Jungheinrich ECE 118 Operating Instructions Manual

ECE 118
Operating instructions
The present ORIGINAL OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS are designed to provide sufficient instruction for the safe operation of the industrial truck. The information is provided clearly and concisely. The chapters are arranged by letter. Each chapter starts with page 1. The page identification consists of a chapter letter and a page number. For example: Page B 2 is the second page in chapter B.
The operating instructions detail different truck models. When operating and servicing the truck, make sure that the instructions apply to your truck model.
Safety instructions and important explanations are indicated by the following graphics:
Used before safety instructions which must be observed to avoid danger to personnel.
Used before notices which must be observed to avoid material damage.
Used before notices and explanations.
t Used to indicate standard equipment.
o Used to indicate optional equipment.
Our trucks are subject to ongoing development. Jungheinrich reserves the right to alter the design, equipment and technical features of the truck. No guarantee of particular features of the truck should therefore be inferred from the present operating instructions.
Copyright of these operating instructions remains with JUNGHEINRICH AG.
Jungheinrich Aktiengesellschaft
Am Stadtrand 35 22047 Hamburg - GERMANY
Telephone: +49 (0) 40/6948-0
The present ORIGINAL OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS are designed to provide sufficient instruction for the safe operation of the industrial truck. The information is provided clearly and concisely. The chapters are arranged by letter. Each chapter starts with page 1. The page identification consists of a chapter letter and a page number. For example: Page B 2 is the second page in chapter B.
The operating instructions detail different truck models. When operating and servicing the truck, make sure that the instructions apply to your truck model.
Safety instructions and important explanations are indicated by the following graphics:
Used before safety instructions which must be observed to avoid danger to personnel.
Used before notices which must be observed to avoid material damage.
Used before notices and explanations.
t Used to indicate standard equipment.
o Used to indicate optional equipment.
Our trucks are subject to ongoing development. Jungheinrich reserves the right to alter the design, equipment and technical features of the truck. No guarantee of particular features of the truck should therefore be inferred from the present operating instructions.
Copyright of these operating instructions remains with JUNGHEINRICH AG.
Jungheinrich Aktiengesellschaft
Am Stadtrand 35 22047 Hamburg - GERMANY
Telephone: +49 (0) 40/6948-0
I 1
Table of Contents
A Correct Use and Application
B Truck Description
1 Application ........................................................................................... B 1
2 Assemblies .......................................................................................... B 2
3 Technical specifications ...................................................................... B 3
3.1 Performance data ................................................................................ B 3
3.2 Dimensions ......................................................................................... B 3
3.3 Table of dimensions ............................................................................ B 3
3.4 EN standards ...................................................................................... B 5
3.5 Operating conditions ........................................................................... B 5
4 Identification points and data plates ................................................... B 6
4.1 Truck data plate .................................................................................. B 7
C Transport and Commissioning
1 Lifting by crane .................................................................................... C 1
2 Using the truck for the first time .......................................................... C 1
3 Removing the transport lock ............................................................... C 2
4 Moving the truck without using the drive unit ...................................... C 3
5 Securing the truck during transport ..................................................... C 4
D Battery Maintenance, Charging & Replacement
1 Safety regulations for handling acid batteries ..................................... D 1
2 Battery types ....................................................................................... D 2
3 Exposing the battery ........................................................................... D 2
3.1 Standard version ................................................................................. D 2
4 Charging the battery ............................................................................ D 3
4.1 Charging the battery with a stationary charger ................................... D 3
5 Battery removal and installation .......................................................... D 4
6 Battery discharge indicator (t) ........................................................... D 5
I 1
Table of Contents
A Correct Use and Application
B Truck Description
1 Application ........................................................................................... B 1
2 Assemblies .......................................................................................... B 2
3 Technical specifications ...................................................................... B 3
3.1 Performance data ................................................................................ B 3
3.2 Dimensions ......................................................................................... B 3
3.3 Table of dimensions ............................................................................ B 3
3.4 EN standards ...................................................................................... B 5
3.5 Operating conditions ........................................................................... B 5
4 Identification points and data plates ................................................... B 6
4.1 Truck data plate .................................................................................. B 7
C Transport and Commissioning
1 Lifting by crane .................................................................................... C 1
2 Using the truck for the first time .......................................................... C 1
3 Removing the transport lock ............................................................... C 2
4 Moving the truck without using the drive unit ...................................... C 3
5 Securing the truck during transport ..................................................... C 4
D Battery Maintenance, Charging & Replacement
1 Safety regulations for handling acid batteries ..................................... D 1
2 Battery types ....................................................................................... D 2
3 Exposing the battery ........................................................................... D 2
3.1 Standard version ................................................................................. D 2
4 Charging the battery ............................................................................ D 3
4.1 Charging the battery with a stationary charger ................................... D 3
5 Battery removal and installation .......................................................... D 4
6 Battery discharge indicator (t) ........................................................... D 5
I 2
E Operation
1 Safety regulations for the operation of industrial trucks ...................... E 1
2 Controls and indicators ....................................................................... E 2
3 Starting up the truck ............................................................................ E 4
