The manuals listed below can be downloaded from the Korg
• Operation Guide (PDF)
• Parameter Guide (PDF) (this document)
• Voice Name List (PDF)
You can also watch video manuals on the Korg website.
• Video manual or
Quick Start Guide
This provides a simple explanation of the KROSS’s
functions. To begin, please read the Quick Start Guide.
Video Manual
This video illustrates the main functionality of the KROSS.
Operation Guide
Put simply, the Operation Guide is designed to answer the
question, “How do I do this?”
It explains the names and functions of each part of the
KROSS, basic operation, an overview of each mode, how to
edit sounds, record on the sequencer, and so on. This guide
also explains the basics of effects, the Arpeggiator, Drum
Track, and Drum Kits.
Finally, it also contains a troubleshooting guide as well as
supplemental information such as a list of specifications.
Conventions in this manual
References to the KROSS
The KROSS is available in 88-key, and 61-key models. The
manuals refer to all models without distinction as “the
Symbols , , Note, Tips
These symbols respectively indicate a caution, a MIDIrelated explanation, a supplementary note, or a tip.
Example screen displays
The parameter values shown in the example screens of this
manual are only for explanatory purposes, and may not
necessary match the values that appear on the LCD screen of
your instrument.
MIDI-related explanations
CC# is an abbreviation for Control Change Number.
In explanations of MIDI messages, numbers in square
brackets [ ] always indicate hexadecimal numbers.
Parameter Guide (this document)
The Parameter Guide is designed to answer the question,
“What does this do?”
Organized by mode and page, the Parameter Guide includes
information on each and every parameter in the KROSS.
Voice Name List
The Voic e N am e L ist lists all of the sounds and setups that
are in the KROSS when it is shipped from the factory,
including Programs, Combinations, Multisamples,
Drumsamples, Drum Kits, Arpeggio Patterns, Drum Track
Patterns, Demo Songs, and Template Songs.
PDF versions
The KROSS PDF manuals are designed for easy navigation
and searching. They include extensive PDF contents
information, which generally appears on the side of the
window in your PDF reader and lets you jump quickly to a
specific section. All cross-references are hyper-links, so that
clicking on them automatically takes you to the source of the
What is REMs * ?
(Resonant structure and Electronic circuit
Modeling System) is Korg’s proprietary technology for
digitally recreating the numerous factors that produce and
influence a sound, ranging from the sound-production
mechanisms of acoustic instruments and electric/electronic
musical instruments, to the resonances of an instrument body
or speaker cabinet, the sound field in which the instrument is
played, the propagation route of the sound, the electrical and
acoustic response of mics and speakers, and the changes
produced by vacuum tubes and transistors.
* All other product and company names are trademarks or reg-
• Press the MENU button to access the page menu, use the
PAGE+/- buttons to select a page, and press the MENU (OK)
button or the ENTER button.
• While the above page menu is displayed, press the FUNCTION
(TABS) button, then use the PAGE+/- buttons to select a page
by its tab, and then press the MENU (OK) button or the ENTER
• Hold down the MENU button and press the PAGE- or PAGE+
For details, see “Selecting pages and tabs” on page 11 of the
Operation Guide.
PageTabsMain content
MAINSelect and play programs (see page 2)
TONEEasy sound editing (see page 3)
ARPSimple arpeggiator editing (see page 4)
AUDIO INExternal audio input settings (see page 5)
CONTROLLERSSW1 and 2 function assignments (see page 6)
SCALEScale settings (see page 10)
MS1...MS4Multisample and drum kit settings (see page 11)
VELOscillator velocity zone settings (see page 13)
BASICOscillator 1 and 2 pitch settings (see page 14)
MODPitch modulation settings (see page 15)
PORTAPortamento settings (see page 17)
ENVELOPEPitch EG settings (see page 18)
L-MODPitch EG level modulation settings (see page 19)
T-MODPitch EG time modulation settings (see page 20)
BASICOscillator 1 and 2 filter settings (see page 21)
MODFilter modulation settings (see page 23)
EG-IFilter EG intensity settings (see page 24)
LFO-IFilter LFO intensity settings (see page 25)
KTRKFilter keyboard tracking settings (see page 26)
ENVELOPEOscillator 1 and 2 filter EG settings (see page 28)
L-MODFilter EG level modulation settings (see page 29)
T-MODFilter EG time modulation settings (see page 30)
MODAmp modulation settings (see page 33)
KEYTRKAmp keyboard tracking settings (see page 34)
ENVELOPEOscillator 1 and 2 amp EG settings (see page 36)
L-MODAmp EG level modulation settings (see page 37)
T-MODAmp EG time modulation settings (see page 38)
OSC1, 2, Drum Track, and step sequencer volume
adjustment and mute settings (see page 4)
Basic program settings, such as Oscillator mode
(see page 7)
Key zone, and timing setting s following note-on
(see page 8)
Oscillator 1 and 2 amp (volume) and pan settings
(see page 32)
KT.1Common keyboard tracking 1 settings (see page 44)
KT.2Common keyboard tracking 2 settings (see page 45)
1Oscillator 1 and 2 AMS mixer 1 settings (see page 45)
2Oscillator 1 and 2 AMS mixer 2 settings (see page 50)
SETUPArpeggiator settings (see page 50)
SCAN ZONEArpeggiator trigger region settings (see page 50)
PROGRAMDrum Track program selection (see page 50)
EDITStep on/off entry (see page 56)
INSTInstrument settings (see page 57)
MIXDrum program selection (see page 58)
MIXERPost-insert effect routing settings (see page 61)
MFX1, 2Master effect 1 and 2 settings (see page 62)
Oscillator 1 and 2 LFO1 waveform settings
(see page 39)
LFO1 frequency and modulation settings
(see page 41)
Oscillator 1 and 2 LFO2 waveform settings
(see page 42)
LFO2 frequency and modulation settings
(see page 42)
Common LFO frequency and modulation settings
(see page 43)
Drum Track pattern selection and trigger region
settings (see page 50)
Step sequencer program selection and length settings
(see page 55)
Step sequencer effects such as accent and swing
(see page 57)
Oscillator 1 and 2 insert effect bus settings
(see page 59)
Oscillator 1 and 2 master effect send level settings
(see page 59)
Insert effect type selection and chain setti ngs (see page 60)
Master effect type selection and chain settings
(see page 62)
Program mode
0: PROG (Program)
This is the main Program mode page. Here you can:
In the PROG page, MIDI data is transmitted and received on
the global MIDI channel that's specified by MIDI Channel
(G–MIDI> BASIC). However, MIDI data for the Drum Track
and the step sequencer is transmitted and received on the
Drum Track Prog MIDI Ch and the Step Seq Prog MIDI Ch
(G–MIDI> OUT) respectively.
0–1: MAIN
Category: Index No. Category Icon
Mode(Bank No.)
Category Select Icon
Program Select
Category Icon[USE/GM, PIANO...DRUM/SFX]
This shows the program's category icon. For the USER category
and the GM bank, the icon is shown at the left of the PIANO–
DRUM/SFX icon.
This is the program category name.
All programs are organized into 11 preset categories and 1 user
The index number sorts the programs of the A–D, U, and GM
banks, starting from number 000.
The index number is the number that is used to transmit or receive
MIDI program changes; it ranges from 0–127 for banks A–D and
U, and from 1–128 for the GM banks. Of the GM banks g1–g9,
programs that have no variation sound are indicated by *, and GM
basic sounds will be recalled for these.
Note: Each bank has limitations on saving. (see page 63)
Category Select Icon
Where this icon appears, you can use the sound selector
(CATEGORY dial, SELECT dial) to select a program.
Program Select
This is the name of the selected program.
Sound select list
This lists the programs in each category. Select a program and play
it. Here's how to access this list and play a program.
1. In the PROG> MAIN page, the list will appear when you
turn the CATEGORY dial or SELECT dial, or press the
ENTER button.
2. If you want to switch to a different category, use the CATE-
GORY dial or the cursor buttons .
3. To select sounds, use the SELECT dial, the value dial, or
the cursor buttons .
4. If you return to the PROG> MAIN page by pressing the
OK (MENU) button, the sound you selected in step 3 will be
selected. If you press the Cancel (FUNCTION) button, your
selection will be cancelled, and the sound that had been
selected before you opened the list will be selected.
Note: To change the category assignment of each program, use the
Write Program dialog box.
To s witc h prog rams
• Turn the value dial, or use the cursor buttons .
• Use the sound selector list (see “Sound select list”)
• You can use a foot switch to select programs.
