Leica DM IRM Instructions Manual

Inverted Research Microscope
for Material Testing
Issued in 1998 by:
Leica Microsystems Wetzlar GmbH Ernst-Leitz-Straße D-35578 Wetzlar (Germany)
Responsible for contents: MQM Marketing, Product Management
Tel. +49 (0) 64 41-29 2239 Fax +49 (0) 64 41-29 24 64 or 2255 e-mail Klaus.Luthardt@lmw.leica.com
All rights to this documentation and the software it describes are owned by Leica Microsystems Wetzlar GmbH. Copying of text and illustrations – in full or in part – by printing, photostat, microfilm or other techniques, including electronic systems, is only permitted subject to the express written consent of Leica Microsystems Wetzlar GmbH.
The information contained in the following docu­mentation represents the latest stage of techno­logy and knowledge. We have composed the texts and illustrations with great care. However, as it is impossible to eliminate the risk of error completely, we cannot accept any kind of liabili­ty for the correctness of the contents of this manual. Nevertheless, we are always grateful to be notified of any errors.
The information in this manual may be altered without prior notice.
1 Important notes
on this manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2 Intended application,
short description, technical data
of the microscope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–8
3 Assembly
3.1 Unpacking, installation site,
safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–11
3.2 Assembling the lamp mount, mirror housing, lamphousing, illumination telescope
. . . . . . . . . . . . 12–13
3.3 Assembling and changing
the incident light lamps . . . . . . . . . . . 14–18
3.4 Assembling the x/y stage . . . . . . . . . 19–20
Assembling the tubes and eyepieces
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21–23
3.6 Inserting the objectives . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.7 Inserting reflectors and
fluorescence filter cubes . . . . . . . . . . 25–26
3.8 Inserting the ICR prism
turret and ICR prisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.9 Inserting the polarisers
and analysers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28–29
3.10 Assembling the transmitted light illumination column and
the condensers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30–35
4 Start-up and
4.1 Coaxial coarse
and fine focusing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36–37
4.2 Observation tubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38–39
4.3 Tube module 1x, magnification
changer 1x, 1.5 x (B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.4 Lateral photo/TV exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.5 Optical outfits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42–46
4.6 Eyepiece graticules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47–49
4.7 Switching on and adjusting
the 12V 100 W halogen lamp . . . . . . . 50
4.8 Centring the 12V 100 W, Hg 50W,
Hg 100W and Xe 75 W . . . . . . . . . . . . 51–53
4.9 Centring the aperture and
field diaphragm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.10 Using light filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55–56
4.11 Examinations in incident light brightfield, bright- and darkfield, polarisation contrast,
interference contrast . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57–61
4.12 Examinations in incident
light fluorescence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
4.13 Examinations in transmitted light . . . 63–64
4.14 Length measurements . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5 Accessories
5.1 Working with the slide overlay device and
macro device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66–68
5.2 Connecting TV cameras and
photomicro equipment . . . . . . . . . . . 69–70
6 Care and maintenance,
wearing and spare parts . . . . . . . . . . 71–72
7 Conformity declaration . . . . . . . . . . . 73
This manual is divided into 7 main chapters:
1 Important notes 2 Description and technical data of the micro-
scope 3 Assembly of the microscope 4 Start-up and operation 5 Accessories 6 Care and maintenance 7 Conformity declaration
There are 6 basic variants of the Leica DMIRM microscope, which can be configured individual­ly. Information on equipping the microscope further can be found in this manual or the supplied ”Optics“ data sheet. Some accessories such as photomicrography have their own separate manuals.
This manual is an integral part of the product and must be read carefully before you start using the microscope.
Text symbols and their meaning:
Special safety information is indi­cated by the symbol on the left and is given a grey background.
As for e.g. mechanical and electrical hazards, laser, UV light, heat, danger of explosion
Warning of hot surface
Explanatory note
Caution! Operation errors can dam­age the microscope and/or its acces­sories
Not part of all configurations/ option
Numbers with an arrow, e.g. -> p. 20 refer to a particular page in this manual.
Numbers in brackets, e.g. (1.2) refer to illustrations, in this example Fig. 1, item 2.
