Version November 1996
CORIMASS P and E Series
Software Version P2.20
Installation a nd Operating Instructions
How to use these installation and operating instr uct i ons
For easy reference these Instructions are divided into four parts. Only Part A (page 3) is needed for install at ion and initial start-up. All CORI MASS mass flowmeters of the P- and E-Series are fact or y set t o y our order
Part A
Part B Part C Part D
The CORIMASS mass fl owmeter MFM 2081 and MFM 3081 is designed for the direct measurement of mass f l ow rat e, product density and pr oduct temperature, and also indirectl y enables measurement of parameters such as total m ass, concentrat ion of dissolved substances and the volume flow.
For use in hazardous areas, special codes and regulations are applicabl e which are specified in the special “Ex installati on and operati ng instructions“ (s uppl ied only with hazardous-duty equipment).
Responsibility as to suitability and intended use of our instrum ents rests solely wit h t he purchaser.
Improper inst allation and operation of t he fl owmeters may lead to loss of warranty.
Install f lowmeter in the pipeline (Sect. 1), connect up (Sect. 2) and power the flowmeter (Sect. 3).
The system is operati onal
Operator control and f unctions of the MFC 081 Signal Converter. Service and functional checks. Technical data and dim ensions.
Product liability and warranty
In addition, t he “general conditions of sale“ for ming the basis of the purchase agreement are applicable.
If you need to return CORI MASS f lowmeters to KROHNE, pl ease complete the form on t h e
last page of thi s manual and return it wi t h t he m eter to be repaired. Krohne regr et s t hat it cannot repair or check your fl owmeter unless accompanied by this compl et e d f or m.
CE / EMC St andar ds / Approvals
The Corimass MFM 2081 and MFM 3081 with the MFC 081 signal converter meet the requirements of the EU-EMC Direct i ves and bear the CE symbol.
The Corimass MFM 2081 and MFM 3081 K -Ex are approved as hazardous duty equipment to the harmonised European Standards and to Factor y Mutual (FM) (pending). Further details are given in the “Ex” supplementary instructi ons pr ovi ded only wit h hazardous-dut y equipment.
Technical data subject t o change wi t hout not ice
Part A: Installation and Start-up 4 - 28
1. Instrument Descr i pt i on 5
1.1 The Corimass Measuring System 5
1.2 Mass Flow Sensor 6
1.2.1 Measuring Principle 6
1.2.2 Transducer MFS 2000 (P-Series) 6
1.2.3 MFS 3000 Transducer (E-Series) 7
2. Installation 8
2.1 General Principles 8
2.2 Installation Guidelines 9
2.2.1 Location of Corimass Transducer 9
2.2.2 Requirements of the piping system 12
2.2.3 Special remarks on the MFS 3000 15
3. Electrical Inst al lation 17
3.1 Location and Connecting Cables 17
3.2 Connection to Power 17
3.3 Inputs and Outputs 18
4. Start-up 20
4.1 Factory Set Parameters 20
4.2 Initial St ar t-up 20
4.3 Installat ion Factor 21
4.4 Zero Point Adjustment 21
4.5 Programming the Converter with a Bar Magnet 22
4.6 Installat ion of the Converter MFC 081 F 22
4.7 Connection of Remote Mounted Version 23
4.8 Connection Diagram of Compact Version 28
Part B: MFC 081 Signal Converter - Software Version P2.20 29 - 76
5. Operation of t he Si gnal Convert e r 29
5.1 Operating and Check Elements 29
5.2 Krohne Operating Concept 30
5.3 Key Functions 31
5.3.1 How to enter programming mode 32
5.3.2 How to terminate programming mode 32
5.4 Table of Programmable Functions 35
5.5 Reset / Quit Menu - Totalizer Reset and Status Indication Acknowledgement 45
5.6 Status Messages 47
5.7 Menu Variations for Systems with O t her Out put O ptions 48
6. Description of Funct i ons 49
6.1 Zero Point Adjustment 49
6.2 Low Flow Cutoff 51
6.3 Time Constant 51
6.4 Programming the Display for Measurement Values 52
6.5 Programming Numeric Data 55
6.6 Setting the Current Output 56
6.7 Setting the Frequency / Pulse Output 59
6.8 Setting the Process Alarm Output 63
6.9 Setting the Control Input 65
6.10 Setting the System Control 66
6.11 Standby Function 67 3
6.12 Density Calibration Adjust ment 69
6.12.1 Water as the reference liquid 69
6.12.2 Process fluid as the reference liquid 69
6.13 Density - Special functions 71
6.13.1 Density - Special functions 71
6.13.2 Referred density (option) 72
6.13.3 Fixed density (option) 72
6.14 User Data 73
6.14.1 Programming the display language 73
6.14.2 Password protection of m enus 73
6.14.3 Custody transfer protection code 74
6.14.4 Primar y head type and tube parameters (CF 1 - 9) 76
6.14.5 Location 76