(See “Foot Switch Assign” on page 164 and “Foot Switch
Assign List” on page 291)
• You can select programs by transmitting a MIDI Program
Change from a connected external MIDI device.
Note: MIDI program changes are transmitted using the Bank No.
shown in the screen.
(Tempo)[40.00... 300.00, EXT]
This is the tempo for the current Program, which applies to the
arpeggiator, drum track, step sequencer, tempo-synced LFOs, and
tempo-synced effects.
040.00...300.00: Indicates the tempo
In this page, you can adjust the tempo by turning the TEMPO knob
or by pressing the TAP button at the desired interval. In the P–
INPUT/CTRL> Controllers page you can enter a numeric value.
EXT is displayed if the MIDI Clock (G–MIDI> BASIC) is set to
External MIDI or External USB. This is also shown if the MIDI
Clock setting is Auto and MIDI clock data is being received from
an external device. If the tempo source is EXT, the arpeggiator etc.
will synchronize to MIDI clock data from an external MIDI
Battery/AC Icon[, , ]
: Indicates that the AC adapter is being used.
, : Indicates that batteries are being used. The approximate
amount remaining is shown.
If is flashing, the batteries are almost exhausted.
Immediately save any important data, and either install fresh
batteries or switch to using the AC adapter.
If the batteries are exhausted, remove them immediately.
Leaving exhausted batteries installed may cause
malfunctions such as battery leakage. You should also
remove the batteries if you won’t be using the unit for an
extended period of time.
SW Info.
SW1, SW2: Indicates the functions that are assigned to the SW1
and SW2 buttons.
0–2: TONE (Play Tone Adjust)
The Tone Adjust function lets you make simple changes to the
sound by adjusting the program's main parameters, such as the
filter or the filter and amp EG.
Tip: In Combination and Sequencer modes, Tone Adjust also lets
you edit Program parameters without the need to save a different
version of the original Program. For more information on Tone
Adjust in these modes, please see page 75 and 114.
Using and saving the Tone Adjust settings
Your editing will affect the sound immediately, but the values of
the original program parameters will not change until you save the
program. When you save the program, the result of your Tone
Adjust settings will be saved in the program parameters. At that
point, all of the Tone Adjust parameter values will be reset to 0.
How parameters and MIDI control changes (CC) affect each other
Most parameters will also affect the parameters that are controlled
via MIDI control changes.
Tone Adjust and control changes work independently. For
example, you can use the Tone Adjust function to reduce the value
of a parameter, and then use a control change to increase it.
The MIDI control change numbers (CC#) corresponding to each
Tone Adjust parameter are shown below.
This scales the effect of velocity on the Amp level.
–99 removes the velocity modulation entirely. +99 means
maximum modulation in the same direction, positive or negative,
as the original Program.
Attack (Filter/Amp EG Attack Time)[–99...+99]
This adjusts the attack time and other related parameters of all
filter EGs and amp EGs in a single action.
When the value is +1 or more, this also affects the Amp EG’s Start
and Attack Levels, Start Level AMS, and Attack Time AMS, as
described below:
Between values of +1 and +25, the Start Level, Start Level AMS,
and Attack Time AMS will change from their programmed values
to 0. Over the same range, the Attack Level will change from its
programmed value to 99.
Decay (Filter/Amp EG Decay Time)[–99...+99]
This scales the decay and slope times of the Filter and Amp EGs. It
interacts with CC# 75.
Sustain (Filter/Amp EG Sustain Level)[–99...+99]
This scales the sustain levels of the Filter and Amp EGs.
Release (Filter/Amp EG Release Time)[–99...+99]
This scales the release times of the Filter and Amp EGs.
The compare function is not available for any editing that
uses the Tone Adjust parameters.
Category: Index No. , Category Select Icon, Program Select
Select the program.
Cutoff (Filter Cut Off)[–99...+99]
This scales the cutoff frequency of all of the filters at once. It
affects both Filters A and B.
Resonance (Filter Resonance)[–99...+99, CC#71]
This scales the resonance of all of the filters at once. It affects both
Filters A and B.
This scales the effect of the Filter EG on the cutoff frequency. It
affects Filters A and B simultaneously.
If this is set to -99, the filter EG will have no effect. +99 means
maximum. Modulation is in the same direction, positive or
negative, as the original Program. For instance, if the original
Program’s EG Intensity was set to –25, then setting the Tone
Adjust to +99 moves the EG Intensity to –99.
Program mode
0–3: MIXER (Play Mixer)
Here is where you can adjust the volume of oscillators 1 and 2, the
Drum Track and the step sequencer, and mute or solo them. Use
the Solo Setting function to turn solo on/off. (see page 63)
Tip: You can use the Hold Balance function to adjust these four
volume settings simultaneously. This function is a convenient way
to make adjustments while preserving the volume balance.
Category: Index No. , Program Select
Select the program.
Play/Mute[Play, Mute]
Play: Oscillator 1 will sound.
Mute: Oscillator 1 will be muted (silent).
Vol (Volume)[000...127]
Adjusts the volume of Oscillator 1.
Play/Mute[Play, Mute]
Play: Oscillator 2 will sound.
Mute: Oscillator 2 will be muted (silent).
Note: OSC2 Play/Mute cannot be set for a program whose
Oscillator Mode is Single or Drums.
Vol (Volume)[000...127]
Adjusts the volume of Oscillator 2.
Play/Mute 1[Play, Mute]
Play: The drum track will sound.
Mute: The drum track will be muted (silent).
Vol (Volume)[000...127]
Adjusts the volume of the drum track.
Play/Mute[Play, Mute]
Play: Step sequencer will sound.
Mute: Step sequencer will be muted (silent).
Vol (Volume)[000...127]
Adjusts the volume of step sequencer.
0–4: ARP (Arpeggiator)
This is the easy edit page for the arpeggiator. For more detailed
editing, use the P–ARP page.
Category: Index No. , Program Select
Select the program.
MOD (Modulation)
Specifies the length (gate time) of each note in the arpeggio(see
page 51).
[VEL} (VELOCITY)[–64...+00...+63]
Specifies the velocity of the notes in the arpeggio (see page 51).
This parameter shifts the timing of the odd-numbered notes of the
arpeggio (see page 52).
When each MOD parameter is at +00, the effect will be as
specified by the Gate, Velocity, and Swing parameters of the PARP> SETUP page.
Pattern[Preset: UP...RANDOM, 0000…1027]
Octave[1oct, 2oct, 3oct, 4oct]
Sort[Off, On]
Latch[Off, On]
Key Sync.[Off, On]
Keyboard[Off, On]
Note: These parameters can also be set from P13: P–ARP (see
page 51).
0–1...4: FUNCTION
•0: Write Program, Write/Initialize Program see page 63
•1: Solo Setting see page 63
•2: Compare see page 64
•3: Auto Song Setup see page 64
•4: Add to Favorite see page 64
•5: Hold Balance see page 64 (only MIXER page)
•6: Copy Arpeggiator see page 65 (only ARP page)
For more information, please see the “Program: Function” section
on page 63.
, , , , , , , ]
1: P–INPUT/CTRLS (Input/Controllers1–1: AUDIO IN
Input Level Meter
1: P–INPUT/CTRLS (Input/Controllers
About the AUDIO IN button
Settings found in this page are active when the front panel AUDIO
IN button is on, allowing an external audio signal to be input.
G-SET (Use Global Setting)[Off, On]
On (checked): The general settings in the GLOBAL mode G–
INPUT/CTRL page will be used as the external audio input
settings. If you want to use the same external input for multiple
programs, it is convenient to turn this On (checked) for each
program, and make adjustments in GLOBAL mode.
Off (unchecked): The Line or Mic settings you make in this page
will be used.
Since this allows you to save external audio input settings that are
appropriate for a specific program, it is convenient to use this
setting in conjunction with the appropriate audio input settings, for
example when you're saving a program as a vocoder effect
program. (“Example: Vocoder (Program)” on page 199)
Select[Line, Mic]
Selects the external input jack that will be used.
Line: LINE IN jack (line level, stereo)
Mic: MIC IN jack (mic level, monaural)
You can adjust the following parameters individually for LINE
and MIC.
You can't use the Line input and Mic input simultaneously.
Pan[L000...L063, C064, R065...R127]
If the Select parameter is set to Mic, this lets you adjust the pan
settings of the external audio signal that's being input from the
MIC IN jack. C064 pans the sound to the center.
You can't specify this for the Line input. Its stereo panning is fixed.
