(Revised Issue 1)
Service Bulletin Ref. No.
[Service Information]
Notes on Adjustment of the Color Registration
<Date> August 10, 2011
2KZ-0011 (B240)
This time, the description with (-->) was revised from the previous information.
<Number of changes: 2> “Execute [Drum Refresh] from the system menu” was added to the color registration
adjustment procedures (flowchart), and the numbering was accordingly revised (Pages 1 and 3).
FS-C8020MFP, FS-C8025MFP
The color registration shift may be observed depending on the operating environment with high temperature and
high humidity.
When the color registration shift is observed, please make sure if the engine version is 006.005 or later to
which the corrections for the color registration shift were implemented (advised by the Service Bulletin SB2KZ-0010-B239). If the firmware version is older, please upgrade the engine firmware to the version
006.005 or later. After the firmware was upgraded, please securely perform [The color registration
adjustment procedures]. Otherwise, the expected effect may not be enabled.
Please follow [The color registration adjustment procedures] as described below in order to correctly perform it.
[Color registration adjustment procedures (flowchart)]
1. Execute the U019 to check the engine
2. Engine firmware
version is 006.005 or
5. Foggy background is
European Service & Development Center (ESDC)
Upgrade the engine firmware
Execute the developer refresh

cute U000 to print Maintenance
aligned with the black lines
7. Execute [Calibration] from the System menu
Service Bulletin Ref. No.
For more details on each procedure, please refer to the next page.
(Revised Issue 1)
[Service Information]
9. Check the color registration adjustment
10.1) Print the color registration adjustment
chart (Detail) by selecting as follows:
[System Menu] > [Color Registration] >
[Detail] > [Print Chart]
10.2) Check the color lines that are mostly
10.3) Select [Registration] to input the
measured values.
11. Execute the U000 to print the
Maintenance report.
values in the U468 [Cor Reg
<Date> August 10, 2011
10.4) All values are 0?
12. All color registration
2KZ-0011 (B240)
First, execute [System Menu] >
[Calibration] and next [System Menu]
> [Color Registration] when adjusting
the color registration. If [Color
Registration] is executed without
[Calibration], the color registration will
be adjusted but the color registration
shift may be observed again for a
European Service & Development Center (ESDC)