Kenwood TK-7150 Service Manual

© 2002-10 PRINTED IN JAPAN B51-8633-00 (N) 843
Cabinet (A01-2185-12)
Knob (K29-9221-03) x 2
Key top (K29-9222-02)


GENERAL .................................................. 2
SYSTEM SET-UP ...................................... 3
OPERATING FEATURES .......................... 4
REALIGNMENT ......................................... 5
INSTALLATION ......................................... 7
CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION .......................... 12
SEMICONDUCTOR DATA ...................... 16
PARTS LIST ............................................. 22
EXPLODED VIEW.................................... 32
PACKING ................................................. 33
Panel assy (A62-1037-03)
ADJUSTMENT ........................................ 34
DISPLAY UNIT (X54-3400-10) ............ 45
TX-RX UNIT (X57-6570-10) ................ 49
SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM.......................... 55
BLOCK DIAGRAM ................................... 63
WIRING.................................................... 65
TERMINAL FUNCTION ........................... 66
OPTIONS ................................................. 68
SPECIFICATIONS .................................... 69



This manual is intended for use by experienced techni­cians familiar with similar types of commercial grade commu­nications equipment. It contains all required service informa­tion for the equipment and is current as of this publication data. Changes which may occur after publication are covered by either Service Bulletins or Manual Revisions. These are issued as required.


When ordering replacement parts or equipment informa­tion, the full part identification number should be included. This applies to all parts : components, kits, and chassis. If the part number is not known, include the chassis or kit number of which it is a part, and a sufficient description of the re­quired component for proper identification.


The following precautions are recommended for person­nel safety :
•DONOT transmit if someone is within two feet (0.6
meter) of the antenna.
•DONOT transmit until all RF connectors are verified se-
cure and any open connectors are properly terminated.
• SHUT OFF and DO NOT operate this equipment near
electrical blasting caps or in an explosive atmosphere.
• All equipment should be properly grounded before power-
up for safe operation.
• This equipment should be serviced by a qualified techni-
cians only.


Unpack the radio from its shipping container and check for accessory items. If any item is missing, please contact KENWOOD immediately.
Federal regulations require a station license for each radio installation (mobile or base) be obtained by the equipment owner. The licensee is responsible for ensuring transmitter power, frequency, and deviation are within the limits permit­ted by the station license.
Transmitter adjustments may be performed only by a li­censed technician holding an FCC first, second or general class commercial radiotelephone operator’s license. There is no license required to install or operate the radio.
Each radio is adjusted and tested before shipment. How­ever, it is recommended that receiver and transmitter opera­tion be checked for proper operation before installation.
3-2. Testing
The radio should be tested complete with all cabling and accessories as they will be connected in the final installation. Transmitter frequency, deviation, and power output should be checked, as should receiver sensitivity, squelch operation, and audio output. QT equipment operation should be veri­fied.
Inspect the vehicle and determine how and where the ra­dio antenna and accessories will be mounted.
Plan cable runs for protection against pinching or crushing wiring, and radio installation to prevent overheating.
4-2. Antenna
The favored location for an antenna is in the center of a large, flat conductive area, usually at the roof center. The trunk lid is preferred, bond the trunk lid and vehicle chassis using ground straps to ensure the lid is at chassis ground.
4-3. Radio
The universal mount bracket allows the radio to be mounted in a variety of ways. Be sure the mounting surface is adequate to support the radio’s weight. Allow sufficient space around the radio for air cooling. Position the radio close enough to the vehicle operator to permit easy access to the controls when driving.
4-4. DC Power and wiring
1. This radio may be installed in negative ground electrical
systems only. Reverse polarity will cause the cable fuse
to blow. Check the vehicle ground polarity before installa-
tion to prevent wasted time and effort.
2. Connect the positive power lead directly to the vehicle
battery positive terminal. Connecting the Positive lead to
any other positive voltage source in the vehicle is not rec-
If DC power is to be controlled by the vehicle ignition switch, a switching relay should be used to switch the positive power lead. The vehicle ignition switch then controls DC to the relay coil.
3. Connect the ground lead directly to the battery negative
4. The cable provided with the radio is sufficient to handle
the maximum radio current demand. If the cable must be
extended, be sure the additional wire is sufficient for the
current to be carried and length of the added lead.
Control station. The antenna system selection depends on many factors and is beyond the scope of this manual. Your KENWOOD dealer can help you select an antenna sys­tem that will best serve your particular needs.
5-2. Radio location
Select a convenient location for your control station radio which is as close as practical to the antenna cable entry point. Secondly, use your system’s power supply (which supplies the voltage and current required for your system). Make sure sufficient air can flow around the radio and power supply to allow adequate cooling.