3.1 Switching on the truck ......................................................................... E 4
4 Industrial truck operation ..................................................................... E 5
4.1 Safety regulations for truck operation ................................................. E 5
4.2 Driving, steering, braking .................................................................... E 6
4.3 Lifting and depositing loads ................................................................. E 9
4.4 Parking the truck securely ................................................................... E 10
5 Keypad (CANCODE) (o) .................................................................... E 11
5.1 Code lock ............................................................................................ E 11
5.2 Travel programs .................................................................................. E 13
5.3 Parameters .......................................................................................... E 13
5.4 Parameter settings .............................................................................. E 14
5.5 Travel parameters ............................................................................... E 18
6 Display instrument (CANDIS) (o) ....................................................... E 21
6.1 Discharge monitor function ................................................................. E 22
6.2 Operating hours display ...................................................................... E 22
6.3 Power up test ...................................................................................... E 22
7 Troubleshooting .................................................................................. E 23
F Truck Maintenance
1 Operational safety and environmental protection ................................ F 1
2 Maintenance safety regulations .......................................................... F 1
3 Servicing and inspection ..................................................................... F 3
4 Maintenance checklist ........................................................................ F 4
5 Maintenance schedule ........................................................................ F 6
5.1 Consumables ...................................................................................... F 7
6 Maintenance and repairs ..................................................................... F 8
6.1 Preparing the truck for maintenance and repairs ................................ F 8
6.2 Opening the battery panel ................................................................... F 8
6.3 Opening the front panel ....................................................................... F 8
6.4 Replacing the drive wheel ................................................................... F 9
6.5 Checking the hydraulic oil level ........................................................... F 9
6.6 Checking electrical fuses .................................................................... F 10
6.7 Recommissioning ................................................................................ F 11
7 Decommissioning the industrial truck .................................................. F 11
7.1 Prior to decommissioning: ................................................................... F 11
7.2 During decommissioning: .................................................................... F 11
7.3 Returning the truck to operation after decommissioning ..................... F 12
8 Safety checks to be performed at regular intervals and
following any unusual incidents ........................................................... F 12
9 Final de-commissioning, disposal ....................................................... F 12
I 2
E Operation
1 Safety regulations for the operation of industrial trucks ...................... E 1
2 Controls and indicators ....................................................................... E 2
3 Starting up the truck ............................................................................ E 4
3.1 Switching on the truck ......................................................................... E 4
4 Industrial truck operation ..................................................................... E 5
4.1 Safety regulations for truck operation ................................................. E 5
4.2 Driving, steering, braking .................................................................... E 6
4.3 Lifting and depositing loads ................................................................. E 9
4.4 Parking the truck securely ................................................................... E 10
5 Keypad (CANCODE) (o) .................................................................... E 11
5.1 Code lock ............................................................................................ E 11
5.2 Travel programs .................................................................................. E 13
5.3 Parameters .......................................................................................... E 13
5.4 Parameter settings .............................................................................. E 14
5.5 Travel parameters ............................................................................... E 18
6 Display instrument (CANDIS) (o) ....................................................... E 21
6.1 Discharge monitor function ................................................................. E 22
6.2 Operating hours display ...................................................................... E 22
6.3 Power up test ...................................................................................... E 22
7 Troubleshooting .................................................................................. E 23
F Truck Maintenance
1 Operational safety and environmental protection ................................ F 1
2 Maintenance safety regulations .......................................................... F 1
3 Servicing and inspection ..................................................................... F 3
4 Maintenance checklist ........................................................................ F 4
5 Maintenance schedule ........................................................................ F 6
5.1 Consumables ...................................................................................... F 7
6 Maintenance and repairs ..................................................................... F 8
6.1 Preparing the truck for maintenance and repairs ................................ F 8
6.2 Opening the battery panel ................................................................... F 8
6.3 Opening the front panel ....................................................................... F 8
6.4 Replacing the drive wheel ................................................................... F 9
6.5 Checking the hydraulic oil level ........................................................... F 9
6.6 Checking electrical fuses .................................................................... F 10
6.7 Recommissioning ................................................................................ F 11
7 Decommissioning the industrial truck .................................................. F 11
7.1 Prior to decommissioning: ................................................................... F 11
7.2 During decommissioning: .................................................................... F 11
7.3 Returning the truck to operation after decommissioning ..................... F 12
8 Safety checks to be performed at regular intervals and
following any unusual incidents ........................................................... F 12
9 Final de-commissioning, disposal ....................................................... F 12
JH Traction Battery Operating Instructions
These operating instructions apply only to Jungheinrich battery models. If using another brand, refer to the manufacturer's operating instructions.