Part C: Special O pt i ons, Functional Checks, Service and O r der Numbers 77 - 96
7. Special Options 77
7.1 Use in Hazardous Areas 77
7.2 Converter with Non-standard Output O pt ions 77
7.3 Concentration Measurement and Special Density Options 77
7.4 Converter with Smart / HART Communication O pt ion 77
7.5 Converter with RS 485 Communi cat i on O ption 78
7.6 Custody Transfer Option 78
8. Functional Checks 78
8.1 Test Functions 78
8.1.1 Testing the display 78
8.1.2 Testing current output 79
8.1.3 Testing pulse output 79
8.1.4 Testing alarm out put 81
8.1.5 Testing control input 81
8.1.6 Viewing temperature 82
8.1.7 Viewing primar y head signal condi tions 82
9. Service and Troubleshooting 83
9.1 Threads and “O” Ring of the Converter Housing Lid 83
9.2 Replacing the Converter Electronics 83
9.3 Change of Operating Voltage and Power Fuse F9 84
9.3.1 Replacement of power fuse F9 84
9.3.2 Changing the operating voltage 84
9.4 Turning the Display Circuit Board 85
9.5 Turning the Signal Converter Housing 85
9.6 Troubleshooting 86
9.7 Fault Finding 89
9.8 Checking the Primary Head 92
9.9 Status W ar ni ngs 93
10. Order Numbers 96 Part D: Technical Data and Dimensions 97 - 103
11. Technical Data 97
11.1 Primar y Head 97
11.2 MFC 081 Signal Converter 99
11.3 Measuring Accuracy / Error limits 100
11.4 Dimensions and weights 101
11.4.1 Compact Systems - MFS 3081 K / MFS 2081 K 101
11.4.2 Remote Systems - MFS 3081 F / MFS 2081 F 102
Part A Installation and Start up
1. Instrument Descr i pt i on
1.1 The CORIMASS M easur ing System
The CORIMASS Measuring Sys tem uses the Cori o lis principle for measuring the mas s flow rate of fluids wit h hi gh accur acy.
When using thi s measuring principl e, it is possible to measure the mass flow rate directl y, independent of any other parameters of the fluid, such as density, temperature, pressure, viscosity, conduct i vity and flow profi l e. Hom ogeneously distr i but ed sm all solid particles (slurries) and gas bubbles have no noticeable effect on the measuring accuracy.
The CORIMASS mass flow rate system i s of modular type design, com pr ising a transducer and a converter. In the compact version MFM 2081 K / MFM 3081 K the converter is mount ed directly to the transducer; in t he separate version MFM 2081 / MFM 3081 the transducer MFS 2000 / MFS 3000 and the converter MFC 081 F are connected to each other via a shielded multi-conductor cable (figur e 1). The MFM 2081 is also referred to as “P-Series,” and the MFM 3081 is also referred to as “E-Series”. The measurement values of mass flow rate, total mass and density are available.
Additional to t he standard syst em f or special r equirements the following models are available:
tr ansducer wit h electri c or liquid heating
tr ansducer with secondary containment or pressure relief
hazardous duty model:
EEx ib II B or EEx ib II C (no electric heating!) ar e appli ed
FM Class I, II, III, Div. 1 and Div. 2, Groups B-G ( pending)
Compact Version Separate Version MFM 2081 K MFM 2081 F
Transducer MFS 2000 plus Converter MFC 081 F Shielded multi-conduct or cabl e
Fig. 1 The CORIMASS Measuring System
1.2 Mass Flow Sensor
1.2.1 Measuring Pr i nci ple
Coriolis for ces occur in r ot at ing systems when accompanying bodies are moved toward or away from the rotat ional axis. This is illustrated by the following simple set-up: a pipe tube rotates with a constant angular veloci t y ar ound t he axis A - B (fi gur e 2). The flui d par t icles flow with the velocity v through t he loop. Between the points C and D they move away from the axis and therefore have to be accelerated from a smaller to a lar ger tangential veloci t y. Respectively, the fluid particles have to decelerate reducing their tangential velocity between points E and F. The opposing coriol i s f or ces acti ng upon t he two dif f erent parts of t he pipe loop are directly proporti onal to the product of the mass and the velocity of the fluid. They cause the pipe loop to deform (DD’, EE’ and FF’ respectively) with r espect to a r otating loop filled with a flowing fluid.
Fig. 2 Coriolis force in a rotating pipe loop
Rotation does not necessarily mean the completion of f ull circular or bi t s. Short circular segments suffice. In the event of oscillation, the deformation of the pipe loop sides oscillates, too. The total change in the moti on of t he pipe loop caused by the mass flow can be detected via inductive sensors. A signal di r ectly r elated the mass f l ow rat e of the fluid flowing through the pipe loop is then generated after appropriate signal processing.
