Jenway 7206 Instruction Manual

Model Genova Bio
Genova Bio
Life Science
Instruction Manual
720 020/V1.0/09.08
Please read this information carefully prior to installing or using this equipment.
1. The unit described in this manual is designed to be operated only by trained personnel. Any adjustments, maintenance and repair must be carried out as defined in this manual, by a person qualified to be aware of the hazards involved.
2. It is essential that both operating and service personnel employ a safe system of work, in addition to the detailed instructions specified in this manual.
3. Other than for those items defined in the maintenance procedures herein there are no user serviceable items in this instrument. Removal of covers and attempted adjustment or service by unqualified personnel will invalidate the warranty and may incur additional charges for repair.
4. References should always be made to the Health and Safety data supplied with any chemicals used. Generally accepted laboratory procedures for safe handling of chemicals should be employed. Do not use hazardous or flammable substances in the instrument.
5. If it is suspected that safety protection has been impaired in any way, the unit must be made inoperative and secured against any intended operation. The fault condition should immediately be reported to the appropriate servicing authority.
6. The warning symbol alerts the user to important information about using the instrument. Read and follow the associated instructions carefully.
7. This instrument uses a UV light source. Do not look directly at the light source.
8. WARNING: If the equipment is not used in the manner specified, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.
9. Do not replace the detachable mains leads with inadequately rated leads.
Merci de lire attentivement ces informations avant d’installer ou d’utiliser cet appareil.
1. L’appareil décrit dans ce manuel est conçu pour être utilisé uniquement par des personnes formées. Tout réglage, maintenance ou réparation doit être effectué comme décrit dans ce manuel, par une personne qualifiée consciente des risques encourus.
2. Il est essentiel que les personnes utilisant et intervenant sur cet appareil respectent les règles de sécurité de travail, en plus des instructions détaillées précisées dans ce manuel.
3. En-dehors des éléments décrits dans les procédures de maintenance ci-incluses, cet appareil ne contient aucun élément réparable par l’utilisateur. L’enlèvement des capots et les tentatives de réglage ou de réparation par des personnes non qualifiées invalide toute garantie et entraîne un risque de frais de réparation supplémentaires.
4. Toujours se référer aux fiches techniques de santé et de sécurité accompagnant tout produit chimique utilisé. Respecter les procédures de laboratoire généralement acceptées pour la manipulation en toute sécurité des produits chimiques. Ne pas utiliser de substances dangereuses ou inflammables sur l’appareil.
5. Si l’utilisateur suspecte qu’un problème quelconque puisse mettre en cause la sécurité, l’appareil doit être rendu inopérant en empêchant son utilisation. Communiquer la défaillance constatée au service de maintenance compétent.
6. Le symbole d’alerte signale à l’utilisateur les informations importantes concernant l’utilisation de l’appareil. Lire et suivre les instructions fournies avec la plus grande attention.
7. Cet appareil utilise une source lumineuse UV. Ne pas regarder directement vers la source.
8. ATTENTION. Si l’appareil n’est pas utilisé de manière adéquate, la protection de l’appareil pourrait être impactée.
9. Ne pas remplacer le cordon d’alimentation fourni par un cordon d’alimentation de dimension électrique non adapté.
Bitte lesen Sie diese Hinweise vor Installation oder Gebrauch dieser Ausrüstung sorgfältig durch.
1. Das in diesem Handbuch beschriebene Gerät darf nur von geschultem Personal bedient werden. Alle Anpassungen, Wartungsarbeiten und Reparaturen müssen entsprechend der Vorgaben in diesem Handbuch und von einer kompetenten Person, die mit den damit verbundenen Gefahren vertraut ist, durchgeführt werden.
2. Es ist wichtig, dass sowohl das Bedienungs- als auch das Service-Personal zusätzlich zu den detaillierten Anweisungen in diesem Handbuch ein sicheres Arbeitssystem einsetzen.
3. Mit Ausnahme der Teile, deren Wartungsverfahren in diesem Handbuch beschrieben sind, enthält dieses Gerät keine weiteren Teile, die vom Benutzer gewartet werden können. Das Entfernen von Abdeckungen und Versuche von hierfür unqualifiziertem Personal, Anpassungen oder Wartungsarbeiten durchzuführen, haben zur Folge, dass die Garantie verfällt und können zusätzliche Reparaturkosten auslösen.
