KROHNE UFM3030EEx User Manual

KROHNE 06/20057.30942.32.00
DIN A4: 7.10028.31.00
Addition to the installation and operating instructions
Universal 3-Beam ultrasonic flowmeter
UFM 3030 K/…EEx compact ultrasonic flowmeter UFC 030 F/…EEx ultrasonic flow converter UFS 3000 F/…EEx ultrasonic flow sensor
Subject to change without notice.
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General advice on safety
Do not install, operate or maintain this flow meter without reading, understanding and following the factory-supplied instru c tions, ot herwise injury or damage may re s ult.
Read these instructions carefully before starting installation and save them for future reference.
Observe all warnings and instructions marked on the product.
Use only mains supply with protective earthing connected.
Do not use the product with removed covers under wet conditions.
Consider handling and lift ing instr uc tions to avoid dama ge.
Install the product securely and stable.
Install an d conn ect ca bli ng prope r to excl u de dama ge or ha r mf ul sit uat i on s.
If th e product does n ot operate normall y, refer to the s ervice instructions or refer to qualified
KRO HNE servi c e engineers.
Ther e are no operator-serviceable parts i nside the product.
The following symbols may appear in this manual or on the product
ATTENTION: Refer to operating and installation instructions!
DANGER: Risk of ele ctric shock!
PROTECTIVE EA RTH (PE) conductor termi nal!
These ter ms may a ppear i n this manual or on the ins trument:
WARNING statement : Ide ntify conditions or practi c e that could result in injury or loss of life.
CAUTION stat em ent: Identify conditions or practice that could result in damage to the instrument or other property.
2 UFM 3030
This document contains important information on the instrument. KROHNE attempts to be as accurate and up-to-date as possible but assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Nor does KROHNE make any c ommitment to update t he information contained herein . Th is manual and all other documents are subject to change without prior notice.
KROHNE will not be liable for any damage of any kind by using its instrument, including, but not limit ed t o direct, in dir ect, i nci d ent al, pu ni tive and co nse qu en ti a l damage s.
This disclaimer d oes not apply in ca s e KROHNE has act ed on purpose o r with gross negligence. In the event an y appli ca bl e law doe s not all ow s uch limi ta ti ons on im pli ed wa rranti es or the exclus ion of limitatio n of cer tain damages, yo u m ay, if such l aw applies to you, not be s ubject t o some or al l of the above dis cl aim e r, exc lu si on s or limi t at i ons.
Any instrument purchased from KROHNE is wa rranted in accordance with the relevant product documentation and our Terms and Conditions of Sale.
KRO HNE reserves th e right to alter the content of its document s, includi ng this discl aimer in any way, at any time, for any reason, without prior notification, and will not be liable in any way for possible consequences of such changes.
Product liability and warranty
Responsibility for suitability and intended use of this ultrasonic flow meter rests solely with the user. Improper installation and operation of the flow meter (system) may lead to loss of warranty.
In addit i on, th e Terms an d Condition s of Sal e are ap pli cab l e and are the bas is fo r the purcha se contract.
If flow meters need to be returned to KROHNE, please note the information given on the last pages of the installation and opera ting instruc tions. KROHNE regrets t hat they can not repair or check flow meter(s) unless accompanied by t he completed f orm (see last pages of the inst allation and operating instructions).
Items included with order
UFM 30 30 ultrasonic flo w meter, co mp ri s ing of a flo w sensor, UFS 3000 and a f low co nvert er, UFC 030 either built t ogether as a compact s yst em or suppl ied as two separate piece s , in th e size as indicated on t he packaging box
Signal cable (only in case of a separate system)
Special tool for opening the convert er housing
Documentation suppli ed
Condensed installation and operating manual
For Ex-u nits: installation an d operating instruction s for use in hazardous ar eas
Instruction card: overview of the configuration menu and display markers
Service Handbook
Approval documents, unless reproduced in the installation and operating instructions
Report of factory settings of the flow converter
Certificate of system calibration data
This instrument is developed and manufactured by: KROHNE Altometer
Kerkeplaat 12 3313 LC Dordrecht The Net h erl ands
For information, maintenance or service please contact your nearest local KROHNE representative.
