Konica Minolta bizhub 1250, bizhub 1250P, bizhub C1070, bizhub C1070P, bizhub C1060 User Manual

User's Guid
Saddle Stitcher SD-513
Saddle Stitcher SD-513 Contents-1
1.1 Intended Use of this Machine........................................................................................................ 1-2
1.2 Users of this Machine..................................................................................................................... 1-3
1.3 Objectives of this Manual............................................................................................................... 1-4
2 Preparation for Use
2.1 Machine Configuration................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.2 Warning Label and Caution Label ................................................................................................. 2-7
2.3 Optional Devices........................................................................................................................... 2-11
2.4 Paper Information ......................................................................................................................... 2-12
2.4.1 Available Paper Weights...................................................................................................................2-12
2.4.2 Exit Tray Capacity.............................................................................................................................2-13
2.4.3 Paper Size.........................................................................................................................................2-17
2.5 Machine Screen ............................................................................................................................ 2-18
2.5.1 Screen with SD-513 installed............................................................................................................2-18
2.5.2 Setting Screen with SD-513 installed ...............................................................................................2-19
3 Supplies and Disposals
3.1 Replenishing Staple Supply ........................................................................................................... 3-2
3.1.1 Replenishing Staple Supply in Saddle Stitcher SD-513 .....................................................................3-2
3.2 Disposing Trimmings...................................................................................................................... 3-4
3.2.1 Emptying Trim Scrap Box of Saddle Stitcher SD-513........................................................................3-4
3.2.2 Emptying Slit Scrap Box of Saddle Stitcher SD-513..........................................................................3-6
4 Using Saddle Stitcher SD-513
4.1 Basic Functions of Saddle Stitcher SD-513.................................................................................. 4-2
4.2 Additional Functions of Saddle Stitcher SD-513.......................................................................... 4-5
4.2.1 Creaser Unit CR-101...........................................................................................................................4-5
4.2.2 Trimmer Unit TU-503 ........................................................................................................................4-10
4.2.3 Combination of Creaser Unit CR-101 and Trimmer Unit TU-503.....................................................4-15
4.2.4 Folding Unit FD-504..........................................................................................................................4-19
4.2.5 Combination of Basic Functions and Additional Functions..............................................................4-21
4.3 Making Folded Booklets: Fold & Staple/Multi Half-Fold ........................................................... 4-22
4.3.1 Functional Overview..........................................................................................................................4-22
4.3.2 Settings on the Copy Screen............................................................................................................4-23
4.3.3 Settings in Printer Driver...................................................................................................................4-26
4.4 Folding Copies in Three: Multi Tri-Fold....................................................................................... 4-27
4.4.1 Functional Overview..........................................................................................................................4-27
4.4.2 Settings on the Copy Screen............................................................................................................4-28
4.4.3 Settings in Printer Driver...................................................................................................................4-29
4.5 Adding Fold Lines (Creases) on Paper........................................................................................ 4-30
4.5.1 Functional Overview..........................................................................................................................4-30
4.5.2 Settings on the Copy Screen............................................................................................................4-32
4.5.3 Settings in Printer Driver...................................................................................................................4-35
4.6 Adding Fold Lines (Creases) for Fold & Stapled/Multi Half-Folded Cover .............................. 4-36
4.6.1 Functional Overview..........................................................................................................................4-36
4.6.2 Settings on the Copy Screen............................................................................................................4-37
4.6.3 Settings in Printer Driver...................................................................................................................4-41
Contents-2 Saddle Stitcher SD-513
4.7 Adding Fold Lines (Creases) for Multi Tri-Folded Paper........................................................... 4-42
4.7.1 Functional Overview..........................................................................................................................4-42
4.7.2 Settings on the Copy Screen............................................................................................................4-43
4.7.3 Settings in Printer Driver ...................................................................................................................4-44
4.8 Performing 2-Side Slitting............................................................................................................ 4-45
4.8.1 Functional Overview..........................................................................................................................4-45
4.8.2 Settings on the Copy Screen............................................................................................................4-46
4.8.3 Settings in Printer Driver ...................................................................................................................4-47
4.9 Performing 2-Side Slitting on Fold & Stapled/Multi Half-Folded Paper................................... 4-48
4.9.1 Functional Overview..........................................................................................................................4-48
4.9.2 Settings on the Copy Screen............................................................................................................4-50
4.9.3 Settings in Printer Driver ...................................................................................................................4-55
4.10 Performing 2-Side Slitting on Multi Tri-Folded Paper ............................................................... 4-56
4.10.1 Functional Overview..........................................................................................................................4-56
4.10.2 Settings on the Copy Screen ............................................................................................................4-57