1.2.2 Transducer MFS 2000 (P-Seri es)
For greater sized mass flow meters it has proven to be of advantage for the fluid t o f low through two parall el measuring loops, which oscillate in opposite directions and with a phase difference of 180°. This symmetrical arr angem ent of t he loops and the sti f f ness of the bridge (i.e. the pipe loop supports) suppress most disturbances caused by external equipment. Figure 3 displays an optimised transducer of the MFS 2000 series designed for mass fl ow measurement.
Fig. 3: Transducer MFS 2000 without housing
The use of flow dividers with optimised flow properties combined with the application of measuring tubes with a large tube cross-section ensures mini mum loss of pr essure. The danger of cavitation i n t he specified m easuri ng r ange is eliminated.
The use of thick-walled measuring tubes with a large cross-section exercises a further positive effect. Due to the increase in the vibrating mass, the measuring system is less sensitive to gas bubbles in the measured medium.
1.2.3 MFS 3000 Transducer (E- Ser i es)
The CORIMASS MFS 3000 series is comprised of precision transducers f or the measurement of small fluid and gas mass f low rates with the range of 0.006 kg./mi n. t o 33. 3 kg. /min. ( 0. 013 lb./min. to 73.16 lb./min.).
In contrast to the CORIMASS P-seri es of instr u ments, t h e CORIMASS E-series is d esi g n ed as a single-tube system with the inherent advantages of a single flow path (see Fig. 4).
Fig. 4: MFS 3000 Transducer without housing
Due to its low-frequency tuned reference platform, t he MFS 3000 is largely insensiti ve to interference. The unit is characterised by a rugged transducer loop, which permits optional measurements up to operating pressure levels of as much as 300 bar (4352 psig) depending on model.
A further advantage of the E-series is its ease of maintenance and servicing.
2. Installation
2.1 General Princi pl es
The MFS 2000 and MFS 3000 CORIMASS mass flowmeters are capable of providing hi gh accuracy and excellent repeatability. The narrow band pass digital filtering, the dual parallel tubes of the P-Series and the tuned reference platform of the E-Series provide exceptional immunity to external vibratory di st ur bances from process equipment in the area. Furthermore, the power of the CORIMASS with its dual driver design perm its unsurpassed performance on certain types of slurries and on li qui ds wi t h gas bubbles. Both designs are self-draining when installed vertically.*
As with all Cori o lis mass flo wmeters, th e CORIMASS is an act ive device with its own energy source. The MFS 2000 mass flow sensor should be mounted into and by a rigid suppor t i ng piping system to avoid reflected resonant energy from adjacent piping and mounting st r uct ur es in order to take advantage of the high degree of precision built int o t he instr ument (fig. 5) . A possible exception is mentioned in Section 2.2.2.
Fig. 5 Basic inst a lla tion requirement
MFS 2000: rigid, stress free supporting of the tra nsducer
The MFS 3000 transducer should be mounted by using two metallic clamps (supplied with the flowmeter), which are secured to a rigid mounting surface, as shown. For optimum performance these clamps should be positi oned near the outboard ends of the transducer support tubes. They should also be well aligned to prevent undue stress on the MFS 3000 transducer housing when the clamps are secured. Adjacent piping should be rigidly support ed and aligned with the transducer to avoid excess loading on the transducer process connections(See Fig. 6). For connection to tubing, pr ocess tubi ng shoul d also be secured at appropriate locati ons ( indicated by arrows in Fig. 6) t o minimize vibration.
* Note: 1.5E requires aproximately 7° anti-clockwise rotation f r om vertical. 8
Fig. 6: Installation MFS 3000
A good installation is the basis for the high measurement accuracy of the unit.
The following instal lation guidelines are practical to implem ent, par t iculary if pl anned before the CORIMASS is first installed.
2.2 Installation Guidelines
2.2.1 Location of CORI MASS Transducer
Please ensure the following install at ion guidelines are adhered to as they are
The transducer can be installed in any position. However, when installed in a vertical position the transducer is self-draini ng and allows gas bubbles to be readily purged from f lowmeter during flowing conditions (see Fig. 7a and 7b).
for good measurement results and trouble-free start-up.
Fig. 7a Vertical installation Fig. 7b Horizontal installation
Highest positi on in Pipeline
Avoid mounti ng t he transducer in t hi s position as gas bubbles may col l ect and rem ai n in measuring system causi ng i ncor r ect measurements (see Fig. 8).
Fig. 8 Avoid highest position in pipeline
Falling Pipeline
Long downstream pipelines (> 3m ) should be avoided due to degassing of the medium . If long downstream pi peli nes are unavoidable instal l an additional vent valve as shown in
Figure 9, unless there is under all operating conditions suf f icient back pressure to avoid flashing of l iquid to vapor.