Input Level Meter
Indicates the level of the external audio that's being input to the
If the input is overloaded, the [LINE] or [MIC] indicators in
the middle of the level meter will be highlighted. Adjust the
Gain of the input stage or the Level parameter that follows
the AD converter.
Solving distortion caused by input overload
If the audio input is too loud, the sound may be distorted.
If the [LINE] or [mic] indication in the Input Level Meter is
highlighted, distortion is occurring in the input stage. Adjust the
Gain parameter or the volume of your connected device so that this
indication is not highlighted.
If there is distortion even though this indication is not highlighted,
it may be that an effect of the KROSS is causing the distortion.
Adjust the Level parameter to lower the signal level, or adjust the
effect settings (such as the Input Trim parameter).
Mute/Play[Mute, Play]
This specifies whether the external audio input signal will be
silenced (muted) or audible.
Mute: The audio input will be silenced (muted).
Play: The audio input will be heard.
Note: Even if this is set to Play, the audio input will not be heard if
the AUDIO IN button is off (unlit).
Gain[00...82, MAX]
This adjusts the level of the external audio input signal at the input
stage. See “Solving distortion caused by input overload.”
The input gain setting (Gain) is shared by the global setting
(G-SET on) and the individual setting (G-SET off). To save
the setting, select the setting in Global mode and then use the
Write Global Setting function to save it. Although you can
edit this in the AUDIO IN page or the QUICK SETTING
dialog box of each mode, you can't save it as an individual
setting (G-SET off) for a program, combination, or song.
Bus (Bus Select)[L/R, IFX1...5, Off]
Specifies the output bus for the external audio signal.
L/R: The external audio input signal is output to the L/R bus.
IFX1...5: The external audio input signal is output to the IFX1–5
bus. Use this setting if you want to apply insert effects to the input
Off: The external audio signal is not output to any bus.
Specify the send levels where the external audio input signal is
sent to the master effects. Use these when you want to apply
chorus or delay/reverb to the Mic input sound.
Send1 sends the signal to master effect 1.
Send2 sends the signal to master effect 2.
If Bus (Bus Select) is set to IFX1–5, the send levels to the master
effects are set by the Send1 and Send2 parameters (see page 58)
after the signal passes through IFX1–5. (see page 61)
FX Control Bus[Off, FC1, FC2]
This outputs the external audio input signal to the FX Control bus
(stereo two-channel FX Ctrl1, 2). (see page 199)
This specifies the level of the external audio signal that's being
input. Normally you'll leave this at 127.
The analog audio signal from the LINE IN or MIC IN jack is
converted into a digital signal by the AD converter. This Level
parameter adjusts the amount of signal immediately after it is
converted into digital; if the audio input is distorted, see “Solving
distortion caused by input overload.”
Program mode
If you hold down the EXIT button and press the AUDIO IN
button, the current audio in setting will appear. This is referred to
as the audio in quick setting. When a different page is open, this
provides a convenient way to quickly access the settings without
having to open the AUDIO IN page.
The following illustration shows the case when G-SET is Off.
If G-SET is ON, the GLOBAL setting AUDIO IN is shown and
can be edited. When you press the WRITE G-SET (PAGE+)
button, the WRITE GLOBAL SETTING dialog box will appear,
allowing you to save the setting.
1–2: CONTROLLERS (Controllers Setup)
Here you can specify the functions of the front panel SW1 and
SW2 buttons, and set the tempo.
Assign[Off, ..., Pitch Bend Lock]
Selects the function that's used by SW1. This assigns the function
of SW1 (see “SW1, SW2 Assign List” on page 290).
Note: If you change the function setting, the status is reset to off.
Note: The on/off status of the SW1, SW2 switches is memorized
when you save the program.
Mode[Toggle, Momentary]
This specifies the on/off function when you press the SW1 switch.
Toggle: The state will alternate between On and Off each time you
press the SW1 switch.
Momentary: The state will remain On only while you continue
holding down the SW1 switch.
Assign[Off, ..., Pitch Bend Lock]
Mode (SW2 Mode)[Toggle, Momentary]
This assigns the function of SW2. The functions that can be
assigned to SW2 are the same as for SW1, with the substitution of
SW2 Mod. (CC#81) instead of the SW1’s SW1 Mod. (CC#80).
(Tempo)[40.00... 300.00, EXT]
This is the tempo for the current Program, which applies to the
arpeggiator, drum track, step sequencer, tempo-synced LFOs, and
tempo-synced effects (see “ (Tempo)” on page 2).
1–1, 2: FUNCTION
•0: Write Program, Write/Initialize Program see page 63
•1: Solo Setting see page 63
•2: Compare see page 64
•3: Auto Song Setup see page 64
•4: Add to Favorite see page 64
For more information, please see the “Program: Function” section
on page 63.
2: P–BASIC2–1: VOICE (Voice Mode)
Input Level Meter
2–1: VOICE (Voice Mode)
This page contains all of the basic settings for the Program.
Among other things, you can:
• Set up the Program to be a Single, a Double, or a Drum Kit.
• Set the Program to play polyphonically or monophonically.
OSC (Oscillator Mode)[Single, Double, Drums]
Specifies the Program’s oscillator assignment; whether it will use
one or two oscillators, or a drum kit.
Single: The program will use one oscillator (Oscillator 1, Filter 1,
Amplifier 1). In this case, the program will normally have a
maximum of 80-note polyphony.
Double: The program will use two oscillators (Oscillator 1/2,
Filter 1/2, Amplifier 1/2). In this case the program will normally
have a maximum of 40-note polyphony.
Drums: The program will use one oscillator (as when Single is
selected), but Oscillator 1 will be assigned a drum kit instead of a
multisample. In this case the program will normally have a
maximum of 80-note polyphony.
Voice Assign Mode[Poly, Mono]
Select the basic voice allocation mode. Depending on which one
you select, various other options will appear, such as Poly Legato
(Poly mode only) and Unison (Mono mode only).
Poly: The program will play polyphonically, allowing you play
Mono: The program will play monophonically, producing only
one note at a time.
These parameters are available when the Voice Assign Mode is set
to Poly.
Legato (Poly Legato)[Off, On]
Legato means to play notes in a smooth and connected manner; the
next note is played before the last note is released. This is the
opposite of playing detached.
On (checked): When you play a legato phrase, only the first note
of that phrase (and within approximately the first 30 msec) will
use the normal multisample start point specified by Start Offset
(P–OSC); all subsequent notes will use the legato start point
specified for each multisample.
Note: This is a useful way to simulate the percussive attack of a
tonewheel-type organ.
Off (unchecked): Notes will always use the setting of the Sta rt
Offset, regardless of whether you play legato or detached.
With some Multisamples, Poly Legato may not have any
Single Trigger[Off, On]
Single Trigger is available when the Voice Assign Mode is set to
On (checked): When you play the same note repeatedly, the
previous note will be silenced before the next note is sounded, so
that the two do not overlap.
Off (unchecked): When you play the same note repeatedly, the
notes will overlap.
These parameters are available when the Voice Assign Mode is set
to Mono.
Number of Voices
Legato (Mono Legato)[Off, On]
Legato means to play notes in a smooth and connected manner; the
next note is played before the last note is released. This is the
opposite of playing detached.
When Mono Legato is On, the first note in a legato phrase will
sound normally, and then subsequent notes will have a smoother
sound, for more gentle transitions between the notes.
The Mode parameter, below, switches between two different
Mono Legato effects, each of which achieves this smoothness in a
different way. See the description of that parameter for more
On (checked): When you play with legato phrasing, the notes
within a legato phrase will sound smoother, according to the
setting of the Mode parameter, below.
Off (unchecked): Legato phrasing will produce the same sound as
detached playing.
Mode[Normal, Use Legato Offset]
Normal: When you play legato, the multisample, envelopes, and
LFOs will not be reset; only the pitch of the oscillator will change.
This setting is particularly effective for wind instruments and
analog synth sounds.
With this option, the pitch may occasionally be incorrect,
depending on which multisample you play, and where on the
keyboard you play.
Use Legato Offset: When you play legato, the second and
subsequent notes will use the legato start point specified for each
multisample, rather than the Start Offset (P–OSC) setting.
This is effective when used with a multisample where you’ve
assigned a specific legato offset point. For example, you might use
it to control the attack of a breathy, slow-attack sax sound. On
some multisamples, this will have no effect.
Envelopes and LFOs will still be reset, as they are with detached
Priority[Low, High, Last]
This parameter determines what happens when more than one note
is being held down.
