This Integrator’s Guide contains information that applies to the
following Document Scanners:
Kodak Digital Science
Kodak Digital Science
Kodak Digital Science
Kodak Digital Science
These scanners are high-performance, high-resolution rotary
scanners designed for medium- to high-volume digital capture of
business documents. The information captured may include
printed characters, handwritten text and graphics from documents
of various sizes.
Following are some features of the scanner:
Document size:
Length:2.5 to 30 in. (64 to 762 mm)
Width:2.5 to 12 in. (64 to 305 mm)
Thickness:0.0015 to 0.014 in. (0.0381 to 0.36 mm)
™ Document Scanner 9500 with the
Image Manager
™ Document Scanner 9500 without the
Image Manager
Resolution (dpi): 70 to 200
Transport Speed (ips): 24
Resolution (dpi): 210 to 300
Transport Speed (ips): 16
Page images are transmitted to a host computer (via standard
SCSI interface) along with an image header which allows for easy
indexing, database storage, and retrieval.
A-61124 March 19991-1
About this guide
This Integrator’s Guide provides the information need ed to use the
Kodak Digital Science
You should be familiar with the operation of the scanner. If you are
not, refer the Appendix B,
listing of available publications.
In addition to this information, the Integrator’s Guide contains the
following chapters:
Document Scanner 9500.
Reference Materials
for a complete
• Chapter 2,
scanning process.
• Chapter 3,
information generated during the scanning process.
• Chapter 4,
communications between the scanner and the host system.
• Chapter 5,
commands, SCSI status and message responses and SCSI
• Chapter 6,
commands used to control the scanner from the host
• Chapter 7,
the communications between the scanner and an RS-232
terminal that can be used as an interface to receive diagnostic
• Appendix A,
and definitions pertaining to the scanning environment.
• Appendix B,
available publications from Kodak supporting the Document
Scanner 9500.
• Appendix E,
image processing capabilities of the scanner/microimager,
which are controlled by the host computer and methods for
evaluating digitally scanned images.
Assigning Image Addresses,
Image Processing Parameter Defaults
Image Processing,
provides an overview of the
defines the fields
, provides
2Scanning Concepts
This chapter provides an overview of the scanning process , a
discussion of error conditions, and two methods of fault recovery.
Scanning documents
Follow this sequence to scan documents: set up the scanner,
enable scanning, initiate polling, feed documents, and disable
To set up the scanner:
1. Determine and select the mode (configuration) to be used for
the current application.
The mode may be selected by the host computer using a
scanner-unique command (HA), or by the operator using the
scanner control panel.
2. Determine if any changes to the Image Processing parameters
need to be made for the current application. Execute the
required scanner-unique command(s) to make the desired
Image Processing parameter changes remain in effect until
one of the following conditions occur:
— The scanner is powered down using the main power
— A SCSI bus device Reset command is executed.
— A single parameter change is overridden by another
change to the same parameter.
3. Set the Sequential ID Number Seed and/or the Next Image
Address using a scanner-unique command (DC and HC,
respectively), if desired.
4. Calibrate the scanner. For procedures on how to do this, see
Kodak Digital Science
5. Prepare documents according to the instructions found in the
Kodak Digital Science
Scanner 9500, User’s Guide.
Scanner 9500, User’s Guide
A-61124 March 19992-1
Enable scanning
The host must issue a SCSI Scan command (XX) to enable
scanning before documents can be transported through the
scanner. If scanning has not been enabled, the feeder and
transport system will not turn on.
Initiate polling
Feed documents
Disable scanning
Initiate host system polling of the scanner to ensure scanned
document images are transferred from the image buffer to the
host system. Polling should continue until scanning is disabled.
Feed documents according to the instructions found in the
Digital Science
Scanning is disabled to allow the host to download configuration/
setup changes between jobs and to handle certain types of
Scanning is disabled when one of the following conditions occur:
• The scanner is f irst powered on using the main power switch.
• A SCSI bus device Reset command is executed.
• An End-of-Job indicator is sent by the operator from the
scanner control panel.
