Jonsered 70C, 50C User Manual

Operator’s manual (EPA II)
Please read the operator’s manual carefully and make sure you understand the instructions before using the machine.


Key to symbols
WARNING! Chain saws can be dangerous! Careless or incorrect use can result in serious or fatal injury to the operator or others.
Please read the operator’s manual carefully and make sure you understand the instructions before using the machine.
Always wear:
Approved protective helmet
Approved hearing protection
Protective goggles or a visor
Both of the operator ′ s hands must be used to operate the chain saw. Please see page 30 in your "Chain saw operator ′ s safety manual".
Never operate a chain saw holding it with one hand only. Please see page 30 in your "Chain saw operator ′ s safety manual".
Switch off the engine by moving the stop switch to the STOP position before carrying out any checks or maintenance.
Always wear approved protective gloves.
Regular cleaning is required.
Visual check.
Protective goggles or a visor must be worn.
Filling with oil and adjusting oil flow.
Contact of the guide bar tip with any object should be avoided. Please see pages 12-21 in your "Chain saw operator ′ s safety manual".
Tip contact may cause the guide bar to move suddenly upward and backward, which may cause serious injury. Please see pages 12-21 in your "Chain saw operator ′ s safety manual".
Other symbols/decals on the machine refer to special certification requirements for certain markets.
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Contents Before using a new chain saw

Key to symbols ............................................................. 2
Contents ...................................................................... 3
Before using a new chain saw ..................................... 3
Personal protective equipment ..................................... 5
Machine ′ s safety equipment ........................................ 5
Checking, maintaining and servicing the machine ′ s
safety equipment .......................................................... 8
Cutting equipment ........................................................ 10
How to avoid kickback .................................................. 15
General safety precautions .......................................... 17
General working instructions ....................................... 18
What is what on the chain saw? .................................. 24
Fitting the bar and chain .............................................. 25
Fuel .............................................................................. 26
Chain oil ....................................................................... 26
Fuelling ........................................................................ 27
Starting and stopping ................................................... 28
Carburettor ................................................................... 30
Starter .......................................................................... 31
Air filter ......................................................................... 32
Spark plug .................................................................... 32
Muffler .......................................................................... 32
Needle bearing lubrication ........................................... 33
Adjustment of the oil pump .......................................... 33
Cooling system ............................................................ 33
Centrifugal cleaning “Turbo” ......................................... 33
Heated handles ............................................................ 34
Electrical carburettor heating ....................................... 34
Winter use .................................................................... 34
Daily maintenance ....................................................... 35
Weekly maintenance .................................................... 35
Monthly maintenance ................................................... 35
Technical data .............................................................. 36
Please read the operator’s manual carefully and make sure you understand the instructions before using the machine.
Check that the cutting equipment is correctly fitted and adjusted. See instructions under the heading Assembly.
Refuel, start the chain saw and check the carburettor settings. See the instructions under the headings Fuel Handling, Starting and Stopping, and Carburettor.
Do not use the chain saw until sufficient chain oil has reached the chain. See instructions under the heading Lubricating cutting equipment.
IMPORTANT! If the carburettor mixture is too lean it greatly increases the risk of engine failure. Poor maintenance of the air filter will cause carbon build-up on the spark plug and lead to starting difficulties. If the chain is improperly adjusted it will cause increased wear or damage to the bar, drive sprocket and chain.
Maintenance, replacement, or repair of the emission control devices and system may be performed by any nonroad engine repair establishment or individual.
WARNING! Under no circumstances may the design of the machine be modified without
the permission of the manufacturer. Always use genuine accessories. Non-authorized modifications and/or accessories can result in serious personal injury or the death of the operator or others. Your warranty may not cover damage or liability caused by the use of non-authorized accessories or replacement parts.
WARNING! A chain saw is a dangerous tool if used carelessly or incorrectly and can
cause serious, even fatal injuries. It is very important that you read and understand the contents of this operator’s manual.
WARNING! The inside of the muffler contain chemicals that may be carcinogenic. Avoid
contact with these elements in the event of a damaged muffler.
WARNING! Long term inhalation of the engine’s exhaust fumes, chain oil mist and
dust from sawdust can represent a health risk.
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You will find the following labels on your machine:
The Emissions Compliance Period referred to on the Emission Compliance label indicates the number of operating hours for which the engine has been shown to meet Federal emissions requirements. Category C = 50 hours, B = 125 hours, and A = 300 hours.
Jonsered has a policy of continuous product development and therefore reserves the right to modify the design and appearance of products without prior notice.
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Personal protective equipment