JH Traction Battery Operating Instructions
These operating instructions apply only to Jungheinrich battery models. If using another brand, refer to the manufacturer's operating instructions.
0506.GB 20506.GB
A 1
A Correct Use and Application
The “Guidelines for the Correct Use and Application of Industrial Trucks” (VDMA) are supplied with the truck. The guidelines form part of these operating instructions and must be observed. National regulations apply in full.
The truck described in the present operating instructions is an industrial truck designed for lifting and transporting loads. It must be used, operated and serviced in accordance with the present instructions. All other types of use lie beyond the scope of application and can result in damage to personnel, the truck or property. In particular, avoid overloading the truck with loads which are too heavy or placed on one side. The data plate attached to the truck or the load chart are binding for the maximum load capacity. The industrial truck must not be used in fire or explosion endangered areas, or areas threatened by corrosion or excessive dust.
Proprietor responsibilities: For the purposes of the present operator manual the “proprietor” is defined as any natural or legal person who either uses the industrial truck himself, or on whose behalf it is used. In special cases (e.g. leasing or renting) the proprietor is considered the person who, in accordance with existing contractual agreements between the owner and user of the industrial truck, is charged with operational duties. The proprietor must ensure that the truck is used only for the purpose it is intended for, and that no danger to life and limb of the user and third parties will result. Furthermore, accident prevention regulations, safety regulations and operating, servicing and repair guidelines must be followed. The proprietor must ensure that all truck users have read and understood these operating instructions.
Failure to comply with the operating instructions shall invalidate the warranty. The same applies if improper work is carried out on the truck by the customer or third parties without the permission of the manufacturer’s customer service department.
Attaching accessories: The mounting or installation of additional equipment which affects or enhances the performance of the industrial truck requires the written permission of the manufacturer. In some cases, local authority approval shall be required. Approval of the local authorities however does not constitute the manufacturer’s approval.
A 1
A Correct Use and Application
The “Guidelines for the Correct Use and Application of Industrial Trucks” (VDMA) are supplied with the truck. The guidelines form part of these operating instructions and must be observed. National regulations apply in full.
The truck described in the present operating instructions is an industrial truck designed for lifting and transporting loads. It must be used, operated and serviced in accordance with the present instructions. All other types of use lie beyond the scope of application and can result in damage to personnel, the truck or property. In particular, avoid overloading the truck with loads which are too heavy or placed on one side. The data plate attached to the truck or the load chart are binding for the maximum load capacity. The industrial truck must not be used in fire or explosion endangered areas, or areas threatened by corrosion or excessive dust.
Proprietor responsibilities: For the purposes of the present operator manual the proprietor” is defined as any natural or legal person who either uses the industrial truck himself, or on whose behalf it is used. In special cases (e.g. leasing or renting) the proprietor is considered the person who, in accordance with existing contractual agreements between the owner and user of the industrial truck, is charged with operational duties. The proprietor must ensure that the truck is used only for the purpose it is intended for, and that no danger to life and limb of the user and third parties will result. Furthermore, accident prevention regulations, safety regulations and operating, servicing and repair guidelines must be followed. The proprietor must ensure that all truck users have read and understood these operating instructions.
