KROHNE UFM530HT User Manual

UFM 530 HT
UFM 530 HT
UFM 530 HTUFM 530 HT
Inline ultrasonic flowmeter for high-temperature liquids
Hardware version: 2134721100-200 Software μP2: 90-05
© KROHNE 12/2013 - 4002393201- HB UFM 530 HT R02 en
: IMPRINT :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Subject to change without notice.
Copyright 2013 by KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH - Ludwig-Krohne-Str. 5 - 47058 Duisburg (Germany)
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UFM 530 HT
1 Safety instructions 5
1.1 Software history ............................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Intended use ..................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Certifications .................................................................................................................... 5
1.3.1 CE-certification .......................................................................................................................5
1.4 Safety instructions from the manufacturer ..................................................................... 6
1.4.1 Copyright and data protection ................................................................................................ 6
1.4.2 Disclaimer ............................................................................................................................... 6
1.4.3 Product liability and warranty ................................................................................................ 7
1.4.4 Information concerning the documentation........................................................................... 7
1.4.5 Warnings and symbols used................................................................................................... 8
1.5 Safety instructions for the operator................................................................................. 8
2 Device description 9
2.1 Scope of delivery............................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Device description .......................................................................................................... 10
2.3 Nameplates .................................................................................................................... 10
2.4 Example nameplate........................................................................................................ 11
3 Installation 12
3.1 General notes on installation ......................................................................................... 12
3.2 Storage ........................................................................................................................... 12
3.3 Transport ........................................................................................................................ 12
3.4 Inlet and outlet ............................................................................................................... 13
3.5 Mounting......................................................................................................................... 14
3.5.1 Mounting position of the flow sensor ................................................................................... 14
3.5.2 Mounting location of the flow sensor ................................................................................... 14
3.5.3 Insulation............................................................................................................................... 17
3.5.4 Pipe flanges........................................................................................................................... 17
3.5.5 Pipes with cathodic protection ............................................................................................. 18
4 Electrical connections 19
4.1 Safety instructions.......................................................................................................... 19
4.2 Power supply of the converter ....................................................................................... 19
4.3 Connection of signal cables ........................................................................................... 21
4.4 Electrical connections of the signal inputs and outputs ............................................... 22
4.4.1 Non Ex versions .................................................................................................................... 22
4.4.2 Ex versions ............................................................................................................................ 25
4.5 Connection diagram examples ...................................................................................... 29
4.5.1 Current output ...................................................................................................................... 29
4.5.2 Pulse output .......................................................................................................................... 30
4.5.3 Digital input........................................................................................................................... 31
4.5.4 Analog input .......................................................................................................................... 32
5 Start-up 33
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UFM 530 HT
5.1 Start-up procedure.........................................................................................................33
6 Operation 34
6.1 Signal converter: front panel and operating keys ......................................................... 34
6.2 Available versions........................................................................................................... 35
6.3 Signal converter: menu structure.................................................................................. 36
6.4 Important menu functions in detail................................................................................ 49
6.4.1 Error/totalizer (Menu 0.00.00) .............................................................................................. 49
6.4.2 View error messages / reset error messages (menu 0.00.01 and 0.00.02)......................... 51
6.4.3 Full-scale value for 100% volume and flow rate units (menu 3.01.01)................................ 51
6.4.4 Low-flow cut-off, cut-off "on"/"off" value (menu 3.01.05...3.01.07)..................................... 51
6.4.5 Direction of current output (menu 3.04.02).......................................................................... 52
6.4.6 User-defined unit for volume flow rate and totalizer (menu 3.07.05...3.07.07)................... 52
6.4.7 Plausibility filter (menu 3.07.09...3.07.11) ............................................................................ 53
7 Service 54
7.1 Electronics exchange ..................................................................................................... 54
7.1.1 Exchange of the electronics unit .......................................................................................... 54
7.1.2 Replacing the mains fuse ..................................................................................................... 56
7.2 Maintenance ................................................................................................................... 57
7.2.1 Admonitions for replacement of flow sensor in separate systems ..................................... 57
7.3 Cleaning.......................................................................................................................... 57
7.4 Spare parts availability...................................................................................................58
7.5 Availability of services .................................................................................................... 58
7.6 Returning the device to the manufacturer..................................................................... 58
7.6.1 General information.............................................................................................................. 58
7.6.2 Form (for copying) to accompany a returned device............................................................ 59
7.7 Disposal .......................................................................................................................... 59
8 Technical data 60
8.1 Measuring principle........................................................................................................60
8.2 Technical data................................................................................................................. 61
8.3 Dimensions and weight .................................................................................................. 65
8.3.1 Flow sensors......................................................................................................................... 65
8.3.2 UFC 030 signal converter...................................................................................................... 67
9 Notes 68
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UFM 530 HT
1.1 Software history
Release date Hardware Software Documentation
1990-05 2134721100-200 μP2: 90-05 MA UFM 530 HT R01
1.2 Intended use
Responsibility for the use of the measuring devices with regard to suitability, intended use and corrosion resistance of the used materials against the measured fluid lies solely with the operator.