• A scanner-unique End-of-Job command (GX) is issued by the
host computer.
• An error occurs requiring fault recovery.
Document Scanner 9500, User's Guide.
Error handling
• The scanner portion of the machine has not been calibrated.
NOTE:Once scanning has been disabled, documents cannot be
scanned until the host enables scanning by issuing a
SCSI Scan command.
The scanner recognizes and reports a variety of error conditions .
Some errors are reported to either the host (via the SCSI
interface) or the scanner control panel, while others are reported
to both the host and the scanner control panel.
An error (via the SCSI interface) is defined as either a current
error or a deferred error.
A current error results from a problem in processing the current
SCSI command. This can include sending an invalid command,
trying to read from an empty image buffer, or an end-of-job
condition. Since one or more errors may be pending at any time,
current errors are reported first.
A deferred error results from an error condition within the
scanner, such as a document jam. Deferred errors that may have
occurred are reported after current errors.
2-2A-61124 March 1999
When an error occurs, the host will receive a SCSI Check
Condition Status. This indicates to the host that there may be
one current error and potentially one or more deferred errors.
The host must follow a Check Condition Status with a SCSI
Request Sense command. The Sense data will indicate the type
of error that has occurred.
To receive subsequent pending errors, the host must execute a
SCSI Test Unit Ready command. If a deferred error is pending,
the Test Unit Ready command will terminate with a Check
Condition Status. The host follows with a SCSI Request Sense
command. The combination of Request Sense followed by Test
Unit Ready must be repeated until a "good" status is returned on
the Test Unit Ready command. A "good" status indicates no
errors (current or deferred) are pending.
If at any point the host receives a Check Condition
for a command and fails to issue a subsequent
Request Sense command, the scanner will clear
all (current and deferred) Sense data.
Some error conditions disable scanning and cause the document
transport to stop. These errors are reported on the scanner
control panel. This is done to prevent additional images from
entering the image buffer while allowing the host to perform fault
recovery activities. To aid in fault recovery, the information bytes
of the Request Sense data will contain a Sequential ID Number
for the approximate image upon which the error occurred.
NOTE:The scanner cannot determine exactly which images were
affected by the error and which images were not.
If an error occurs that disables the scanner, the host can continue
to read images from the image buffer without enabling the
scanner. However, when the image buffer has been emptied, an
error will be generated indicating fault recovery is required. This
differentiates between an end-of-job disable and a disable
caused by an error. The operator may continue scanning
documents after the host enables the scanner.
A-61124 March 19992-3
Fault recovery
Fault recovery methods are required when unanticipated
circumstances interrupt scanning, such as a document jam. The
two methods described below meet the needs of most users.
However, other methods may be used.
Interactive/online method
Before beginning fault recovery, make sure all the
images and headers have been transferred from
the image buffer to the host system.
Use the Interactive/online method when your primary concern is
that the database has no duplicate images.
Follow these steps to use the Interactive/online method:
1. At the host system, search through the most recently scanned
files to determine which images have been scanned and
2. Find the last successfully scanned image. Record the
Sequential ID Number and/or the image address assigned to
the last successfully scanned image.
3. Sort through the stack of documents being scanned to find the
document that produced the last successfully scanned image.
You will have to rescan all of the documents that follow the last
successfully scanned document.
4. Download the Sequential ID Number and/or the Next Image
Address using a scanner-unique command (DC and HC,
respectively). The value(s) you download should correspond
to the document following the last successfully scanned image.
Batch/offline method
5. Begin scanning the documents that follow the last successfully
scanned document.
Use the Batch/offline method when your primary concern is
efficient use of time, duplicates in the database do not present a
problem, and there is adequate space in the database for the
duplicate images (same images with different Sequential ID
Numbers and image addresses).
Follow these steps to use the Batch/offline method:
1. Remove the stack of successfully scanned documents from
the exit hopper.
2. Take the last three or four documents from the top of the stack
and put them into the feed tray or at the top of the next stack
of documents.
3. Begin scanning the documents.
2-4A-61124 March 1999
3Image Headers
Image header contents
This chapter provides an overview of the type of information
generated during the scanning process, and how to retrieve
images and headers.