WARNING! Most chain saw accidents happen when the chain touches the
You must use approved personal protective equipment whenever you use the machine. Personal protective equipment cannot eliminate the risk of injury but it will reduce the degree of injury if an accident does happen. Ask your dealer for help in choosing the right equipment.
WARNING! Long or continuous exposure to high noise levels may cause permanent
hearing impairment. Always wear approved hearing protection when operating a chain saw.
Protective helmet
Hearing protection
Protective goggles or a visor
Machine ′ s safety equipment
This section describes the machine ′ s safety equipment, its purpose, and how checks and maintenance should be carried out to ensure that it operates correctly. See the ”What is what?” section to locate where this equipment is positioned on your machine.
WARNING! Never use a machine that has faulty safety equipment! Carry out the
inspection, maintenance and service routines listed in this section.
Chain brake and front hand guard
Throttle lock
Chain catcher
Gloves with saw protection
Protective trousers with saw protection
Boots with saw protection, steel toe-cap and non-slip sole
Generally clothes should be close-fitting without restricting your freedom of movement.
Always have a first aid kit nearby.
Right hand guard
Vibration damping system
Stop switch
Cutting equipment. See instructions under the heading Cutting equipment.
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Chain brake and front hand guard

Your chain saw is equipped with a chain brake that is designed to stop the chain immediately if you get a kickback. The chain brake reduces the risk of accidents, but only you can prevent them.
Take care when using your saw and make sure the kickback zone of the bar never touches any object.
The chain brake (A) can either be activated manually (by your left hand) or automatically by the inertia release mechanism (a pendulum that swings independently of the chain saw. On most of our models the front hand guard acts as a counterweight in case of kickback).
The brake is applied when the front hand guard (B) is pushed forwards.
This movement activates a spring-loaded mechanism that tightens the brake band (C) around the engine drive system (D) (clutch drum).
You can also use the chain brake as a temporary brake when you change position or if you put the chain saw down for a short time! Apart from the fact that a chain saw with a chain brake greatly reduces the risk of accidents due to kickback, you should also apply the chain brake manually if there is a risk of the chain accidentally hitting anyone or anything close by.
To release the chain brake pull the front hand guard backwards, towards the front handle.
Kickback can be very sudden and violent. Most kickbacks are minor and do not always activate the chain brake. If this happens you should hold the chain saw firmly and not let go.
The front hand guard is not designed solely to activate the chain brake. Another important feature is that it reduces the risk of the chain hitting your left hand if you lose grip of the front handle.
The chain brake must be engaged when the chain saw is started.
The way the chain brake is activated, either manually or automatically by the inertia release mechanism, depends on the force of the kickback and the position of the chain saw in relation to the object that the kickback zone of the bar strikes.
If you get a violent kickback while the kickback zone of the bar is farthest away from you the chain brake will be activated by the movement of the counterweight (inertia activated) in the kickback direction.
If the kickback is less violent or the kickback zone of the bar is closer to you the chain brake will be activated manually by the movement of your left hand.
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During felling your left hand grasps the front handle in such a way that it cannot activate the chain brake. In this position, i.e. when your left hand is in such a position that it cannot affect the movement of the front hand guard, the chain brake can only be activated by the inertia of the counterweight.
The inertia activated chain brake is a valuable feature but there are certain factors to remember (see point above).

Throttle lock

Vibration damping system

Your machine is equipped with a vibration damping system that is designed to minimize vibration and make operation easier.
When you use a chain saw, vibration is generated by the uneven contact between the chain and the wood you are cutting.
Cutting hardwoods (most broadleaf trees) creates more vibration than cutting softwoods (most conifers). Cutting with cutting equipment that is blunt or faulty (wrong type or badly sharpened) will increase the vibration level. See instructions under the heading Cutting equipment.
The throttle lock is designed to prevent accidental operation of the throttle control. When you press the lock (A) (i.e. when you grasp the handle) it releases the throttle control (B). When you release the handle the throttle control and the throttle lock both move back to their original positions. This movement is controlled by two independent return springs. This arrangement means that the throttle control is automatically locked at the idle setting.

