Kodak Duplicating 2462/4462 Microfilm
Kodak Direct Duplicating 2468/3468/4468 Microfilm
Kodak Direct Duplicating Intermediate 2470 Microfilm
Kodak Duplicating Microfilms are silver-halide films
designed for making high quality duplicates of original
camera and other duplicate microfilms. De pe nd in g on
the film type used, these films can either maintain or
reverse image polarity. These duplicating microfilms
can be used in a variety of manufacturer’s silver
duplicators. Kodak Duplicating Microfilms are fine
grain, high resolution microfilms with the exposure and
development latitude to duplicate/enhance varying
quality originals.
Product applications
Eastman Kodak Company produces a family of
duplicating films (2462, 4462), a family of direct
duplicating microfilms (2468, 3468, 4468) and one
direct duplicating intermediate microfilm (2470). They
all require conventional processing. Direct duplicating
films maintain image polarity between generations.
Duplicating microfilm reverses polarity.
Kodak Duplicating, Direct Duplicating Microfilms and
Positive Print Duplicating Microfilms are primarily
intended for creating multiple distribution copies of
camera film masters, and occasionally as intermediate
print film masters, when creating large quantit ies of
duplicates such that the original camera film is not at
risk of damage. The Kodak Direct Duplicating
Intermediate Microfilm is typically used as an
intermediate print master but may also be used as a
distribution copy. All duplicating microfilms use a
“contact-printing” method, such that the master and
duplicate are brought into intimate contact during
exposure. A description of each follows.

Kodak Duplicating Microfilm — 2462/4462
Kodak silver-halide duplicating microfilms are available
in three thicknesses as shown below:
• Reverses image polarity (neg-to-pos or pos-to-neg)
with conventional processing
• Blue spectral sensitivity
• Medium contrast
• Primarily used for making positive images of
publications such as newspapers and magazines for
frequent viewing
Kodak Direct Duplicating Intermediate
Microfilm — 2470 (Estar Base)
• Maintains image polarity (neg-to-neg or pos-to-pos)
with conventional processing
• Orthochromatic color sensitivity (blue-green)
• Excellent tone reproduction
• Medium - low contrast
• Primarily used as an intermediate master to make
multiple generation copies
• Can also be used as a distribution copy
2462 and 2468 Estar
Base 4.0 mil
3468 Estar Thin Base
2.5 mil
4462 and 4468 Estar
Thick Base 7.0 mil
Features common to all Kodak Duplicating
• Life expectancy of 500 years (LE-500) when
processed and stored properly, compared with 100
years (LE-100) for nonsilver duplicating films such
as diazo and vesicular
• Ultra-high resolving power
• Static-resistant, process-survivable backing
• Micro-fine granularity
• Very slow speed
• Manufactured process is registered to ISO 9000
• Manufactured to ANSI and ISO standards
specifications for films to be used for storing records
of long-term or permanent value
Used in normal 16, 35 &
105 mm roll film applications
Used in 16 mm applications
for reduced loading frequency, reduced film storage requirements and
maximum image capacity
per roll
Used for microfiche applications where more rigidity is
Kodak Direct Duplicating Microfilm —
• Maintains image polarity (neg-to-neg or pos-to-pos)
with conventional processing
• Orthochromatic color sensitivity (blue-green)
• Medium contrast
• Primarily used for making distribution copies

The following “duplication tree” illustrates how the
various duplicating microfilms are used to produce the
desired contrast and image polarity of distribution
copies. As an example, 3N is showing 3rd generation
negative-appearing distribution copies.
CN = Camera Negative
LC = Low Contrast
MC = Medium Contrast
HC = High Contrast
1 = 1
2 = 2
3 = 3
N = Negative polarity
P = Positive polarity
D = Distribution
Physical properties
Nominal thickness data (mils)
Microfilm Base*
(mils Estar)
2462, 2468,
4.0 4.2
3468 2.5 2.7
4462, 4468 7.0 7.2
* Static-resistant—process-survivable
The following table indicates value for 1/25-second
tungsten exposures calculated using the formula 45/H,
where H is the exposure in lux-seconds required for a
density of .10 (1.20 for x462 Microfilm) above minimum
density with indicated processing. This number can be
used directly with incident-light meters.
Meter Setting Value*
x462 2.1
x468 0.2
2470 0.12
*Recommended processes