Ariol on the
Leica DM6000 B
Clinical Breast Panel Analysis

Bring Objective Assessment of Your
Markers Into Your Workflow
Total Histology – standardization through integration
For pathologists required to routinely assess common breast cancer
markers there is the constant drive towards standardization and
reproducibility in all aspects of immunohistochemistry (IHC). From
the sample to the result, Leica Microsystems is striving to provide
the total histology solution and be your integrated partner in every
step of the process.
Example of a patient report
Your Benefi ts:
Consistent results – accommodate for batch
variation with trainable analysis tools to
adjust color and shape defi nitions
Gold standard – leading scoring protocols
supported, incorporate your scoring
methods within the analysis workfl ow
Professional reporting – generate case
reports for printing and sending images and
analysis data can be included easily
Facilitate throughput – analyze serial
sections simultaneously, areas can be
transposed automatically from section to
section using Slidelink technology
Flexible hardware – interchange objectives
and fi lters within a standard familiar
microscope setup
Fully fl uorescently enabled – capture and
analyze both IHC and FISH on one platform
Secure – access and processes controlled
via administrator defi ned user accounts
Integrated – brightfi eld and fl uorescent biomarker quantifi cation
on one platform
Ariol on the Leica DM6000 B is a microscope based analysis
workstation for the assessment of clinical brightfi eld and fl uorescent
biomarkers. The system integrates seamlessly into the pathologist’s
workfl ow with the means to digitize whole slides or simply regions
of interest and then accurately quantify IHC or FISH markers with
fl exible powerful analysis routines. Clinical reports can be simply
fi gured during the analysis process, allowing images, reference
ranges and analysis data to be included in a single patient case
Improve consistency – image analysis provides objective results
Bringing precision analysis of biomarkers into routine assessment
provides measurements to complement and aid visual observations.
Having membrane intensity information (and completeness) and
object counts to hand while interpreting slides is a valuable way to
help standardize results. Ariol fi ts into your workfl ow and is the
simplest and most powerful way to implement image analysis in the
pathology laboratory.
Nuclear (ER & PR), Membrane (Her2/neu), and FISH (Her2 FISH) capture and analysis
is a registered trademark of Genetix Europe Limited, Unit 7, Queens Park, Queensway North, Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, NE11 0QD UK
Order no.: English 914 725 • IX/10/FX/W.H. • Ariol
LEICA and the Leica Logo are registered trademarks of Leica Microsystems IR GmbH. © by Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany, 2010
The Ariol Hersight, ERsight, PRsight and PathVysion (tm)
are for in vitro diagnostic use, all other assays are for research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.