Low: The lowest note will sound. Many vintage, monophonic
analog synths work this way
High: The highest note will sound.
Last: The most recently played note will sound.
Program mode
Unison[On, Off]
On (checked): When Unison is on, the Program uses two or more
stacked, detuned voices to create a thick sound.
Use the Number of Voices and Detune parameters to set the
number of voices and amount of detuning, and the Thickness
parameter to control the character of the detuning.
Off (unchecked): The Program plays normally.
Number of Voices[2...6]
Number of Voices is available when Unison is On.
This controls the number of detuned voices that will be played for
each note when using Unison. It applies only when Unison is On.
Detune[00...99 cents]
Detune is available when Unison is On.
This parameter sets the tuning spread for the Unison voices, in
cents (1/100 of a semitone). The Thickness parameter, below,
controls how the voices are distributed across the detune amount.
When Thickness is Off, the voices are distributed evenly, centered
around the basic pitch.
For instance, let’s say that the Number of voices parameter is set
to 3, Detune is set to 24, and Thickness is Off:
Voice one will be detuned down by 12 cents, voice two will not be
detuned, and voice three will be detuned up by 12 cents.
Voic eDetune
As another example, let’s say that Detune is still set to 24 and
Thickness is still Off, but the Number of voices is set to 4:
Voice one will still be detuned down by 12 cents, voice two will be
detuned down by 4 cents, voice three will be detuned up by 4
cents, and voice 4 will be detuned up by 12 cents.
Voic eDetune
Thickness[Off, 01...09]
Thickness is available when Unison is On.
This parameter controls the character of the detuning for the
unison voices.
Off: Unison voices will be evenly distributed across the Detune
range, as shown above.
01–09: Unison voices will be detuned in an asymmetric way,
increasing the complexity of the detune amount, and changing the
way that the different pitches beat against one another. This creates
an effect similar to vintage analog synthesizers, where oscillators
would frequently drift slightly out of tune. Higher numbers
increase the effect.
2–2: Note-On (Note-On Control)
Here you can adjust the following settings.
• Make keyboard split settings for OSC1, OSC2, and Hold.
• Enable/disable the half-damper function.
• Specify the timing of the notes played from the keyboard.
OSC (Oscillator Select)[1, 2]
Select the oscillator (1 or 2) that you want to edit.
Note: Oscillator 2 can be selected if Oscillator Mode is set to
To edit parameters such as the pitch, filter, or amp of oscillator 1 or
oscillator 2, use the cursor buttons to select [OSC: 1/2], and use
the ENTER button or the VALUE dial to select the oscillator that
you want to edit.
Key Zone – Bottom/Top
You can create keyboard splits by setting top and bottom key
limits for Oscillators 1 and 2. Also, you can control the keyboard
range where the Hold parameter takes effect.
Note values and velocity values can also be entered using the
keyboard. (see page 12 of the Operation Guide)
Key Zone Bottom[C–1...G9]
This sets the lowest key where the Oscillator will play.
Key Zone Top[C–1...G9]
This sets the highest key where the Oscillator will play.
Zone Graphic
Note-On Control
Delay[0000ms...5000ms, KeyOff]
This specifies the amount of time from when you press a key until
the oscillator actually begins to sound.
This is most useful in Double Programs, for delaying one
oscillator in relation to the other.
KeyOff is a special setting. Instead of delaying the sound by a
particular amount of time, the sound will play as soon as you
release the key.
You can use this to produce the “click” sound that is heard each
time you release a key of a harpsichord.
In general, when you use the KeyOff setting, it’s also best to set
the oscillator’s Amp EG Sustain Level to 0.
Mode[Key, Key + Damper]
Normally, you play notes simply by pressing keys on the
keyboard. In special cases, however, you can set this parameter so
that you must first be holding down the damper pedal, and then
press a key, in order to play a note. For instance, this can be useful
when modeling the behavior of a piano soundboard.
Key is the normal mode.
When you select Key + Damper, notes will only sound if the
damper pedal is being held down. When the damper pedal is
released, all notes will be stopped even if they are still being held
2: P–BASIC2–2: Note-On (Note-On Control)
Hold[On, Off ]
Hold is like permanently pressing down on the sustain pedal. In
other words, notes continue to sound as if you were holding down
the key - even after you lift your fingers from the keyboard.
Unless the Sustain Level is set to 0 in Amp EG 1 (and Amp EG 2
in a Double Program), the sound will play for the entire length of
the multisample(s).
On (checked): The Hold function is enabled for the range set by
the Hold Bottom and Hold Top parameters, below.
Off (unchecked): Notes will play normally. This is the default
Using Hold with Drum Kits
Hold can be especially useful for drum programs, since it lets the
drum samples ring out naturally. In general, when you set the
Oscillator Mode to Drums, it’s good to set Hold to On.
Once you’ve turned on Hold for a drum program, the function is
controlled on a note-by-note basis according to settings within the
selected Drum Kit.
If a key’s Enable Note Off Receive parameter (see page 172) is
unchecked, the note will be held.
If the key’s Enable Note Off Receive parameter is checked, it will
not be held.
If you turn off Hold in the Program, no keys will be held regardless of their Enable Note Off Receive setting.
Half-Damper Pedal and Release Time
The amount of modulation depends on whether the Amp EG
Sustain Level is set to 0 (as is the case with most acoustic piano
sounds), or set to 1 or more. The modulation is continuous, from
1x (no change) to 55 times longer; the table below shows a
selection of representative points.
Half-Damper modulation of Amp EG Release Time
CC#64 Value
Multiply Amp EG Release Time by…
If Sustain = 0If Sustain = 1 or more
Using Hold with Acoustic Pianos
Hold is also useful for simulating the top octaves of an acoustic
piano, in where notes always sustain until they fade out naturally,
regardless of how long you hold the key.
The Hold Bottom and Hold Top parameters are designed for
exactly this purpose. They let you limit the effect of the Hold
parameter to a specific range of the keyboard.
Hold Bottom[C–1...G9]
This sets the lowest key affected by the Hold function.
Hold Top[C–1...G9]
This sets the highest key affected by the Hold function.
Enable Half-Damper[On, Off ]
When this is On (checked), Half-Damper pedals, normal sustain
pedals, and MIDI CC# 64 will all modulate the Amp EG, as
described below.
When this is Off (un-checked), the pedals and MIDI CC#64 will
still hold notes as usual, but will not modulate the Amp EG.
A half-damper pedal is a special type of continuous foot pedal,
such as the Korg DS-1H. In comparison to a standard footswitch,
half-damper pedals offer more subtle control of sustain, which can
be especially useful for piano sounds.
The KROSS will automatically sense when a half-damper is
connected to the rear-panel DAMPER input. For proper operation,
you will also need to calibrate the pedal, using the Half Damper Calibration function in the Global menu.
The off and full-on positions of the half-damper work just like a
standard footswitch. In conjunction with the Enable Half-Damper parameter, below, intermediate positions allow a
graduated control of sustain, similar to the damper pedal of an
acoustic piano.
Program mode
2–3: SCALE
Selects the basic scale for the Program.
Scale Type[
Selects the basic scale.
Note that for many of the scales, the setting of the Key parameter,
below, is very important.
Equal Temperament: This is the most widely used scale by far, in
which each semitone step is spaced at equal pitch intervals.
Equal Temperament allows easy modulation, so that a chord
progression played in the key of C sounds roughly the same as the
same progression played in F#. Sacrificed, however, is some of the
purity of individual intervals offered by the scales below.
Pure Major: In this temperament, major chords of the selected
key will be perfectly in tune.
Pure Minor: In this temperament, minor chords of the selected
key will be perfectly in tune.
Arabic: This scale includes the quarter-tone intervals used in
Arabic music.
Pythagoras: This scale is based on ancient Greek music theory,
and is especially effective for playing melodies. It produces
completely pure fifths, with one exception, at the expense of
detuning other intervals– thirds in particular.
As much as Pythagoras might have liked to do so, it’s not possible
to make all the fifths pure while also keeping the octave in tune.
For the sake of the octave, one of the fifths, the interval from the
sharp fourth degree to the sharp first degree is made quite flat.
Werkm eiste r (Werkmeister III): This scale was one of the many
temperament systems developed towards the end of the Baroque
period. These “Well-Tempered” tunings were aimed at allowing
relatively free transposition although you’ll still notice that the
different keys maintain their own distinct characteristics, unlike
Equal Temperament.
J.S. Bach was referring to these new scales in his title, “The WellTempered Clavier.” As such, this group are particularly
appropriate for late baroque organ and harpsichord music.