4. Es ist jederzeit auf die sicherheitsrelevanten Daten sämtlicher verwendeter Chemikalien Bezug zu nehmen. Allgemein anerkannte Labormethoden zum sicheren Umgang mit Chemikalien sollten eingesetzt werden. Verwenden Sie keine gefährlichen oder entzündlichen Stoffe in Verbindung mit dem Gerät.
5. Besteht der Verdacht, dass die Sicherheitsvorrichtungen in irgendeiner Weise beschädigt wurden, muss das Gerät außer Betrieb genommen und gegen weiteren Gebrauch gesichert werden. Die Störung sollte der zuständigen Serviceeinrichtung unverzüglich gemeldet werden.
6. Das Warnsymbol weist auf wichtige Informationen zur Verwendung des Geräts hin. Lesen und befolgen Sie die dazugehörigen Anweisungen sorgfältig.
7. Dieses Instrument greift auf eine UV-Lichtquelle zurück. Nicht direkt in die Lichtquelle schauen.
8. ACHTUNG: Wenn das Gerät nicht in der vorgegebenen Weise eingesetzt wird, können die Schutzfunktionen des Gerätes beeinträchtigt werden.
9. Abnehmbares Anschlusskabel nicht durch unangemessen bewertete Kabel austauschen.
Leggere attentamente queste istruzioni prima di installare o utilizzare il dispositivo.
1. L’unità descritta nel presente manuale è stata realizzata per essere utilizzata solo da personale che ha ricevuto l’apposita formazione. Qualsiasi operazione di regolazione, manutenzione e riparazione deve essere effettuata sulla base di quanto indicato nel presente manuale da personale qualificato consapevole dei rischi connessi.
2. È fondamentale che il personale operativo e il personale addetto alla manutenzione utilizzino un sistema di lavoro sicuro, oltre a seguire le istruzioni specificate nel presente manuale.
3. Oltre a quelli indicati nelle procedure di manutenzione, all’interno di questo dispositivo non sono presenti altri elementi sui quali è possibile effettuare interventi. La rimozione delle protezioni e qualsiasi tentativo di regolazione o di manutenzione posto in essere da personale non qualificato invaliderà la garanzia. In questi casi, sarà necessario pagare un importo per le riparazioni effettuate.
4. È sempre necessario fare riferimento ai dati sulla salute e sulla sicurezza forniti con le sostanze chimiche utilizzate. Adottare le procedure di laboratorio generalmente accettate per la gestione delle sostanze chimiche. Non utilizzare sostanze pericolose o infiammabili sullo strumento.
5. Nel caso in cui si sospetti che la salute possa essere pregiudicata in qualsiasi modo, disattivare l’unità per renderla inutilizzabile. Qualsiasi condizione di errore deve essere immediatamente segnalata al responsabile per la manutenzione.
6. Il simbolo di avvertenza informa l’utente sulle informazioni importanti in merito all’uso dello strumento. Leggere e seguire le istruzioni corrispondenti con cura.
7. Questo strumento utilizza una sorgente di luce UV. Non guardare direttamente la sorgente di luce.
8. AVVERTENZA: qualora il dispositivo non venga utilizzato nel modo descritto, la protezione fornita dal dispositivo stesso potrebbe risultare compromessa.
9. Non sostituire i cavi di alimentazione di rete scollegabili con cavi inadeguati.
Lea esta información atentamente antes de instalar o utilizar este equipo.
1. La unidad descrita en este manual está diseñada para que solamente la utilice personal con formación. Cualquier operación de ajuste, mantenimiento y reparación debe llevarse a cabo del modo indicado en este manual y debe realizarla una persona cualificada que sea consciente de los peligros que implica.
2. Es fundamental que tanto los operarios como el personal de servicio utilicen un sistema de trabajo seguro, así como las instrucciones detalladas que se especifican en este manual.
3. Cualquier elemento que no se encuentre entre los definidos en los procedimientos de mantenimiento aquí descritos no podrá utilizarse en este instrumento. La extracción de las tapas y los intentos de ajuste o reparación por parte de personal no cualificado invalidarán la garantía y pueden incurrir en cargos adicionales por reparación.
4. Siempre deberían consultarse los datos sobre Salud y Seguridad que se suministran con cualquier producto químico que se utilice. Es necesario llevar a cabo los procedimientos de laboratorio de aceptación generalizada para la manipulación segura de productos químicos. No utilice sustancias peligrosas o inflamables en el instrumento.