Failure to comply with the operating instructions shall invalidate the warranty. The same applies if improper work is carried out on the truck by the customer or third parties without the permission of the manufacturer’s customer service department.
Attaching accessories: The mounting or installation of additional equipment which affects or enhances the performance of the industrial truck requires the written permission of the manufacturer. In some cases, local authority approval shall be required. Approval of the local authorities however does not constitute the manufacturer’s approval.
A 2
A 2
B 1
B Truck Description
1 Application
The ECE 118 is a tiller guided electric truck with an operator position and a backrest. The truck is designed for lifting and transporting goods on a level surface. The truck can lift open-bottom or diagonal-board pallets or roll cages that extend beyond the area of the load wheels. The capacity of the truck is shown on the data plate or the data capacity plate Qmax.
B 1
B Truck Description
1 Application
The ECE 118 is a tiller guided electric truck with an operator position and a backrest. The truck is designed for lifting and transporting goods on a level surface. The truck can lift open-bottom or diagonal-board pallets or roll cages that extend beyond the area of the load wheels. The capacity of the truck is shown on the data plate or the data capacity plate Qmax.
B 2
2 Assemblies
Item Description Item Description
1 t Travel switch 8 t Castor wheel 2 t Tiller 9 t Drive wheel 3 o
Display instrument (CANDIS)
10 t Operator position with pressure
sensitive mat
4 t Key switch 11 t Backrest 5 o
Keypad (CANCODE)
12 t Forks
6 t Battery discharge
7 t Battery connector
t = Standard equipment o = Optional equipment
3, 6
4, 5
B 2
2 Assemblies
Item Description Item Description
1 t Travel switch 8 t Castor wheel 2 t Tiller 9 t Drive wheel 3 o
Display instrument (CANDIS)
10 t Operator position with pressure
sensitive mat
4 t Key switch 11 t Backrest 5 o
Keypad (CANCODE)
12 t Forks
6 t Battery discharge
7 t Battery connector
t = Standard equipment o = Optional equipment
3, 6
4, 5
B 3
3 Technical specifications
Technical data specified in accordance with VDI 2198. Subject to technical modifications and addenda
3.1 Performance data
*: for standard travel program no. 3
3.2 Dimensions
3.3 Table of dimensions
1) Load section raised; if load section lowered: +72 mm
2) Battery XL version; for battery long version: +72 mm
Ast = Wa+l6-x+a (palett longit.)
Q Capacity 1,800 kg
c Load centre of gravity distance 600 mm
Travel speed, operator position mode Maximum / standard* 10.5 / 10.5 km/h
Travel speed, pedestrian mode Maximum / standard* 7.0 / 4.5 km/h
Lift time w / w.o. load 2 / 2 s Lowering speed w / w.o. load 2.2 / 2.9 s Max. gradeability (above 5 mins) w / w.o. load 5.0 / 10.0 %
h14Tiller height in min/max travel position 1130 / 1450 mm h13Lowered fork height 85 mm
h3Lift 122 mm b1Truck width 700 mm b5Width across forks 532 / 672 mm
e Fork width 162 mm a Safety distance 200 mm
Net weight: see truck data plate
1) 2)
1) 2)
1) 2)
1150 2352 1870 910 1200 800 2180 2786 1400 2602 2120 1160 1400 700 2430 3036 1600 2802 2320 1360 1600 1200 2630 3236 2400 3602 3120 2160 2400 1200 3430 4036
B 3
3 Technical specifications
Technical data specified in accordance with VDI 2198. Subject to technical modifications and addenda
3.1 Performance data
*: for standard travel program no. 3
3.2 Dimensions
3.3 Table of dimensions
1) Load section raised; if load section lowered: +72 mm
2) Battery XL version; for battery long version: +72 mm
Ast = Wa+l6-x+a (palett longit.)