Kirnberger (Kirnberger III): This is a second “Well-Tempered”
tuning, dating from the early 18th century.
Slendro: This is an Indonesian gamelan scale, with five notes per
When Key is set to C, use the C, D, F, G and A notes. Other keys
will play the normal equal-tempered pitches.
Pelog: This is another Indonesian gamelan scale, with seven notes
per octave.
When Key is set to C, use the white keys. The black keys will play
the equal tempered pitches.
Stretch: This tuning is used for acoustic pianos.
User All Notes Scale: This is a user-programmed scale with
different settings for all 128 MIDI notes. You can set up this scale
in Global mode (G–USER SCALE> ALL).
User Octave Scale 00–15: These are user-programmed scales
with settings for each of the 12 notes in an octave. You can set
them up in Global mode (G–USER SCALE> OCTAVE).
Equal Temperament…User Octave 15
Key (Scale Key)[C…B]
Selects the key of the specified scale.
This setting does not apply to the Equal Temperament, Stret ch,
and User All Notes scales.
If you’re using a scale other than Equal Temperament, the
combination of the selected scale and the Key setting may
skew the tuning of the note. For example, A above middle C
might become 442 Hz, instead of the normal 440 Hz. You can
use the Global Mode’s Master Tune (GLOBAL> BASIC)
parameter to correct this, if necessary.
This parameter creates random variations in pitch for each note. At
the default value of 0, pitch will be completely stable; higher
values create more randomization.
This parameter is handy for simulating instruments that have
natural pitch instabilities, such as analog synths, tape-mechanism
organs or acoustic instruments.
•0: Write Program, Write/Initialize Program see page 63
•1: Solo Setting see page 63
•2: Compare see page 64
•3: Auto Song Setup see page 64
•4: Add to Favorite see page 64
•5: Copy Oscillator see page 64
•6: Swap Oscillator see page 64
For more information, please see the “Program: Function” section
on page 63.
3: P–OSC3–1: MS 1 (Multisample 1)
Multisample SelectMultisample On/O
3: P–OSC
These pages control the first and most basic elements of sounds:
the Multisamples that the oscillators play, and the pitch where it
plays them. For instance, you can:
• Select Multisamples for Single and Double Programs, or Drum
Kits for Drum Program.
• Set up velocity splits, crossfades, and layers for Single and
Double Programs.
• Set the basic pitch of the sound, including the octave, transpose,
and so on.
Note that when the Oscillator Mode is set to Single or Drums,
only Oscillator 1’s filters are active; the pages for Oscillator 2’s
filters will be grayed out.
Multisamples, and Drum Kits
Multisamples and Drum Kits allow you to play samples in
different ways.
• Multisamples lay out one or more samples across the keyboard.
For instance, a very simple guitar Multisample might have six
samples one for each string.
• As the name suggests, Drum Kits are optimized for playing
drum samples.
Velocity splits, crossfades, and layers
Each oscillator has eight velocity zones that allow different
keyboard velocities to switch the multisample or drum sample that
is actually sounded.
For each zone, you can specify the threshold (boundary value) and
crossfade (how velocity will smoothly fade between the samples
of adjacent zones). This allows you to create velocity-switched or
layered sounds, such as the following examples.
• Velocity splits where the zones are cleanly separated at their
• Velocity crossfades where the zones will smoothly crossfade
beyond their threshold.
• Velocity layers where additional sounds are added for a velocity
region above a specified threshold.
Note: If the Oscillator Mode is Drums, the velocity zone settings
already specified for the drum kit will be applied, and will not be
shown on the screen. The velocity zones for a drum kit can be
edited in Global Drum Kit (see page 169).
3–1: MS 1 (Multisample 1)
Program’s sounds are based on multisamples, and this page lets
you set up all of the basic multisample-related settings. Among
other things, you can:
• Select Multisamples for the Oscillator (in a Single or Double
Program), or select the Drum Kit for a Drum Program
• Set the Oscillator’s basic pitch
• Set up velocity switching, crossfades, and layers for
OSC (Oscillator Select)[1, 2]
Select the oscillator (1 or 2) that you want to edit.
Note: Oscillator 2 can be selected if Oscillator Mode is set to
Octave[–2[32'], –1[16'], +0[8'], +1[4']]
This sets the basic pitch of the Oscillator, in octaves. The default is
+0[8']. The standard octave of a multisample is +0 [8'].
This adjusts the pitch in semitones, over a range of ±1 octave.
If you want to create a simple setup with only a single
Multisample, just set up Multisample1 as desired, and then set the
Threshold Velocity to 1 and the Crossfade (Crossfade Range) to
Multisample On/Off[Off, On]
Specifies whether multisample 1 will sound.
It will sound if this is On.
Bank[Mono, Stereo]
This is displayed if Multisample On/Off is On.
You can choose between looking at mono and stereo
Mono, Stereo: Conventional monaural or stereo multisamples.
Note that stereo Multisamples will require twice as many voices as
mono Multisamples.
Multisample select[List of Multisample]
This specifies a multisample.
Some multisamples have an upper limit; notes played above
that limit will not sound.
Use the Multisample Select popup button to open the multisample
list. You can choose a multisample from the list.
Use the cursor buttons to select a category, use the cursor
buttons to select a multisample within that category, and
press the ENTER button to confirm your choice. If you press
cursor buttons simultaneously, the first multisample in the
selected category will be selected. An “ ” symbol is shown to the
left of the first multisample.
Program mode
Power, short for Equal Power, means that the two samples will
each be at around 70% of their full volume in the middle of the
crossfade. Sometimes, this may create a bump in the volume level,
in which case you might try selecting Linear instead.
Layer means that the two Multisamples will be layered together,
both at full volume, for the entire range of the crossfade.
Reverse[Off, On]
This plays the selected multisample in reverse without looping it.
Note: If an individual sample within the multisample is already set
to reverse, it will play in reverse without this setting.
On (checked): The multisample will play in reverse.
Off (unchecked): The multisample will play normally.
For some multisamples, this setting is not available.
Offset (Start Offset)[Off, 1st...4th]
In addition to simply starting playback from the beginning,
Multisamples can have up to 4 different pre-programmed alternate
starting points.
The Start Of fset option specifies whether to use the normal start
point (Off), or to use one of the alternate start points (1st–4th).
Some Multisamples may have fewer than 4 pre-programmed
points, in which case only the available points can be selected.
This sets the basic volume level of the multisample. The Amp
section can modify this basic level extensively with envelopes,
LFOs, keyboard tracking, and other modulation; for more
information, please see “8: P–Amp” on page 32.
Depending on the multisample, high Level settings may
cause distortion when playing many notes at a time. If this
occurs, lower the Level.
Bottom Vel. (Bottom Velocity)[001...127]
This sets the lowest velocity where the Multisample will sound.
Multisample1’s Bottom Vel. can be equal to, but not lower than,
that of Multisample2.
Xfade (Crossfade Range)[Off, 001...127]
This sets the range of velocities where Multisample1 will fade into
Multisample2, going up from the Bottom Vel..
For instance, if the Bottom Vel. is set to 64, and the Xade is set to
20, MS2 will start to fade in at velocities of 84 and below.
When velocities are within the Xfade, the Oscillator will use twice
as much polyphony as it would normally.
Note: You can only fade between two zones at once.
This shows the velocity zone.
Crossfade Curves
Velocity Split
This shows the velocity zones for the oscillator’s four
multisamples and for each oscillator.
The meter on the left indicates the note-on velocity. This allows
you to verify the multisamples that will sound at each velocity.
Oscillator Mode Drums
This parameter appears when the Oscillator Mode is set to Drums
or Double Drums.
Xfade Range = 20
Curve = Linear
Bottom Velocity = 64
Curve[Linear, Power, Layer]
This controls the volume curve of the crossfade. Linear and
Power (short for Equal Power) let you fine-tune the way that the
two Multisamples mix together; one or the other may be more
appropriate for a given pair of Multisamples. Layer, true to its
name, lets you layer the two Multisamples together without any
Linear means that the two samples will each be at 50% of their
full volume in the middle of the crossfade. Sometimes, this may
create a dip in the volume level; if so, try using Power instead.
3: P–OSC3–2: MS 2 (Multisample 2) 3–3: MS 3 (Multisample 3) 3–4: MS 4 (Multisample 4)
3–2: MS 2 (Multisample 2)
3–3: MS 3 (Multisample 3)
3–4: MS 4 (Multisample 4)
These are the multisample settings for Multisamples 2–4. The
parameters for Multisample 2 and 3 are exactly the same as those
for Multisample 1.
