IC13.3V regulatorThe power supply of IC and VFD (Logic) which are driven by 3.3V
IC2Buffer ICIt is change into 3.3V from 5V
IC3Remote control IC
IC4Spectrum analyzer IC
IC5Panel µ-com
Q1, 2FL+B SWFL+B (VDD2) is turned on when Q2’s base level goes “H”
Q3REMO ON SWThe power supply of IC2 and IC3 is turned on when Q3’s base level goes “L”
Q4FL BLK SWVFD is turned on when Q4’s base level goes “H”
Q5Blue LED SWBlue LED is turned on when Q5’s base level goes “H”
Q1DSI (Disabled System Indicator)DSI blinks when the base goes “H/L”
Q2KEY illumination SW (GREEN)ON (KEY illumination green) when the base goes “H”
Q3KEY illumination SW (RED)ON (KEY illumination red) when the base goes “H”
IC1System µ-com
IC2E-vol & N.C. & MPX
IC3Regulator IC for A8V
IC4Power IC
IC5System E’s IC
IC6Audio IC (WOW)
IC8Reset IC
IC9Logic IC for muting
IC10Buffer for S.A
IC11~13AMP for 4.5V Pre-out
IC14RDS dcoder IC
IC15, 16
IC17ROM ICFor ROM correction.
Q23, 24P-ANT SWWhen Q23’base goes Hi, P-ANT SW outputs 14V.
Q25Ex amp control buffer
Q26Small lamp det SWWhen Q26’base goes Hi, Q26 is turned on.
Q27BU detWhen Q27’base gose Hi, Q27 is turned on.
Q29ACC detWhen Q29’base gose Hi, Q29 is turned on.
Q30, 31Mute driverWhen a base gose Lo, mute driver is turned on.
Q201Noise buffer
Q202E-vol mute SWWhen a base gose Hi, mute SW is turned on.
Q203~208Pre-out mute SWWhen a base gose Hi, Pre-out is muted.
Q210AGC for SA
Q303, 304AM+B SWWhen Q303’base gose Hi, AM+B is out.
Q305Composite signal buffer for RDS
Q501E2P 5V SWWhen Q501’base gose Lo, E2P 5V is out.
Q502, 503PANEL 5V SWWhen Q503’base gose Hi, PANEL 5V is out.
Q603SW for IC20When Q603’base gose Hi, Q603 is turned on.
Q18 and 19 works as a differential amplifier, Q17 works as a driver and -9.1V is supplied
to OP amp for Pre-out.
Q20 and 22 works as a differential amplifier, Q21 works as a driver and +9.4V is supplied
to OP amp for Pre-out.
● SYSTEM MICROCOMPUTER : 703033BGC020 (X25-964 : IC1)
Pin No.
1PLL_DATAI/O TunerData output/input with F/E.
6EVDD7EVSS8AFSOTunerNoise detection time constant switching.
9BEEPOAudioBeep output.
11P_MUTEOAudioPower IC MUTE output.Power OFF : L, All OFF : L, TEL mute : L
12(SVR)OAudioPower IC SVR discharge circuit control.
13IC2_SDAI/O AudioIC2, IC5 data line.
14IC2_CLKI/O AudioIC2, IC5 clock line.
15P_STBYOAudioPower IC STBY output.
16P_CONI/O ExtraPower control.
17WOW_MODE2OAudioWOW control.q
18TEST-Connect to GND.
20MUTEOAudioMute output.ON : OPEN, OFF : L
21PRE_MUTEROAudioPREOUT (R ch) mute.
22PRE_MUTELOAudioPREOUT (L ch) mute.
23BU_DETIExtraMomentary power dropped detection.