UFM 3030 3
No changes ma y be ma de to the devices. Unauthorized changes m ight affec t the explosion safety of the devices.
Be sure to follow these instructions!
The prescriptions and regulations as well as the electrical data described in the EC type examination certificate must be obeyed.
Beside the instructi on s f or electrical installations in non-hazardous locations according to the applicable national standard (equivalent of HD 384 or IEC 364, e.g. VDE 01 00), esp ec ially the regula tions in E N 60079-14 " Electrical inst allations in hazardous loc ations" or equivalent national standard (e.g. DIN VDE 0165 Part 1 ) must be strictly follow ed.
Installation, establishment, utilization and maintenance are only allowed to be executed by personnel with an educa tion in explos ion sa fety!
These add itional instructions are an extensi on to t he installation and operating instructions a nd only apply to the EEx versions of the UFM 3030 K, UFS 3000 F and UFC 030 F ultrasonic flowmeters. All technical information as described in the installation and operating instructions is applicable, when not sp eci fi ca l ly excl u ded, compl e te d or repla ced by th e ins truct io ns i n the se ad di tion al ins truc t ion s.
4 UFM 3030
Table of contents
System Components 6
1.1 Gene ral i nf orma ti on 6
1.2 Compact flowmeter 6
1.3 Flow sensor 7
1.4 Flow converter 8
1.5 Electrical data 11 2 Technical data 13
2.1 Mains supply 13
2.2 Signal in-/outputs 13
2.3 Ultrasonic sensor circuits 13
2.4 Environment temperatures 13
2.5 Power dissipation 13 3 Electrical connections 14
3.1 Safety instruc tion s 14
3.2 Power supply connection 14
3.3 Equipotential bonding 14
3.4 Standard versions 15
3.5 Namur versions 16
3.6 MODIS versions 17 4 Operation of the flow converter 20
4.1 Operation of the flow converter 2 0
4.2 Connecting cables 20
4.3 Connection diagrams 21
4.4 Namur NE 43 set ti n gs 25 5 Service and maintenance 26
5.1 Introduction 26
5.2 Replacement of electronics unit or power fuse(s) 26
5.3 Replacement of electronics unit 27
5.4 Replacement of mains fuse and analogue input fuses 27
UFM 3030 5
1 System Components
1.1 General information
The UFM 3030 ultrasoni c flowmeters in compa c t and separ ate design a re in a cc or dance with the European Directive 94/9 EC (ATEX 100a) and approved for hazardous classified locations of Zone 1 and 2 by the PTB conf orm to t h e Europ ean S ta nd ards of the EN 500x x se ri es, approval nu mbe r : PTB 03 ATEX 2021 X.
1.2 Compact flowmeter
The standard UFM 3030 K-EEx compact flowmeter is designed for ambient temperatures (i.e. Ta) in the ra nge of -40° C up to +65 °C. Th e MO DI S versio n of typ e UFM 303 0 K/i -E E x wi th intri nsic al ly safe s ignal in-/output s is suit able for ambie nt te mp er atures in the range from -20°C up to +65°C. The ma xi mum all owed proce ss li qu i d (medi um ) temper a t ure is rest rict ed by the c ombu sti bl e atmosphere that ( possibly) surroun ds the apparatus, determined by the temperature class of the atmosp he re , see t a ble bel ow.
Temperature class
T6 80°C 80°C 80°C 80°C T5 95°C 95°C 95°C 95°C T4 130°C 130°C 125°C 100°C T3 180°C 165°C 125°C 100°C
The UFM 3030 K/…-EEx compa c t fl owmeter c onsist s of t he UFC 030…-EEx flow conve rter that is screw ed on top of the UFS 3000-EEx flow sensor by four hexagon al socket head cap s crews of size M6. The standard (i .e. non-MO DIS) c om pact flowmeter is marked with one of the codes below:
II 2G EEx de [ib] IIC T6…T3 for the t erminal compa r tment of the fl ow c onvert er housin g in type of protection inc r eased safety "e" according to EN 50019.