Fig. 9 Avoid long downstream pipelines after the transducer
Pumps should be install ed at least 4 × L fr om the transducer. Where pumps cause excessive vibration, de-coupling by flexible hose may be necessary. Install as shown i n Fi gur e 10.
Fig. 10 Minimum distance from delivery pump 4 ×L
Additional Devi ces
Control valves, inspection gl asses, etc., shoul d be instal led at least 1 × L from the transducer flange.
De-coupled pairs of Tr ansducer s
Transducers of the same size (or operating frequencies within 3 Hz) should not be installed in close proximity (< 4 L) in the same pipeline or connected via a mutual mount ing frame unless they have been specially frequency de-coupled by the manufacturer (see Fig. 11).
The first 5 digit s of t he RB (shown on the Data Plate and on the Calibrati on Certi f icate) give the operating frequency of the transducer with water.
Fig. 11 Mounting of matched transducers serial or parallel
2.2.2 Requirement s of t he Pi pi ng System
The mounting supports must be kept as short and as rigid as pract i cal to prevent excitation of resonant vibrations by the transducer (see Fig. 12). Addit ional cross bracing is necessary when the maximum support length s
is exceeded (see Fig. 13).
Fig. 12 Mount ing with rigid suppor ts
As an example the table indicates maximum support length for U-shape profile and the various transducer sizes.
Dimensions and maximum lengths s
of U-shape supports. The chosen material dimensions
are examples for adjusting support dimensions to transducer size.
b mm (in)hmm (in)dmm (in)
mm (in) e.g. for 60 P 300 P 800 P 1500 P
60 (2.4) 80 (3.1) 120 (4.7) 160 (6.3)
30 (1.2) 45 (1.8) 55 (2.2) 65 (2.6)
6 (.24) 6 (.24) 7 (.28)
7.5 (.30)
1260 (49.6) 1490 (58.7) 1810 (71.3) 2090 (82.3)
Fig. 13 U-profile
The pipe clamp on the supports should have a large surface area contact with t he support and process pipe. No rubber, plastic or other material should be installed between the clamp and process pipe. The transducer should be supported and clamped free of tension on either side of the flanges as illustrated. The clamps should be equidistant and as close to the flanges as possible.
Do not mount supports on f lang es or on the housing .
Process pipes on either side of the transducer should be axially aligned, and fl anges should be parallel face to face within 0.4 mm (.016 in). the installat ion dimension (L) acr oss t he transducer flanges must be mat ched to the process pipe flanges within ± 2 mm (.079 in).
For long pipe runs additi onal pipe supports must be installed 1 to 2 transducer lengths (L) apart (fig. 14).
Fig. 14 Dist ance of a dditiona l supports
Reduction in Process Pipe
Use standard reducing connectors on process pipes when they are larger than transducer connection (fig. 15).
Fixing instructi ons mentioned previously must be foll owed.
Fig. 15 Use of reducing connectors
Flexible Hoses
Generally flexible hoses should be avoided. In applications where vibration is excessive, flexible hoses can be used to de-couple the process from t he transducer.
Some applicati ons dem and t he use of flexible hoses and therefore the installation should comply wit h t he diagr am (fig. 16) .
If in any doubt about t he use of flexible hoses contact KROHNE prior to instal l ation.
Fig. 16 Use of flexible hoses
Transport supports
Transport supports f itted to larger meters are pipeline (fig. 17).
to be used for fixing the transducer in the
Fig. 17: Do not use t ransport supports for mounti ng
Requirement for Zero Adjustment
A shut-off valve should be installed downstream of the transducer. Tight shut-off is im por t ant ( f ig. 18).
Fig. 18 Shut-off valve downstream of the transducer
For best zero adjustment the meter can be installed in a by-pass arrangement as shown in the diagram ( f ig. 19). All peripheral devices can be active under operating conditi ons and t he process flow m ust not be shut off.
Fig. 19 By-pass installation for best Zero Adjustment
2.2.3 Special rem ar ks on t he MFS 3000
In order to guarantee the perfect function of the CORIMASS transducer MFS 3000 (even after poor transport condi t i ons) , the transducer is provided with a “Transport Safety Device”. The “Transport Safety Device” must be inactive for operation and active for t r anspor t ation as follows:
Comm issioning:
Before commissioning, the “Transport Safety Device” must be made recessed Allen Screw (on reverse side of the instrument) anti - clockwise against the mechanical stop wit h a 6 mm All en Key. In the case of the MFS 3000 - 30E two “Transport Safety Devices” are used, and both must be made inactive prior to commissioning (see Fig. 20).
by turning the
Before packing the unit for transport t he “Transport Safety Device(s)” m ust be m ade turning clockwise against t he m echanical st op ( see Fig. 20).