24ACC_DETIExtraACC detection.With ACC : L, Without ACC : H
25FOCUSI/O AudioWOW focus control.Focus HI : H, Focus LOW : Hi-Z
27DIMMERIExtraSmall lamp detection.ON : L, OFF : H
31RESET32XT1-Sub clock.32.768kHz
Pin NameI/O ModulePurpose / Description
Power supply
Power supply
NCONC (Without EXT_AMP_CONT model)Output : L
ANT_CONOExtraAntenna control.w
TYPE2IExtraDestination select.w
I/O To panel
I/O To panel
CDCD mechanism data line.
ExtraROM correction data line.
CDCD mechanism clock line.
ExtraROM correction clock line.
OExtraExternal amplifier control.Refer to external amplifier control.
SW 14V, SW 5V control, AD reference
voltage control output.
FL, illumination output.ON : H, OFF : Hi-Z
Truth table
Processing Operation
Last FM : H (With RDS, RBDS model)
FM seek, AF search : L, Receiving : H, Auto 0 : L
Power OFF momentary power dropped
: H (5 second) and then L
Power IC ON : H, Power IC OFF : L, All OFF : H
Power ON : H, Power OFF : Hi-Z, All OFF : Hi-Z
Usually : H, Unusually : L
M MUTE L is L : L (CD), Momentary power
dropped : L, 2 zone, NAVI interrupt : Fixed H
M MUTE R is L : L (CD), Momentary power
dropped : L, 2 zone, NAVI interrupt : Fixed H
Backup : L,
No backup, momentary power dropped : H
Tuner ON : H, Other source With RDS last FM
: H, Other source with RDBS TI ON last FM : H
K,J type (With ANT_CON model) : L,
E type (Without ANT_CON model) : H
Power ON : H, Power OFF : Hi-Z
Pin No.
33XT2-Sub clock.32.768kHz
34REGC-Connect to 1µF capacitor.
35X2-Main clock.20MHz
36X1-Main clock.20MHz
37VSS38VDD39CLKOUT40LX_REQ_MOLXCommunication request to external slave.Request : L
41LX_MUTEILXMute request from external slave.Mute ON : H
42LX_CONOLXExternal slave select.ON : H, OFF : L
43LX_RSTOLXReset output to external slave µ-com
45TYPE0IExtraDestination select.w
46TYPE1IExtraDestination select.w
47IC2_TYPE0IExtraIC2 destination.w
48IC2_TYPE1IExtraIC2 destination.w
51DSII/O To panel DSI control.ON : L, OFF : Hi-Z
52MC_REQOTo panel Communication request to panel µ-com.
53PAN_RSTOTo panel Reset output to panel µ-com.
54WOW_MODE3OAudioWOW control.q
55BVDD56BVSS57SC_CONOTo panel Panel µ-com control.Power OFF, ACC OFF : L
58M_RSTOCDReset output to CD mechanism.
59M_STOPOCDStop request to CD mechanism.Stop : L, CD : H
60CD_SW3ICDDC down switch detection.Chucking : H
61LO/EJI/O CDCD mechanism loading/eject switch.Stop, brake : Hi-Z, Loading : L, Eject : H
62MOSWOCDCD mechanism motor driver switch.Loading, eject, brake : H
63FPM MOTOR B OP-mecha FPM mechanism (Slider) control.e
64FPM MOTOR FOP-mecha FPM mechanism (Slider) control.e
65FPM MOTOR O OP-mecha FPM mechanism (Angle) control.e
66FPM MOTOR C OP-mecha FPM mechanism (Angle) control.e
67NCONC (Without external display model)Output : L
68NCONC (Without external display model)Output : L
69NCONC (Without external display model)Output : L
70M_MUTERICDMute request form CD mechanism. (R ch).ON : L (CD)
71AVDD72AVSS73AVREF-Connect to P_ON (29 pin).
74M_MUTELICDMute request form CD mechanism. (L ch).ON : L (CD)
75PAN_DETITo panel Panel E2PROM detection.With : L, Without : H
76NCINC (Without TEL-MUTE model)Connect to GND.