The manufacturer is not liable for any damage resulting from improper use or use for other than the intended purpose.
microcontroller: 01.13
DSP: 10.20
This product is designed for the measurement of liquids with high temperatures
up to 500°C / 932°F (Ex hazardous areas are limited to 440°C / 824°F).
1.3 Certifications
1.3.1 CE-certification
The device fulfils the statutory requirements of the following EC directives:
Electromagnetic compatibility directive (EMC directive 2004/108/EC).
Low voltage directive (73/23/EEC), product is designed in accordance with EN IEC 61010-1
first and second edition (safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use part 1).
Pressure equipment directive (Module H of 97/23/EC, full quality assurance).
ATEX directive (94/9/EC)
Local safety regulations shall be observed in combination with the measures special to this product to avoid dangerous situations.
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1.4 Safety instructions from the manufacturer
1.4.1 Copyright and data protection
The contents of this document have been created with great care. Nevertheless, we provide no guarantee that the contents are correct, complete or up-to-date.
The contents and works in this document are subject to copyright. Contributions from third parties are identified as such. Reproduction, processing, dissemination and any type of use beyond what is permitted under copyright requires written authorisation from the respective author and/or the manufacturer.
The manufacturer tries always to observe the copyrights of others, and to draw on works created in-house or works in the public domain.
The collection of personal data (such as names, street addresses or e-mail addresses) in the manufacturer's documents is always on a voluntary basis whenever possible. Whenever feasible, it is always possible to make use of the offerings and services without providing any personal data.
UFM 530 HT
We draw your attention to the fact that data transmission over the Internet (e.g. when communicating by e-mail) may involve gaps in security. It is not possible to protect such data completely against access by third parties.
We hereby expressly prohibit the use of the contact data published as part of our duty to publish an imprint for the purpose of sending us any advertising or informational materials that we have not expressly requested.
1.4.2 Disclaimer
The manufacturer will not be liable for any damage of any kind by using its product, including, but not limited to direct, indirect or incidental and consequential damages.
This disclaimer does not apply in case the manufacturer has acted on purpose or with gross negligence. In the event any applicable law does not allow such limitations on implied warranties or the exclusion of limitation of certain damages, you may, if such law applies to you, not be subject to some or all of the above disclaimer, exclusions or limitations.
Any product purchased from the manufacturer is warranted in accordance with the relevant product documentation and our Terms and Conditions of Sale.
The manufacturer reserves the right to alter the content of its documents, including this disclaimer in any way, at any time, for any reason, without prior notification, and will not be liable in any way for possible consequences of such changes.
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UFM 530 HT
1.4.3 Product liability and warranty
The operator shall bear responsibility for the suitability of the device for the specific purpose. The manufacturer accepts no liability for the consequences of misuse by the operator. Improper installation and operation of the devices (systems) will cause the warranty to be void. The respective "Standard Terms and Conditions" which form the basis for the sales contract shall also apply.
1.4.4 Information concerning the documentation
To prevent any injury to the user or damage to the device it is essential that you read the information in this document and observe applicable national standards, safety requirements and accident prevention regulations.
If this document is not in your native language and if you have any problems understanding the text, we advise you to contact your local office for assistance. The manufacturer can not accept responsibility for any damage or injury caused by misunderstanding of the information in this document.
This document is provided to help you establish operating conditions, which will permit safe and efficient use of this device. Special considerations and precautions are also described in the document, which appear in the form of underneath icons.
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1.4.5 Warnings and symbols used
Safety warnings are indicated by the following symbols.
This information refers to the immediate danger when working with electricity.
This warning refers to the immediate danger of burns caused by heat or hot surfaces.
This warning refers to the immediate danger when using this device in a hazardous atmosphere.
These warnings must be observed without fail. Even partial disregard of this warning can lead to serious health problems and even death. There is also the risk of seriously damaging the device or parts of the operator's plant.