Merchandise received
License and frequency
allocated by FCC
Frequency range
Control cable KCT-22
M : 8 feet M2 : 17 feet M3 : 25 feet
Supplied key label
Choose the type of transceiver
Are you using
the remote kit?
Are you using the key label?


This radio is designed for easy servicing. Refer to the schematic diagrams, printed circuit board views, and align­ment procedures contained in this manual.
RF power
See page 8.
See page 7.
TK-7150 K
Are you using
the voice scrambler/
Are you using
the ignition sense
Transceiver programming
Are you using
the external speaker?
DC power cable
Supplied cable or KCT-23 M : 10 feet KCT-23 M3 : 23 feet
Are you using
the keypad microphone?
Are you using
the noise-canceling micro-
Supplied microphone
Modified of control unit
See page 5. A personal computer (IBM PC or compatible), programming interface (KPG-46), and programming software (KPG-79D) are required for programming.
External speaker KES-5
DC power supply KPS-10A
See page 9.
See page 7.
See page 7.
Desk top microphone KMC-9C


1. Controls and Functions

1-1. Front Panel
1-2. Microphone
q Volume Control
Rotate to adjust the volume level. Clockwise increases the volume and counterclockwise decreases the volume.
w Display
(See right.)
e Selector
Rotate to select a Zone or CH/GID (channel/group ID). Clockwise increases the Zone / CH/GID and counterclock­wise decreases the Zone / CH/GID. The default setting is CH/GID Up/Down.
r (Power) switch
Press to switch the transceiver ON. Press and hold for approximately 1 second to switch the transceiver OFF.
t Microphone Jack
Insert the microphone plug into this jack.
y PF1 Key
Press this key to activate its programmable auxiliary func­tion. The default setting is Zone Up.
u PF2 Key
Press this key to activate its programmable auxiliary func­tion. The default setting is Zone Down.
i PF3 Key
Press this key to activate its programmable auxiliary func­tion. The default setting is None.
o PF4 Key
Press this key to activate its programmable auxiliary func­tion. The default setting is None.
!0 PF5 Key
Press this key to activate its programmable auxiliary func­tion. The default setting is None.
!1 PF6 Key
Press this key to activate its programmable auxiliary func­tion. The default setting is None.
The TX LED lights red while transmitting. In Conventional Groups, the BUSY LED lights green while receiving.
oi!1 !2
!3 PTT switch
To transmit, press and hold this switch, then speak into the microphone. Release to receive.
1-3. Display
Indicator Description
Displays the zone, group ID, and channel
numbers. Also displays various functions
which have been programmed by your dealer.
(left side) the scan list.
(right side) ID is added to the scan list.
Appears when the squelch opens during a
2-Tone or DTMF call.
Appears when the key programmed as
Monitor is pressed.
Appears when the selected Zone is added to
Appears when you are using Scan mode.
Appears when you are using an external
Appears when the optional scrambler board
is installed and activated.
Appears when the selected Channel/Group
Appears when the auxiliary A function is
Appears when the auxiliary B function is
Appears when Operator Selectable Tone is
Appears when a FleetSync message is
stored in the transceiver memory. Appears
and blinks when a new message is received.
Displays the zone, group ID, and channel
numbers. Your dealer can program the zone,
group ID, and channel names with up to 12
characters, in place of numbers.
1-4. Rear Panel
Power input
6-pin connector
(for accessories)
25-pin connector
(for accessories)


1. Modes 3. Panel Test Mode

User mode
Panel test mode [PF1]+Power on
PC mode
Firmware program­ming mode
Clone mode
[PF6]+Power on
Firmware version information
[PF3]+Power on
Mode Function
User mode For normal use.