4.10.3 Settings in Printer Driver...................................................................................................................4-59
4.11 Forming Spine Corners on Fold & Stapled Sets......................................................................... 4-60
4.11.1 Functional Overview..........................................................................................................................4-60
4.11.2 Settings on the Copy Screen ............................................................................................................4-61
4.11.3 Settings in Printer Driver...................................................................................................................4-64
4.12 Manually Using Folding Unit FD-503 or Saddle Stitcher SD-513.............................................. 4-65
4.13 Combining Perfect Binder PB-503 .............................................................................................. 4-68
4.13.1 Making Perfect-Bound Booklets.......................................................................................................4-68
4.14 Functions of Printer Driver........................................................................................................... 4-73
4.14.1 PS Plug-in driver (Windows/Mac OS X)............................................................................................4-73
4.14.2 PPD driver (Windows) .......................................................................................................................4-80
4.14.3 PPD Driver (Mac OS X) .....................................................................................................................4-82
4.14.4 PCL driver (Windows) .......................................................................................................................4-84
4.15 Job Operations.............................................................................................................................. 4-91
4.15.1 Operating Prior Print .........................................................................................................................4-91
4.15.2 Printing a Sample during Output and Checking it: Sample Print......................................................4-91
5 Various Settings and Adjustment
5.1 Tray Setting ..................................................................................................................................... 5-2
5.1.1 PI-PFU Tray Setting (bizhub PRESS 1250/1250P/1052) ....................................................................5-2
5.1.2 Tray Setting for PI Trays: Post Inserter of Folding Unit FD-503 .........................................................5-9
5.2 [Saddle Stitcher Adjustment] - [Staple Center Adjustment]..................................................... 5-16
5.2.1 Center Position of 2 Position Staples ...............................................................................................5-16
5.2.2 Center Position of Front 2 Positions of 4 Position Staple.................................................................5-17
5.2.3 Center Position of Rear 2 Positions of 4 Position Staple..................................................................5-19
5.3 [Saddle Stitcher Adjustment] - [Staple Paper Width Adj.] ........................................................ 5-21
5.4 [Saddle Stitcher Adjustment] - [Staple Pitch Adjustment]........................................................ 5-23
5.4.1 Staple Pitch of 2 Position Staple ......................................................................................................5-23
5.4.2 Staple Pitch of Front 2 Positions of 4 Position Staple ......................................................................5-24
5.4.3 Staple Pitch of Rear 2 Positions of 4 Position Staple.......................................................................5-26
5.5 [Saddle Stitcher Adjustment] - [Tri-Fold Position Adj.]............................................................. 5-28
5.6 [Saddle Stitcher Adjustment] - [Fold Skew Adjustment] .......................................................... 5-30
5.7 [Saddle Stitcher Adjustment] - [Half-Fold Position Adjustment] ............................................. 5-32
5.8 [Saddle Stitcher Adjustment] - [Fold Paper Width Adjustment]............................................... 5-34
5.9 [Saddle Stitcher Adjustment] - [Fore-edge Trimming Adjustment] ......................................... 5-36
5.10 [Saddle Stitcher Adjustment] - [Parallel Trimming Adjustment] .............................................. 5-38
5.11 [Saddle Stitcher Adjustment] - [2-Side Slitting Adjustment] .................................................... 5-40
5.12 [Saddle Stitcher Adjustment] - [Crease Position Adjustment]................................................. 5-42
5.12.1 Half-Fold Crease Position.................................................................................................................5-42
5.12.2 Tri-Fold Crease Position ...................................................................................................................5-44
Saddle Stitcher SD-513 Contents-3
5.12.3 Perfect Bind Cover Crease Position .................................................................................................5-46
5.13 [Saddle Stitcher Adjustment] - [Flattening a Fold (Strength)] .................................................. 5-48
5.14 [Saddle Stitcher Adjustment] - [Flattening a Fold (Frequency)] ............................................... 5-49
5.15 [Saddle Stitcher Adjustment] - [Staple Offset Adjustment]...................................................... 5-50
5.16 [Saddle Stitcher Adjustment] - [Staple Tip Adjustment]........................................................... 5-51
5.17 [Saddle Stitcher Adjustment] - [2-Side Slitting Finishing Adj.]................................................. 5-52
5.18 [Saddle Stitcher Adjustment] - [Trimmer Receiver Adjustment].............................................. 5-53
5.18.1 Count Select for Move......................................................................................................................5-53
5.18.2 Moving Pitch Select..........................................................................................................................5-54
5.18.3 Forcibly Move ...................................................................................................................................5-55
6 Troubleshooting
6.1 If [Mishandled paper] Message Is Displayed ............................................................................... 6-2
6.1.1 Precautions for Removing Mishandled Paper from Saddle Stitcher SD-513.....................................6-2
6.2 Troubleshooting Tips...................................................................................................................... 6-3
7 Cleaning
7.1 Cleaning the conveyance belt of the bundle exit tray ................................................................. 7-2
8 Appendix
8.1 Typical Specifications..................................................................................................................... 8-2
8.1.1 Saddle Stitcher SD-513 ......................................................................................................................8-2
8.1.2 Creaser Unit CR-101 (equipped in Saddle Stitcher SD-513)..............................................................8-4
8.1.3 Trimmer Unit TU-503 (equipped in Saddle Stitcher SD-513) .............................................................8-5
8.1.4 Folding Unit FD-504 (equipped in Saddle Stitcher SD-513 as option)...............................................8-6
Contents-4 Saddle Stitcher SD-513
1-2 Saddle Stitcher SD-513
Intended Use of this Machine
1.1 Intended Use of this Machine
Intended Use
Saddle Stitcher SD-513 (this machine) is an optional saddle stitcher for the digital printing system. With this
machine installed, you can use the half-fold and fold & staple functions and combine the half-fold/fold & sta­ple function and the fore-edge trimming function.