Chain catcher

The chain catcher is designed to catch the chain if it snaps or jumps off. This should not happen if the chain is properly tensioned (see instructions under the heading Assembly) and if the bar and chain are properly serviced and maintained (see instructions under the heading General working instructions).
The machine ′ s vibration damping system reduces the transfer of vibration between the engine unit/cutting equipment and the machine ′ s handle unit. The body of the chain saw, including the cutting equipment, is insulated from the handles by vibration damping units.
WARNING! Overexposure to vibration can lead to circulatory damage or nerve damage
in people who have impaired circulation. Contact your doctor if you experience symptoms of overexposure to vibration. Such symptoms include numbness, loss of feeling, tingling, pricking, pain, loss of strength, changes in skin colour or condition. These symptoms normally appear in the fingers, hands or wrists. The risk increases at low temperatures.

Right hand guard

Apart from protecting your hand if the chain jumps or snaps, the right hand guard stops branches and twigs from interfering with your grip on the rear handle.

Stop switch

Use the stop switch to switch off the engine.
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The muffler is designed to keep noise levels to a minimum and to direct exhaust fumes away from the user.
WARNING! The exhaust fumes from the engine are hot and may contain sparks
which can start a fire. Never start the machine indoors or near combustible material!
In areas with a hot, dry climate there is a high risk of fires. These areas are sometimes controlled by legislation and requirements that among other things the muffler must be equipped with an approved type of spark arrestor mesh.
For mufflers it is very important that you follow the instructions on checking, maintaining and servicing your machine. See instructions under the heading Checking, maintaining and servicing the machine’s safety equipment.
Checking the front hand guard
Make sure the front hand guard is not damaged and that there are no visible defects such as cracks.
Move the front hand guard forwards and back to make sure it moves freely and that it is securely anchored to the clutch cover.
Checking the inertia brake release
WARNING! The muffler gets very hot in use and remains so for a short time afterwards.
Do not touch the muffler if it is hot!
Checking, maintaining and servicing the machine ′ s safety equipment
WARNING! All servicing and repair work on the machine requires special training. This is
especially true of the machine ′ s safety equipment. If your machine fails any of the checks described below you must contact your service agent. When you buy any of our products we guarantee the availability of professional repairs and service. If the retailer who sells your machine is not a servicing dealer, ask him for the address of your nearest service agent.

Chain brake and front hand guard

Checking brake band wear
Brush off any wood dust, resin and dirt from the chain brake and clutch drum. Dirt and wear can impair operation of the brake.
Hold the chain saw over a stump or other firm object. Let go of the front handle so that the bar drops towards the stump as the chain saw rotates around the rear handle.
When the bar hits the stump the brake should be applied.
Checking the brake trigger
Place the chain saw on firm ground and start it. Make sure the chain does not touch the ground or any other object. See the instructions under the heading Start and stop.
Regularly check that the brake band is at least 0.6 mm thick at its thinnest point.
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Grasp the chain saw firmly, wrapping your fingers and thumbs around the handles.
Apply full throttle and activate the chain brake by tilting your left wrist forward onto the front hand guard. Do not let go of the front handle. The chain should stop immediately.
Throttle lock
Make sure the throttle control is locked at the idle setting when the throttle lock is released.
Chain catcher
Check that the chain catcher is not damaged and is firmly attached to the body of the chain saw.
Right hand guard
Check that the right hand guard is not damaged and that there are no visible defects, such as cracks.
Press the throttle lock and make sure it returns to its original position when you release it.
Check that the throttle control and throttle lock move freely and that the return springs work properly.
Start the chain saw and apply full throttle. Release the throttle control and check that the chain stops and remains stationary. If the chain rotates when the throttle control is in the idle position you should check the carburettor idle adjustment.
Vibration damping system
Regularly check the vibration damping units for cracks or deformation.
Make sure the vibration damping units are securely attached to the engine unit and handle unit.
Stop switch
Start the engine and make sure the engine stops when you move the stop switch to the stop setting.
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Never use a machine that has a faulty muffler.
Regularly check that the muffler is securely attached to the machine.
If the muffler on your machine is fitted with a spark arrestor mesh this must be cleaned regularly. A blocked mesh will cause the engine to overheat and may lead to serious damage.
• Keep the chain’s cutting teeth properly sharpened!
Follow our instructions and use the recommended file gauge. A damaged or badly sharpened chain increases
the risk of accidents.
• Maintain the correct raker clearance! Follow our
instructions and use the recommended raker gauge.
Too large a clearance increases the risk of kickback.
• Keep the chain properly tensioned! If the chain is slack it is more likely to jump off and lead to increased wear on the bar, chain and drive sprocket.
• Keep cutting equipment well lubricated and properly
maintained! A poorly lubricated chain is more likely to
break and lead to increased wear on the bar, chain and drive sprocket.
Never use a muffler if the spark arrestor mesh is missing or defective.
WARNING! Never use a machine with faulty safety equipment. The machine’s safety
equipment must be checked and maintained as described in this section. If your machine fails any of these checks contact your service agent to get it repaired.