5. Si existe la sospecha de que las medidas protectoras de seguridad han quedado dañadas en cualquier modo, la unidad debe inutilizarse y protegerse contra toda operación que se intente llevar a cabo. El estado de fallo debe comunicarse inmediatamente a la autoridad de servicio de mantenimiento y reparación pertinente.
6. El símbolo de advertencia avisa al usuario de información importante relacionada con el uso del instrumento. Lea atentamente y siga las instrucciones correspondientes.
7. Este instrumento utiliza una fuente de luz UV. No mire directamente a la fuente de luz.
8. ADVERTENCIA: Si el equipo no se utiliza de la manera especificada, la protección que ofrece el aparato puede verse afectada.
9. No sustituya el cable de alimentación eléctrica con cables de voltaje inadecuado.
Safety 3
SECTION 1 - Introduction 11
1.1 Instrument description 11
1.2 Instrument specification 11
SECTION 2 - Installation 13
2.1 Unpacking 13
2.2 Installation 13
2.3 Rear panel 14
2.4 Front access panel 14
2.5 Lamp access panel 15
2.6 Display 15
SECTION 3 - Theory and Practice of Spectroscopy Measurements 16
3.1 Theory of spectroscopy measurement 16
3.2 Nucleic acid determination 16
3.3 Spectroscopy measurement 17
3.4 Good practice guidelines 17
SECTION 4 - Instrument Setup 19
4.1 Navigating and screen setup 19
4.2 Instrument settings screen 19
4.3 Printing and saving 20
4.4 Heated cell accessory control 21
4.5 Date and time 22
4.6 Language 23
4.7 Software update 23
SECTION 5 - Nucleic Acids 25
5.1 Method setup 25
5.1.1 Measurement name 26
5.1.2 Entering a factor 26
5.1.3 Entering concentration units 26
5.1.4 Selecting wavelength correction 27
5.1.5 Entering a dilution factor 28
5.2 Blank calibration and sample measurement 29
SECTION 6 - Proteins 31
6.1 Selecting a protein assay 31
6.1.1 Method setup 32
6.1.2 Measurement name 32
6.1.3 Entering concentration units 33
6.1.4 Selecting the number of standards and replicates 33
6.1.5 Selecting wavelength correction 34
6.1.6 Measuring standards 34
6.1.7 Load a standard curve 36
6.1.8 Blank calibration and sample measurement 37
6.2 Direct UV measurement mode 38
6.2.1 Method setup 38
6.2.2 Measurement name 39
6.2.3 Entering a factor 39
6.2.4 Entering concentration units 39
6.2.5 Selecting wavelength correction 40
6.2.6 Entering a dilution factor 40
6.2.7 Blank calibration and sample measurement 41
6.3 Warburg-Christian measurement mode 42
6.3.1 Method setup 42
6.3.2 Measurement name 43
6.3.3 Entering a factor 43
6.3.4 Entering concentration units 43
6.3.5 Selecting wavelength correction 44
6.3.6 Entering a dilution factor 44
6.3.7 Blank calibration and sample measurement 46
SECTION 7 - Optical Density 47
7.1 Method setup 47
7.1.1 Selecting a wavelength 47
7.1.2 Measurement name 47
7.1.3 Entering a factor 48
7.1.4 Entering concentration units 48
7.2 Blank calibration and sample measurement 49
SECTION 8 - Photometrics 50
8.1 Simple (ABS/%T) measurement mode 51
8.1.1 Method set up 51
8.1.2 Selecting a wavelength 51
8.1.3 Measurement name 52
8.1.4 Blank calibration and sample measurement 52
8.2 Use a factor measurement mode 53
8.2.1 Method setup 54
8.2.2 Selecting a wavelength 54
8.2.3 Measurement name 54
8.2.4 Entering a factor 55
8.2.5 Units of measure 55
8.2.6 Blank calibration and sample measurement 55
8.3 Use standard(s) measurement mode 57
8.3.1 Method setup 57
8.3.2 Selecting a wavelength 58
8.3.3 Measurement name 58
8.3.4 Entering concentration units 58
8.3.5 Selecting the number of standards and replicates 59
8.3.6 Measuring standards 59
8.3.7 Load standard curve 61
8.4 Blank calibration and sample measurement 62
SECTION 9 - Spectrum 64
9.1 Method setup 64
9.1.1 Measurement name 64
9.1.2 Selecting measurement mode 65
9.1.3 Setting start and end wavelengths 65
9.2 Blank calibration and sample measurement 66
9.3 Data analysis 67
9.3.1 Spectrum zoom 67