Also, if this machine is equipped with optional devices, you can add fold lines (creases) and perform 2-side slitting or spine corner forming for cover paper.
This machine supports the following digital printing systems.
- bizhub PRESS 1250/1052
- bizhub PRESS 1250P
- bizhub PRESS C1070/C1060
- bizhub PRESS C1070P/C71hc
- bizhub PRESS C1100/C1085
To use this machine, comply with the following items.
- Use this machine in the range of the specifications for the main body and optional devices.
- Comply with all the precautions for safety information described in the user's guide.
- Comply with the prohibited items for copying or printing. (For details, refer to "Safety Information" in
the booklet manual supplied with the digital printing system.)
- Faithfully observe inspection and maintenance instructions.
- Strictly observe the national and corporate safety regulations and general safety standards.
Unacceptable operation conditions
This machine may not run when:
- an error or damage has been detected;
- the maintenance interval has expired; and
- mechanical functions or electrical functions do not run normally.
We assume no responsibility for damages that is caused when this machine is operated under unacceptable conditions.
Saddle Stitcher SD-513 1-3
1.2 Users of this Machine
1.2 Users of this Machine
This guide is intended for the following users of this machine.
- Operator: A person who receives training from Konica Minolta or an authorized partner, uses this ma-
chine in accordance with the intended use of this machine, and performs management, maintenance, and troubleshooting for the consumables described in the user's guide.
- Administrator: A person who receives training from Konica Minolta or authorized partner , makes con-
sumables management and system settings, and builds up a network environment or security system.
All people who use this machine need to read the related user's guides and gain an understanding of their contents.
1-4 Saddle Stitcher SD-513
Objectives of this Manual
1.3 Objectives of this Manual
This guide only describes the available functions when Saddle Stitcher SD-513 is installed on this machine. For details on other functions of the digital printing system, refer to the user's guide supplied with the digital printing system.
The screenshots shown in this guide mainly conform to the screens for bizhub PRESS 1250/1052. If they differ from model to model, differential information is described for each model.
Preparation for Use
2-2 Saddle Stitcher SD-513
Machine Configuration
2 Preparation for Use
2.1 Machine Configuration
Saddle Stitcher SD-513 2-3
2.1 Machine Configuration
2-4 Saddle Stitcher SD-513
Machine Configuration
Saddle Stitcher SD-513 2-5
2.1 Machine Configuration
External view of Saddle Stitcher SD-513
No. Name Description
1 Saddle stitcher front door Opens to allow removal of mishandled paper.
2 Slit scrap box door When the optional Trimmer Unit TU-503 is mounted,
opened for removal of slitting scraps in the slit scrap box.
3 Trim scrap tray Withdrawn for removal of fore-edge trimmings in the
trim scrap box.
4 Clamp section upper door Opened for removal of mishandled paper inside the
folding unit, and for cleaning the conveyance belts.
5 Clamp section Opened for removal of mishandled paper inside the
fold conveyance section, fold & staple section, or half­fold section. Open the saddle stitcher front door to ac­cess the clamp section.
6 Clamp section handle Hold the lock release lever while opening the clamp
section. Hold the lock release lever while closing the clamp section.
7 Folding outlet door Opened for removal of mishandled paper inside the
folding outlet.
8 Stopper Prevents output sheets from falling off the bundle exit
9 Bundle exit tray extension Opened for delivery of output sheets onto the bundle
exit tray.
10 Secondary (sub) tray Holds output sheets that are delivered from the equip-
ment attached to the right side of the machine without being processed in Fold & Staple, Multi Half-Fold, or Multi Tri-Fold mode. Also holds output delivered after performing creasing or 2-side slitting using Trimmer Unit TU-503 or Creaser Unit CR-101.
11 Paper detection sensor Detects output sheets delivered on the conveyance
belt to prevent from falling off.
12 Tri-fold tray Holds sets output in Tri-Fold mode.
13 Conveyance belt Carries output sheets leftward.
14 Bundle exit tray Holds fold & stapled or half-folded sets processed by
the machine.
15 Bundle exit tray outlet Delivers fold & stapled or half-folded sets processed
by the machine.
16 Output roller Straightens fold & stapled or half-folded sets pro-
cessed by the machine.
2-6 Saddle Stitcher SD-513
Machine Configuration
Internal view of Saddle Stitcher SD-513
No. Name Description
17 Lever [SD1] Opens upward for removal of mishandled paper.
18 Knob [SD2] Turned to allow removal of mishandled paper from
Creaser Unit CR-101 or while being fed.