Important notes on this manual
S. 20
Fig. 1 Leica DM IRM inverted microscope 1 Lamphousing 106Z with Hg 100 W lamp, 2 Mirrorhousing for 2
lamphousings, 3 3-plate x/y stage 247 x 230 mm, adjustment range x–y 60 x 40 mm with coaxial drive, 4 Aperture diaphragm adjustment, 5 Aperture diaphragm centration screws, 6 Field diaphragm adjustment, 7 Field diaphragm centering buttons, 8 Quintuple objective nosepiece, non-interchangeable, with M32 x 0.75 mm objective thread, 9 ICR prism dial, 10 Reflector dial, 11 Coaxial coarse and fine drive, 12 Lateral TV port, 13 Mains switch for integrated 12V 100 W switch mode power supply, 14 Brightness adjustment of 12 V 100 W lamp, 15 Trino­cular tube HCI 3T 22, 45° viewing angle, 16 Switch lever for split­ting light beam 100%/100 % or 50 %/50 %, 17 Adapter tube for photo/TV connection, 18 Analyser slot
Intended application, short description and technical data of the microscope
Fig. 2 Leica DM IRM inverted microscope 1 Lamphousing 107 for left-handed operation, 2 Collector adjustment for lamp centration, 3 Lamp centration screws, 4 Lamp mount for 1 lamphousing, 5 Switch lever for light filters, 6 3-plate x/y stage 247 x 230 mm, x–y adjustment range 60 x 40
mm with coaxial drive, 7 Switch lever for lateral TV port, 80% TV or 100% TV, 8 Tube lens module 1x or magnification changer 1x,
1.5 x, 9 Quintuple objective nosepiece, non-interchangeable with M32 x 0.75 mm objective thread, 10 Coaxial coarse and fine drive, 11 Binocular tube HCI B 22 with 45° viewing angle, 12 Clamp screw for changing and securing the tube, 13 Incident light polariser slot, 14 HC PLAN 10x/22 eyepieces
1 2 3
10 18
11 1314
Intended application:
The Leica DM IRM is designed for metallographi­cal test laboratories for material control and research of opaque and transparent industrial materials.
For indoor use only
Ambient temperature: 10°C–36°C Relative humidity: 0–80% up to 30°C Integrated power supply Mains voltage: 90–250 V Frequency: 50–60 Hz Power consumption: max. 160 W Fuses: T 4 A Overvoltage category: II Contamination class: 2
The following variants of the Leica DM IRM microscope are available:
Leica DMIRM with tube optics oo/1x HC with lateral photo/TV exit 100% vis–20 %vis/80%TV Order no. 571004
Leica DMIRM with tube optics oo/1x HC with lateral photo/TV exit 100% vis–100 %TV Order no. 571005
Leica DMIRM with tube optics oo/1x, 1.5 x HC (magnification changer) with lateral photo/TV exit 100% vis–20 %vis/80%TV Order no. 571006
Leica DMIRM with tube optics oo/1x, 1.5 x HC (magnification changer) with lateral photo/TV exit 100% vis–100 %TV Order no. 571007
Leica DMIRM with tube optics oo/1x, 1.5 x, B (magnification changer with Bertrand lens) with lateral photo/TV exit 100% vis–20 %vis/80%TV Order no. 571008
Leica DMIRM with tube optics oo/1x, 1.5 x B (magnification changer with Bertrand lens) with lateral photo/TV exit 100% vis–100 %TV Order no. 571009
Fig. 3 Back view of microscope 1 Lamphousing mount, 2 12V 100 W socket, 3 Mains socket, 4 Potential equalisation socket, 5 Cover for transmitted light
Fig. 4 Side view of microscope 1 Switch rod for lateral photo/TV port 100% vis/20 % vis–80 %
photo/TV or 100% vis/100 % photo/TV, 2 Adjustment wheel for tube lens 1 x, 1.5x Bertrand lens
3.1 Unpacking, installation site, assembly
tools, safety information
Please compare the delivery carefully with the packing note, delivery note or invoice. We strongly recommend that you keep a copy of these documents with the manual, so that you have information on the time and scope of the delivery later when ordering more equipment or when the microscope is serviced. Make sure that no small parts are left in the packing material. Some of our packing material has symbols indi­cating environment-friendly recycling.
When lifting the microscope out of the packaging do not touch any movable, mechanical compo­nents. When putting the microscope on the desk and adjusting its position, make sure not to damage the sensitive damping feet on the underneath of the microscope.