9.3.2 Spectral points analysis 68
SECTION 10 - Kinetics 70
10.1 Method setup 70
10.1.1 Measurement name 71
10.1.2 Selecting number of wavelengths 72
10.1.3 Selecting measurement mode 72
10.1.4 Run time 72
10.1.5 Read interval 72
10.1.6 Lag time (seconds) 73
10.1.7 Selecting concentration units 73
10.1.8 Selecting a wavelength and factor 73
10.2 Blank calibration and sample measurement 74
0.3 Post measurement analysis 76
SECTION 11 - Glossary of Icons 77
SECTION 12 - Accessories and spare parts 79
12.1 Optional accessories 79
12.2 Connecting the accessories 79
12.2.1 External printer 79
12.2.2 Passive accessories 79
12.2.3 Active accessories 80
12.3 Spares 80
SECTION 13 - Maintenance and service 81
13.1 Routine maintenance and cleaning 81
13.2 Firmware update procedure 81
13.3 Service 81
SECTION 14 - Troubleshooting 82
14.1 Power up calibration failure 82
14.2 Error codes 83
14.3 Troubleshooting guide 86
14.4 Technical support 86
SECTION 15 - Declaration of Conformity 87
SECTION 1 - Introduction
The Genova Bio is a UV/visible spectrophotometer dedicated to life science analysis. This spectrophotometer allows the measurement of DNA concentrations and purity ratios using wavelengths recorded at 260, 280 and 230nm, with an optional correction at 320nm. The results displayed will include the concentration and purity ratios. At the touch of a button the results will switch the display to show the purity scan for that sample. The Genova Bio is pre-programmed with Bradford, Lowry, Biuret, Pierce 660 and BCA
methods for protein concentration. Puried proteins can be measured using the Direct UV or Warburg-
Christian method. The Genova Bio also has an OD measurement mode enabling users to measure optical density at 600nm for cell harvesting.
As well as the dedicated life science measurement modes this instrument can also be used as a standard spectrophotometer with measurement modes for photometrics, concentration, spectrum scanning, quantitation and kinetics.
Genova Bio
Range 198 to 800nm Accuracy ± 2nm Repeatability ± 2nm Spectral bandwidth 3nm
Transmittance 0 to 199.9% Absorbance -0.300 to 2.500A Accuracy ±0.01Abs at 1.0A and 546nm Stray light <1%T at 340nm according to ANSI/ASTM E387-72
Concentration and Quantitation
Range ± 2500 Calibration Blank with a single standard or factor, or up to 6 standards Factor ± 1000 Standard ± 1000
Curve t algorithms linear, linear through zero
No. of wavelengths 3 Measurement Time 7 to 9999 seconds Calibration Blank with a single standard or factor Display Graphical
Analysis Concentration, rate of change, initial and nal absorbance/%T
Spectrum/Purity Scan
Range 198 to 800nm
Nucleic Acids
Measurements dsDNA, ssDNA, RNA, Oligonucleotides, Concentration, Purity (260/280 and 260/230 Ratios), optional background correction at 320nm, spectrum scan
Measurement modes Puried proteins at 280nm and Warburg-Christian, Protein Assays
(Pierce 660, BCA, Bradford, Lowry, Biuret)
OD 600 600nm optical density reading Units cells/ml
Beam height 15mm Light source Xenon lamp Results memory Limited by attached mass storage device Removable media USB (supplied) Outputs USB x 2 Power 12V DC, 3.8A Size (w x d x h) 212 x 422 x 120mm Weight 2.8kg Warranty 2 years including the xenon lamp
SECTION 2 - Installation
Remove the spectrophotometer from the packaging and ensure the following items are included:
1. Model Genova Bio spectrophotometer (720 601)
2. 12V 3.8A power supply unit (M7980)
3. Mains Power leads UK plug (M7817UK), EU (M7817X6) and US (M7817X1)
4. Instruction manual (720 020)
The Genova Bio is supplied ready to use.
The unit should be placed on a clean flat surface which is free from drafts and vibrations. Do not position the unit so that it is difficult to access the ON/OFF switch.
Do not position the product so that it is difficult to disconnect from the mains supply using the mains plug.