Pin NameI/O ModulePurpose / Description
Power supply
Power supply
Power supply
CD 4.7V output.ON : Fast 50ms than M_STOP,
Panel 5V control.ON : H, Momentary power dropped : Hi-Z
E2PROM, DA converter power supply control.ON : L, OFF : Hi-Z
Truth table
Processing Operation
Normally : L, After system reset : H (400ms
or more) and then L
CD source : H, Except CD source : L,
OFF : Slow 50ms than M_STOP
Normally : H, Reset, momentary power dropped : L
Normally : H, Reset : L (Per mechanism control)
Pin No.
77FPM SW4IP-mecha
78FPM SW1IP-mecha FPM mechanism position detection.e
79FPM SW2IP-mecha FPM mechanism position detection.e
80FPM SW3IP-mecha FPM mechanism position detection.e
81FPM PHOUTIP-mecha FPM mechanism position detection.eH : 2.2V or more
82S_METERITunerS-meter detection.Refer to S03 F/E control.
83NOISEITunerFM noise detection.Refer to S03 F/E control.
84IFC_OUTITunerF/E IFC OUT input.
86NCONC (Except J type)Output : L
87R_CLKITunerRDS decoder clock input.
88LX_REQ_SILXReceive request from external slave.Request : L
89SC_REQITo panel Communication request from panel µ-com
90CD_SW1ICDLoading switch detection.Loading start power off : L
91CD_SW2ICD12cm disc detection switch.12cm disc power off : L
92R_QUALITunerRDS decoder QUAL input.
93R_DAT AITunerRDS decoder data input.
94LX_DATA_SILXData input from external slave.
95LX_DATA_MOLXData output to external slave.
96LX_CLKI/O LXClock input/output with external slave.
97PAN_RXITo panel Data input from panel µ-com
98PAN_TXOT o panel Data output to panel µ-com
99WOW_MODE1OAudioWOW control.q
100PLL_CLKI/O TunerClock input/output with F/E.
Pin NameI/O ModulePurpose / Description
FPM mechanism position detection,
mechanism detection.1.25V or more : H, Less than 1.25V : L
IExtraPower IC DC offset detection.03 model not used. Connect to GND.
Truth table
Processing Operation
3.75V or more : No mechanism,
With station : 2.5V or more, refer to S03 F/E control.
Truth table
q WOW MODE changover operation
TruBassLHLDon’t care
3D-STEREOLLHDon’t care
7SYS RXOData output to system µ-com.Communication speed : 1.25Mbps
8NCOOutput : L
9Evdd-PAN 5V
11~13NCOOutput : L
14FL LATCHOLatch output to FL driver.
15FL GCPOBright control.
16~19NCOOutput : L
20FL BLKODisplay switching signal output to FL driver.H : Display ON, L : Display OFF
21TESTIConnect to GND.
22~25NCOOutput : L
26~29KS1~KS4I/O Key scan.Key scan (Hi-Z/L)
30REMO ONI/O Remote control IC power on/off.Hi-Z : OFF, L : ON (Time constant check, 500µs)
32RED LEDOIllumination red changeover.H : ON, L : OFF
33GREEN LED OIllumination green changeover.H : ON, L : OFF
34RESETIReset.L : Reset, H : Reset cancel
35TX136TX237REGC-Connect to 1µF capacitor.
38X1-Main clock.20MHz
39X2-Main clock.20MHz
42CLKOUT43~47NCOOutput : L
48FL+3.3VOFL3.3V ON/OFF.Hi-Z : OFF, L : ON (Time constant check, 1ms)
49FL+BI/O FL+B ON/OFF.Hi-Z : OFF, L : ON (Time constant check, 35µs)
50~57NCOOutput : L
60~69NCOOutput : L
72SA RSTOSpectrum analyzer IC reset.H : reset, L : Normally
73AV CONTOVREF control.Operation : H
76Avref-Connect to 73 pin.
77F01IBPF (63Hz)
78F02IBPF (150Hz)
79F03IBPF (330Hz)
80F04IBPF (1kHz)
81F05IBPF (3.3kHz)
82F06IBPF (10kHz)
83WAVE INIAudio input.