Cutting equipment

This section describes how to choose and maintain your cutting equipment in order to:
Reduce the risk of kickback.
Reduce the risk of the chain breaking or jumping.
Obtain maximum cutting performance.
Extend the life of cutting equipment.

General rules

Only use cutting equipment recommended by us!
See the Technical data section.

Cutting equipment designed to minimise kickback

WARNING! Faulty cutting equipment or the wrong combination of bar and chain
increases the risk of kickback! Use only the bar and chain combinations that we recommend. See the Technical data section.
The only way to avoid kickback is to make sure that the kickback zone of the bar never touches anything.
By using cutting equipment with ”built-in” kickback reduction and keeping the chain sharp and well-maintained you can reduce the effects of kickback.
The smaller the tip radius the smaller the kickback zone and the lower the chance of kickback.
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A chain is made up of a number of links, which are available in standard and low-kickback versions.
None Standard Low-kickback
Cutting link
Drive link
Side link
Combining these links in different ways gives different degrees of kickback reduction. In terms of kickback reduction alone, four different types of link are available.
Level of kick­back reduction
Cutting link Drive link Side link
Bar groove width (inches/mm). The groove in the bar must match the width of the chain drive links.
Chain oil hole and hole for chain tensioner. The bar must be matched to the chain saw design.
Chain pitch (inches)
Drive link width (mm/inches)
Extra high
Some terms that describe the bar and chain
When the cutting equipment supplied with your saw becomes worn or damaged you must replace it with one of the bars and chains recommended by us. See the Technical data section.
Length (inches/cm)
Number of teeth on bar tip sprocket (T). Small number = small tip radius = low risk of kickback.
Chain pitch (inches). The spacing between the drive links of the chain must match the spacing of the teeth on the bar tip sprocket and drive sprocket.
Number of drive links.
Level of kickback reduction. The level of kickback reduction offered by a chain is only indicated by its model number. See the Technical data section to find the model numbers of chains that are recommended for use with your model of chain saw.

Sharpening your chain and adjusting raker clearance

WARNING! The risk of kickback is increased with a badly sharpened chain!
General information on sharpening cutting teeth
Number of drive links. The number of drive links is determined by the length of the bar, the chain pitch and the number of teeth on the bar tip sprocket.
Never use a blunt chain. When the chain is blunt you have to exert more pressure to force the bar through the wood and the cuttings will be very small. If the chain is very blunt it will not produce any cuttings at all. Wood powder would be the only result.
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A sharp chain eats its way through the wood and produces long, thick cuttings.
The cutting part of the chain is called the cutting link and this consists of a cutting tooth (A) and the raker lip (B). The cutting depth is determined by the difference in height between the two.
When you sharpen a cutting tooth there are five important factors to remember.
1 Filing angle
WARNING! The following faults will increase the risk of kickback considerably:
File angle too large
Cutting angle too small
File diameter too small
Sharpening cutting teeth
To sharpen cutting teeth you will need a round file and a file gauge. See the Technical data section for information on the size of file and gauge that are recommended for the chain fitted to your chain saw.
2 Cutting angle
3 File position
4 Round file diameter
5 File depth
It is very difficult to sharpen a chain correctly without the right equipment. We recommend that you use our file gauge. This will help you obtain the maximum kickback reduction and cutting performance from your chain.
Check that the chain is correctly tensioned. A slack chain will move sideways, making it more difficult to sharpen correctly.
Always file cutting teeth from the inside face. Reduce the pressure on the return stroke. File all the teeth on one side first, then turn the chain saw over and file the teeth on the other side.
File all the teeth to the same length. When the length of the cutting teeth is reduced to 4 mm (0.16") the chain is worn out and should be replaced.
See the Technical data section for information about sharpening your chain.
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General advice on setting raker clearance
When you sharpen the cutting teeth you reduce the raker clearance (=cutting depth). To maintain optimal cutting performance you must file back the raker lip to the recommended height.
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