The mains outlet socket used should be located close to the unit and be readily identifiable and accessible to users.
The unit and its power supply are not intended for use in environments that are moist or exposed to liquids. In the event of a local spillage or other hazard disconnect from the mains supply by removing the mains plug from the mains outlet socket.
The unit should only be used in an environment with a temperature range of 5 to 40°C and maximum
relative humidity 0 to 80% for temperatures up to 31°C, decreasing linearly to 50% at 40°C. When the instrument is used for the first time or moved to a different environmental temperature, it is important to allow the instrument to equalise to the ambient temperature. Therefore allow the unit to stand for 2 hours before switching it on.
The supplied power supply unit is designed for operation on 100VAC to 240VAC input at 50 to 60Hz. Select the power lead and attach to the power supply unit. Connect the power supply unit to the power inlet socket on the rear panel of the instrument and connect to the mains socket. Ensure that the sample chamber is empty before turning the power on at the mains and switching the instrument on using the power switch on the rear of the instrument.
The instrument will perform several power-on tests and lamp calibration before displaying the main screen.
WARNING: Leaving cuvettes in the sample holder during power up will result in failure of the power on tests. Refer to Section 11 for more details.
The image below shows the rear panel on the instrument:
Fig. 2.3.1 Rear Panel
1. USB port Allows connection to a USB printer
2. PC connector Allows connection to a PC
3. Power in socket Connection socket for power supply unit
4. Rocker Switch Allows the unit to be powered on or off
3 2
1. Cuvette holders (10 x 10mm) For cuvette storage
2. Instrument lid Provides access to
sample chamber
3. Touchscreen Display User interface
4. USB memory stick slot Accepts USB stick
The image below shows the rear panel on the instrument:
Fig. 2.3.1 – Rear Panel
3 2
1. USB port - Allows connection to a USB printer
2. PC connector - Allows connection to a PC
3. Power in socket - Connection socket for power supply unit
4. Rocker Switch - Allows the unit to be powered on or off
The image below shows the front panel of the instrument:
1. Cuvette holders (10x10mm) - For cuvette storage
2. Instrument lid - Provides access to sample chamber
3. Touchscreen Display - User interface
4. USB memory stick slot - Accepts USB stick
Fig. 2.4.1 – Front Access Panel
The image below shows the lamp access panel on the underside of the instrument:
Fig. 2.5.1 – Lamp Access Panel
1. Lamp Access Panel
Allows access to lamp when replacement is necessary
The image below shows the lamp access panel on the underside of the instrument:
NOTE: The Xenon lamp can only be replaced by a service engineer.
The instrument has a touchscreen display which enables easy setup and navigation of the instrument.
Fig. 2.6.1 – Menu Screen
• Settings
• Single Wavelength Measurement Modes
• Spectrum Measurement Mode
• Kinetics Measurement Mode
SECTION 3 – Theory and Practice of Spectroscopy Measurements
A = l c
is the incident light
is the transmitted light
 is the path length
is the incident light
UV-visible spectroscopy is the measurement of the absorbance of light at a specic wavelength in a
sample. This is used to identify the presence and concentration of molecular entities within the sample. The Beer-Lambert law is used to relate the absorption of light to the properties of the sample through which the light is travelling through. The Beer-Lambert law states that:
A = l c
A is the absorbance
is the molar absorption coefcient (l mol
c is the concentration (mol l
l is the path length (cm)
This law shows that absorbance is linear to concentration but this is only true for low concentrations. For absorbance levels above 3 the concentration starts to move away from the linear relationship.
Transmittance is the proportion of the light which passes through the sample:
is the incident light
lt is the transmitted light l is the path length
Absorbance is inversely related to transmittance:
DNA, RNA and oligonucleotides can be measured directly in aqueous solutions in a diluted or undiluted form. Aqueous buffers with low ion concentrations (e.g. TE buffer) are ideal for this method. The concentration is commonly determined by measuring at 260nm against a blank and then evaluating against a factor.
The Genova Bio has pre-dened methods installed which assume that absorption of 1 OD (A) is equivalent to approximately: 50μg/ml dsDNA, 33μg/ml ssDNA, 40μg/ml RNA and 33μg/ml for
DNA interference by contaminants can be assessed by the calculation of an absorption ratio. The ratios A260/A280 and A260/A230 are used to estimate the purity of nucleic acids, since proteins absorb at
280nm and substances such as peptides, phenols, aromatic compounds or carbohydrates absorb at 230nm. Pure DNA should have an A260/A280 ratio of approximately 1.8 and pure RNA 2.0. In pure nucleic acid samples the A260/A230 ratio should be approximately 2.2.