The scanner collects the following information for each document
Document number (Sequential ID Number)
The scanner assigns a unique Sequential ID Number to each
document. This number may be initialized by the host computer
using a scanner-unique command.
Image size
The scanner records the number of bytes required to store the
scanned document image.
Document level
The scanner assigns a document level to the scanned document
in one of the following ways:
• Press one of the Level Keys (I, II, III) on the control panel.
• Use the Footswitch accessory, if it is installed and enabled.
• Use a patch, if the Patch Reader accessory is installed and
NOTE:If you do not use one of the methods above to assign a
document level, the level will be determined by the
mode defaults.
For example, assume the mode defaults assign a Level
2 to a document that follows a Level 3 document; and a
Level 1 to a document that follows a Level 2 document.
If the last document was assigned a Level 3, then the
current document is assigned a Level 2.
The scanner records the current operating mode that was
selected for the application.
Line length
The scanner records the number of pixels-per-line in an image.
Page length
The scanner records the number of lines-per-page in an image.
A-61124 March 19993-1
Image address
The scanner assigns an image address to the scanned
document. The image address is based upon the index format
defined in the current operating mode and the document level
assigned to the document. Refer to Appendix C,
Image Addresses
for additional information.
Header flags
The scanner records any flags that have been set for special
consideration. For example, a document image that may need to
go through a quality assurance check can be denoted by setting
a flag via the scanner control panel.
There are two types of flags:
• Latched flags. A latched flag is enabled and remains set until it
is disabled. In this case, the operator can execute function
code F73 and feed a set of documents. A flag is placed in the
header of all documents scanned until the operator executes
function code F73 to disable or reset the flag.
• Momentary flag. A momentary flag is set only for the next
document to be scanned. The operator can execute function
code F74 to momentarily set the flag and feed the document.
The flag is automatically reset for the next document.
Compression type
The scanner records the compression type used, which is
determined by either the mode definition or by the mode
definition override.
The scanner records the date the document is scanned.
The scanner records the time the document is scanned .
The scanner records the selected scanned image resolution.
Bit order
The scanner records the selected bit order.
Skew Detection
If the Advanced Document Controller accessory is installed and
enabled, the scanner records whether or not a skew error was
The scanner records the image polarity.
3-2A-61124 March 1999
Bar code header information
If the Bar Code Accessory is installed and enabled and a bar
code is detected on the document, the decoded information is
included in the image header.
Bar code information can contain a maximum of 106 ASCII
When using bar code, some situations may require evaluation of
Image Header data and, perhaps, manual cleanup of the
information contained in the header:
• During normal bar code reading, if a bar code is not decoded
properly (i.e., not recognized or only a portion of the code is
recognized), the bar code data will not appear in the image
header. For example, if there are two bar codes on a
document and only the second bar code is read and decoded
properly, only the data contained in the second bar code will
appear in the image header (making it appear as though only
one bar code was placed on the document).
• During partial bar code reading, if a bar code is not decoded
(i.e., not recognized or only a portion of the code is
recognized), a question mark may appear in the image
header. For example, if the start character followed by the
minimum number of characters is readable, the image header
will contain bar code information (corresponding to what has
been successfully read and decoded) followed by a semicolon (;) and a question mark (?).
• During reading of multiple bar codes, duplicate bar code
information may be placed in the header.
Image Deskew Flag
If the image was successfully skew corrected, this flag is set to 1
otherwise this flag is set to 0. This requires the Image Manager.
Skew Angle
The scanner will report the detected skew angle from 0 to 44
degrees independent of whether the image was skew corrected.
This requires the Image Manager.
A-61124 March 19993-3
Image header format
The following table gives the position and the format of each
piece of data placed in the image header:
154ASCII-2Momentary Flag–
156ASCII-2Latched Flag–
165ASCII-2Compression TypeFX/Y/Z
175ASCII-2Date - Month (1 to 12)–
177ASCII-2Date - Day (1 to 31)–
179ASCII-2Date - Year (00 to 99)–
189ASCII-2Time - Hours (0 to 23)–
191ASCII-2Time - Minutes (0 to 59)–
193ASCII-2Time - Seconds (0 to 59)–
1 = Skew warning (if Skew Detection accessory is installed)
†If the Image Manager is installed
• The header created for a rear side image is identical to the
header created for a front side image except for the literal value
(bytes 0–6); Front # is replaced by Rear #.
