Firmware Upgrade
(MAIN Ver.007.008; MMI Ver.007.004; Optional Language
(Brazilian Portuguese) Ver.001.012; ENGINE Ver.015.001)
FS-C2026MFP, FS-C2126MFP, FS-C2526MFP,
FS-C2626MFP, FS-C2026MFP+, FS-C2126MFP+
KDC’s Classification Entire Stock Rework In-Field modification at next visit
In-Field modification by case No modification necessary
Field Measure:
Please upgrade the firmware to the latest version when the phenomenon described below occurs.
Serial Nos. of the Affected Machines: From the February 2013* production
* The above is the plan at the present moment. Please note that this information is subject to change.
Additional maintenance
mode items
The following maintenance mode items were implemented:
U001, U019, U034, U065, U066, U067, U068, U070, U071,
U072, U402, U403, U404
The Windows8 inbox driver is now supported.
Support for the use of
Felica-Lite with the ID card
reader manufactured by
It is now enabled to use Felica-Lite(Card) with the ID card
reader manufactured by SCM Co.
(Readable card type of the ID card reader manufactured by
SMC Co.:
TYPE A(Mifare)/ TYPE B/ FeliCa/ FeliCa -Lite)
Measures against the
barcode print failure
The barcode might be garbled when a certain PCL data
(Ex. the height of the download bitmap font and the directed
height of the PCL escape sequence slightly differ) was
printed. Therefore, this was corrected.
Measures against wrong
print of a part of the font
when printing a certain file
Measures against the
machine lock-up when
using a certain application
The machine might lock up during the data processing and
the output data from the certain application might not be
printed. Therefore, this was corrected.
Measures against the
garbled letters when
registering a certain macro
The letters might be garbled when registering the certain
macro data containing the comment data of PCL5c.
Therefore, this was corrected.
Service Bulletin Ref. No. 2KW-0039 (D039)
<Date> March 13, 2013
The firmware was upgraded as follows.
Content of Changes
KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe
Technical Customer Service Division (TCSD)
Service Bulletin Ref. No. 2KW-0039 (D039)
<Date> March 13, 2013
<FS-C2526MFP, FS-C2626MFP>
*1: FS-C2626MFP, TASKalfa 265ci
<FS-C2026MFP, FS-C2126MFP>
<FS-C2026MFP+, FS-C2126MFP+>
For the KD sales companies, it is possible to download the firmware at the download center on the Service World.
When upgrading the firmware or replacing a board, please upgrade all kinds of the firmware to the latest version at the same
KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe
Technical Customer Service Division (TCSD)