Optional (only if explicitly ordered!):
II 2G EE x d [ib ] IIC T6…T3 for the terminal compartment of the flow converter housing designe d as f lam epro o f encl osur e "d " accor din g t o EN 500 18.
The MODIS version of the compact flowmeter, i.e. UFM 3030 K/i-EEx, is marked with one of the following codes:
Default M O DIS:
II 2G EEx de [ia/ib] IIC T6…T3 for the terminal compartment of the flow converter housing in type of protection increased safety "e" according to EN 50019.
Optional MODIS (only if explicitly ordered!):
II 2G EE x d [ia/i b ] IIC T6… T3 for the terminal compartment of the flow converter housing designe d as f lam epro o f encl osur e "d " accor din g t o EN 500 18.
For service purpos es the elec tronics unit of the two beam ultras onic converter UFC 500…-EE x unit can b e replaced by the new UFC 0 30…-EEx electronics unit.
Maximum process liquid temperature at Ta 40°C Ta 50°C Ta 60°C Ta 65°C
6 UFM 3030
1.3 Flow sensor
1.3.1 Standard instruments
The UFS 3000…-EEx flow sensor is the d efault me as uring unit of t he UFM 3030 (3-beam) ultra s onic flowme ters. It contai ns t he ultrasoni c s ensor (three pairs of oppos ite t r ansducers) in type of protection intrinsic safety category "ib" according to EN 50020. All sensor circuits are wired by separate coaxial cables and connected through SMB connectors, which are marked by the respective numbers 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 and 3.2. The flow sensors are available in size DN25 (1”) up to DN3000 (120”) in diameter.
The UFS 3000…-EEx flow sensor is used in combinati on with the fl ow co nverter un it type UFC 030…-E E x, w h ich is either dir ectl y mounte d on top of t he flow sen sor (compact me te r ) or inst al led on a d istanc e and c onnected via a cable (s eparate ve r s ion). In t he last c as e the flow sensor as well as the fl ow conve rt er uni t ar e bot h provided w i th a jun ct i on box, in wh ic h the SM B connectors are mounted.
The UFS 3000 F/ … -EEx flow se ns or in separate design is the mea s uring unit of the s eparate flow met e r sys te m. T h ere is a stan da rd versi on, sui ta bl e fo r proce ss li qu id t emp eratu r es f rom - 25° C up to 180°C and an extended te mp eratur e (XT ) versi on UFS 3000 F/XT-EEx, wh ic h allows a maximum process temperature of 220°C. Both versions are designed for an ambient temperature in the rang e of -40°C up t o +65°C.
The UFS 30 00 F/…-EEx flow sensors i n se pa rate design are classified according to the temperature classification table below.
Temperature class T6 80°C 80°C
T5 95°C 95°C T4 130°C 130°C T3 180°C 195°C T2 N.A. 220°C
The UFS 3000 F/ … -EEx flow se ns ors are marked with th e explosi on safety cod es :
Standard UFS 3000 F-EEx: II 2G EEx i b IIC T6…T3
XT-version UFS 3000 F/XT-EEx: II 2G EEx ib IIC T6…T 2
The intrins icall y safe " ib" ultr as onic s ensor circuit s insi de the UFS 3000…-EEx flow sens or ha ve the fo l lowin g max imu m val ues (i.e . ent i ty pa rame ters) :
Maximum input voltage : Vmax = 13.1 V
Maximum input current : Imax = 600 mA
Maximum internal capaci tance : Ci = 13.1 nF (maxi m um, 3 sensor c ircuit s)
Maximum internal inductance : Li = 134 µH (maximum, 3 sensor circuits)
The intrinsical saf e se nso r circuits of the UFM 3030 K/…-EEx compact flow meter are only internal circuits and not accessible for the user.