• Each piece of information collected during the scanning
process is placed in an image header associated with the
scanned document image (two-sided scanning produces two
image headers and two images-per-document; one-per-side).
• The image header consists of 512 bytes. The header format is
identical for all modes. The format is illustrated on the next
NOTE:Resolution reported will be actual (rounded to the nearest
10 dpi).
Retrieving images and
Headers and images are transferred to the host system via the
SCSI Read command. The data can be transferred in one of
three forms: header only, image only, or compound image, i.e.,
header with image. To determine the form, set the transfer type
within the SCSI Read command.
The image can be read in one of two ways:
• Read the header, then read the image.
• Read the compound image.
The header should always be read before the
image. The header contains information
pertinent to the successful transfer of the image,
e.g., image size, and should be read prior to
reading the image.
The following table illustrates the results of one Read command
followed by another. Assume that Image 1 is followed by Image
* Note that Header 2 was not transferred. This is not recommended.
** Note that Image 1 was not transferred.
Recommended retrieval
The following examples illustrate how to retrieve image headers
and images.
To read compound images (image header with image) using
• Perform a SCSI Read asking for 64K bytes of compound data.
• From the header, you find the image is 316,000 bytes long.
Assuming the header is 512 bytes long, 65,024 bytes of image
were obtained from the first read. That means there are still
250,976 bytes of image to be read.
• Execute three more 64K-byte SCSI Read commands asking for
compound data to obtain a total of 261,632 (196,608 + 65,024)
bytes of image data.
• Execute a SCSI Read requesting 54,368 bytes of data.
To read the header and then read the image:
• Perform a SCSI Read asking for 512 bytes of header data.
• From the header, you find the image is 316,000 bytes long.
• Execute a SCSI Read asking for 316,000 bytes of image data.
A-61124 March 19993-9
4Scanner — Host Communications
This chapter provides an overview of the communication link
between the scanner and the host system. Communications
between the scanner and the host system occur across a SCSI
bus. The SCSI interface supports two-way command/data
communication between the scanner and the host system. The
SCSI-2 command set is supported.
Host to scanner
Scanner to host
SCSI data rates
The host transmits machine setup information to the scanner
using both the SCSI Define Windows command and the SCSI
Send command. The SCSI Define Windows command is used to
set up image processing parameters such as resolution,
threshold, contrast, etc.
The SCSI Send command transmits scanner-unique commands.
These allow settings of both image processing parameters and
machine configuration. These commands are embedded within
the Send command as data and can be identified by the 2-byte,
scanner-unique command field. A series of scanner-unique
commands may be sent as one data string within a single Send
The scanner transmits digitized images to the host via the SCSI
interface using the SCSI Read command.
The scanner is capable of transmitting current image processing
setup information using the SCSI Get Windows command.
Additionally, the scanner can transmit both image processing and
configuration information using the SCSI Read command .
Digital Science
controller which is capable of faster SCSI transfer rates. It is
capable of operating at a sustained maximum data transfer rate
of 7 megabytes-per-second. Actual data transfer rate is a function
of the host system configuration.
Document Scanner 9500 has a SCSI
A-61124 March 19994-1
5 The SCSI Interface
This chapter describes the SCSI interface used with the scanners.
For complete information on the appropriate SCSI specification,
refer to SCSI-2 Working Draft ANSI X. 131-198X, Revision 6,
SCSI overview
SCSI bus
The SCSI interface provides a means of communication between
a maximum of eight computer and per ipher al devices, giving the
host computer independence within this system. As a result, tape
drives, printers, optical disks, com m unicat ions devices, et c. , can
be added to the host computer(s) without requiring modification to
the generic system hardware or software. The interface uses
"logical" rather than "physical" addressing for all data structures.