The parameters for Multisample 4 are also similar to those for
Multisample 1, except that Multisample 4 has no settings for
Bottom Vel. (Bottom Velocity) (which is always fixed at 1) and Xfade (Crossfade Range).
3–5: VEL (Velocity Zone)
Here you can adjust the velocity zone for oscillators.
Velocity can be used to switch between sounding oscillators 1 and
2. Here you can specify the velocity zone for oscillator 1.
This velocity zone setting takes priority over the velocity settings
of multisamples 1–8. The status of the settings is indicated by the
graph on the right side of the screen. This lets you adjust settings
while comparing them with the velocity split graph.
This sets the highest velocity where the Oscillator 1 will sound.
Note: The OSC1 Top velocity must be greater than the OSC1
Bottom velocity.
This sets the lowest velocity where the Oscillator 1 will sound.
Tips: You can also set the note value and velocity value by the
keyboard (see page 12 of the Operation Guide).
This sets the highest velocity where the Oscillator 1 will sound.
Note: The OSC1 Top velocity must be greater than the OSC1
Bottom velocity.
This sets the lowest velocity where the Oscillator 1 will sound.
Tips: You can also set the note value and velocity value by the
keyboard (see page 12 of the Operation Guide).
Oscillator Mode Drums
Here you can specify the velocity zone for oscillator 1.
This sets the highest velocity where the Oscillator 1 will sound.
Note: The Top velocity must be greater than the Bottom velocity.
Tips: You can also set the note value and velocity value by the
keyboard (see page 12 of the Operation Guide).
This sets the lowest velocity where the Oscillator 1 will sound.
Program mode
AMS Intensity
3–1...5: FUNCTION
•0: Write Program, Write/Initialize Program see page 63
•1: Solo Setting see page 63
•2: Compare see page 64
•3: Auto Song Setup see page 64
•4: Add to Favorite see page 64
•5: Copy Oscillator see page 64
•6: Swap Oscillator see page 64
For more information, please see the “Program: Function” section
on page 63.
This page contains all of the settings for Oscillator 1’s pitch
4–1: BASIC
Here, you can:
• Specify pitch bend being controlled by the pitch bend wheel (or
an incoming pitch bend message) set to independent Bend Up
and Bend Down, or controlled by an incoming message CC#16
(the ribbon control message etc).
• Use Pitch Slope to control how the pitch changes when you
play up and down the keyboard.
• Assign AMS modulation for pitch.
OSC (Oscillator Select)[1, 2]
Select the oscillator (1 or 2) that you want to edit.
Note: Oscillator 2 can be selected if Oscillator Mode is set to
Octave[–2[32'], –1[16'], +0[8'], +1[4']]
This sets the basic pitch of the Oscillator, in octaves. The default is
+0[8']. The standard octave of a multisample is +0 [8'].
This adjusts the pitch in semitones, over a range of ±1 octave.
This adjusts the pitch in cents, over a range of ±1 octave. A cent is
1/100 of a semitone.
Offset (Frequency Offset)[–10.0Hz ... +10Hz]
This adjusts the pitch by increments of 0.1 Hz. Frequency Offset
is different from Tun e in that, when used to detune the two
oscillators, it can create a constant beat frequency across the range
of the keyboard.
Bend (+)[–60...+12]
Specifies the amount of pitch change in semitone units that occurs
when you move the pitch bend wheel away from yourself (or when
a pitch bend message with a value of 1 or higher is received). For
normal pitch bend, set this to a positive value.
For example with a setting of +12, moving the pitch bend wheel
away from yourself will raise the pitch of the notes you've played,
by up to one octave.
Bend (–)[–60...+12]
Note on keyboard
C4 C5
Specifies the amount of pitch change in semitone units that occurs
when you move the pitch bend wheel toward yourself (or when a
pitch bend message with a value of -1 or lower is received). For
normal pitch bend, set this to a negative value.
For example with a setting of –60, moving the pitch bend wheel
toward yourself will lower the pitch of the notes you've played, by
up to five octaves.
4: P–PITCH4–2: MOD (Modulation)
4–2: MOD (Modulation)
EG Intensity
Pitch Slope[–1.0...+2.0]
Normally, this should be set to the default of +1.0.
Pitch Slope, pitch, and note
Positive (+) values cause the pitch to rise as you play higher on the
keyboard, and negative (–) values cause the pitch to fall as you
play higher on the keyboard.
When this is set to 0, playing different notes on the keyboard won’t
change the pitch at all; it will be as if you’re always playing C4.
This can be useful for special effects sounds, for instance.
Ribbon (#16)[–12...+12]
Specify in semitones how the pitch will change when CC#16 is
With a positive (+) setting, the pitch will rise when the value of
CC#16 is higher than the center value of 64. With a negative (–)
setting, the pitch will fall.
AMS (Pitch)[List of AMS Sources]
This selects an AMS source to control the pitch. For a list of AMS
sources, please see “AMS (Alternate Modulation Source) List” on
page 282.
This controls the depth and direction of the pitch modulation, in
For example if you set AMS (Pitch) to M.Wheel #01 and then
move the modulation wheel away from yourself, the pitch will rise
if this parameter is set to a positive (+) value, or fall if this
parameter is set to a negative (–) value.
AMS Intensity
You can set up initial amounts of pitch modulation from the Pitch
EG and LFO1/2, as well as AMS modulation of LFO and EG
OSC (Oscillator Select)[1, 2]
Select the oscillator (1 or 2) that you want to edit.
Note: Oscillator 2 can be selected if Oscillator Mode is set to
EG Intensity[–12.00...+12.00]
This controls the initial effect of the Pitch EG on Oscillator 1’s
frequency, in half-steps, before any AMS modulation.
The Pitch EG’s shape can swing all the way from +99 to –99.
When the Intensity is set to a positive (+) value, positive values
from the EG raise the pitch, and negative values lower the pitch.
When the Intensity is set to a negative (–) value, the effect of the
EG is reversed; positive EG values mean lower pitches, and
negative EG values mean higher pitches.
AMS (Pitch EG)[List of AMS Sources]
This selects any AMS modulation source to scale the amount of
the Pitch EG.
For a list of AMS sources, please see “AMS (Alternate
Modulation Source) List” on page 282.
AMS Intensity[–12.00...+12.00]
This controls the depth and direction of the pitch EG AMS
modulation. The AMS modulation and the initial Intensity are
added together to determine the Pitch EG’s final effect.
With positive (+) values, greater modulation will increase the
effect of the Pitch EG, as shown in example B below.
With negative (–) values, greater modulation will introduce the
opposite effect of the Pitch EG–like inverting the polarity of the
envelope. You can use this in several different ways:
• You can set an initial positive amount with the Intensity
parameter, and then reduce this amount with AMS. In this case,
the final effect of the EG is simply diminished, and not actually
inverted, as shown in example C.
• You can also set the AMS Intensity amount to be greater than
the initial Intensity. In this case, the EG will have a positive
effect with low modulation amounts, and an inverted effect at
higher modulation amounts as shown in example D.
Program mode
Pitch EG AMS
A. Original EGB. Intensity = +6.00
to Pitch
C. Intensity = –3.00
to Pitch
D. Intensity = –24.00
LFO1 and LFO2 can both control the pitch. You can control the
strength of each LFO’s modulation in three different ways:
• Set an initial amount of LFO modulation, using the LFO1 Int.,
LFO2 Int. parameters.
•Use M.Whl-Int to adjust the amount of LFO that is applied
when you use the modulation wheel.
• Use any AMS source to scale the amount of the LFO.
The results are added together to produce the total LFO effect.
LFO1 Intensity[–12.00...+12.00]
This controls the initial effect of the LFO on the pitch, in
semitones, before any M.Whl-Int or AMS modulation.
Negative (–) settings will invert the phase of the LFO.
LFO1 Int., M.Whl-Int, and AMS (LFO1) settings are summed to
determine the depth and direction of pitch modulation produced by
The parameters for LFO2 are identical to those for LFO1. For
more information, please see the descriptions under LFO1, above.
Specify the depth of pitch modulation produced by OSC1 LFO1
when the modulation wheel is moved away from yourself (or when
CC#1 is received).
This parameter sets the maximum amount of LFO modulation
added by M.Whl-Int, in semitones.
As this value is increased, moving the modulation wheel away
from yourself will cause the OSC1 LFO1 to produce deeper pitch
Negative (–) settings will invert the phase of the LFO. You can
also use this to reduce the initial amount of the LFO, as set by
LFO1 Int., above.