Maximum process liquid temperature at Ta = 65°C Standard design XT-design
UFM 3030 7
1.3.2 Optional instruments
The following option s are available to support c ustome rs that have one or mo re ult ra s onic flowmete r sys te ms (in compact an d/ or sep ar at e desi gn) ba sed on the U FM 50 0…- EE x se rie s and ne ed to replace the UFC 50 0…-EE x electr onic s unit.
Because the intrinsically safe “ib” sensor circuits of UFS 500…-EEx flow sensor have almost the same maximum values (i.e. entity parameters) as the UFS 3000…-EEx, it can also be driven by the UFC 030…-EE x elec tronics unit. Therefore only four of th e six SMB connectors on t he front-en d printed circuit board of the UFC 030…-EEx electronics unit must be connected to the four SMB connectors of t he UFS 500…-EEx flo w se ns or . For proper functioning must c onnector number 1.1,
1.2, 2.1 and 2.2 of the UFC 030…-EEx be connected to respective number 4, 3, 1 and 2 of the UFS 500 … -EEx fl ow s enso r.
An exception applies to the ALTOSONIC V-version UFS 500 F/5STR-EEx, which can only be driven by five UFC 50 0…-E E x electronics un its.
The intrinsically safe "ib" ultrasonic sensor circuits inside the UFS 500…-EEx flow sensor have the same maximum values (i.e. entity parameters) as the UFS 3000…-EEx, except for the internal capaci t anc e, w hi ch is a littl e smal l er, na mel y : Ci = 7.7 nF (maxi mu m, 2 se nso r circu it s)
The UFS 500-EEx as part of th e UFM 500 K…-EEx compact flow me ter is appro ved under number PT B 01 ATEX 2015 X and the UFS 500 F/… - E Ex fl ow sen s or wi th a separ ate design has app roval number PTB 01 ATEX 2012 X. See Appendix 1.
1.4 Flow converter
The UFC 030… -EE x flo w convert er co n si sts of an appro ved c y l in dri cal hou si ng, made of a die­casted aluminium alloy (type AX/P/…-EEx with KEM A No. E x-99 .E.8128 U) or of stainless st eel (type VX -EEx wi th PTB No. Ex -9 6.D.10 68 U). It contai ns two separa te compart m ents, divided from each other by wall with an integrat ed enc apsulated flameproof termina l feed-through. The ho us ing of the compact version is screwed on top of the flow sensor, the housing of the separate version is screwed on an alum inium or s t ainless steel wall-mou nting brac k et. A junction box m ade of die­casted al umi ni um alloy or stainless steel is screwed to the side of the bracket by four M6 recessed head screws with internal hexagonal socket set (on l y applicable for the flow converter in sepa rate design).
The flow converter housing is on both ends closed by a threaded cylindrical cover with O-ring seali n g. Coaxi a l ca bles of typ e RG17 9 or RG31 6 w i th SM B plug s at t hei r end s conne ct th e intrinsically safe sensor output circuits of the flow converter to the corresponding SMB male-to-male bulkheads in the junction box.
The equipotential b ondin g c onductor is scr ewed unde r t he ext ernal M 5 U-clamp terminal , which is located on the mounting flange at the bottom of the neck of the flow converter housing. The flow converter housing has an ingress protection degree of at least IP67 in accordance with EN 60529.
1.4.1 Electronics compartment
The elec tronic s c om partm ent acc ommodates the UFC 030…-EE x elec tronics unit . The c om part­ment is designed with type of protection flameproof enclosu re "d" in accordance with EN 50018. I t is closed by a flameproof display cover with glass window, which is glued and additionally mechanical support e d by a screwed in ba ck-u p rin g made of alu min u m or stai nl e ss ste el (dep ends on the materi al of t he hou si ng ). The in terc onne ct i ng part (i. e. ne ck) at t he bot tom of the housin g contain s a flam eproof c able feed-through, t hr ough which the c oaxial cables r un. T he feed-through pro vi des a flam eproof s ealing at the bo tt om of the electronics com partme nt.