Note: Models MFS 3000 - 0.3 E, 1.5 E, and 10 E are depicted above. Model MFS 3000 - 30 E has two transport locks ( not shown) on t he sam e side of the instrument as the single transport lock shown.
Fig. 20 Location “Transport Safety Device”
Flexible pipes or hoses can easily be connected at the permanently inst al led transducer. When instal ling in a horizontal posi t ion, the transducer can also be turned 90° and mounted
flat, as shown in Figure 21.
Fig. 21: Mounting variations for horizontal installation
Caution: If the M FS 3000 tr ansducer s ar e oper at ed in the flow directi on cont r ar y to that i ndicated by the arrow on the rating plate, the transducer constant G K may change by 0.15%
3. Electrical inst al lation
3.1 Location and connecting cabl es
Do not expose the compact flow meter to direct sunlight. Inst all a sunshade if necessary.
Connecting cables
To conform t o protection category requirements, observe the following recommendations:
Fit blanki ng plug PG 16 or 1/2” NPT and apply sealant to unused cable entries. – Do not kink cables directly at cable entries. – Provide water drip point ( U bend in cable). – Do not connect rigid conduit t o cable entries. Use flexible conduit when required. Make
sure conduit drains away from connection to converter and transducer.
If cables are a tight f it, enlarge inside diameter of cabl e gland by rem oving the appropriate
ring(s) fr om the seal.
3.2 Connection to power
Please ensure that the informat ion about power given on the dataplate corresponds to the locally avai l able mains voltage.
Note informat ion given on the instrument dataplat e (volt age, fr equency)! – Electri cal connect ion in conformi ty with IEC 364 or equivalent national standard. – Special regulations apply t o i nst allation in hazardous areas. Please refer to separate "Ex"
installation instructions.
– The PE protective ground conductor must be connected to the separate U-clamp
terminal i n the terminal box of the signal converter.
Do not cross or loop the cables in t he t er minal box of t he signal converter. Use separate
(PG or NPT) cable glands for power and output cables.
Ensure that the screw thread of the round cover on the term i nal box is well greased at
all times. NOTE: The grease used must be non-corrosive to alumi nium; typi cally it m ust be resin­and acid-free.
Protect sealing ring from damage. See Figure 22 for the arrangement of power connections.
5 6 4 4.1 4.2 11 12
see Section 3.3
Figure 22: Power and signal connections for MFC 081 K / F
3.3 Inputs and outputs
The table below shows the input/output connection for the converter. The exact configuration depends on which optional output m odul es were fitted in the factor y. The output opt ions listed include presently available and planned options. See Figure 22 for the arrangement of converter connections.
specifically ordered.
Table of input/ out put connections
No. Option 1
(Current, pulse, alarm
and input )
5 Common ( - ) Common ( - ) Current output 1 (-) 6 Current output (+) Current output 1 (+) Current output 1 (+)
- + DC
Option 1 is nor mally supplied unless one of the other options i s
Option 2
(2 current,NGI)
Option 3
(2 current,GI)
4 Control input Control input. Current output 2 (-)
4.1 Pulse output Current output 2 (+) Current output 2 (+)
4.2 Alarm output ( active) Alarm output (passive) not used
* The inputs/outputs share a common signal ground which i s galvanically isolated from
ground (PE).
** Both current output s ar e galvani cal ly isolated from ground and each other. For the standard converter, the pulse output is passive and requires an external voltage source
for operation. In addition, the signal may need protection from external electrical i nt erference. The use of screened cables and a filter capacitor next to any counter is recomm ended. (Fig.
23) It is possibl e to connect the pulse output without using an external voltage supply. However to
do this the function of the alarm output must be sacrificed. (Fig. 24) . If the alarm out put is used to power the pulse signal, then the following settings
in the menus.
(i) Fct. 3.5.1 ALARM FUNCTI ON must be set to OFF (ii) Fct . 3.5.2 ALARM ACTI VE LEVEL must be set to ACTIVE LOW.
be made
ext (Max. 24 V DC
4.1 4 6 5
Pulse Output
Screened Cable
Fig. 23: Connection with external voltage source
(> 800 ohm)
4.1 4 6 5
Pulse Output
Screened Cable
Fig. 24: Connection using converter internal voltage source
Additional i nput /output options
ext >
(10 - 100nF if required)
(10 - 100nF if required)
No. Option 4
(2 current, pulse and input)
5 Common
6 Current
output (+)
4 Current
output 2 (+)
4.1 Control
4.2 Pulse
Option 5 (3 current and
Common (-)
Current output 1 (+)
Current output 2 (+)
Current output 3 (+)
Pulse output
Option 6 (3 current and
Common (-)
Current output 1 (+)
Current output 2 (+)
Current output 3 (+)
Control Input
Option 7 (3 current and
Common (-)
Current output 1 (+)
Current output 2 (+)
Current output 3 (+)
Alarm output (passive)
* Refer to separate RS 485 manual ** Refer to separate manual f or t hi s out put opt ion.