For example:
1. Set LFO1 Int. to +7.00.
The LFO will now have a fairly strong effect on the pitch, bending
it by a perfect 5th.
2. Set M.Whl-Int to –7.00.
Moving the modulation wheel away from yourself will decrease
the effect of the LFO. If you move the wheel all the way, the LFO
will be cancelled, and no modulation will be applied.
AMS (LFO1)[List of AMS Sources]
This selects any AMS modulation source to scale the amount of
the LFO applied to pitch.
For a list of AMS sources, please see “AMS (Alternate
Modulation Source) List” on page 282.
AMS Intensity[–12.00...+12.00]
This controls the depth and direction of the AMS (LFO1)
modulation for pitch.
With a setting of 0, modulation will not be applied. With a setting
of 12.00, the OSC1 LFO1 will apply a maximum of
+/–1 octave of pitch modulation.
For example if you play the keyboard with AMS (LFO1) set to
Filter EG, pitch modulation will be stronger when the Filter
envelope value is higher. If this has a positive (“+”) value, pitch
modulation via OSC1 LFO1 is applied at normal phase; if it has a
negative (“-”) value, the phase is inverted.
4: P–PITCH4–3: PORTA (Portamento)
4–3: PORTA (Portamento)
Here you can set up Portamento.
OSC (Oscillator Select)[1, 2]
Select the oscillator (1 or 2) that you want to edit.
Note: Oscillator 2 can be selected if Oscillator Mode is set to
Portamento lets the pitch glide smoothly between notes, instead of
changing abruptly.
Enable[Off, On]
On (checked): Turns on Portamento, so that pitch glides smoothly
between notes.
Off (unchecked): Turns off Portamento. This is the default state.
Fingered[Off, On]
This parameter allows you to control Portamento through your
playing style. When it’s enabled, playing legato will turn on
Portamento, and playing detached will turn it off again.
This option is only available when Portamento Enable is turned
On (checked): Turns on Fingered Portamento.
Off (unchecked): Turns off Fingered Portamento.
4–1...3: FUNCTION
•0: Write Program, Write/Initialize Program see page 63
•1: Solo Setting see page 63
•2: Compare see page 64
•3: Auto Song Setup see page 64
•4: Add to Favorite see page 64
•5: Copy Oscillator see page 64
•6: Swap Oscillator see page 64
For more information, please see the “Program: Function” section
on page 63.
Mode[Rate, Time]
Rate means that Portamento will always take the same amount of
time to glide a given distance in pitch - for instance, one second
per octave. Put another way, gliding several octaves will take
much longer than gliding a half-step.
Time means that Portamento will always take the same amount of
time to glide from one note to another, regardless of the difference
in pitch. This is especially useful when playing chords, since it
ensures that each note in the chord will end its glide at the same
This controls the portamento time. Higher values mean longer
times, for slower changes in pitch.
This option is only available when Portamento Enable is turned
Assigning SW1 or SW2 to Portamento On/Off
You can turn portamento on/off by using the two assignable
switches SW1 and SW2.
To do so:
2. Under Panel Switch Assign, set either SW1 or SW2 to
Porta.SW (CC#65).
Now, the selected switch will enable and disable Portamento.
If you assign portamento to SW1/2, MIDI portamento
controller #65 will be transmitted each time you use the
switch. You can also turn portamento on/off by receiving
MIDI controller #65.
Program mode
5: P–PITCH EG (Pitch Envelope)
The Pitch EG, or Envelope Generator, lets you create complex,
time-varying changes to the pitch of Oscillators 1 and 2. The
parameters on this page control the shape of the EG. For instance,
you can:
• Create the basic EG shape by setting the levels and times of
each segment.
• Control the curvature of each EG segment, for subtle control
over the modulation time of the EG.
• Set up complex modulation of EG levels and times.
• Set up an AMS source, such as an LFO, to restart the EG.
To control how much effect the EG has on the pitch, use the Pitch
EG parameters on the P–PITCH>MOD page, as described under
“4–2: MOD (Modulation)” on page 15.
Differences from the other EGs
The Pitch EG is different from the Filter and Amp EGs in several
• The single Pitch EG is shared by both Oscillator 1 and
Oscillator 2.
• The Sustain level is always 0.
• The Level modulation has two AMS sources instead of one, and
the Time modulation has one AMS source instead of three.
Pitch EG is also an AMS source
You can use the Pitch EG as an AMS source to modulate other
parameters, just like the keyboard tracking and LFOs. Simply
select the Pitch EG in the AMS list for the desired parameter.
Pitch EG
Change to
Note-on or reset
Sustain Level
(Always 0)
The envelope moves to a specified level over the specified time,
and then moves to the next specified level over the specified time.
It produces a modulation signal corresponding to this movement.
The parameters below let you set four levels, the amount of time it
takes to go from each of the levels to the next, and the shape (from
linear to curved) of each transition.
Higher values mean longer times, as shown below:
EG ValueActual Time
1010 ms
2044 ms
30104 ms
40224 ms
50464 ms
60944 ms
701.8 seconds
803.8 seconds
9010.9 seconds
9987.3 seconds
Reset AMS (EG Reset AMS)[List of AMS Sources]
This selects an AMS source to reset the EG to the start point. For
instance, you can use a tempo-synced LFO to trigger the EG in a
repeating rhythm. This reset is in addition to the initial note-on,
which always causes the EG to start.
For a list of AMS sources, please see “AMS (Alternate
Modulation Source) List” on page 282.
This sets the AMS level which will trigger the EG reset. Among
other things, you can use this to adjust the exact point in an LFO’s
phase where the EG will be reset, effectively controlling its
“groove” against other rhythmic effects.
When the threshold is positive, the EG triggers when passing
through the threshold moving upwards. When the threshold is
negative, the EG triggers when passing through the threshold
moving downwards.
Note: For several LFO waveform types, or if the LFO cycle is fast,
the LFO output may not always keep up with high values such as
+99 or –99.
This sets how long the EG takes to move from the Start level to the
Attack level.
For the fastest possible attack time, you can set the Start level to
+99; in this case, the EG will start instantaneously at its maximum
Dcy/Brk (Decay)[00...99]
This sets the time it takes to move from the Attack level to the
Break level.
This sets how long the EG takes to move from the Break level to
the Sustain level (which for the Pitch EG is always 0). Once it
reaches the Sustain level, the EG will stay there until note-off,
unless it is reset via AMS.
This sets how long it takes the EG to move from the Sustain level
to the Release level.
For the sake of simplicity, most of the diagrams in this manual
show envelopes as being made out of straight lines. In actuality,
though, envelopes are more likely to be made out of curves.
In other words, each segment’s level will change quickly at first,
and then slow down as it approaches the next point. This tends to
sound better than straight, linear segments.
Classic analog synth envelopes made these curved shapes
naturally. The KROSS goes a step further than vintage synths,
however, and lets you control the amount of curvature separately
for each of the four envelope segments.
Positive AMS on Start and Break,
Negative AMS on Attack
Negative AMS on Start,
Attack, and Break
Positive AMS on Start,
Attack, and Break
Pitch EG Curve
When you change the curvature, the EG times remain the same.
However, greater curvature will tend to sound faster, because the
value changes more quickly at the beginning.
Different curve settings for up and down
You may find that different amounts of curvature are suitable for
segments which go up and segments which go down.
For instance, a curve of 3 is a good default setting for upward
segments, such as Attack. On the other hand, a curve of 6 or more
is good for downward segments, such as Decay and Release.
Attack[0L (Linear), 1...9, 10E (Exp/Log)]
This sets the curvature of the Attack segment - the transition from
the Start level to the Attack level.
5–2: L-MOD (Level Modulation)
These settings let you use two different AMS sources to control
the Level parameters of the EG. For each of the two AMS sources,
the Start, Attack, Decay, and Break levels each have their own
modulation intensities.
By using different settings for each of the three levels, you can
cause both subtle and dramatic changes to the EG shape, as shown
Note: Once the EG has started a segment between two points, that
segment can no longer be modulated. This includes both the time
of the segment, and the level reached at the end of the segment.
For instance, if the EG is in the middle of the Decay time, you can
no longer modulate either the Decay time or the Break level.
This also means that modulating the Start level, Attack level, or
Attack time will not affect notes that are already sounding, unless
the EG is then re-started via EG Reset.
Pitch EG Level Modulation
Dcy/Brk (Decay)[0L (Linear), 1...9, 10E (Exp/Log)]
This sets the curvature of the Decay segment - the transition from
the Attack level to the Break level.