Q Capacity 1,800 kg
c Load centre of gravity distance 600 mm
Travel speed, operator position mode Maximum / standard* 10.5 / 10.5 km/h
Travel speed, pedestrian mode Maximum / standard* 7.0 / 4.5 km/h
Lift time w / w.o. load 2 / 2 s Lowering speed w / w.o. load 2.2 / 2.9 s Max. gradeability (above 5 mins) w / w.o. load 5.0 / 10.0 %
h14Tiller height in min/max travel position 1130 / 1450 mm h13Lowered fork height 85 mm
h3Lift 122 mm b1Truck width 700 mm b5Width across forks 532 / 672 mm
e Fork width 162 mm a Safety distance 200 mm
Net weight: see truck data plate
1) 2)
1) 2)
1) 2)
1150 2352 1870 910 1200 800 2180 2786 1400 2602 2120 1160 1400 700 2430 3036 1600 2802 2320 1360 1600 1200 2630 3236 2400 3602 3120 2160 2400 1200 3430 4036
B 4
B 4
B 5
3.4 EN standards
Noise emission: 68 dB(A)
as defined in EN 12053, harmonised by ISO 4871.
The noise emission level is calculated by standard procedures, and takes into account the noise level when travelling, lifting and idling. The noise level is measured at the driver’s ear.
Vibration: 0.67 m/s
In accordance with EN 13059.
The vibration acceleration acting on the body in the operating position is, in accordance with standard procedures, the linearly integrated, weighted acceleration in the vertical direction. This is calculated when travelling over bumps at constant speed.
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
The manufacturer confirms that equipment complies with tolerance levels for electromagnetic emissions and resistance as well as static electricity discharge testing in accordance with EN 12895 including the normative procedures contained therein.
No modifications may be made to electrical or electronic components, or their layout, without the written consent of the manufacturer.
3.5 Operating conditions
Ambient temperature
- in operation -10 °C to 40 °C
Special equipment and authorisation are required if the truck is to be constantly used in conditions of extreme temperature or air humidity fluctuations.
B 5
3.4 EN standards
Noise emission: 68 dB(A)
as defined in EN 12053, harmonised by ISO 4871.
The noise emission level is calculated by standard procedures, and takes into account the noise level when travelling, lifting and idling. The noise level is measured at the driver’s ear.
Vibration: 0.67 m/s
In accordance with EN 13059.
The vibration acceleration acting on the body in the operating position is, in accordance with standard procedures, the linearly integrated, weighted acceleration in the vertical direction. This is calculated when travelling over bumps at constant speed.
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
The manufacturer confirms that equipment complies with tolerance levels for electromagnetic emissions and resistance as well as static electricity discharge testing in accordance with EN 12895 including the normative procedures contained therein.
No modifications may be made to electrical or electronic components, or their layout, without the written consent of the manufacturer.
3.5 Operating conditions
Ambient temperature
- in operation -10 °C to 40 °C
Special equipment and authorisation are required if the truck is to be constantly used in conditions of extreme temperature or air humidity fluctuations.
B 6
4 Identification points and data plates
The truck data plate (15) is visible when the load section is raised.
The battery data plate (18) can be seen on the battery (see Chapter D).
Item Description
15 Truck data plate 16 Nominal load capacity 17 Attachment point for crane lifting 18 Battery data plate 19 Test sticker (o)
B 6
4 Identification points and data plates
The truck data plate (15) is visible when the load section is raised.
The battery data plate (18) can be seen on the battery (see Chapter D).
Item Description
15 Truck data plate 16 Nominal load capacity 17 Attachment point for crane lifting 18 Battery data plate 19 Test sticker (o)
B 7
4.1 Truck data plate
For queries regarding the truck or ordering spare parts always quote the truck serial number (21).
Item Description Item Description
20 Model 26 Manufacturer
21 Serial no. 27 Min./max. battery weight (kg)
22 Rated capacity (kg) 28 Drive power in kW
23 Battery: Voltage (V) 29 Load centre of gravity (mm)
24 Unloaded weight w.o. battery (kg) 30 Year of manufacture
25 Manufacturer’s logo 31 Option
B 7
4.1 Truck data plate
For queries regarding the truck or ordering spare parts always quote the truck serial number (21).
Item Description Item Description
20 Model 26 Manufacturer
21 Serial no. 27 Min./max. battery weight (kg)
22 Rated capacity (kg) 28 Drive power in kW
23 Battery: Voltage (V) 29 Load centre of gravity (mm)
24 Unloaded weight w.o. battery (kg) 30 Year of manufacture
25 Manufacturer’s logo 31 Option
B 8
B 8
C 1
C Transport and Commissioning
1 Lifting by crane
Only use lifting gear with sufficient capacity (for truck weight see truck data plate, Chapter B).
Lifting gear attachment points (1) are provided on the chassis and the fork in case the truck is to be lifted or transported by crane.