Option B (Current and
Option C (1 Current,
1 Dual phase pulse output and input)
Common (-)
Current output 1 (+)
Common (-)
Current output 1 (+)
TX/RX Control
TX/RX Pulse
Output A
+5V Pulse
Output B
4. Start-up
4.1 Factory Set Parameter s
The mass flowmeter leaves the factory ready to be used. All process data has been programmed according to the customer order. See factory program ming sheet delivered with the flowmeter.
When no process details were supplied at the time of order, the mass flowmeter is programmed to a standard default set of values and functions.
The current and pulse outputs treat all flows as posi t i ve. The actual flow and quantity is thereby measured independent of the flow direction. The indicator will indicate a “ – “ or “ + “ in front of the flow rate.
These factory-set settings for current and pulse may cause an error under the following conditions: When the pump is stopped and a reverse flow is present, which is lar ger than the low flow cut-of f or when total i zing shoul d be indi cat ed for bot h f low directions.
To avoid these possible problems: a) Set flow mode (Fct. 3.1. 8) t o eit her fl ow > 0 or Flow < 0, so that back flows are ignor ed.
b) Increase Low Flow cut-off (Fct. 3.1.7) so that small back flows are ignored.
c) Set the alarm output (Fct. 3. 5. 1) to DIRECTION so that external equipment can
differentiate between positive and negative flows.
4.2 Initial St art-up
Please check that the power supply corresponds to the informati on suppl ied on the data plate.
Switch on t he power supply.
On swi t ch- on, t he signal converter fi r st car r ies out a self-test. The following sequence is
10 E PX.XX
Primary Head Software Version
Mass flow will be displayed following a brief settling phase for the primar y head.
A minimum warm-up time of 30 minutes is recom mended to ensure stable measurement operation.
For st able and accurate mass flow results the following should be checked:
a) The quality of the mechanical i nst al lation. See Sect. 2. b) A good zero point calibration should be done. See Sect. 4.4. Further information
regarding zero point calibration can be found in Sect. 5.
4.3 Installation factor
The extensive self-diagnosis functions of t he MFM 2081 and MFM 3081 also include a so­called installat ion factor. This f act or indicates whether the flow meter has been correctly installed in the pipeline. The install at i on factor should be checked during the initial start - up phase. The installation fact or can be checked by way of the keystroke combination described in Section 5.
If correctly installed, the value of the installation factor when the primary head is full of water should be as per the table below. If the figure is higher, the specified accuracy of the flow meter cannot be guaranteed. Please check the installation again on t he basis of t he installation inform at i on ( Sect. 2) . I f necessary adjust cl amping with the meter displ ayi ng t he installation factor to obtain optimum performance.
Primary Type Installation
Factor MFM 2081 K/ F < 50 MFM 2081 K/ F
< 100 Ex MFM 3081 K/ F < 20 MFM 3081 K/ F
< 60 Ex
4.4 Zero point adjust ment
After installation adjust the zero point. To do this, the primary head must be completely filled with the liquid pr oduct wi t hout gas or air inclusions. This is best obtained by allowing t he liquid product t o flow through the primary head for approx. 2 minutes at a throughput rate of greater than 50% of rated flow. Subsequently ensure that flow comes to a complete stop in the primar y head (see fig 10, Section 2.2. 2) f or setting the zero without interruption to pr oduct flow, use a bypass setup as shown in fig. 11 (Section 2.2. 2) . Now initiate zero adjustment from measuring mode as described in Section 6.1.
Under certain conditions, it may not be possible to adjust the zero point:
If the medium is in motion. Shut-off valves not tightly closed. If there are gaseous inclusions in the primary head. Flush t he primary head and repeat the
– If resonant oscillations of the piping are interfering with the primary head. Check the
clamping of the instrument.
– If there are active warning(s) in the status message list. ( See section 5.6) In such cases, the zero point adjustment procedure is automatically aborted and the following
message is displayed for a short ti me:
Then the converter returns to the start of the Zero Set function 1.1.1: Further information on zero point adjustment is given in Section 5. The CORIMASS MFM 2081 and MFM 3081 are ready to operate after zero has been adjusted. All param eters have been factory-set in keeping with the data specified in your order. Detailed
inform at i on for further setting of the signal converter will be found in Part B of the operating instructions.
4.5 Programming the converter wit h a bar magnet
The converter can be programm ed by means of the m agnetic sensors mounted on the face plate without removing t he front lid (see Fig. 25).