19 Lever [SD3] Opens rightward to allow removal of mishandled pa-
per from Creaser Unit CR-101 or while being fed.
20 Knob [SD4] Turned to allow removal of mishandled paper from
Creaser Unit CR-101 or while being fed.
21 Creaser Unit CR-101 (option) Adds fold lines on sheets.
22 Lever [SD5] Opens rightward to allow removal of mishandled pa-
per from Creaser Unit CR-101 or while being fed.
23 Knob [SD15] Turned clockwise to allow removal of mishandled pa-
per from Trimmer Unit TU-503.
24 Trimmer Unit TU-503 (option) Trims both sides of sheets.
25 Slit scrap box Withdrawn for removal of slit scraps.
26 Scrap box lock release lever Pulled to release lock when withdrawing the slit scrap
box for removal of slit scraps.
27 Knob [SD16] Turned counterclockwise to allow removal of mishan-
dled paper from Trimmer Unit TU-503.
28 Knob [SD6] Turned clockwise for removal of mishandled paper.
29 Knob [SD7] Turned counterclockwise for removal of mishandled
30 Lever [SD8] Opens upward for removal of mishandled paper.
31 Lever [SD9] Opens rightward for removal of mishandled paper.
32 Knob [SD10] Turned clockwise for removal of mishandled paper.
33 Knob [SD11] Turned counterclockwise for removal of mishandled
34 Knob [SD13] Turned to allow removal of mishandled paper.
35 Lever [SD12] Opens downward for removal of mishandled paper.
36 Fold & staple section Used to staple the center line of paper.
37 Stapler Staples on 2 or 4 positions when performing fold &
38 Booklet transfer section Conveys folded paper (booklets) to the clamp sec-
39 Knob [SD14] Turned to allow removal of mishandled paper.
40 Secondary (sub) tray cover Opened to allow removal of mishandled paper inside
the tri-fold conveyance section.
41 Lever [SD17] Opens upward for removal of mishandled paper.
42 Lever [SD18] Opens downward for removal of mishandled paper.
43 Folding Unit FD-504 (option) Forms spine corners on fold & stapled booklets.
44 Trim scrap box Holds waste fore-edge trimmings.
Saddle Stitcher SD-513 2-7
2.2 Warning Label and Caution Label
2.2 Warning Label and Caution Label
When taking out output sheets from the bundle exit tray, do not put your hand into the shutter of the outlet.
- If you put your hand into the shutter while sheets are being delivered onto the bundle exit tray, it may
cause an unexpected accident. Before removing out output sheets, make sure that they have all been delivered onto the bundle exit tray.
2-8 Saddle Stitcher SD-513
Warning Label and Caution Label
When closing the clamp section, do not put your hand between the clamp section and the main body.
- Your hand is caught between them, it may cause an unexpected accident.
Be careful to close the clamp section.
Saddle Stitcher SD-513 2-9
2.2 Warning Label and Caution Label
When the clamp section is opened, the internal unit inside the saddle stitcher may be located forward. Do not touch the motor section of the internal unit with your hand.
- The motor section of the internal unit may be hot. If you touch it with your hand, you may burn your
hand. Pay special attention to clear jammed paper inside the main body of the saddle stitcher.
2-10 Saddle Stitcher SD-513
Warning Label and Caution Label
Before starting the service, disconnect the power cord.
- Otherwise, it may cause an electric shock.
Be sure to connect this product to an earthed socket outlet only.
- Failure to do so and an unlikely event of leakage could result in a fire or electrical shock.
Saddle Stitcher SD-513 2-11
2.3 Optional Devices
2.3 Optional Devices
This machine provides the following optional devices, enabling you to increase available functions if they are installed.
Name Description
Creaser Unit CR-101 Adds up to four fold lines (creases) on output sheets.
When combined with the Booklet function, this device adds fold lines only on the cover, and folds & staples or half-folds the cover and the body together.
Trimmer Unit TU-503 Trims both the head and the foot edges of output sheets.
Also, when combined with the Booklet function, this device performs 2-side slitting on only the cover, or all sheets, including the body. 2-side slitting can be combined with the fold line (crease) function of
Creaser Unit CR-101.
Folding Unit FD-504 Forms the spine of the folded & stapled booklet in combination with
the Booklet function. Spine corner forming cannot be combined with the fold line (crease) function of Creaser Unit CR-101.