84~88KR5~KR1IKey return.
89SC REQO Communication request to system µ-com.H : Request
90NC(FAC IN)OOutput : L
91SC CONIPanel µ-com control.H : Operation
92OPEN KEYIOPEN key input.H : OFF, L : ON
93SRC KEYISRC key input.H : OFF, L : ON
94NCOOutput : L
95MC REQICommunication request from system µ-com.
96NCOOutput : L
97~99NCOOutput : L (Flash µ-com writing port)
100NCOOutput : L
1NCONot used.Fixed LowLow
2E2P_SCLOROM correction E2P IC2 clock.Hi-Z
3~5NCONot used.Fixed LowLow
8, 9NCONot used.Fixed LowLow
10PONOPower ON/OFF control.H : ON, L : OFFLow
11/PONOPower ON/OFF control.H : OFF, L : ONHigh
138EjE_SWINot used.Fixed LowHi-Z
14LOS_SWINot used.Fixed LowHi-Z
1512EjE_SWINot used.Fixed LowHi-Z
16, 17NCONot used.Fixed LowLow
18IC/Vpp-Write voltage (Flash).19MUTE_LOL ch audio mute control.L : Mute ON, H : Mute OFFLow
20MUTE_ROR ch audio mute conrol.L : Mute ON, H : Mute OFFLow
21~25NCONot used.Fixed LowLow
26EFLGIWMA error detection.H : Error, L : No errorHi-Z
27WAITIWait control signal detection.Hi-Z
28FOKIFocus condition detection.H : Focus OK, L : Focus NGHi-Z
29, 30NCONot used.Fixed LowLow
31RESETIReset detection.H : Normal, L : ResetHi-Z
32XT1INot used.Hi-Z
33XT2-Not used.34REGC35X236X1IHi-Z
IDown limit switch detection.L : Most Inner position detectionHi-Z
H : Request (Reset, low current consumption mode
: System µ-com output “L”)
Pin No.Pin NameI/OUseProcessing Operation
39NCONCOutput stop.Low
40WRLOMultiplex WRITE signal._LBEN : 61002 (Not used), _WRL : 63760Out-Low
41NCONot used.Fixed LowLow
42R/WOMultiplex _R/W signal_R/W : 61002, _WRH : 63760 (Not used)Out-Low
43DSTB,RDOMultiplex DSTB or RD signal_DSTB : 61002, _RD : 63760Out-Low
44ASTBOMultiplex ASTB signalOut-Low
45, 46NCONot used.Fixed LowLow
47~54AD0~AD7I/O Multiplex address/dataOut-Low
55BVdd-Bus interface power supply.
56BVss-Bus interface GND.
57~64AD8~AD15I/O Multiplex data/addressOut-Low
65/HCSBOChip select control.H : OFF, L : ONLow
66/CSOChip select control.H : OFF, L : ONLow
67DSP RESETODSP reset control.H : Normal. L : ResetLow
68REQIData transfer request input.Hi-Z
69DBBWRDY0IDBB00 register write permission input.Hi-Z
70DBBRRDY0IDBB00 register read permission input.Hi-Z
71Avdd72Avss73AvrefIA/D port reference voltage input.
