Quick Configuration Guide
Network Connectivity for Printers

Easy installation
10 Mbps Ethernet Int erface
10BaseT / 10Base2 Auto Detection
Multiple Protocol support
HTTP Server for Management with a Browser
DHCP Support for Autom atic IP Address Assignment
SNMP Support
Flash Upgrade Capability
The DPO NIC enables printer s to c ommunicate over an Ethernet network
with many differ ent net work operating systems, including NetWare,
Macintosh, UNI X, and Windows.
This Guide's Role
This Quick Confi gur ation Guide provides concise software conf iguration
instructions allowing an experienced system adm inistrator to get the NIC
up and running quickl y. For m ore complete instructions or for printing or
configurati on options not covered in this guide, please refer to the User
Tradem arks
NetWare is a registered trademark of Novell, Incorporated. Windows is a regis t er ed
trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple
Computer, Incorporated. All other products referenced are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective companies.

NetWare 2.x & 3.x Configuration......................................1
NetWare 4.x Directory Services Configuration...............2
Macintosh Configuration..............................refer to Manual
Windows 95 Peer to Peer Printing Configuration...........6
DHCP Configuration .........................................................8
Windows NT Configuration..............................................9
UNIX Configuration...........................................................11

NetWare 2.x & 3.x Configuration
1. Login as Supervisor and start PCONSOLE.
2. Define the Print Queue.
⇒ If a Print Queue already exists which will be assigned to the printer, skip
to step 3.
⇒ Select P r int Q ueue I nformation f rom t he Avai lable Opt ions menu
⇒ Press
3. Define the Print Server
⇒ Select
⇒ Press
4. Define the Printer.
⇒ Press
⇒ Select
⇒ Set the TYPE field to
⇒ Press
5. Assign the Print Queue.
⇒ Select
⇒ Press
⇒ Press
6. Confirm Successful Configuration.
⇒ Turn the printer off and on and wait for a power-up network status page
⇒ The Novell Connection Information in the bottom half of the status page
⇒ If the status page does not display
NIC and press
Options Menu.
Print Server Information
default Print Server name is OTS_ followed by the six-digit serial
number of the NIC, e.g. OTS_161523. The serial number is listed on
the bottom of the NIC and is displayed on the NIC box. If the NIC has
already been installed, the Novell Print Server Name can be found on
the power-up network status page under Novell Network Information.
Server Configuration
Printer 0
desired. The printer name is displayed in various NetWare printing
messages such as when notifying users that their job is completed.
Queues Serviced By Printer
Defined Printers list and press
queue and assign a Priority level (recommended choice is 1).
to pr int. If the network is large, the pow er-up sta tus pa ge ma y t ake
several minutes to print. (Note: This time may be reduced by setting a
Preferred File Server for the NIC with the Management Access
Program. Ref er to t he NetWare section of the NIC User's Manual for
more in fo rmatio n .)
displays the printer name, file server, queue, etc. If it displays
, this confirms that the NIC Print Server is ready to accept print jobs.
Novell Print Server Name on the status page under Novell Network
Information matches exactly with the Print Server name that was
entered in PCONSOLE or refer to the troubleshooting section in the
User's Manual.
, type a name for the new queue to be serviced by the
, type th e N IC Print S erver nam e and pr ess
with the new Print Server Hi g hl ighted, select
again to return to the Printer Server Configuration menu.
to di splay the Available Queu es List. Select the des ir ed
. Press
, the select
and define a more meaningful name for the printer if
Remote/Other Unknown
to exit and select
when finished and continue pressing
from the A vail able Opti ons m enu.
to return to the Available
Printer Configuration
to save the changes. Press
, highlight the desired printer on the
Attached: Yes
, please verify that the
. The
to exit

NetWare 4.x
Directory Services Configuration
Windows NT 4.0
1. Click on the Windows Start button; select
2. Double click on
not in th e l ist of Network Protocols, clic k on
3. Select the Services tab. If either
4. Click on
TCP/IP protocol has just been added, Windows will prompt for the IP
address and other TCP/IP parameters. The new protocols and services will
not be available until the system is restarted.
is not on the lis t of Network Services, click on
when all protocols and services have been added. If the
and select the
Microsoft TCP/IP Printing
to install it.
NIC TCP/IP Configuration
A utility called NTBOOTP is used to configure the IP parameters on the NIC.
Note: The NTBOOTP utility does not work on a system configured as a DHCP
1. Insert the disk included.
2. In the Windows NT 3.51 Program Manager, select File and choose Run.
In Windows NT 4.0, click on the Windows Start button and select Run.
3. Type <Drive>:\NTBOOTP.EXE and click OK to laun c h th e utili ty.
4. S elect Configure from t he Adm in menu.
⇒ Enter th e IP pa r ameters.
⇒ Enter the IP address to assign to the NIC.
⇒ Enter the Subnet mask. If unsure of the correct Subnet mask and the
first number in the NIC's IP address is from 192 to 254, then use as the Subnet mask.
⇒ Enter the Default Gateway address (the router's IP address) or leave
⇒ Enter the Hardware address of the NIC. This address is listed on the
power-up network status page under Network Address, for example,
00:40:af:13:c9:f0. Please enter it as it appears on the status page. The
status pages (a printer status page and a NIC network status page) may
also be printed by pressing the Status key on the front panel of the
5. Click on Go to send the new settings to the NIC. After a few minutes
(usually between 1 and 2 minutes, but possibly up to 5 minutes on very large
or busy networks), the NIC will reset an d print its n etwork status page. The
new IP parameters will be listed in the TCP/IP Network Information section
of the status page. If the status page doesn't print, recheck the Hardware
Address entry in NTBOOTP. (If the power-up status page has been
disabled, press the Status key on the printe r's front panel .) Once the status
page prints, the new IP address may also be verified by selecting
fr om the Admin menu .
Control Panel
TCP/IP Protocol
tab. If
Simple TCP/IP
to install them.