2-12 Saddle Stitcher SD-513
Paper Information
2.4 Paper Information
2.4.1 Available Paper Weights
Paper conveyance, processing, or output device
Saddle Stitcher SD-513
Secondary (sub) tray
to 93*2 lb Bond (40*1 g/m2 to 350*2 g/m2)
Bundle exit tray Fold & Staple: 14
lb Bond to 80 lb Bond (50*1 g/m2 to
300 g/m
Fold & Staple + Fore-edge Trimming: 14
to 80 lb Bond (50*1 g/m2 to 300 g/m2) 5 sheets folded in Multi Half-Fold: 14 to 22 lb Bond (50
g/m2 to 81 g/m2) 3 sheets folded in Multi Half-Fold: 23 to 34 lb Bond (82 g/m2 to 130 g/m
2 sheets folded in Multi Half-Fold: 35 to 80 lb Bond (131 g/m
to 300 g/m2)
Tri-fold tray 5 sheets folded in Multi Tri-Fold: 14
to 22 lb Bond
g/m2 to 81 g/m2) 3 sheets folded in Multi Tri-Fold: 23 to 24 lb Bond (82 g/m2 to 91 g/m
) Tri-Fold combined with Crease (with Multi Fold released): 29 lb Bond to 57 lb Bond (106 g/m
to 216 g/m2)
Creaser Unit CR-101
Secondary (sub) tray in Saddle Stitcher SD-513, Perfect Binder PB­503, or Finisher FS­532
21 lb Bond to 93
lb Bond (80 g/m2 to 350*2 g/m2) (Crease)
lb Bond to 93*2 lb Bond (40*1 g/m2 to 350*2 g/m2)
(Straight delivery / Output to secondary (sub) tray)
Bundle exit tray in Saddle Stitcher SD-513
21 to 80 lb Bond (80 g/m
to 300 g/m2)
Tri-fold tray in Sad­dle Stitcher SD-513
29 to 57 lb Bond (106 g/m2 to 216 g/m2)
Perfect binder tray in Perfect Binder
23 to 57 lb Bond (82 g/m
to 216 g/m2)
Primary (main) tray in Finisher FS-532
21 to 80 lb Bond (80 g/m2 to 300 g/m2)
Trimmer Unit TU-503
Secondary (sub) tray in Saddle Stitcher SD-513, Perfect Binder PB-503, or Finisher FS-532
to 93*2 lb Bond (40*1 g/m2 to 350*2 g/m2)
Bundle exit tray in Saddle Stitcher SD-513
2-Side Slitting on all sheets: 14
lb Bond to 80 lb Bond (50*1 g/m2 to 300 g/m2) 2-Side Slitting on cover only: 14
lb Bond to 80 lb Bond
g/m2 to 300 g/m2) 2-Side Slitting on cover only + Fore-edge Trimming: 14 lb Bond to 80 lb Bond (50 g/m
to 300 g/m2)
Tri-fold tray in Sad­dle Stitcher SD-513
21 to 57 lb Bond (80 g/m
to 216 g/m2)
Perfect binder tray in Perfect Binder
2-Side Slitting on cover only: 23 lb Bond to 57 lb Bond (82 g/m2 to 216 g/m2)
Primary (main) tray in Finisher FS-532
2-Side Slitting on all sheets: 14
lb Bond to 93*2 lb Bond (50*1 g/m2 to 350*2 g/m2) 2-Side Slitting on cover only: 14
lb Bond to 80 lb Bond
g/m2 to 300 g/m2)
Saddle Stitcher SD-513 2-13
2.4 Paper Information
*1: 17 lb Bond (62 g/m2) in bizhub PRESS C1070/C1070P/C1060/C71hc, and 15 lb Bond (55 g/m2) in bizhub PRESS C1100/C1085
*2: 80 lb Bond (300 g/m
) in bizhub PRESS C1070/C1070P/C1060/C71hc
2.4.2 Exit Tray Capacity
Folding Unit FD-504
Bundle exit tray in Saddle Stitcher SD-513
Fold & Staple + Spine Corner Forming: 14
to 57 lb Bond
g/m2 to 216 g/m2)
Fold & Staple + Spine Corner Forming + Fore Edge: 14
57 lb Bond (50*1 g/m2 to 216 g/m2)
Paper conveyance, processing, or output device
Paper output device Exit tray capacity
Secondary (sub) tray Loading height (Full-load detected by sensor): 30 mm, approx. 200 sheets
(22 lb Bond (80 g/m
Z-Fold: 20 sheets (22 lb Bond (80 g/m
Multi Half-Fold: 20 sheets (22 lb Bond (80 g/m
Bundle exit tray
(Fold & Staple)
<Fold & Staple> 2 to 10 sheets stapled: 30 sets or more 11 to 25 sheets stapled: 18 sets or more 26 to 50 sheets stapled: 10 sets or more (with full-load detection activated) <Fold & Staple + Spine Corner Forming> 5 to 10 sheets stapled: 30 sets or more 11 to 25 sheets stapled: 20 sets or more 26 to 50 sheets stapled: 10 sets or more (with full-load detection activated) For information on the number of sheets of each Fine type, contact your ser­vice representative. See the table on page 2-14 for the maximum number of folded & stapled sheets per set. See page 2-15 for the maximum number of sheets for coated or color paper. See page 2-16 for the maximum number of sheets for paper with width less than 7.15 inches (182 mm).