Do not connect microscope and peripherals to mains yet (see section 3.2, Assembly)
Installation site
Make sure that the workplace is free from oil and chemical fumes. Vibrations, direct sunlight and major temperature fluctuations should be avoi­ded. For ergonomic microscopy we recommend a stable desk (about 70–80 cm high) and a com­fortable, adjustable chair.
Assembly tools
Installation and assembly of the microscope should preferably be carried out together with a member of Leica sales or service staff. Only a few ordinary screwdrivers are required for assembly, and these are supplied with the microscope.
3 Assembling the microscope
Fig. 5 Assembly tools 1 Cross-tip screwdriver*, 2 Hexagonal screwdriver, 3mm, 3 Centring keys, 2mm*, 4 Centring keys, 1.5 mm*, 5 Allen key, 3 mm*, 6 Allen key, 2.5mm* (short version)
Safety information
This instrument of safety class 1 has been built and tested according to EN 61 010-1/IEC 1010-1 safety standards for electrical measurement, control and laboratory equipment.
To keep the microscope in this safe condition, it is essential to note the advice and warnings given in this manual.
The mains plug must only be inserted into a grounded outlet.
If an extension cord is used, it must be grounded as well. Any interruption of the ground connector inside or outside the microscope or disconnec­ting the ground connector can render the micro­scope potentially dangerous. Intentional sever­ance is forbidden!
Using the ground connection, any accesso­ries connected to the microscope which have their own and/or a different power supply can be given the same ground conductor poten­tial. Please consult our servicing personnel if you intend to connect units without a ground conductor.
Make sure that only fuses of the specified type and rating are used as replacements. It is forbid­den to use mended fuses or to short-circuit the fuse holder.
The instruments and accessories described in this manual have been safety-tested and checked for possible hazards. Before modifying the instrument in any way or combining it with non-Leica products not dealt with in this manual, it is essential to con­sult the Leica agency for your area or the main factory in Wetzlar!
Any unauthorized alteration to the micro­scope or use for which it was not intended will automatically terminate any warranty claim.
The electric accessories of the microscope are not waterproof. If water gets inside them, it may cause electrical shock. Do not put the microscope and its accessories near a water tap or anywhere else where water may get inside them.
Before changing fuses or lamps, always turn the mains switch off and disconnect the mains cable.
Protect the microscope from major tempera­ture fluctuations. These may lead to conden­sation which can damage the electric and optical components.
Avoid skin contact when using immersion oil! Ask the supplier for a safety information sheet!
3.2 Assembling the lamp mount, mirror housing,
lamphousing, illumination telescope
1 Insert the lamp mount or the mirror housing in
the back panel and screw down with Allen
screws. Make sure the guide pin of the lamp
mount (7.1) engages in the back panel of the
microscope (6.2). 2 Put lamphousing 107/2, 107, 106Z onto the lamp
mount and screw down with the fixing screw
(9). 3 If you are using gas discharge lamps in
connection with fluorescence techniques we
recommend you use the illumination telescope
(8.4). This is inserted between the lamp mount
and the lamphousing 106Z and magnifies the
image of the focal point of the lamp by the fac-
tor 2x in the entrance pupil of the objective.
This results in substantially higher illumination
intensity for fluorescence. 3 Plug the lamp plug into the socket on the
microscope stand (6.3). 4 Insert a 50 mm light filter in each of the 2 filter
slots on the lamphousing mount (7.4) 4 Connect the mains cable to the mains socket in
the microscope stand.
Fig. 6 Back view of microscope 1 Space for assembling a lamphousing or mirrorhousing, 2 Hole
for guide pin, 3 Socket for lamp plug, 4 Mains socket, 5 Poten- tial equalisation
Fig. 7 Lamp mount 1 Guide pin, 2 Lateral lamphousing mount, 3 Ring screw for
mounting to microscope, 4 2 spaces for light filters, 5 Fixing screws (Allen screws)
Fig. 9 Lamphousing 106Z L 1 Collector adjustment, 2 Vertical lamp adjustment, 3 Horizon-
tal lamp adjustment, 4 Dovetail ring mount, 5 Reflector adjust­ment (not visible)
Fig. 8 Mirror housing and illumination telescope 1 Mirror switching lever, 2 Lateral lamphousing mount with fixing screw, 3 Back lamphousing mount with Allen screw, 4 Illumination telescope for gas discharge lamps
3 1
Assembling and exchanging the incident light lamps
Exchanging the 12V 100 W halogen lamp:
Disconnect the lamp and lamphousing from the power supply. Pull out the mains plug.
