The KIC-Series of Concentration Controls use a conductivity probe to monitor and control the amount of chemical
in a solution. Once a predetermined amount of chemical is set, the KIC-140 circuit board will notify operational
personnel when the chemical concentration falls below the setpoint. When valves and pumps are activated to
permit chemical to enter the solution, adjustments on the KIC-140 can control the feed mode (pulse feed or
continuous) and stop the feeding after a predetermined time period.
The KIC-Series of Concentration Control Systems matched with the KIC-140 Circuit board and the Knight peristaltic
pumps. Other options (i.e. remote warning indicators, temperature compensation) are available; consult your
nearest Knight representative for details.
(1) Mount the unit on a wall in a convenient location near the chemical container and power source. CAUTION: Do
not mount the unit in the direct path of steam. This can short circuit and permanently damage your system.
(2) Check main supply voltage with a voltmeter and compare with the voltage input of the unit before mounting.
Application of incorrect voltage will permanently damage unit and is not covered under warranty.
(3) Install power leads In compliance with you local electrical codes. Rigid or flexible conduit should be used to
ensure safety and continued operation. The green ground wire must be applied to ground. Failure to do so will
void warranty.
(4) Install the probe into the chemical tank below the water level, away from incoming water supplies, and 3 to 4
inches from corners, heating elements, or the bottom of the tank. Use 7/8" hole saw or punch to do this.
Mount the probe as close to the chemical injection point as possible.
(5) Connect the probe to the probe terminals on the circuit board.
NOTE: A 7/8” hole is required for installing the chemical injection fitting, preferably above the water line. If the tank
does not already have a hole (may have a knock-out plug) create one using a 7/8” punch or hole saw.
(1) Install the injection fitting on the wall of the tank. Use the provided gaskets to seal the connection — place one
gasket on each side of the tank.
(2) Install discharge tubing between the discharge (right) side of the pump and the injection fitting.
(3) Install suction tubing between suction (left) side of the pump and the pickup tube provided. Be sure to draw
tubing through the end of the pickup tube.
CAUTION: The KIC series has high voltage connected to the transformer and circuit baord. Always
disconnect main power when servicing the unit.
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Concentration Potentiometer:
Alarm Delay Potentiometer:
Temperature Compensation Probe terminals:
Temp Comp ENABLE jumper:
Temp Comp DISABLE:
Feed Limit Switch:
Pulse Feed Switch:
Buzzer Volume Switch:
Concentration Range Switch:
Used when temperature conpensationg probe is NOT used.
Used to limit feed after DELAY time has expired.
Used to enable pulse feed feature.
Used for adjusting the concentration setpoint.
Used for adjusting alarm delay time.
Use when temperature conpensationg probe is used.
Used to control buzzer volume.
Used for sensing a high or low concentration amount.
Used with temperature conpensationg probe only.
(1) The KIC-140 includes a two-terminal connector for a temperature compensation probe. When used, the KIC-
140 will compensate for drifts in normal operating temperature (120ºF to 160ºF). A jumper on the board labeled
TEMP COMP is placed in the ENABLE position to notify the KIC-140 that a temperature compensation probe
is being used. The jumper must be placed in the DISABLE position if using a conventional probe.
(2) The KIC-140 features both pulse and constant feed modes. When the control's concentration setpoint is far
below actual tank concentration, the feed mode will be continuous. A switch on the circuit board labeled
PULSE FEED determines whether the pulse feed is active or inactive. As desired concentration comes closer
to the setpoint, the control will automatically switch to the selected mode. This feed mode (pulse or continuous)
will continue until desired concentration is achieved. When the washtank's concentration level becomes diluted
slightly below the desired setpoint, the selected feed mode will activate to restore concentration.
(3) The KIC-140 circuit board includes a switch labeled CONC RANGE for those applications where a titration
setting higher than normal is required. The LO switch setting is sufficient for typical warewash applications.
Placing the switch in the HI setting allows the board to control higher concentration amounts.
(4) Activate the KIC-140 electronic controller and adjust the concentration control potentiometer up (clockwise)
until the "FEED" light comes "on". Turn the pot back slightly (counter-clockwise) until the light shuts "off".
Check concentration with titration test kit and adjust concentration level as necessary. The "POWER" light
remains "on" as long as the unit is in operation.
(5) The KIC-140 has a 24 to 360 second adjustable potentiometer labeled DELAY for low supply warning. For
machines with a short cycle time, the alarm delay can be reduced by turning the pot in a counter-clockwise
direction. During feed, the "FEED" light and the feed device (pump or solenoid) will activate. Should the
concentration level in the tank not be satisfied within the time set on the adjustable delay pot, the "ALARM"
light will blink and the micro buzzer will sound intermittently. The feed mode will remain the same. If a second
time period, equal to the first delay time period, is reached without desired concentration being achieved, the
feed will be limited. The "FEED" light will be off, the feed device (pump or solenoid) will be deactivated, and the
"ALARM" light and alarm will switch from an intermittent to a continuous mode.
(6) The KIC-140 circuit board includes a switch labeled FEED LIMIT which limits the feed as described above. If
continued feed is desired, move the switch to the "off" position, and feed will continue even after the delay time
has expired.
(7) The KIC-140 circuit board includes a switch labeled BUZZER VOLUME which decreases the volume of the
buzzer. Moving the switch to the LO position will provide sufficient notice to operational personnel in those
circumstances where high buzzer volume is not desired.
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