Jenway 7415, 7415B Using multi-wavelength mode for nucleic acids and proteins determinations

Using the multi-wavelength mode equations for nucleic acid and protein determinations
The multi-wavelength mode of the 7415 spectro­photometer can be used to measure absorbance or transmittance of a sample at up to four different wavelengths. This mode can be used for tests where ratios of absorbance values (or difference between absorbance values) at different wavelengths are required. An example of this is the check of DNA and RNA purity.
Methods can also be set up to perform DNA and protein concentration calculations using some of the equation parameters and factors in the calculations set up. Selecting an appropriate equation and entering the required factors enables the user to set up methods for most of the common methods for nucleic acid and protein analysis.
A260/A280 ratio
A common measurement using the ratio of two wavelengths is to check the purity of DNA and RNA. Pure preparations of DNA and RNA dissolved in TE (pH 8.0) have A of ≥1.8 and ≥2.0 respectively. A lower ratio indicates that the sample is significantly contaminated with proteins and/or aromatic substances such as phenol. For DNA, a higher ratio could indicate contamination with RNA. Other factors which affect the ratio are the concentration of the sample and pH1. The sample should be of sufficient concentration to give an A basic conditions can increase ratios by 0.2 to 0.3.
Follow the steps given below to set up a method for A
1. Open Multi-wavelength mode and set wavelength 1 to
2. Touch Equation to open the equation parameters then
3. Select λ1/λ2 and λ1-λ2 and touch Apply to accept.
4. Place the sample blank in the sample chamber and close
5. Touch Blank. This will zero the instrument at all the
6. Remove the blank and replace it with the sample to be
7. Touch Sample. This will read the sample at each
≥ 0.1 for accurate ratio measurements. Acidic conditions give lower ratios and
260nm and wavelength 2 to 280nm.
touch Equation on the parameter screen to open the list of available equations (see opposite).
the lid.
selected wavelengths.
measured. Close the lid.
wavelength in turn.
ratio measurement:
When completed, the measured absorbance at each wavelength will be displayed, together with the results of the selected calculation. | Tel: +44 (0)1785 810433 | 05/2018
Multiwavelength mode for nucleic acid analysis
Other ratios
The purity of RNA can also be assessed by measuring the A
ratio. For pure RNA this ratio should be greater than 2.0; a value less than this could indicate the presence of reagent carry-over from the extraction procedure e.g. guanidinium thiocyanate, phenol, TRIzol® or other salts. Follow the steps given above, setting the wavelength 2 to 230nm instead of 280nm.
correction in ratio calculations
Measurement of nucleic acid samples at an additional reference wavelength of 320nm allows background correction for non-biological factors such as sample turbidity, highly absorbent buffer solutions and the use of reduced aperture cells. The reading at 320nm is subtracted from the readings at 260 and 280 nm and the ratio is calculated:
Ratio = (A
For this calculation, the formula F5 x (F1λ1 + F2λ2) / (F3λ3 + F4λ4) is used:
1. Open Multi-wavelength mode and set wavelength 1 to 260nm, wavelength 2 to 320nm, wavelength 3 to 280nm and wavelength 4 to 320nm.
2. Touch Equation to open the equation parameters then touch Equation on the parameter screen to open the list of available equations.
3. Select F5 x (F1λ1 + F2λ2) / (F3λ3 + F4λ4) and touch Apply to accept.
4. Set the factors as follows: F1 = 1; F2 = -1; F3 = 1; F4 = -1; F5 = 1 and touch Apply to accept.
5. Place the sample blank in the sample chamber and close the lid.
6. Touch Blank. This will zero the instrument at all the selected wavelengths.
7. Remove the blank and replace it with the sample to be measured. Close the lid.
8. Touch Sample. This will read the sample at each wavelength in turn.
When completed, the measured absorbance at each wavelength will be displayed, together with the results of the selected calculation.
DNA concentration
Although it is possible to estimate the concentration of DNA from the A (where 1 A
unit of dsDNA = 50µg/ml in H2O), calculations involving measurements at
value alone
other wavelengths are generally more accurate as they account for the presence of contaminating compounds. One common method is to use the following equation2 which includes measurement at a reference wavelength of 320nm to correct for the non­biological factors as described above:
Concentration (µg/ml) = 62.9(A
) - 36(A
) x dilution factor
Follow the steps given below to set up a method for DNA concentration measurement:
1. Open Multi-wavelength mode and set wavelength 1 to 260nm, wavelength 2 to 320nm, wavelength 3 to 280nm and wavelength 4 to 320nm.
2. Touch Equation to open the equation parameters then touch Equation on the parameter screen to open the list of available equations.
3. Select (F1λ1 + F2λ2 + F3λ3 + F4λ4) x F5.
4. Set the factors as follows: F1 = 62.9; F2 = -62.9; F3 = -36; F4 = 36; F5 = dilution factor or 1. Set the units to µg/ml and touch Apply to accept.
5. Place the sample blank in the sample chamber and close the lid.
6. Touch Blank. This will zero the instrument at all the selected wavelengths. | Tel: +44 (0)1785 810433 | 05/2018
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