Panel test mode Used by the dealer to check the funda-

Panel tuning mode Used by the dealer to tune the radio.
PC mode Used for communication between the
FPU data program- Used to read and write frequency data and
ming mode other features to and from the radio.
PC test mode Used to check the radio using the PC.
Firmware program- Used when changing the main program of
ming mode the flash memory.
Clone mode Used to transfer programming data from
Firmware version Used to confirm the internal firmware
information version.
Panel tuning mode
FPU data programming mode
PC test mode
Checksum display mode
ment characteristics.
radio and PC (IBM compatible).
This feature is included in the FPU.
See panel tuning.
one radio to another.
PC tuning mode

2. How to Enter Each Mode

Mode Operation
User mode Power ON
Panel test mode [PF1]+Power ON
Panel tuning mode [Panel test mode]+[PF3]
PC mode Received commands from PC
Firmware programming mode
Checksum display mode
Clone mode [PF6]+Power ON
Firmware version information
[PF2]+Power ON
[Firmware programming mode]+[PF5]
[PF3]+Power ON (one second)
Setting method refer to “ADJUSTMENT”.

4. Panel Tuning Mode

Setting method refer to “ADJUSTMENT”.

5. PC Mode

5-1. Preface
The transceiver is programmed by using a personal com­puter, programming interface (KPG-46) and programming software (KPG-79D).
The programming software can be used with an IBM PC or compatible. Figure 1 shows the setup of an IBM PC for programming.
5-2. Connection Procedure
1. Connect the transceiver to the personal computer with
the interface cable.
2. When the Power switch on, user mode can be entered
immediately. When PC sends command the radio enter
PC mode, and “PROGRAM” is displayed on the LCD.
When data transmitting from transceiver, the red LED is
When data receiving to transceiver, the green LED is blink-
5-3. KPG-46 Description (PC programming interface cable : Option)
The KPG-46 is required to interface the transceiver to the computer. It has a circuit in its D-subconnector (25-pin) case that converts the RS-232C logic level to the TTL level.
The KPG-46 connects the modular microphone jack of the transceiver to the computers RS-232C serial port.
5-4. Programming Software Description
The KPG-79D programming disk is supplied in 3-1/2” disk format. The software on this disk allows a user to program the transceiver radio via programming interface cable (KPG-
KPG-46 or KPG-46 + Tuning cable (E30-3383-05)
Fig. 1
5-5. Programming With IBM PC
If data is transferred to the transceiver from an IBM PC with the KPG-79D, the destination data (basic radio informa­tion) for each set can be modified. Normally, it is not neces­sary to modify the destination data because their values are determined automatically when the frequency range (fre­quency type) is set.
The values should be modified only if necessary.
Data can be programmed into the flash memory in RS­232C format via the modular microphone jack.
KPG-79D instruction manual parts No. : B62-1588-XX.