UFM 530 HT
Disregarding this safety warning, even if only in part, poses the risk of serious health problems. There is also the risk of damaging the device or parts of the operator's plant.
Disregarding these instructions can result in damage to the device or to parts of the operator's plant.
These instructions contain important information for the handling of the device.
This note contains information on statutory directives and standards.
This symbol designates all instructions for actions to be carried out by the operator in the specified sequence.
RESULTRESULT This symbol refers to all important consequences of the previous actions.
1.5 Safety instructions for the operator
In general, devices from the manufacturer may only be installed, commissioned, operated and maintained by properly trained and authorized personnel. This document is provided to help you establish operating conditions, which will permit safe and efficient use of this device.
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UFM 530 HT
2.1 Scope of delivery
Do a check of the packing list to make sure that you have all the elements given in the order.
Inspect the cartons carefully for damages or signs of rough handling. Report damage to the carrier and to the local office of the manufacturer.
Figure 2-1: Standard scope of delivery, independent from the sensor version illustrated below
1 Signal converter UFC 030 in ordered version 2 Product documentation 3 Factory calibration report 4 Special wrench for opening the converter housing 5 Signal cable
Assembly materials and tools are not part of the delivery. Use the assembly materials and tools in compliance with the applicable occupational health and safety directives.
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2.2 Device description
The UFM 530 HT is a bi-directional flowmeter (the arrow on the flowmeter indicates the positive direction). It consists of a UFS 500 HT flow sensor and an UFC 030 signal converter.
The signal converter is installed separately from the high-temperature flow sensor.
The flow sensor is designed for process temperatures between -25...+500°C / -13...+932°F (Ex hazardous areas are limited to -25...+440°C / -13...+824°F) and is manufactured from
316 stainless steel. Depending on the diameter it uses single beam or dual beam technology. All coax cables are protected with metal tubes. On top of the flow sensor a connection box is mounted.
Other diameters, pressure classes, materials or customized designs are available on request.
UFM 530 HT
Figure 2-2: Available sensor versions
1 Building construction "single beam" (DN25...40) 2 Building construction "single beam" (DN50...80) 3 Building construction "dual beam" (DN100)
2.3 Nameplates
Look at the device nameplate to ensure that the device is delivered according to your order. Check for the correct supply voltage printed on the nameplate.
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UFM 530 HT
2.4 Example nameplate
Figure 2-3: Example of nameplate
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3.1 General notes on installation
Inspect the cartons carefully for damages or signs of rough handling. Report damage to the carrier and to the local office of the manufacturer.
Do a check of the packing list to make sure that you have all the elements given in the order.
Look at the device nameplate to ensure that the device is delivered according to your order. Check for the correct supply voltage printed on the nameplate.
3.2 Storage
Store the device in a dry, dust-free location.
Avoid continuous direct sunlight.
Store the device in its original packaging.
Storage temperature: -50...+70°C / -58...+158°F
UFM 530 HT
3.3 Transport
Figure 3-1: Correct lifting with the help of straps or crane hooks.
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UFM 530 HT
3.4 Inlet and outlet
To avoid measuring errors and to get proper measuring results an inlet section upstream and an outlet section downstream is necessary. Regard the following illustration and table and regard the information for different fluid products:
Figure 3-2: Recommended straight inlet and outlet
1 DN25...80: 50 DN
DN100...300: 15 DN
2 DN25...80: 10 DN
DN100...300: 5DN
Different fluid products
Different fluid products
Different fluid productsDifferent fluid products To mix different fluid products, install the flow meter upstream of mixing point or at minimum distance of 30 DN downstream of the mixing point.
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3.5 Mounting
3.5.1 Mounting position of the flow sensor
Installation of the flow sensor is allowed in horizontal, slightly ascending and vertical pipe sections with up going flow direction (see next section). If installed in a horizontal or slightly ascending pipeline, the connection box of the flow sensor has to be up or down.
UFM 530 HT
Figure 3-3: Allowed position of the flow sensor (up and down)
Do not unscrew the flanged transducer construction. This will cause direct contact with the high temperature liquid running through the flow sensor.
3.5.2 Mounting location of the flow sensor
For proper flow measurement the measuring tube must be completely filled at all times. When the sensors become non-wetted, a loss of signal message will be displayed. There is no damage when this occurs.
Observe the following precautions to avoid measuring errors or malfunctioning of the flow meter due to gas or air inclusions or an empty pipe.