– Park the truck securely (see
Chapter E).
– Secure the lifting slings to the
attachment points (1).
The lifting gear must be attached to the attachment points in such a manner that it cannot slip under any circumstances and cannot come into contact with any attachments of the truck when the truck is lifted.
2 Using the truck for the first time
Drive the truck using battery power only! Rectified AC current will damage the electronic components. Battery connecting leads (trailing cables) must be less than 6m long.
To prepare the truck after delivery or after transport, proceed as follows:
– Make sure the truck’s equipment is complete and in a satisfactory condition. – Install the battery (if required). Do not damage the battery cable. – Charge the battery (see Chapter D). – If necessary, adjust the combination instrument to match the battery type
(see Chapter D).
C 1
C Transport and Commissioning
1 Lifting by crane
Only use lifting gear with sufficient capacity (for truck weight see truck data plate, Chapter B).
Lifting gear attachment points (1) are provided on the chassis and the fork in case the truck is to be lifted or transported by crane.
Park the truck securely (see
Chapter E).
Secure the lifting slings to the
attachment points (1).
The lifting gear must be attached to the attachment points in such a manner that it cannot slip under any circumstances and cannot come into contact with any attachments of the truck when the truck is lifted.
2 Using the truck for the first time
Drive the truck using battery power only! Rectified AC current will damage the electronic components. Battery connecting leads (trailing cables) must be less than 6m long.
To prepare the truck after delivery or after transport, proceed as follows:
Make sure the truck’s equipment is complete and in a satisfactory condition. Install the battery (if required). Do not damage the battery cable. Charge the battery (see Chapter D). If necessary, adjust the combination instrument to match the battery type
(see Chapter D).
C 2
3 Removing the transport lock
There is an instruction decal by the front panel for the transport retainer (2), this must be removed once the battery has been installed.
– Fold down the driver’s platform. – Open the front panel (see Chapter F). – Remove the cable binder latch (3), loosen the nut (2) and remove the transport lock. – Leave the transport retainer on the truck for later transportation without a battery.
The transport lock ensures that the truck is braked without the mass of the battery.
– Start up the truck in accordance with instructions (see Chapter E).
When the truck is parked, there may be flattening of the contact surface of the tyres. This will disappear quickly once the truck is operated.
C 2
3 Removing the transport lock
There is an instruction decal by the front panel for the transport retainer (2), this must be removed once the battery has been installed.
Fold down the driver’s platform. Open the front panel (see Chapter F). Remove the cable binder latch (3), loosen the nut (2) and remove the transport lock. Leave the transport retainer on the truck for later transportation without a battery.
The transport lock ensures that the truck is braked without the mass of the battery.
Start up the truck in accordance with instructions (see Chapter E).
When the truck is parked, there may be flattening of the contact surface of the tyres. This will disappear quickly once the truck is operated.
C 3
4 Moving the truck without using the drive unit
This operation is not permitted on slopes and gradients.
If the truck has to be moved after a failure occurs preventing driving operations, proceed as follows:
– Set the key switch to the “Off” position and remove the key. – Disconnect the battery. – Immobilise the truck. – Open and put away the front cover (see Chapter F). – Turn the screws (4) anti-clockwise as far as the stop.
The brake is now released and the truck can be moved.
After reaching the destination, the brake must be returned to its original state! Never park the truck with the brake released.
– Now turn the screws (4) clockwise as far as the stop.
The brake is now applied again.
C 3
4 Moving the truck without using the drive unit
This operation is not permitted on slopes and gradients.
If the truck has to be moved after a failure occurs preventing driving operations, proceed as follows:
Set the key switch to the “Off” position and remove the key. Disconnect the battery. Immobilise the truck. Open and put away the front cover (see Chapter F). Turn the screws (4) anti-clockwise as far as the stop.
The brake is now released and the truck can be moved.
After reaching the destination, the brake must be returned to its original state! Never park the truck with the brake released.
Now turn the screws (4) clockwise as far as the stop.
The brake is now applied again.
C 4
5 Securing the truck during transport
The truck must be lashed securely if transported on a lorry or trailer. The lorry / trailer must be fitted with lashing rings. Fold the side protection and the folding platform in or up so that they do not protrude beyond the geometry of the truck.
– To secure the truck, hook the tensioning belt (3) with the integrated load hook into
the load handling points (1) and attach it to the fastening rings.