74WTSIWMA table select.H : WMA8 table, L : WMA9 tableHi-Z
75MDL_SELIModel port changeover.H : 03 model, L : 02 modelHi-Z
76, 77NCINot used.Fixed LowHi-Z
78HOTITemperature rise detection.Detection voltage : 4V, Reset voltage 3.9VHi-Z
79NCINot used.Fixed LowHi-Z
80WMAIWMA correspond changeover.H : DXM6500 (With WMA), L : DXM6400 (Without WMA) Hi-Z
81NCINot used.Hi-Z
82ASELIAudio output pole changeover.H : Invert output, L : Normal outputHi-Z
83DASCIShock proof changeover.H : Shock proof OFF, L : Shock proof ONHi-Z
84E2P_WRIE2PROM write changeover.H : E2PROM write, L : NormalHi-Z
85PIC_SELIPICK UP changeover.H : KPC6C, L : KSS710Hi-Z
86NCONot used.Fixed LowLow
87MSTOPIStandby restart interrupt.H : Standby, L: Stop
88INTSVIServo IC interrupt.H : InterruptHi-Z
89FOGUPIFocus gain up interrupt.H : Focus gain up, L : NormalHi-Z
90ZMUTE_RI0 bit mute detection.H : Mute ON, L : Mute OFFHi-Z
91ZMUTE_LI0 bit mute detection.H : Mute ON, L : Mute OFFHi-Z
92NCONot used.Fixed LowLow
93D-MUTEODriver mute.H : OFF, L : ONLow
94SYS_SDAI/O System µ-com I2C data.Hi-Z
95NCONot used.Fixed LowLow
96SYS_SCLI/O System µ-com I2C clock.Hi-Z
97~99NCONot used.Fixed LowLow
100E2P_SDAOROM correction E2P I2C data.Hi-Z
Hi-Z (Low input)
● How to enter the test mode
While pressing and holding the Preset 1 and Preset 3 keys,
reset the unit.
● How to exit from the test mode
While holding the Preset 6 key, reset the unit.
(Note) The test mode cannot be terminated by reset the
unit, ACC OFF, power OFF and Panel detached, momentary power down.
● Initial status in the test mode
• Sources : ALL OFF
• Display : All segments are lit.
• Volume : -10 dB (displayed as “30” )
• Loudness : OFF
• CRSC : OFF regardless of the presence of switching function.
• SYSTEM Q : Flat
• WOW : All OFF
• BEEP : When pressing any keys, the buzzer generates a
beep at any time.
When any of the following messages is displayed in Tuner
mode, the F/E may be abnormal.
• “TNE2P NG” : The EEPROM is set to the default (unstable
values) because the F/E was shipped without passing
through the adjustment process, etc.
• “TNCON NG” : Communication with the F/E is not possib le .
● Forced switching of K3I
Each press of the Preset 6 key in Tuner mode should switch
K3I from AUT O → F orced Wide → F orced Middle → Forced
Narrow → AUTO.
The initial status is AUTO and the display shows these
modes as follows.
• Forced Wide : FMW
• Forced Middle : FMM
• Forced Narrow : FMN
● Test mode specifications of the CD receiver
• Forced ejection is inhibited in the reset start operation. When
the unit is reset while a CD is loaded in it, the CD is not
recognized by resetting.
• Each press of the Track Up ke y jumps to the f ollowing track
No. 9 → No. 15 → No. 10 → No. 11 → No. 12 → No. 13 →
No. 22 → No. 14 → No. 9 (The cycle restarts from here.)
• Each press of the Track Down key jumps to the previous
track number to the track being played.
• When the number of total trucks of the MP3 disc or the
WMA disc is less than 9, 1st truck is played.
• When the disc media is CD, A short press of the Preset 1
key jumps to the track number 28.
• When the model is equipped the CD mechanism assembly
adapted for MP3 or MP3/WMA disc , the mechanism name
and version number are displayed during the FL model is
lower stand and Display mode of LCD model is DNPS.
● Audio-related specifications
• Pressing the ✽ k ey on the remote initiates the audio adjustment mode.
• BL/F key on the Fader initials.
• Continuous holding of a remote control key is inhibited, and
workings are short press of any keys.
• Bass, Middle and Treble are adjusted in 3 steps of -8 / 0 /
+8 with the Track Up/Down keys (Default value at 0).
• Balance is adjusted in 3 steps of L15 / 0 / R15 with the
Track Up/Down keys (Default value at 0).
• Fader is adjusted in 3 steps of R15 / 0 / F15 with the Track
Up/Down keys (Default value at 0).