To do this, a bar magnet (standar d supply) is used to activate the sensors by holding the magnet close to the glass window of the housing lid.
These sensors then duplicate the functions of the push buttons.
MFC 081
Fig. 25: Magnetic sensor locations on MFC 081 face plate
For previous software versions P2.14 to P2.18, the maximum connecting cable length between transducer (primary head) and MFC 081 F signal converter is 5 meters (16.25 feet). Previous software version R2.18 and this version, P2. 20, permit longer cable lengths up to 100 meters (328 feet), unless limi t ed by CE and/or hazardous location requirements. Also note that software versions R2.18 and P2.20 have hardware changes in the MFC 081 converter, as compared to converters incorporati ng earlier software versions.
4.6 Installat i on of the Converter MFC 081 F
In the compact version the converter is mount ed directly onto the transducer. In the separate version MFC 081 F (remote mounted) it has to be noticed that t he readability
of the display depends on the lighting and the viewing angle. It should, t herefore, be installed at eye-level and in good lighting conditi ons but not exposed to direct sunlight. Refer to Section D for dimensions of t he MFC 081 converter.
Because of the rotatable housing it is easy to connect the wires for the power supply and the input and outputs.
The installation of t he power supply wiring must compl y wi t h local Electrical Codes.
4.7 Connection of Rem ot e Mounted Version
The BTS 12L signal cable is specifically for CORIMASS remote mount ed versions and must be used to assure proper operation. This cable must be connected as described below. The color of the outer sheath is black for all st andar d instruments. For instruments located in hazardous areas, the cable sheath may be blue or black depending upon the specific electrical classificat i on and the approval agency (PTB, FM, etc.). Figure 26 shows a cross-section of the BTS 12 L cable. Please note that not all conductors are used in the MFM 2081 / 3081 F application. Figures 27 through 30 depict the connection of this cabl e to the transducer and converter.
Minimum bend radius of cable should be 24 cm (10 inches). The cable must be fixed carefully in the vicinity of t he transducer to avoi d r esonant vibr at ions of the cable. Also, all screws in the terminal boxes and covers should be securely fastened.
Maximum cable length is dependant upon software version and may also be li mited by CE requirements or local requirements for hazardous locat ions.
When blue cable is required for hazardous duty instal l at ions, it is an essential part of t he approval. For other cables the hazardous duty protection appr oval is not vali d. Furthermore the ground terminals located on the transducers should be connected to the potential com pensator f or t he hazardous area.
For applicati ons where CE approval is required, the supplied signal cabl e fit tings must be properly install ed to provi de less than 1 m illiohm contact resistance between the cable overall shield and the fitti ng body.
Fig. 26: BTS 12 L Signal cable cross-section
Note: On the transducer cable end individual shields are not connected and should not protrude from under the shrink t ubing.
Fig. 27: Signal cable terminations - transducer end
For MFM 2081 F, the black wire should be connected to terminal 34 for standard and EEx ib II B applications, or t o 35 for EEx ib II C applicati ons
For MFM 3081 F, the black wire should be connected to terminal 34 for standard applications, or to termi nal 35 for EEx ib II C applicat ions
Fig. 28: Transducer terminal box connections
Fig. 29: Signal cable terminations - converter end
Fig. 30: Converter terminal box connections
Designation of terminals in t he Convert er Ter minal Box:
Sensor A +
not connected
Sensor B +
Sensor B –, A –
not connected
not connected
Temperature Sensor V –
Temperature Sensor I +, V +
Temp. I –
not connected
Exciter +
Exciter –
Chassis Signal Shield
­blue green
yellow/white brown
black black (shrink)
Designation of terminals in t he Transducer Ter minal Box:
11 12 17 18 19 20
Sensor A + Sensor A ­Sensor B + Sensor B – not connected not connected
pink jumper to 18 blue green / jumper to 12
Temperature Sensor V –
Temperature Sensor I +, V +
Temp. I –
not connected
Exciter + (MFS 2000 - All) (MFS 3000 - All)
Exciter – (MFS 2000 - Standard and EEx ib II B) (MFS 3000 - Standard)
Exciter – (MFS 2000 - EEx ib II C) (MFS 3000 - EEx ib II C)
brown/grey yellow/white brown
black (alternate)
For applicait ons where CE approval is requir ed, the BTS 12 L cable is prepared by Krohne to the required length, ready for installation. For non-CE appli cat ions, the cable provided may be prepared only at the converter end to permit t he customer to more easily route the cable during instal l at ion, and tailor the length as needed. In these cases, the transducer end of the signal cable will need to be prepared by the customer using the parts in the kit provided with the cable. The kit contains the following items:
Connector Sleeves:
(2) - 1 mm (6) - 0.5 mm
for violet and black wir e ends
for remaining wire ends
Shrink Tubes:
(1) - 35 m m long, φ12 mm (A) (2) - 15 m m long, φ 6 mm (B) (3) - 15 m m long, φ 3 mm (C)
Connector sleeves are to be crimped on to the wire ends indicated and shrink tubes A, B, and C are to be installed as shown in Figure 31. Unused conductors should be cut back cleanly to avoid interference with the active conductors and shields.