6. Firmware Programming Mode

6-1. Preface
The TK-7150 uses flash memory to allow it to be easily upgraded when new features are released in the future.
6-2. Connection Procedure
Connect the TK-7150 to the personal computer (IBM PC or compatible) with the interface cable (KPG-46). (Connection is the same as in the PC mode.)
Note :
You can only program firmware from the 8-pin micro­phone connector on the front panel. Using the 25-pin logic interface on the rear panel will not work.
6-3. Programming
1. Start up the programming software (Fpro. exe).
2. Set the communications speed (normally, 57600 bps) and
communications port in the configuration item.
3. Set the firmware to be updated by file name item.
4. Turn ON the transceiver while pressing and holding the
[PF2] key. The transceiver enters Firmware programming
mode and “PROG 57600”. If Firmware programming
mode is inhibited by the FPU, the transceiver enters User
mode instead.
If the transceiver receives the firmware data from a PC,
“PG” appears on the display.
5. Check the connection between the TK-7150 and the per-
sonal computer, and make sure that the TK-7150 is in the
program mode.
6. Press write button in the window. A window opens on
the display to indicate progress of writing.
7. If writing ends successfully, the TX LED on the TK-7150
8. If you want to continue programming other TK-7150, re-
peat steps 3 to 6.
Note :
This mode cannot entered if the firmware programming mode is set to disable in the programming software (KPG­79D).
6-4. Function
Each time you press the [PF4] key, the data transfer rate alters (19200 / 38400 / 57600 bps).
Note :
Normally, write in the high-speed mode (57600 bps).
Firmware checksum display
PROG 57600
PROG 19200
PROG 38400
PROG 57600
Fig. 2

7. Clone Mode

Programming data can be transferred from one radio to another by connecting them via their modular microphone jacks. The operation is as follows (the transmit radio is the master and the receive radio is a slave).
1. Turn the master TK-7150 power ON with the [PF6] key
held down. The TK-7150 displays “CLONE”.
If Firmware programming mode is inhibited by the FPU,
the transceiver enters User mode instead.
2. Power on the slave TK-7150.
3. Connect the cloning cable (No. E30-3382-05) to the modu-
lar microphone jacks on the master and slave.
4. Press the [PF6] key on the master while the master dis-
plays “CLONE”. The data of the master is sent to the
slave. While the slave is receiving the data, “PROGRAM”
is displayed. When cloning of data is completed, the mas-
ter displays “END”, and the slave automatically operates
in the User mode. The slave can then be operated by the
same program as the master.
5. The other slave can be continuously cloned. When the
[PF6] key on the master is pressed while the master dis-
plays “END”, the master displays “CLONE”. Carry out
the operation in steps 2 to 4.
6. To end cloning, first you must remove the cloning cable,
then switch both master and slave TK-7150s off.
Note :
Only the same models can be cloned together.
Cloning cable (E30-3382-05)
Fig. 3

8. Firmware Version Information

This is a mode to confirm the internal firmware version.
1. Turn the transceiver ON while pressing the [PF3] key.
The firmware version will appear on the LCD.
When you release the [PF3] key, the transceiver automati-
cally enters User mode.


Tie wrap
Protective cover
Short plug
Black lead
Black/White lead
Speaker cable (to KES-5)

1. Installing Name Plate

Punch out the name plate card. Then insert the plates
onto the relative function keys.
You can reconfigure the name plates at any time.
Punch out the name plate cards
Name plates for the function keys
Squeeze and insert the plates
Name plates
Side view of the key
Fig. 1

2. Ignition Sense Cable (KCT-18)

The KCT-18 is an optional cable to use the following func-
2-1. Ignition Function
The ignition function allows you to turn the transceiver’s power on and off with the ignition key of your car. When you are driving with the ignition key on, the horn alert function is disabled.
2-2. Timed Power Off Function
The timed power off function turns the transceiver’s power off the time specified with the programming software (KPG-79D) after the ignition key is turned off. When you are driving with the ignition key on, the horn alert function is dis­abled.
The ignition sense function and the timed power off func­tion can be used at the same time.
2-3. Modification
1. Remove the short plug from the accessory connector (6
pins) on the rear of the transceiver.
2. Cut off the end of the protective cover (accessory), insert
the KCT-18 into the protective cover, and insert it into pin
1 (IGN) of the short plug.
3. Install the short plug and protective cover on the connec-
tor on the rear of the transceiver, then clamp the bottom
of the protective cover with the supplied tie wrap.
Short plug