Bundle exit tray
(Multi Half-Fold)
30 sets (with full-load detection activated) Number of sheets folded in Multi Half-Fold 5 sheets (14 to 22 lb Bond (50 g/m
to 81 g/m2)) 3 sheets (23 to 34 lb Bond (82 g/m2 to 130 g/m2)) 2 sheets (35 to 80 lb Bond (131 g/m
to 300 g/m2))
Tri-fold tray
(Multi Tri-Fold)
Single-sheet fold: 40 sets 2-sheet fold: 20 sets 3-sheet fold: 13 sets 4-sheet fold: 10 sets 5-sheet fold: 8 sets (with full-load detection activated) Number of sheets folded in Multi Tri-Fold 5 sheets (14 to 22 lb Bond (50 g/m
to 81 g/m2)) 3 sheets (23 to 24 lb Bond (82 g/m
to 91 g/m2)) Number of folded sheets with Multi Tri-Fold and Crease combined 1 sheet (22 to 57 lb Bond (80 g/m
to 216 g/m2))
2-14 Saddle Stitcher SD-513
Paper Information
Maximum stapling capacity for plain or fine paper
bizhub PRESS 1250/1250P/1052
bizhub PRESS C1070/C1070P/C1060/C71hc
bizhub PRESS C1100/C1085
Body Cover sheet*
weight Grain
No cover sheet*
14 to 57 lb Bond (50 g/m
to 216 g/m2)*
58 to 65 lb Bond (217 g/m
to 244 g/m2)*
66 to 80 lb Bond (245 g/m
to 300 g/m2)*
14 to 16 lb Bond (50 g/m
to 61 g/m2)
Short grain 50 (15~50) 45 (15~45)+1 40 (14~40)+1 40 (14~40)+1
Long grain 30 (15~30) 29 (15~29)+1 - -
17 to 21 lb Bond (62 g/m2 to 81 g/m2)
Short grain 35 (12~35) 30 (12~30)+1 25 (11~25)+1 25 (11~25)+1
Long grain 30 (12~30) 29 (12~29)+1 - -
22 to 24 lb Bond (82 g/m2 to 91 g/m2)
Short grain
30 (11~30) 29 (11~29)+1
24 (10~24)+1 24 (10~24)+1
Long grain - -
25 to 36 lb Bond (92 g/m
to 135 g/m2)
Short grain 20 (9~20) 19 (9~19)+1 19 (8~19)+1 14 (8~14)+1
Long grain 10 (9~10) 9 (9 only)+1 - -
37 to 43 lb Bond (136 g/m
to 162 g/m2)
Short grain 15 (7~15) 14 (7~14)+1 14 (6~14)+1 9 (6~9)+1
Long grain 5 (-) 4 (-)+1 - -
44 to 57 lb Bond (163 g/m2 to 216 g/m2)
Short grain 10 (6~10) 9 (6~9)+1 9 (5~9)+1 4 (4 only)+1
Long grain - - - -
58 to 65 lb Bond (217 g/m2 to 244 g/m2)
Short grain 5 (4~5) 4 (4 only)+1 4 (3~4)+1 3 (3 only)+1
Long grain - - - -
66 to 80 lb Bond (245 g/m
to 300 g/m2)
Short grain 3 (3 only) 2 (2 only)+1 2 (2 only)+1 2 (2 only)+1
Long grain - - - -
Body Cover sheet*
Weight Grain
No cover sheet*
14 to 57 lb Bond (50 g/m
to 216 g/m
) *
58 to 65 lb Bond (217 g/m
to 244 g/m
66 to 80 lb Bond (245 g/m
to 300 g/m
15 to 16 lb Bond (55 g/m
to 61 g/m2) *
Short grain 50 (15~50) 45 (15~45)+1 40 (14~40)+1 40 (14~40)+1
Long grain 30 (15~30) 29 (15~29)+1 - -
17 to 21 lb Bond (62 g/m
to 80 g/m2)
Short grain 35 (12~35) 30 (12~30)+1 25 (11~25)+1 25 (11~25)+1
Long grain 30 (12~30) 29 (12~29)+1 - -
22 to 24 lb Bond (81 g/m
to 91 g/m2)
Short grain
30 (11~30) 29 (11~29)+1
24 (10~24)+1 24 (10~24)+1
Long grain - -
25 to 36 lb Bond (92 g/m2 to 135 g/m2)
Short grain 20 (9~20) 19 (9~19)+1 19 (8~19)+1 14 (8~14)+1
Long grain 10 (9~10) 9 (9 only)+1 - -
37 to 46 lb Bond (136 g/m
to 176 g/m2)
Short grain 15 (7~15) 14 (7~14)+1 14 (6~14)+1 9 (6~9)+1
Long grain 5 (-) 4 (-)+1 - -
47 to 57lb Bond (177 g/m
to 216 g/m2)
Short grain 10 (6~10) 9 (6~9)+1 9 (5~9)+1 4 (4 only)+1
Long grain - - - -
58 to 68 lb Bond (217 g/m2 to 256 g/m2)
Short grain 5 (4~5) 4 (4 only)+1 4 (3~4)+1 3 (3 only)+1
Long grain - - - -
69 to 80 lb Bond (257 g/m
to 300 g/m2)
Short grain 3 (3 only) 2 (2 only)+1 2 (2 only)+1 2 (2 only)+1
Long grain - - - -
Saddle Stitcher SD-513 2-15
2.4 Paper Information
*1: Applied when grain long paper is used as a cover sheet.
