JVC DR-MV99B Frequently Asked Questions Manual

JVC Customer Care Center
DR-MV99BU Quick Guide FAQ’s
Thank you for your purchase of the JVC DR-MV99BU DVD Video Recorder. If you have any questions regarding the hookup or operation of your DR-MV99BU, please contact our
Customer Care Center at 1-800-252-5722.
Please Note:
Be sure to connect the AC power plug into the power outlet after all other connections are completed.
What DVDs can I use to record on my DR-MV99BU?
c DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW and DVD+RW can be
used to record on your DR-MV99BU. DVD-RAM will not be recognized as recordable media on your DR-MV99BU. For recommended recordable DVD discs, please refer to page 7 in your owner’s manual.
When I turn on my DR-MV99BU, it flashes "Hello" and all the buttons on the remote control and the front panel will not respond for 10 - 15 seconds. Is this normal?
When your DR-MV99BU is first turned on, it will flash "Hello" as the internal EPROM chip is updated with information.
c Please wait until "Hello" stops flashing before you
attempt to use the remote control or front panel buttons. It takes 25-30 seconds until the set
can be operated when a disc is on the tray.
My DR-MV99BU is showing a distorted picture.
Your DR-MV99BU has a progressive scan feature. This feature only works with a TV that accepts a pro­gressive scan signal.
My DR-MV99BU is showing no picture.
There is no signal output other than HDMI when HDMI is connected and 720p/1080i is selected at OUTPUT STATUS.
c Press OUTPUT STATUS button and select either
480i or 480p in order to watch the video signal from AV OUT, S-VIDEO OUT, COMPONENT/PROGRESSIVE SCAN VIDEO OUT.
My newly recorded DVD plays in my DR-MV99BU but does not play in other DVD players.
c You must "Finalize" the DVD before it can play in
another DVD player. Please see page 23 in your owner’s manual.
During the Initial Set Up, I am being asked to set the Clock. Does this model have Auto Clock Set?
This unit doesn’t have an Auto Clock Setting. You will need to manually set your clock as shown on page 18 of your owner’s manual under the Initial Setup Wizard. You can also look on page 20 of your owner’s manual and follow the directions for Clock Set.
c If the picture is distorted, press OUTPUT
STATUS button and select 480i.
For additional troubleshooting tips please refer to pages 51-53 in your owners manual.