Lamphousing 107L
Slacken the fixing screw on the cover and lift off the cover (10a.4). Move the collector (10a.2) to the front and pull the defect 12V 100 W lamp out of the base towards the front (10b.1)
Caution, hot surface!
Without removing its protective cover, put a new lamp into the base, without tilting, as far as it will go. n.b. Leave the protective cover on the lamp until it is in position. Avoid making finger marks or wipe off immedia­tely. Close the lamphousing.
Fig. 10b Lamphousing 107 L, opened 1 Mount with halogen lamp, 2 Collector, 3 Screw hole for cover
Fig. 10a Lamphousing 107 L 1 Dovetail ring mount, 2 Collector adjustment, 3 Lamp adjust-
ment, horizontal and vertical, 4 Cover fixing screws
Fig. 12 12 V 100W lamphousing with halogen lamp
Fig. 11 Lamphousing 106Z L 1 Lid, flipped up, 2 Collector, 3 12 V 100W halogen lamp or gas discharge lamp in holder, 4, 9 Lid screw holes, 5 Reflector, 6, 8 Screws for x-y adjustment of reflector, 10 Screws for fixing
the lamp holder, 11 Cut-out plug socket
2 3
10 1011
Lamphousing 106Z L*
Slacken the fixing screw on the lid (11.4, 9). Pull the cut-out plug slightly out of the socket (11.11) and flip up lid (11.1). Move the collector to the front and lift the defect lamp out of the base (11.2, 11.3, 14.1). For convenience, the lamp holder can be re­moved from the lamphousing as well. To do this, slacken the fixing screws on the lamp holder (11.10) and pull out the lamp holder (12).
Caution, hot surface!
Without removing its protective cover, put a new lamp into the base, without tilting, as far as it will go. n.b. It is important to leave the protective cover on the lamp until it is in position. Avoid making finger marks or wipe off immedia­tely. Close the lamphousing.
Assembling and exchanging the incident light lamps
Assembling and exchanging Hg and Xe lamps
Power units
Hg and Xe lamps are powered by separate power units. Please make sure to read the special manuals for these power units.
n.b. It is extremely important to heed the following advice!
Always disconnect the power unit from the mains before assembling the lamphousing 106Z. Wait for the lamphousing to cool down for at least 15 minutes as otherwise it may explode. Never touch glass parts of the burner with your bare hands as finger perspiration burns in. Wipe off any finger perspiration and dirt with a clean cloth. Adjust the lamps immediately after ignition (see page 53). Never look directly into the light path (risk of glare) Always wear the supplied gloves and face mask when assembling Xe burners (risk of explosion).
Type Average life span Hg ultra high pressure lamp 50W (A.C.) 100 h
Xe high pressure lamp 75 W (D.C.) 400 h Hg ultra high pressure lamp 100W (D.C.) 200 h Hg ultra high pressure lamp 100W (D.C., type 103 W/2) 300 h
Avoid switching on and off frequently, as this greatly reduces the life of the lamp. Hot Hg lamps do not ignite again until they have cooled down. It is best to keep a record of the number of hours a lamp has been in use (hour counter in the power unit) and compare it with the manu­facturer’s specifications. Spent burners become discoloured and should be exchanged before the specified life expectancy has expired. Ensure that lamphousing is adequately venti­lated. Never block the air vents with paper, etc (fire risk). Dispose of spent burners in an environment­friendly way.
Lamphousing 106Z L
Besides the halogen lamp, the following gas discharge lamps can be used, which each re­quire different lamp mounts (13) and power units:
1. the lettering is upright after insertion (diffe­rent diameters of the metal base for the Hg 100 and Xe 75 burners ensure that these are always inserted the right way up).
2. if the bulb has a seal point (13.2), the burner is turned so that this point will be at the side, not in the light path.
The Hg 50W lamp is correctly fitted when:
1. The type name stamp on the lower lamp base is visible. It must be readable, i.e. not upside down.
2. the upper base is labelled with the letters
- UP-.