Paper type: grain long Kent paper must not be used. Any other paper type is acceptable.
Any grain long paper other than Kent paper can still result in paper wrinkling or cracked image.
*2: For 4-position stapling, the quantity limits are indicated in parentheses.
*3: bizhub PRESS C1100/C1085 only
Maximum stapling capacity for coated or color paper
bizhub PRESS 1250/1250P/1052
bizhub PRESS C1070/C1070P/C1060/C71hc
bizhub PRESS C1100/C1085
Body Cover sheet*
weight Grain
No cover sheet*
14 to 57 lb Bond (50 g/m
to 216 g/m2)*
58 to 65 lb Bond (217 g/m
to 244 g/m2)*
66 to 80 lb Bond (245 g/m
to 300 g/m2)*
14 to 16 lb Bond (50 g/m2 to 61 g/m2)
Short grain
30 (15~30) 29 (15~29)+1
24 (14~24)+1 24 (14~24)+1
Long grain - -
17 to 21 lb Bond (62 g/m
to 81 g/m2)
Short grain
30 (12~30) 29 (12~29)+1
24 (11~24)+1 24 (11~24)+1
Long grain - -
22 to 24 lb Bond (82 g/m2 to 91 g/m2)
Short grain
15 (11~15) 14 (11~14)+1
14 (10~14)+1 9 (8~9)+1
Long grain - -
25 to 36 lb Bond (92 g/m2 to 135 g/m2)
Short grain
10 (9~10) 9 (9 only)+1
9 (8~9)+1 4 (-)+1
Long grain - -
37 to 43 lb Bond (136 g/m
to 162 g/m2)
Short grain
5 (-) 4 (-)+1
4 (-)+1 -
Long grain - -
44 to 57 lb Bond (163 g/m2 to 216 g/m2)
Short grain - - - -
Long grain - - - -
58 to 65 lb Bond (217 g/m2 to 244 g/m2)
Short grain - - - -
Long grain - - - -
66 to 80 lb Bond (245 g/m
to 300 g/m2)
Short grain - - - -
Long grain - - - -
Body Cover sheet*
Weight Grain
No cover sheet*
14 to 57 lb Bond (50 g/m
to 216 g/m
) *
58 to 65 lb Bond (217 g/m
to 244 g/m
66 to 80 lb Bond (245 g/m
to 300 g/m
15 to 16 lb Bond (55 g/m
to 61 g/m2) *
Short grain
30 (15~30) 29 (15~29)+1
24 (14~24)+1 24 (14~24)+1
Long grain - -
17 to 21 lb Bond (62 g/m
to 80 g/m2)
Short grain
30 (12~30) 29 (12~29)+1
24 (11~24)+1 24 (11~24)+1
Long grain - -
22 to 24 lb Bond (81 g/m
to 91 g/m2)
Short grain
15 (11~15) 14 (11~14)+1
14 (10~14)+1 9 (8~9)+1
Long grain - -
25 to 36 lb Bond (92 g/m2 to 135 g/m2)
Short grain
10 (9~10) 9 (9 only)+1
9 (8~9)+1 4 (-)+1
Long grain - -
37 to 46 lb Bond (136 g/m
to 176 g/m2)
Short grain
5 (-) 4 (-)+1
4 (-)+1 -
Long grain - -
2-16 Saddle Stitcher SD-513
Paper Information
*1: Applied when grain long paper is used as a cover sheet.
Paper type: grain long Kent paper must not be used. Any other paper type is acceptable.
Any grain long paper other than Kent paper can still result in paper wrinkling or cracked image.
*2: For 4-position stapling, the quantity limits are indicated in parentheses.
*3: bizhub PRESS C1100/C1085 only
Maximum stapling capacity for paper with width less than 7.15 inches or 182 mm (smaller than B5 w)
bizhub PRESS 1250/1250P/1052
bizhub PRESS C1070/C1070P/C1060/C71hc bizhub PRESS C1100/C1085
*1: Applied when grain long paper is used as a cover sheet.
Paper type: grain long Kent paper must not be used. Any other paper type is acceptable.
Any grain long paper other than Kent paper can still result in paper wrinkling or cracked image.