8 UFM 3030
The UFC 030…-EEx electr onic s unit is inse rted into t he electr onics com partment with the he lp of two slid ing rubb er s that position and fixate the unit at the front of the insi de of th e housi ng. Two M4 screws mount th e unit and a t hird M4 screw fixat es the br ass earth s trip at t he back-end of the fron t­end printed circuit board, which contains the integrated voltage/current limiting circuit. The three screw s are screw e d to t he integ rat ed wall ins id e the el ec tron ics comp a rtm ent. T he on t he front -end PCB integrated voltage/current limiting circuit provides the ultrasonic sensors inside the flow sensor with type of protection intrinsic safety category "ib" according to EN 50020.
The voltage/current limiting circuit has the following maximum output values:
Maximum output voltage : V
Maximum output current : I
Maximu m al lowed ext e rnal cap aci ta nce : C
Maximu m al lowed ext e rnal induc tan ce : L
= 8.15 V
= 220 mA
= 1. 3 µF
= 0.5 mH
1.4.2 MODIS electronics units
The MODIS electronics units have type designation UFC 030i-EEx and are provided with two MODIS modules. The modules provide intrinsically safe signal input/output circuits, which are accessible by the user for connection in the terminal compartment of the flow converter housing. Thr ee typ es of modu l es can be used on the UFC 030i -E Ex el e ctr onic s un it , na mel y : P-SA (cu rrent output), F A-ST (puls e or sta tus output ) and F-PA (fieldbus type Prof ibus).
A combination of two of the above listed modules is installed on the power supply printed circuit board of the MODIS versions of the UFC 030…-EEx electronics.
1.4.3 Terminal compartment
The termi nal co mp ar tment accommodates s even M4 clamp termi nals for connection of the powe r supply and the signal in-/output circuits . The termin als are separated from each other b y in s ulati on plates (eight i n total, from which one at each en d of the row).
The terminal compartment (default in type of protection increased safety “e”) is standard equipped with two metal cable glands of size M20x1.5 or Pg13.5. The terminal compartment can optionally be provided as a flameproof encl os ure “EEx d”, in which c as e the custome r m us t use pre-certified “EEx d” cable glands or conduits.
For flameproof c onduit systems, the terminal compartm ent must have type of protection fl am eproof enclosure “d ” ac cordi ng to EN 5001 8. T he cond uits m ust be s ealed by “EEx d” approved (in accordance wit h ATEX 100a directive) sealing d evices (i.e. stopp in g boxes) direct ly at the conduit entrances of the as flameproof enclosure “EEx d” performed terminal compartment.
1.4.4 MODIS terminal design
The con ne ct ions for the intrinsically safe MODIS input/output circuits consist of four M 4 U-clamp terminals, separated from the two power supply terminals by an earthed metal plate, which is screwed to a non- us ed M 4 U- c lamp termi nal. Eight dividing plates of insulating material in-b etween the seven terminals and at each end of the row separate the terminals from each other and from the earthed metal housing.
After the power s upply cabl e is c onnected to the ap pr opriate two terminals, these two t er minals a re covered by a semi-circular i nsulating pl ate to p revent any possibl e contact w ith the intrinsical ly safe MO DI S con du ct ors. S ee f i gure below .
UFM 3030 9
“EEx d” approved cable glands are no part of the standard delivery package, but must be pro vide d by t he cu sto mer him s elf or ordere d exp li ci t ly at KROH NE.
1) Semi-circular insulating cover plate
2) U-clamp terminal size M4 (7 in total)
3) Dividing plate of insulating material (8 in total)
4) Flameproof terminal feed-through
5) Sticker with handling instruct ions for insula ting cover plate
6) Metal dividing plate intrinsical ly safe and non-intrinsically safe termi nals
7) Cable gland (si z e M20x1.5 or Pg13.5) or cable adapte r (e.g. M20x1.5 to ½ inch NPT)
8) PE/FE U-clamp terminal size M5
9) Indi cation sticker f or i ntrinsically safe signal in-/output terminal s (MODIS )
10) External U-clamp terminal size M5 for equipotential bonding cable.
Terminal compartment of MODIS versions
10 UFM 3030
+ 23 hidden pages