Fig. 13 Lamp holders for gas discharge lamps 1 Upper clamp, 2 Seal point of the burner, 3 Lower clamp, 4, 6 Drill holes for fixing the lamp holder, 5 Sockets for cut-out
plug, 7 Protective cover
Hg 50
The LH 106Z L is opened by undoing the fixing screws on the lid (11.4, 9). Pull the cut-out plug slightly out of its socket and flip up lid (11.11, 11.1)
Always insert the burner so that
Hg 100
With ignition module
Xe 75
1 7
Hg 100
Fig. 14 Lamphousing 106Z L with Hg 100 W lamp 1 Collector focusing, 2 Lamp adjustment, vertical, 3 Lamp
adjustment, horizontal, 4 Lamp holder Hg 100W, 5 Reflector adjustment (not visible)
Put the upper pin of the burner between the clamps of the flexible power supply and clamp with screw (13.1). Unscrew the stud (13.3) in the holder slightly, in­sert the lower end of the metal base and retighten the stud.
Make sure that the lamp base and the power unit have the same number. If the lamp base is ma­rked L1, for example, L1 must also be set on the power unit to make full use of the lamp and not to shorten its life. Move the collector to the front position with the focusing knob (14.1).
Remove the protective covering from the burner (13.7).
Put the lamp holder with burner inserted into the lamphousing and secure with the screws (11.10).Try moving the collector (14.1): it must not touch the power lead. When closing the lamp­housing, make sure that the pins of the cut-out plug engage in the sockets (11.11). Retighten the screws of the lid. Push the cut-out plug in as far as it will go. Attach the lamphousing to the microscope and connect to the power unit (compare mains volt­age!)
Adjust the burner immediately after ignition.
To exchange the collector on the lamphousing 106Z: Move the collector (11.2) to the rearmost position with the focusing knob (14.1). Pull the focusing knob of the collector outwards (the lamp is not inserted) and remove the collector.
3.4 Assembling the 3-plate x/y stage no. 19
The 3-plate x/y stage no. 19, size 247x230mm, adjustment range x-y 60x40mm, is delivered in separate packaging and assembled as follows:
1. Screw the 3 Allen screws (15.2, 15.3) out of the stage support surfaces and wipe any remains of packaging or dust, etc. from the stage with a clean cloth.
2. Align the stage with the x-y drive (15.1) at the front right and lay it so that its undersurface rests on the stage support surfaces.
3. Align the drill holes in the stage over those in the support surface. If the drill holes are covered, please adjust the upper stage plate with the x-y stage drive.
4. Screw down the stage with Allen screws.
To assemble the square insert plate (16.1):
1. Insert the corner of the insert plate that is marked red (16.2) at an angle from above into the corner of the stage that is also marked red and is fitted with a spring (15.4).
Only press the spring at the side! Do not press the square insert plate (16.1) onto the spring from above, as the insert will not be aligned plane-parallel to the stage and can be bent.
2. Drill holes (17.2) for attaching small biological specimen clips (not part of delivery)
Fig. 15 3-plate x/y stage no. 19 without inserts 1 Stage drive, 2 Rear fixing holes, 3 Front fixing hole (not visi- ble, concealed by stage plate), 4 Corner with red dot and spring
Fig. 16 3-plate x/y stage no. 19 with inserts 1 Square insert plate, 150 x 150 mm, 2 Corner of the insert plate
marked with red dot
3. Screw the large clip for metallographic sam­ples into the M4 thread hole (17.4).
4. Allen screws (17.3) for plane-parallel align­ment.
Do not adjust these Allen screws. They are only for adjustment in the factory.
5. Insert the round stage inserts with a steel ring, inner hole of 20 mm, 30mm and 40 mm diameter (18.1) into the mount. The round stage inserts are equipped with a screw-in handle (18.2) to facilitate changing and rotating the inserts (rotation e.g. for ori­entation of a sample). Please handle the round stage inserts (18) with care. The thin inner steel rings (18.1) should not be subjected to any pressure or dropped. Rough treatment can cause deformation .
Simple stage plate*
The simple stage plate (19) is assembled in exa­ctly the same way.