*2: bizhub PRESS C1100/C1085 only
47 to 57lb Bond (177 g/m
to 216 g/m2)
Short grain - - - -
Long grain - - - -
58 to 68 lb Bond (217 g/m2 to 256 g/m2)
Short grain - - - -
Long grain - - - -
69 to 80 lb Bond (257 g/m
to 300 g/m2)
Short grain - - - -
Long grain - - - -
Body weight Cover sheet*
No cover sheet 14 to 57 lb Bond
(50 g/m
to 216 g/m2)
58 to 80 lb Bond (217 g/m2 to 300 g/m2)
14 to 20 lb Bond (50 g/m
to 74 g/m2)
16 15+1 15+1
21 to 24 lb Bond (75 g/m
to 91 g/m2)
25 to 36 lb Bond (92 g/m2 to 135 g/m2)
37 to 43 lb Bond (136 g/m
to 162 g/m2)
Body weight Cover sheet*
No cover sheet 14 to 57 lb Bond
(50 g/m2 to 216 g/m2)
58 to 80 lb Bond (217 g/m2 to 300 g/m2)
15 to 16 lb Bond (55 g/m2 to 61 g/m2)
16 15+1 15+1
17 to 21 lb Bond (62 g/m2 to 80 g/m2)
22 to 24 lb Bond (81 g/m
to 91 g/m2)
25 to 36 lb Bond (92 g/m2 to 135 g/m2)
37 to 46 lb Bond (136 g/m
to 176 g/m2)
Saddle Stitcher SD-513 2-17
2.4 Paper Information
2.4.3 Paper Size
Paper output device Available sizes
Secondary (sub) tray Standard:
A3 w, B4 w, A4 w/v, B5 w/v, A5 w/v, B6 w, A6 w, Foolscap, Postcard w, SRA3 w, SRA4 w/v, 13 e 19 w, 12 e 18 w, 11 e 17 w,
8.5 e 14 w, 8.5 e 11 w/v, 5.5 e 8.5 w/v, 9 e 11 v, 7.25 e 10.5 w/v, 8K w, 16K w/v Custom: min. 3.74" e 5.24" to max. 13.03" e 19.21" (min. 95 mm e 133 mm to max. 331 mm e 488 mm) Wide Paper Tab Paper (Tab edge only at output)
Bundle exit tray (Fold & Staple / Multi Half-Fold + Fore-edge Trimming)
Standard: A3 w, B4 w, A4 w, B5 w, Foolscap, SRA3 w, SRA4 w, 12 e 18 w, 11 e 17 w, 8.5 e 14 w, 8.5 e 11 w, 7.25 e 10.5 w, 8K w, 16K w Custom: min. 4.72" e 10.12" to max. 13.03" e 19.21" (min. 120 mm e 257 mm to max. 331 mm e 488 mm) Wide Paper 4-position stapling size in Fold & Staple:
• Paper width: 10.98" to 11.69" (279 mm to 297 mm)
• Paper length: 9.45" to 19.21" (240 mm to 488 mm) (10.12" to 19.21" (257 mm to 488 mm) for Fore-edge Trimming) Guaranteed only for 297 mm e 420 mm (A3), and 279 mm e 431.8 mm (11 e 17).
Tri-fold tray Standard: A4 w, 8.5 e 11 w
2-18 Saddle Stitcher SD-513
Machine Screen
2.5 Machine Screen
2.5.1 Screen with SD-513 installed
No. Name Description
1 SD-513 Displayed when Saddle Stitcher SD-513 is installed
on this machine.
2 Tray information indicator (PI-PFU tray,
Upper tray and lower tray of the post in­serter, cover tray)
When the machine is equipped with Large Capacity Post Inserter PI-PFU, displays the paper size, orien­tation, paper name, weight specified, and remaining amount for the PI-PFU tray. Displays the paper size specified in "Cover Size Set­ting [Slit(Cover Only)]" for the paper tray, and the pa­per name and weight specified in "Common Setting" when Trimmer Unit TU-503 is equipped in Saddle Stitcher SD-513.
3 Post Inserter tray setting display
change button (Displayed only in bizhub PRESS 1250/1250P/1052.)
When the main body is equipped with a perfect bind­er, press this button to switch the display between "Normal Use Setting" and "Perfect Bind Cover Set­ting" specified in the Tray Setting for the PI-PFU tray or the post inserter tray of Folding Unit FD-503. When the main body is equipped with Saddle Stitch- er SD-513 with Trimmer Unit TU-503 installed, press this button to switch the paper size display to that of "Cover Tray Setting [Slit(Cover Only)]" specified for PI-PFU trays, the paper tray of the post inserter of Folding Unit FD-503, or the paper tray of the post in­serter attached to Folding Unit FD-503, in the Tray Setting.
Saddle Stitcher SD-513 2-19
2.5 Machine Screen
2.5.2 Setting Screen with SD-513 installed
When Saddle Stitcher SD-513 is installed on this machine, functions can be adjusted using the [Adjustment] Screen at the bottom of the Machine Screen.
Press [Adjustment] to display the Adjustment Screen. See "5 Various Settings and Adjustment" (page 5-2) for details on setting items.
2-20 Saddle Stitcher SD-513
Machine Screen
Supplies and Disposals
+ 172 hidden pages