Slope[0L (Linear), 1...9, 10E (Exp/Log)]
This sets the curvature of the Slope segment - the transition from
the Break level to the Sustain level (which for the Pitch EG is
always 0).
Release[0L (Linear), 1...9, 10E (Exp/Log)]
This sets the curvature of the Release segment - the transition from
the Sustain level to the Release level.
Each of the four levels can be either positive or negative.
Positive levels will make the pitch (or other AMS destination) go
up from its programmed value; negative levels will make it go
Note that, unlike the Filter and Amp EGs, the Pitch EG’s Sustain
Level is always 0.
This sets the initial level at note-on.
This sets the level at the end of the Attack time.
Dcy/Brk (Break)[–99...+99]
Break, short for Break Point, sets the level at the end of the Decay
This sets the level at the end of the Release time.
AMS1[List of AMS Sources]
This selects the first AMS source to control the EG’s Level
For a list of AMS sources, please see “AMS (Alternate
Modulation Source) List” on page 282.
This controls the depth and direction of the AMS modulation for
the Start level.
For example, if you set the AMS1 source to Velocity and set St to
+99, the Start level will increase as you play harder. If you instead
set St to –99, the Start level will decrease as you play harder.
This controls the depth and direction of the AMS modulation for
the Attack level.
This controls the depth and direction of the AMS modulation for
the Break level.
Program mode
AMS=Velocity, Intensity = a positive (+) value
“Attack”= +
“Decay”= +
“Slope”= +
“Attack”= +
“Decay”= +
“Slope”= +
“Attack”= –
“Decay”= –
“Slope”= –
Softly played note.
Original Shape.
Strongly played note.
Times are longer.
Reaches Sustain more
Strongly played note.
Times are shorter.
Reaches Sustain more
This selects the second AMS source for controlling the EG’s Level
parameters. The parameters ofAMS2 are identical to those of
AMS1, above.
5–3: T-MOD (Time Modulation)
These settings let you use an AMS source to control the Time
parameters of the EG. The Attack, Decay, and Slope times share
this AMS source, but each has its own modulation intensity.
Pitch EG Time Modulation
AMS[List of AMS Sources]
This selects the AMS source to control the EG’s Time parameters.
Velocity and Keyboard Track can both be useful here for instance.
For a list of AMS sources, please see “AMS (Alternate
Modulation Source) List” on page 282.
This controls the depth and direction of the AMS modulation for
the Attack time.
For example, if you set the AMS source to Velocity and set Attack
to +99, the Attack time will get much longer at higher velocities. If
you instead set Attack to –99, the Attack time will get much
shorter at higher velocities.
When the AMS source is at its maximum value for instance, when
Ve lo ci ty is at 127 a setting of +8 will make the Attack time almost
twice as long, and a setting of –8 will cut the Attack time almost in
This controls the depth and direction of the AMS modulation for
the Decay time.
This controls the depth and direction of the AMS modulation for
the Slope time.
5–1...3: FUNCTION
•0: Write Program, Write/Initialize Program see page 63
•1: Solo Setting see page 63
•2: Compare see page 64
•3: Auto Song Setup see page 64
•4: Add to Favorite see page 64
•5: Copy Oscillator see page 64
•6: Swap Oscillator see page 64
For more information, please see the “Program: Function” section
on page 63.
Filter A (Low Pass)OscillatorFilter B (High Pass)
Filter A (Low Pass)
Filter B (High Pass)
Filtering can make subtle or dramatic changes to the oscillator’s
timbre. Each oscillator has two multimode resonant filters, A and
B, as well as a dedicated filter envelope and keyboard tracking
These pages let you control all aspects of the filters. Among other
things, you can:
• Adjust basic settings for each oscillator’s filters, including
routing, modes, cutoff, resonance, etc.
• Set up filter modulation, including keyboard tracking, the filter
envelope, LFO modulation, and AMS control.
Note that when the Oscillator Mode is set to Single, only
Oscillator 1’s filters are active; the pages for Oscillator 2’s filters
will be grayed out.
6–1: BASIC
Serial and Parallel Routing
12db/oct / 24db/oct
This page contains all of the basic settings for Oscillator 1’s Filter
A and Filter B. For example, you can:
• Set up the filters to produce a single 12 dB/oct filter, dual
12 dB/oct filters in either serial or parallel routing, or a single
24 dB/oct filter.
• Set each of the two filters to Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass,
or Band Reject modes.
• Set the cutoff, resonance, and input and output levels of each
filter, including modulation of resonance and output level.
OSC (Oscillator Select)[1, 2]
Select the oscillator (1 or 2) that you want to edit.
Note: Oscillator 2 can be selected if Oscillator Mode is set to
Each oscillator has two filters, Filter A and Filter B. This
parameter controls whether one or both of the filters are used, and
if both are used, it controls how they are connected to each other.
Single. This uses only Filter A as a single 2-pole, 12 dB/octave
filter (6 dB/oct for Band Pass and Band Reject). When this option
is selected, the controls for Filter B will be grayed out.
Serial. This uses both Filter A and Filter B. The oscillator first
goes through Filter A, and then the output of Filter A is processed
through Filter B.
Parallel. This also uses both Filter A and Filter B. The oscillator
feeds both filters directly, and the outputs of the two filters are then
summed together.
24dB/oct. This merges both filters to create a single 4-pole, 24 dB/
octave filter (12 dB/oct for Band Pass and Band Reject). In
comparison to Single, this option produces a sharper roll-off
beyond the cutoff frequency, as well as a slightly more delicate
resonance. Many classic analog synths used this general type of
When 24 dB/oct is selected, only the controls for Filter A are
active; the controls for Filter B will be grayed out.
Low Pass:
Low Pass:
A (Filter A)
Type (Filter Type) [Low Pass (12dB/oct), High Pass (12dB/oct),
Band Pass (6dB/oct), Band Reject (6dB/oct)]
The filter will produce very different results depending on the
selected filter type. The selections will change slightly according
to the selected Filter Routing, to show the correct cutoff slope in
dB per octave.
Low Pass (12dB/oct). This cuts out the parts of the sound which
are higher than the cutoff frequency. Low Pass is the most
common type of filter, and is used to make bright timbres sound
High Pass (12dB/oct). This cuts out the parts of the sound which
are lower than the cutoff frequency. You can use this to make
timbres sound thinner or more buzzy.
Band Pass (6dB/oct). This cuts out all parts of the sound, both
highs and lows, except for the region around the cutoff frequency.
Since this filter cuts out both high and low frequencies, its effect
can change dramatically depending on the cutoff setting and the
oscillator’s multisample.
With low resonance settings, you can use the Band Pass filter to
create telephone or vintage phonograph sounds. With higher
resonance settings, it can create buzzy or nasal timbres.
Program mode
Low Pass
High Pass
Band Pass
Band Reject
Band Reject (6dB/oct). This filter type also called a notch filter–
cuts only the parts of the sound directly around the cutoff
frequency. Try modulating the cutoff with an LFO to create
phaser-like effects.
Filter Types and Cutoff Frequency
To make the resonance track the keyboard pitch, please see “Key
Follow” on page 27.
Out (Output)[00...99]
This controls the output level of Filter A. You can use this to
balance the volumes of Filters A and B when the Routing is set to
Parallel, or to turn down the volume to avoid clipping later in the
signal chain.
B (Filter B)
Filter B is available when the Filter Routing is set to Serial or
Parallel. Otherwise, the parameters in this section will be grayed
The parameters for Filter B are identical to those for Filter A. For
more information, please see the descriptions under Filter A,
Bypass[Off, On]
This lets you bypass Filter A completely.
If Bypass is Off, Filter A functions normally.
When Bypass is On, Filter A will have no effect.
Trim (Input Trim)[00...99]
This adjusts the volume level at the input to the filter. If you notice
that the sound is distorting, especially with high Resonance
settings, you can turn the level down here or at the Output.
Freq (Cutoff Frequency)[00...99]
This controls the cutoff frequency of Filter A, in increments of 1/
10 of an octave. The specific effect of the cutoff frequency will
change depending on the selected Filter Type.
Resonance emphasizes the frequencies around the cutoff
When this is set to 0, there is no emphasis, and frequencies beyond
the cutoff will simply diminish smoothly.
At medium settings, the resonance will alter the timbre of the
filter, making it sound more nasal, or more extreme.
At very high settings, the resonance can be heard as a separate,
whistling pitch.
Low resonance valueHigh resonance value
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