Figure 31: Stripping lengths and shrink tube locations for BTS 12 L signal cable ­transducer end
4.8 Connection diagram of compact versi on
The connection converter - transducer of the compact version will be carried out by the manufacturer. A reconnection is onl y r equired in the case of a defective cable between terminals and electronics module. You can see the connection of the converter cable in the terminal box at Fi gur e 32.
MFM 2081 K
Black to 34 for Standard and EEx ib II B Black to 35 for EEx ib II C
MFM 3081 K
Black to 34 for Standard Black to 35 for EEx ib II C
Fig. 32: Connection compact version
Part B MFC 081 Signal Convert er - Software Version P2.20
5. Operation of t he Si gnal conver t er
5.1 Operating and check el ements
The o perating el ements a re ac cessible af ter rem ovi ng the cover o f the electroni cs section using the special wrench. The converter is also programm abl e with magnetic sensors and a bar magnet without r em ovi ng t he covers of the electronic housing.
Caution: Do not damage the screw thread and the gasket, never allow dirt to accumulate,
and make sure they are well greased at all times.
1 Display 1st (top) line. 2 Display 2nd (middle) line. 3 Display 3rd (bottom) line,
MFC 081
arrows ( ) to identify the state of the signal converter:
­4 Keys for operator control of the signal converter. 5 Magnetic sensors to set the converter by means of a handheld bar magnet without opening the housing. Function of sensors same as keys 4 . 6 Compass field, signals actuation of a key.
message indicator
Status Standby
The operator control concept consists of three levels (horizontal). See next page.
Setting level: This level is divided into three main menus:
Fct. 1.0 OPERATION: This menu contains only the m ost
import ant par ameters and functions of Menu 3 (instal l ) t o allow rapid changes to be made during the measurement m ode. Fct. 2.0 TEST: Test menu for checking the signal converter (displays, outputs, measuring range), and the primary (transducer) operation. Fct. 3.0 INSTALL: All f l ow measurement- and flowmeter-specific parameters and functions can be set in this menu.
Paramete r check l evel: Fct. 4.0 PARAM.ERROR: This level is not selectable.
After exiting from the “Setting l evel”, the signal converter checks new data for plausibility. If an error is detected, the signal converter indicates PARAM.ERROR in Fct. 4.0. In this menu, all functions can be scanned and those changed that are not
“plausible”. Reset/acknowledge This menu has two tasks and is selected via Entry Code 2 level (Quit): ( )
1) Resetting of totalizer, provided that resetting is enabled under Fct. 3.8. 5 ENABL. RESET, input YES.
2) Status message and acknowledgement (Quit) m essages that have occurred since the last acknowledgement are indicated in a list. After elimination of the cause(s) and acknowledgement, these messages are deleted from the list.
5.2 Krohne Operating Concept
Measur ing Mode
210.50 kg/min
Split function s of keys between main and submen us .
The blink ing part of the display (cursor) that may be changed is in
When in RESET/QUIT and progr amming modes, outputs remain active, measuring normally, except in 2.0 TEST menu when output is being tes ted, and when zeroing flowm eter - 3.1 .1 and 1.1.1 ­MEAS.VALUE
Code 2
Code 1
- - - - - - -
When th is display appe ars, press entry code 1. See Fct. 3.8.2 and 3.8.3. Factory setting:
2.2 TEST I
2.3 TEST P
2.4 TEST A
3.6.0 CTRL. INP.E
3.7.0 SYS.CTRL.S
Error List
1.1.1 - 1.1.
1.2.1 - 1.2.
1.3.1 - 1.3.
1.4.1 - 1.4.
1.5.1 - 1.5.
2.7.1 - 2.7.
3.1.1 - 3.1.
3.2.1 - 3.2.
3.3.1 - 3.3.
3.4.1 - 3.4.
3.5.1 - 3.5.
3.6.1 - 3.6.
3.7.1 - 3.7.
3.8.1 - 3.8.
3.9.1 - 3.9.
7 3 3 3
8 8 4 4 4
8 11
Param. Check and retu r n t o measurement mode
Main Menu
Select with Key
Select with Key
4.1 not used
4.3.0 ZERO SET
4.4 not used
4.5 not used
Select with Key
4.2.1 - 4.2.
4.3.1 - 4.3.
4.6.1 - 4.6.
4.7.1 - 4.7.
4.8.1 - 4.8.
2 2
Data Input
with Keys
+ 73 hidden pages