The SCSI bus allows communication between any two SCSI
devices at a time. W hen t wo SCSI devices communicat e on t he
bus, one acts as an initiator and the other act s as a t arget. The
initiator is usually a host computer that originates operations, and
the target is usually a peripheral controller that performs the
operation. A SCSI device generally has a fixed role as an initiator
or target, but some may assume either role. The scanner acts
only as a SCSI target.
Access to the SCSI bus is handled through bus arbitr ation. The
SCSI device with the highest priority (as determined by its SCSI
ID bit) is given control of the bus. The SCSI device with an ID of 7
is the highest priority device. The initiator t hen selects a target
and the target controls all further communications. Data tr ansfers
on the bus are asynchronous and follow a Request/Acknowledge
handshake protocol. One 8-bit byte of information is transferred
to the initiator with each handshake.
A-61124 March 19995-1
NOTE: The amount of time required to execute the SCSI
commands is affected by the number of peripheral devices
on the bus, as well as the priorities assigned to each
peripheral device. Therefore, t he amount of time required
to execute the SCSI commands will vary based upon the
system configuration. It is r ecommended that a dedicated
host adapter be used with the scanner.
There are seven steps or phases for issuing com m ands t o t he
scanner or controller:
Bus Free
Bus Free phase — the SCSI bus is not being used by an initiator
(host computer) or the target (scanner). No signals on the bus
are asserted.
5-2A-61124 March 1999
Arbitration phase — an essential phase in a multi-host
environment with multiple initiators. In this phase, multiple
initiators compete for control of the bus. Only one initiator can
have control of the bus at a time. T he initiator asserts the BSY
signal, simultaneously this initiator out puts its own SCSI ID bit to
the SCSI bus. The initiator with the highest SCSI ID will win the
arbitration and assert the SEL (select ) signal. If the initiator does
not win the arbitration, it will revert to the Bus Free phase.
Selection phase — software connections are established
between an initiator and a target device. The init iat or selects the
target device by asserting the ID bit of the selected device and its
own ID bit. The initiator then de-assert s t he BSY signal, selecting
the target device.
Command phase — the initiator issues a command to the tar get
device. Commands are transmitted in a f ixed f or m at of 6, 8, or 10
consecutive bytes. Each command is distinguished by a unique
op code.
Data phase — data will be exchanged between the initiator and
the target device after t he specific commands are executed.
There are two types of data phases:
•Data-In, where the dat a is transmitted from the t ar get device
to the initiator, or
•Data-Out, where the data is transmitted from the initiator to
the target device.
Status phase — a status code is returned fr om the target to the
initiator indicating the status in which the comm and t erminated.
Occasionally, the system enters the Status phase f r om the
Command phase. Refer to the sect ion entitled, “SCSI status
responses” later in this chapter.
Message phase — messages will be exchanged between the
initiator and the target device. A m essage is transmitted from the
target device to the initiator, indicating the completion of a
command. Refer to the sect ion entitled, “SCSI message
responses” later in this chapter.
A-61124 March 19995-3
SCSI status responses
In the SCSI communication mode, a function is considered
incomplete until a valid status response is received from the other
end of the SCSI link. T here are three valid SCSI status
Status ResponseCode Meaning
Good Status00HThe frame was successfully
received and individual fields
within the frame contained legal
Check Condition
02HA special condition occurred. A
SCSI Request Sense command
is required to obtain information
about the cause of the condition.
Some host adapters
automatically perform a Request
Sense command.
Busy Status08HTarget is unable to accept
commands at the present time.
Host should try again. The host
should wait a minimum of 100
milliseconds before trying again.
NOTE: "H" in the list above indicates hexadecimal notation.
5-4A-61124 March 1999
SCSI message responses
MessageCodeDirecti onFunction/Act i onSCSI Spec
00Hscanner- > hostScanner indicat ing the I/O
process is completed and a
valid status has been sent.
05Hhost- >scannerScanner cont inues current
I/O process.
Abort06Hhost- >scannerScanner terminates current
I/O process.