– Tighten the tensioning belt with the tensioner (4).
Carry out this process on both sides of the truck.
Loading must be carried out by specially trained personnel in accordance with the recommendations in Guidelines VDI 2700 and VDI 2703. In each case correct measurements must be made and appropriate safety measures adopted.
C 4
5 Securing the truck during transport
The truck must be lashed securely if transported on a lorry or trailer. The lorry / trailer must be fitted with lashing rings. Fold the side protection and the folding platform in or up so that they do not protrude beyond the geometry of the truck.
To secure the truck, hook the tensioning belt (3) with the integrated load hook into
the load handling points (1) and attach it to the fastening rings.
Tighten the tensioning belt with the tensioner (4).
Carry out this process on both sides of the truck.
Loading must be carried out by specially trained personnel in accordance with the recommendations in Guidelines VDI 2700 and VDI 2703. In each case correct measurements must be made and appropriate safety measures adopted.
D 1
D Battery Maintenance, Charging &
1 Safety regulations for handling acid batteries
Park the truck securely before carrying out any work on the batteries (see Chapter E).
Maintenance personnel: Batteries may only be charged, serviced or replaced by trained personnel. Follow these operating instructions and the instructions of the manufacturer of the battery and charging station when carrying out the work.
Fire protection: When working with batteries, do not smoke and keep away from naked flames. Wherever a truck is parked for charging, there must be no inflammable material or operating fluids capable of creating sparks within a 2 metre radius of the truck. The area must be well ventilated. Fire protection equipment must be provided.
Battery maintenance: The battery covers must be kept dry and clean. The terminals and cable shoes must be clean, firmly attached, and be lightly coated with dielectric grease. Batteries with non-insulated terminals must be covered with a non-slip insulating mat.
Battery disposal: Batteries may only be disposed of in accordance with national environmental protection regulations or waste disposal laws. Follow the manufacturer’s disposal instructions.
Before closing the battery panel, make sure that the battery lead cannot be damaged.
Batteries contain an acid solution that is poisonous and corrosive. Therefore, always wear protective clothing and eye protection when working on batteries. Above all, avoid any contact with battery acid. However, if clothing, skin or eyes still come into contact with acid, the affected parts should be rinsed with plenty of clean water. If skin or eyes are affected, seek medical attention. Neutralise any spilled battery acid immediately.
Only use batteries with a sealed battery container.
The weight and dimensions of the battery have a considerable effect on the operational safety of the truck. The battery equipment is to be replaced only after agreement with the manufacturer.
D 1
D Battery Maintenance, Charging &
1 Safety regulations for handling acid batteries
Park the truck securely before carrying out any work on the batteries (see Chapter E).
Maintenance personnel: Batteries may only be charged, serviced or replaced by trained personnel. Follow these operating instructions and the instructions of the manufacturer of the battery and charging station when carrying out the work.
Fire protection: When working with batteries, do not smoke and keep away from naked flames. Wherever a truck is parked for charging, there must be no inflammable material or operating fluids capable of creating sparks within a 2 metre radius of the truck. The area must be well ventilated. Fire protection equipment must be provided.
Battery maintenance: The battery covers must be kept dry and clean. The terminals and cable shoes must be clean, firmly attached, and be lightly coated with dielectric grease. Batteries with non-insulated terminals must be covered with a non-slip insulating mat.
Battery disposal: Batteries may only be disposed of in accordance with national environmental protection regulations or waste disposal laws. Follow the manufacturer’s disposal instructions.
Before closing the battery panel, make sure that the battery lead cannot be damaged.
Batteries contain an acid solution that is poisonous and corrosive. Therefore, always wear protective clothing and eye protection when working on batteries. Above all, avoid any contact with battery acid. However, if clothing, skin or eyes still come into contact with acid, the affected parts should be rinsed with plenty of clean water. If skin or eyes are affected, seek medical attention. Neutralise any spilled battery acid immediately.
Only use batteries with a sealed battery container.
The weight and dimensions of the battery have a considerable effect on the operational safety of the truck. The battery equipment is to be replaced only after agreement with the manufacturer.
D 2
2Battery types
The battery types correspond to EN 60254-2. The following table shows the combinations to be used, with reference to their capacity:
The battery weight is indicated on the battery data plate.
Depending on battery type, high-performance or maintenance-free batteries can be used.