Since gas will collect at the highest point of a pipe, installation of the flowmeter at that location should always be avoided. In long horizontal pipes the flow meter has to be installed in a slightly ascending pipe section. If not possible, ensure adequate velocity to prevent air, gas or vapour from collecting in the upper part of the flow tube.
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UFM 530 HT
Figure 3-4: Avoid locations where gas can be present.
Also installation in a down going pipe should be avoided since a completely filled pipe may not be guaranteed due to cascading effects. Additionally flow profile distortion is possible.
Figure 3-5: Avoid locations where gas can be present
Figure 3-6: Ensure you have a completely filled pipe.
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Figure 3-7: Air vent
1 Level difference > 5 m / 16 ft 2 Install an air vent.
UFM 530 HT
Figure 3-8: Install control valve downstream of the flow meter.
Figure 3-9: Install pump upstream of flowmeter.
Figure 3-10: Avoid installation in vibrating pipelines. 12/2013 - 4002393201- HB UFM 530 HT R02 en
UFM 530 HT
3.5.3 Insulation
Complete insulation of the UFS 500 HT flow sensor is prohibited. Insulation is allowed up to the first flange of each transducer.
The connection box and the flanged transducers require adequate cooling by ambient air and must be protected against heat radiation by surrounding equipment.
Figure 3-11: Approved insulations.
1 Building construction "single beam" for DN25...40 2 Building construction "single beam" for DN50...80 3 Building construction "dual beam" for DN100
3.5.4 Pipe flanges
Refer to dimensional drawings for flange spacing and in addition allowance for thickness of gaskets.
Figure 3-12: Maximum deviation between flanges
1 L
2 L
Max. permissible deviation of pipe flange faces:
- L
0.5 mm / 0.02"
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3.5.5 Pipes with cathodic protection
Pipes with electric corrosion protection are generally insulated inside and outside so that the fluid has no conductive connection to the ground. The flow meter must be insulated from the pipe. Observe the following instructions when installing the flow meter:
The pipe flanges must be connected to each other using a copper cable (L), but must not be connected to the flowmeter.
The bolts for the flange connections and the gaskets must be insulated. Use sleeves and washers that are made of insulating material (these must be provided by customer).
UFM 530 HT
Figure 3-13: Cathodic protection
1 Flanges (left one: of flow sensor, right one: of pipe) 2 Nut 3 Washer 4 Insulating sleeve 5 Bolt 6 Gasket
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UFM 530 HT
4.1 Safety instructions
All work on the electrical connections may only be carried out with the power disconnected. Take note of the voltage data on the nameplate!
Observe the national regulations for electrical installations!
For devices used in hazardous areas, additional safety notes apply; please refer to the Ex documentation.
Observe without fail the local occupational health and safety regulations. Any work done on the electrical components of the measuring device may only be carried out by properly trained specialists.
Look at the device nameplate to ensure that the device is delivered according to your order. Check for the correct supply voltage printed on the nameplate.
4.2 Power supply of the converter
Environmental conditions
The flowmeter is designed to operate safe under the following conditions. Observe them before the connection to the mains supply voltage is established:
Indoor and outdoor use, usable up to protection category IP67 according to IEC 60529
(Note: IP67 is only warranted when using suitable cabling with the cable glands and covers mounted as specified).
Maximum altitude: up to 2000 m above see level.
Maximum relative humidity: up to 80%.
Operation ambient temperature range: -40...+65°C.
Storage temperature range: -40...+70°C.
Never allow dirt to accumulate on the gasket of the rear (blind) cover. A dirty gasket has to be cleaned, a damaged gasket must be replaced immediately.
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Before the cables can be fastened to the power supply terminal, the rear (blind) cover has to be removed.
Figure 4-1: Terminals for power supply
UFM 530 HT
Item number Function Specification
1 Neutral power supply. 2 Life power supply. Mains voltage AC supply: 100 VAC < U < 240 VAC (-15%, +10%),
SELV AC/DC supply: 24 VDC (-25%, +33%), 24 VAC (-10%, +15%).
3 Reserved ground
4 Protective ground
connection (PE), Functional ground connection (FE).
Not for protective earthing.
Protective conductor clamp terminal. Conductors up to 4mm2(11 AWG) need to be connected to this terminal.
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UFM 530 HT
4.3 Connection of signal cables
Connect the signal cable from the connection box of the UFS 500 HT sensor to the UFC 030 signal converter according to underneath drawings for the single beam and dual beam construction.
Figure 4-2: Connection of the sensor cables for dual beam (left) and single beam (right) building construction (sensor side)
Figure 4-3: Connection of the sensor cables, converter side
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