• HPF is adjusted in 2 steps of OFF / 170Hz (or 220Hz) with
the Track Up/Down keys (Default value at OFF).
• LPF is adjusted in 2 steps of OFF / 120Hz with the Track
Up/Down keys (Default value at OFF).
• Bass f, Bass Q, Bass EXT, Middle f, Middle Q and Treble f
are not dealt with by the audio adjust.
• The WOW key pass during the audio adjustment as following steps.
● Menu-related specifications
• A short press of the Q key initiates the menu mode.
• Pressing the DNPP key on the remote initiates the Menu
• Continuous holding of a remote control key is inhibited, and
workings are short press of any keys.
• Contrast is adjusted in 3 steps of 0 / 5 / 10 with the Track
Up/Down keys (Default value at 5).
● Backup current measurement
When the unit is reset while ACC is OFF (i.e. by turning
Backup ON), the MUTE terminal goes OFF in 2 seconds in
place of 15 second. (The CD mechanism is not activ ated at
this time.)
● Special display when the display is all on
Pressing the Preset keys while the power is ALL OFF displays the following information.
[PRESET 1] Version display (8 digits, Month/Day/Hour/Minute)
(Display) SYS xxxxxxxx : System microcomputer
PAN xxxxxxxx : FL model only
MEM xxxxxxxx : 4 contrasts FL model only
[PRESET 2] Serial number display (8 digits)
(Display) SNo xxxxxxxx
[PRESET 3] Short press : View power ON time. (The All OFF
period is not counted.)
2 seconds long press/hold : Clear power ON time
at the power ON time displaying.
(Display) PonTim xxxxxMax. 60000 (hours)
[PRESET 4] Short press : Display CD operation time.
2 seconds long press/hold : Clear CD operation
time at the CD operation time displaying.
(Display) CDTim xxxxxMax. 60000 (hours)
[PRESET 5] Short press : Display CD ejection count.
2 seconds long press/hold : Clear CD ejection
count at the CD ejection count displaying.
(Display) EjeCnt xxxxxMax. 60000 (times)
[PRESET 6] Short press : Display Panel open/close count.
2 seconds long press/hold : Clear Panel open/close
count at the Panel open/close count.
(Display) PnCnt xxxxxxMax. 600000 (times)
FM keyDisplay ROM collection version.
(Display) ROM R xxxInvalid : “R – – –”
AM keyDisplay panel E2PROM condition.
(Display) P–ROM OK (Registered code)
P–ROM NG (Code is write in error)
P–ROM WAIT (Unregistered code)
(Panel security nonfunctional)
● Panel mechanism
• Auto-panel close inhibition when set-in the CD.
• The panel operation inhibition at power ON/OFF and ACC
• The panel position changing Eject ←→ Last with a short press
of the PLAY/PAUSE keys.
● Other specifications
• No displays such as “CODE OFF/ON” during Power-ON.
• The LINE MUTE inhibition time is one second from 10 seconds when start-up the test mode.
• Do not write the security code with the security jig on the
test mode.
• Do not write the serial with the serial writing jig on the test
• OEM display output is not stop if OEM display not connection on the test mode.
● Switching the frequency span (K/M type)
While holding the Preset 1 key and Preset 5 key, reset the
● Response to OEM setting
(Destination of electronic volume setting)
S03F/E models are response to OEM models option at put
in µ-com 2 pin.
Its setting are following steps.
(47 pin)(48 pin)
LowLowq T rade model (Initial quantify)
LowHighw Trade model (CRSC change)
HighLowe OEM model-ready CRSC change
r OEM model-ready CRSC &
de-emphasis change
● Security-related information
1. Forced Power ON mode (All models)
Even when the security (Cord) is approved, resetting the
unit while holding the Q and Preset 4 keys makes it possible to turn the power ON for 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes have elapsed, it is not possible to return to
the previous condition unless the unit is reset again. (Security code is do not clear at this mode. Put the power on fillin.)
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