When replacing or installing the battery, ensure that it is correctly secured in the battery compartment.
3 Exposing the battery
Park the truck securely (see Chapter E).
3.1 Standard version
– Remove the battery connector (3). – Lift up the battery panel (1) using the grip mould (2) and fold it back.
Battery type Battery
approx. 227 mm
Weight Battery
approx. 299 mm
24 V battery 3EPzS 230 Ah 210 kg 3 EPzS 345 Ah 290 kg 24 V battery
(increased output)
2EPzS 250 Ah 210 kg 3 EPzS 375 Ah 290 kg
D 2
2Battery types
The battery types correspond to EN 60254-2. The following table shows the combinations to be used, with reference to their capacity:
The battery weight is indicated on the battery data plate.
Depending on battery type, high-performance or maintenance-free batteries can be used.
When replacing or installing the battery, ensure that it is correctly secured in the battery compartment.
3 Exposing the battery
Park the truck securely (see Chapter E).
3.1 Standard version
Remove the battery connector (3). Lift up the battery panel (1) using the grip mould (2) and fold it back.
Battery type Battery
approx. 227 mm
Weight Battery
approx. 299 mm
24 V battery 3EPzS 230 Ah 210 kg 3 EPzS 345 Ah 290 kg 24 V battery
(increased output)
2EPzS 250 Ah 210 kg 3 EPzS 375 Ah 290 kg
D 3
4 Charging the battery
To charge the battery, the truck must be parked in a closed and properly ventilated room. When charging, the tops of the battery cells must be laid open to provide sufficient ventilation. Do not place any metal objects across the battery. Before charging, check all cables and plug connections for visible signs of damage. All safety notices provided by the battery supplier and battery charger supplier must be strictly observed.
4.1 Charging the battery with a stationary charger
– Expose the battery (see Section 3). – Connect the battery plug (4) with the charging lead of the stationary charger (5) and
turn on the charger.
D 3
4 Charging the battery
To charge the battery, the truck must be parked in a closed and properly ventilated room. When charging, the tops of the battery cells must be laid open to provide sufficient ventilation. Do not place any metal objects across the battery. Before charging, check all cables and plug connections for visible signs of damage. All safety notices provided by the battery supplier and battery charger supplier must be strictly observed.
4.1 Charging the battery with a stationary charger
Expose the battery (see Section 3). Connect the battery plug (4) with the charging lead of the stationary charger (5) and
turn on the charger.
D 4
5 Battery removal and installation
The truck must be level. To prevent short circuits, batteries with exposed terminals or connectors must be covered with a rubber mat. Place the battery connector or battery cable in such a way that they do not catch on the truck when the battery is removed.
When transporting batteries using a crane, ensure that the crane is of adequate capacity (the battery weight is indicated on the battery data plate on the battery container). The crane lifting gear must exert a vertical pull. The hooks of the lifting gear must never fall into the battery cells.
– Expose the battery (see Section 3). – Remove the battery connector (3). – Undo the screw (6) of the battery retainer and remove the battery retainer (7). – Strap the crane lifting gear to the eyes (8). – Pull the battery up out of the container.
Installation is the reverse order. When re-installing the battery, ensure it is correctly positioned and that the battery is connected correctly.
– After installing the battery, check all cables and plug connections for visible signs
of damage.
Close the battery panel carefully and slowly. Do not reach between the battery panel and the chassis.
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D 4
5 Battery removal and installation
The truck must be level. To prevent short circuits, batteries with exposed terminals or connectors must be covered with a rubber mat. Place the battery connector or battery cable in such a way that they do not catch on the truck when the battery is removed.
When transporting batteries using a crane, ensure that the crane is of adequate capacity (the battery weight is indicated on the battery data plate on the battery container). The crane lifting gear must exert a vertical pull. The hooks of the lifting gear must never fall into the battery cells.
Expose the battery (see Section 3). Remove the battery connector (3). Undo the screw (6) of the battery retainer and remove the battery retainer (7). Strap the crane lifting gear to the eyes (8). Pull the battery up out of the container.
Installation is the reverse order. When re-installing the battery, ensure it is correctly positioned and that the battery is connected correctly.
After installing the battery, check all cables and plug connections for visible signs
of damage.
Close the battery panel carefully and slowly. Do not reach between the battery panel and the chassis.
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