Fig. 17 Stage inserts with accessories 1 Square insert plate, 150 x 150 mm, 2 Drill holes for small spe-
cimen clips (not part of standard delivery), 3 Allen screws for plane-parallel alignment (for factory adjustment only), 4 Large specimen clamp for metallographic objects
Fig. 18 Round stage inserts 1 Steel ring with inner hole of 20 mm, 30 mm, 40 mm, 2 Grip but-
ton, can be screwed off
Fig. 19 Simple stage plate
2 1
3.5 Assembling the tubes:
HCI B 22
Binocular tube with 45° viewing angle Field of view index up to 22 Eyepiece diameter 30mm for HC PLAN 10x/20 or 22 eyepieces Interpupillary distance setting: 55–75 mm
HCI 3T 22
Trinocular tube, 45° viewing angle Light path: 100% vis
50% - 50 %
100% photo Field of view index up to 22 Eyepiece diameter 30 mm for HC PLAN 10x/20 or 22 eyepieces Interpupillary distance setting: 55–75 mm
Ergo binocular tube with 15°–50° viewing angle Field of view index up to 22 Eyepiece diameter 30mm for HC PLAN 10x/20 or 22 eyepieces Interpupillary distance setting: 55–75 mm
Using a hexagonal screwdriver, slacken the clamp screw (20.1, 21.1, 22.1) on the side of the tube change mount on the stand and remove the black cap. Mount the tube so that the guide pin snaps in position and the Siedentopf binocular element (20.3, 21.3, 22.3) points upwards as a V shape. Retighten the clamp screw. Hold on to the tube until the clamp screw is tightened as otherwise it might fall off.
Insert the eyepieces into the tube ports as far as the stops. Insert the eyepiece with adjustable eyelens into the right-hand port, where it is easier to handle.
Fig. 20 HCI B 22 1 Clamp screw, 2 Tube port, 3 Siedentopf binocular element
Fig. 21 HCI 3T 22 1 Clamp screw, 2 Tube port, 3 Siedentopf binocular element, 4 Photo/TV port, 5 Beamsplitter switch rod
Assembly of Leica DMR tubes:
All the tubes in the Leica DMR range can be adapted with the IR HC tube adapter (23.3): e.g. Binocular observation and photo tube HC FSA 25 PE (23.1) Viewing angle 30° With side port for reflecting measurement scales and µ marks into the microscope image (slide overlay) and for connecting the MACRODUAL ZOOM device (see under Accessories, Slide Overlay and Macro device) Field of view index up to 22. Eyepiece diameter 30mm for HL PLAN 10x/20 or 22 eyepieces Eyepieces with larger field of view numbers are not recommended for use on the DM IRM.
The tube adapter IR HC is mounted on the tube change mount of the stand and stabilised by tightening the clamp screw (23.4). n.b.: Hold on to the tube adapter until the clamp screw is tightened. Then insert the HC FSA 25 PE tube in the change mount of the tube adapter and fasten with clamp screw (23.5).
The following tubes from the Leica DMR range are also adaptable:
Bino HC BSA 25 (24.1) Trino HC FSA 25 P and PR (24.2) (P + PR = with and without back reflection)
Photo port for 1 photo/TV connection (25.2) Photo port for 2 photo/TV connections (25.1) Switchable 100%/100 % (25.3)
All Leica DMR trinocular tubes have the following beamsplitting system: 100% vis., 100 % photo or 50%/50%.
Fig. 22 HCI BV 22 1 Clamp screw, 2 Tube port, 3 Siedentopf binocular element
Fig. 23 Tubes from the DMR range 1 HC FSA 25 PE, 2 Side port for optical overlay, 3 Tube adapter
IR HC, 4 Clamp screw for stand/adapter interface, 5 Clamp screw for adapter/tube interface, 6 Photo/TV port
Fig. 24 Leica DMR HC tubes 1 HC BSA 25, 2 HC FSA 25 P + PR, 3 Beamsplitter switch rod, 4 Mount for photo adapter tube, 5 Clamp for photo adapter tube, 6 Clickstop position for Pol eyepieces, 7 Socket for control
cable (PR tube only)
Fig. 25 Photo adapter tube 1 Photo adapter tube, 2 exits, 2 Photo adapter tube, 1 exit. 3 100 %/100% switch rod, 4 Clamp screw
1 23
1 3 2 4 5
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