language
1. Touch the "Cong." tab.
2. Touch the button for the SmartTouch™ settings.
3. Touch the button for language selection.
4. Touch the desired language.
The selected language is used immedi-
ately. Restarting the instrument is not
Leica SmartTouch™ Manual 22
The "Cong." Tab
The "Cong." tab contains all the
commands and settings so that the Leica SmartTouch™ can be better adapted to your needs and requirements. This includes settings you can adjust at your discretion, for example, switching the key tone on or o or adjusting the brightness of the display. Other settings, however, are indispensable, for example, detec­ting unencoded components (refer also to page
Any changes to the settings are carried
out immediately and stored.
Calling up the settings
1. Touch the "Cong." tab.
2. Select the desired category in the "Cong." eld.
3. Congure the settings in the right eld.
Leica SmartTouch™ Manual 23
Conguration of Unencoded Components
Unencoded components (such as an
objective) are not detected automati­cally by the Leica SmartTouch™. To ensure that these components are included in the various calculations (depth of eld, zoom factor, etc.) correctly, they must be congured in the Leica SmartTouch™.
These congurations must be carried out
on the following occasions:
Ϙ Initial commissioning of the microscope.
Ϙ After an unencoded component has been
replaced by a component with dierent properties.
Ϙ After the Leica SmartTouch™ has been reset
to the factory defaults.
Registering components
1. Touch the "Cong." tab.
2. In the left area, touch the symbol for the microscope accessories.
3. Touch the symbol of the instrument compo­nent that you would like to detect.
4. In the list with the available components, touch the components you are using.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all components that you would like to use.
Each change is stored immediately.
Restarting the instrument is not required.
Leica SmartTouch™ Manual 24
Conguration of the Objective Nosepiece
The encoded objective nosepiece holds
two objectives or FluoCombi™ so that they can be exchanged by simply turning them.
1. Install the encoded objective nosepiece and
the two objectives on the optics carrier.
Registering the rst objective
1. On the Leica SmartTouch™, touch the "Cong." tab.
2. In the left area, touch the symbol for the microscope accessories.
3. Rotate the rst objective so it is in the beam path of the microscope carrier.
5. Touch the type of objective that is in the beam path.
(Continued on next page)
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+ 57 hidden pages