3. External Speaker (KES-5)

The external speaker output from the accessory connector
(6 pin) on the rear of the transceiver is 13W/4. Use the KES-5.
3-1. Connection for the KES-5 with the TK-7150
When taking the AF output from the accessory connector (6-pin) on the rear of the radio
The following tools are required for changing the connector.
Extracting tool
The following extracting tool is recommended; Molex inc. Order No. : J5800-002 (W05-0878-00)
1. Remove the connector with jumper from the external
speaker connector on the rear panel of the radio (Fig. 3-1). Note : Save the jumper, which is required when the radio is used without the external speaker.
2. Remove the terminals with the jumper from the connec-
tor housing holes number 5 and 6 using the extracting tool.
Removing the jumper lead (Fig. 3-2)
1) Insert the extracting tool (J5800-002) into the connec-
tor while pushing the jumper lead in the direction of (a).
2) Push the extracting tool into collapse the barbs of the
crimp terminal.
3) Pull out the lead while continuing to push the extracting
tool in the direction (b).
3. Cut off the end of the protection cover, insert the KES-5
speaker cable into the protective cover.
4. Reinsert the terminal with the black and white stripe lead
into hole number 5, and the terminal with the black lead into hole number 4 (Fig. 3-3).
5. Install the plug and protective cover on the accessory con-
nector on the rear of the transceiver, then clamp the bot­tom of the protective cover with the supplied tie wrap.
Square-type plug (E37-1031-05)
Extracting tool (J5800-002)
Crimp terminal
Fig. 3-1
Fig. 3-2
Jumper lead
Crimp terminal (E23-0613-05)
Protective cover
Fig. 2
Tie wrap
Fig. 3-3
Main panel

4. Use as Public Address Speaker

1. Remove the short plug from the 6-pin accessory connec­tor on the rear of the radio. (Remove the jumpers as de­scribed in Section 3-1.)
2. Cut off the end of the protective cover, insert the speaker cable into the protective cover, and insert it into pins 2 and
3. Install the plug and protective cover on the accessory con­nector on the rear of the transceiver, then clamp the bot­tom of the protective cover with the supplied tie wrap.
4. If you remove jumper shorting pins 5 and 6, the 20W PA (public address) voice signal is output from pins 2 and 3. (Only when the PA or SP switch is on.)
5. If you use the radio with pins 5 and 6 shorted, the internal speaker is available.
Notes :
•Relation ship between accessory connector (6-pins) con­nection and speaker output.
• When pins 5 and 6 are shorted; The internal speaker is used.
• When pins 5 and 6 are open and output is from pins 2 and 3; The 20W external speaker is used.
Short plug
Rubber seal
Ground wire
Fig. 5-1
Display unit
Black lead
Black/White lead
Protective cover
Tie wrap
Speaker cable
Fig. 4
5. Single Control Head Remote Kit (KRK-9)
and Control Cable (KCT-22)
1. Lift the tab on the bottom of the transceiver, then pull the panel away from the transceiver.
2. Remove the connector that binds the display unit to the TX-RX unit.
3. As shown in Figure 5-1, make sure that the rubber seal is placed above the cable, then plug the 11-pin connector into the front panel PCB assembly.
4. Also, affix the ground wire to the front panel chassis, as shown in Figure 5-1, with the supplied screw.
5. Choose the remote wire position (right side or left side), then place the seal within the guide rail. Attach and se­cure the cover using the 2 binding screws.
6. Plug the 12-pin connector (from the rear panel) to the CN902 socket on the display PCB, as shown in Figure 5-2.
7. Push and secure the panel into the chassis so that the 6 tabs on the top and bottom are securely fixed.
8. Plug the connector from the main panel into the CN703 socket (Figure 5-3).
9. Push and secure the main panel so that the 6 tabs on the top and bottom of the panel are securely fixed.
Rear panel
Fig. 5-2
Fig. 5-3
+ 17 hidden pages