Message Reject07Hhost - >scannerScanner cont inues current
I/O process.
Message Reject07Hscanner- > hostScanner rejected current
I/O process.
No Operation08Hhost- >scannerScanner continues current
I/O process.
Message Parity
Bus Device
09Hhost- >scannerScanner cont inues current
I/O process.
0CHhost->scannerScanner t er minates current
I/O process and performs a
hard reset.
Identify80Hhost- >scannerScanner retains Logical
Unit Number sent and
moves to the Command
Section 5.6.5
Section 5.6.11
Section 5.6.1
Section 5.6.15
Section 5.6.15
Section 5.6.17
Section 5.6.14
Section 5.6.3
Section 5.6.8
01Hhost- >scannerScanner t r ansfers
remaining message bytes
Section 5.5
and sends a Message
Reject. Synchronous Data
Transfers are not
NOTE: "H" in the list above indicates hexadecimal notation.
A-61124 March 19995-5
SCSI conformance
The scanner conforms to t he SCSI specifications as follows:
•Single-ended, 8- bit bus, Cable A, shielded connector
(Alternative 2). Cable B is not supported.
•Single-initiat or (one host) is supported. Disconnect and
Reselect are not supported.
•Asynchronous maximum transfer rate of 1.2 M Bytes per
• Linked comm ands and com m and queuing are not supported.
• Progr am m able target ID dip switch is factory set to 1.
• RST sig nal r eset is only monit ored. See the hard reset
alternative in SCSI Specifications (Section 5. 2.2.1).
•The scanner suppor t s Unit Attention condition following
power-up, SCSI bus device reset command or hard reset.
Refer to Section 6.13 of SCSI Specifications.
• The scanner operates as a target.
• The inter nal SCSI cable consumes 5 feet (1.5 meters) of the
maximum cable length allowed (19.7 feet/6 m eters).
•The scanner provides ter m inat ion power.
5-6A-61124 March 1999
SCSI commands
SCSI command summary
This section lists the SCSI commands that the scanner supports.
Information fo r each com m and includes:
• Command format operation codes (op codes).
• Section numbers t o reference in the SCSI-2 Specif icat ions.
• Command block descr iptor.
• Command specifics (parameters).
Command Op
CommandPage Number
Define W indow Paramet er s5-824H
Get Window5-1225H
Release Unit5-2017H
Request Sense5-2103H
Reserve Unit5- 2416H
Test Unit Ready5-2700H
A-61124 March 19995-7
Define Window Parameters command
Command op code: 24H
SCSI Specification: Section 14.2.1
NOTE: For single-sided documents, a single Define Window
Parameters command should be sent. For t wo-sided
documents, two Define Window Parameters commands
should be sent; one containing inform at ion for the front
and one containing information for the rear.
= 70 to 300
Y Resolution=Defaults to X resolution
Upper Left X †= 0 to 14400*0 to 12 inches (0 to 304.8 mm)
Upper Left Y †= 0 to 24000*0 to 20 inches (0 to 508 mm)
Width †= 0,96 to 14400*0 or 0.08 to 12 inches (2 to 304.8 mm)
Length †= 0,96 to 36000*0 or 0.08 to 30 inches (2 to 762 mm)
Brightness= 0Automatic brightness not supported
Threshold= 0, 1 to 255When zero and "Allow Zero for Threshold &
Contrast= 0, 1 to 255Percentage of adaptive threshold. When zero,
Window descriptors are returned for the current
mode with any temporary overrides and all 18
saved modes. For a duplex machine, 38 windows
are sent. For a simplex machine, 19 windows are
= 1
A single window descriptor will be returned as
specified by the window identifier.
The value is equal to the data header, not including
the window data length (8 bytes) plus the number
of windows multiplied by the window descriptor
single window = 46 bytes
all windows/simplex = 874 bytes
all windows/duplex = 1748 bytes
A-61124 March 19995-13
Get Window descriptor bytes
Bit/Byte7 6543210
0Window Identifier
2(MSB)X Resolution
4(MSB)Y Resolution
7Upper Left X
11Upper Left Y