Measures against the Abnormal Noise from the Drum Cleaning
Section (New Sponge to Prevent Resonance of the Housing)
KMC’s Classification Entire Stock Rework In-Field modification at next visit
In-Field modification by case No modification necessary
Field Measure:
Please replace the drum unit with the latest one when the phenomenon described below occurs.
Sponge to prevent
[Cross section of the drum section]
Sponge (9x20 mm; thickness 6 mm)
Service Bulletin Ref. No. 2KZ-0032 (C276)
<Date> October 17, 2012
* This change was informed by the Parts Change Information (SB-PCI-0310-C098) as the rollout of the change for other models. However,
the same content is informed by this Service Bulletin since similar phenomenon was reported from the field.
When the impact elasticity of the cleaning blade was reduced in low temperature environment, abnormal noise
might be generated due to resonation of the housing at the drum cleaning section by the vibration of the cleaning
blade while driving the drum. Therefore, the following change was made.
Content of Changes
A sponge to prevent the resonance (not individually supplied parts to field) was affixed to the middle of the housing
at the drum cleaning section.
<Drum unit>
(State when the machine front side of the drum is lifted up)
* Change of the part numbers due to the change. Please refer to the table below for the latest drum unit as of the October 2012.
Please order with the following latest part number before replacing the drum unit. (The latest drum unit is compatible.)
<Latest drum unit (as of October 2012)> --- Informed by the Service Bulletin SB-2K0-0007-C194
KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe
Technical Customer Service Division (TCSD)

Latest unit of the above No.1
Service Bulletin Ref. No. 2KZ-0032 (C276)
<Date> October 17, 2012
Serial Nos. of the Affected Machines
Serial Nos. of the Affected MK Kits
<MK-895A> (Bundling of Bk drum unit)
<MK-895B> (Bundling of Y/M/C drum units)(Note 1)
(Note1) MK-895B was changed to MK-896B for common use of the kit with the HyPAS models. (Please refer to the Service
Bulletin SB-2K0-0007-C194.)
Serial No. of the Drum Unit (No.1 to No.3) for Service
From KM1042363346 (The entire unit with “4” or later as the 5th digit of the serial number is the unit with this
KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe
Technical Customer Service Division (TCSD)