Nucleic acid concentration can also be estimated with the following calculations:
Conc (μg/ml) = (Abs@260nm x 62.9) - (Abs@280nm x 36.0)
Conc (μg/ml) = (Abs@260nm x 49.1) - (Abs@230nm x 3.48)
Referring to a blank value where no absorption should occur is commonly required. On the Genova Bio the default reference wavelength is 320nm and the user can include the measured absorbance value in
all nucleic acid calculations. The default wavelength can be modied from 320nm if required.
There are four main components of a spectrophotometer. These are a light source to emit a high and constant amount of energy over the full wavelength range, a sample holder, a method for separating the light into discrete wavelengths and a light detector.
The optical layout of the Genova Bio spectrophotometer is shown below.
The whole light spectrum from the pre-aligned tungsten halogen lamp and the xenon lamp is collimated through a lens and passed through the sample. The spectrum of light then passes through a further slit and lens arrangement before being focussed onto the diffraction grating, which separates the light into discrete wavelengths. The light which has not been absorbed by the sample is measured by the photodiode array detector. The photo-diode array detector used is mounted directly onto the detector PCB and the output is used to calculate the % transmittance. The result is displayed either as % transmittance or absorbance on the instrument display.
1. For optimum performance all spectrophotometers should be sited in a clean, dry, dust free atmosphere. When in use ambient temperature and light levels should remain as constant as possible.
2. If required adherence to Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) should be monitored with regular calibration checks and a suitable Quality Control (QC) programme.
3. Ensure that there is nothing additional in the sample chamber which could block the light path during calibration and sample measurement. Do not divert the light path using a mirrored surface within the sample compartment.
Figure 3.3.1 – Diagram of light path
4. The correct selection of sample containers is imperative for accurate and reproducible results:
a) Check that the material of the sample container is compatible with the wavelengths to be used for measurement. In general glass can only be used down to 360nm or 320nm depending on quality. Standard plastic cuvettes can be used down to 320nm. Special UV versions can be used down to 260nm. Below this level quartz cuvettes must be used.
b) Plastic disposable cuvettes should only be used ONCE.
c) Glass cuvettes should be thoroughly cleaned after use. Discard when scratches become evident on optical surfaces.
d) Care should be taken when selecting semi-micro or micro cuvettes. The cuvette window on
the inner chamber (the area lled with sample) must be wider than the aperture in the sample
holder or light will reach the detector without passing through the sample. In this case, semi­ micro or micro cuvettes with self-screening black surrounds must be used or, alternative holders for these cuvettes should be used.
e) Glass test tubes and other sample tubes should be used with care. Where possible, matched tubes should be used and any index mark set to the correct position before measurements are made.
f) Ensure any sample containers used are compatible with the constituents of both the samples and standards they are to hold. Plastic cuvettes are not compatible with organic solvents.
g) All sample containers must be handled with care; by the top, bottom and non-optical
surfaces only. Any nger marks evident must be removed by a suitable cleaning
h) Flow-through cuvettes must be selected with care and consideration for the sample type, sample volume, pumping system, rinse, sample and waste handling to be used.
5. Samples and standards should not be stored in open cuvettes or sample containers as evaporation will change the value and lead to staining of the walls which may be irreversible.
If stored in stoppered and sealed cuvettes, they should be lled with little or no air space and the
values regularly checked against a reference standard or quality control material.
6. Samples should be allowed to equilibrate to ambient temperature before measurement (unless a suitable temperature controlled sample holder is in use). Temperature change during measurement may cause air bubbles to form on the walls of the sample holder. This is a common cause of drift during measurement.
7. In the preparation of samples and standards high grade borosilicate glass and AR grade chemicals and reagents must be used. Good quality deionised water or other suitable solvents must be used for dissolving or diluting samples, chemicals and reagents.
8. All measurements require calibration to a blank, for maximum accuracy this should be prepared with care using the same deionised water or solvent used for dissolving or diluting the sample. Where reagents are added to the sample to produce a colour proportional to its concentration a ‘sample based’ blank should be used. In this case the blank should consist of all reagents or chemicals to be used, except the sample which will produce the colour to be measured.
9. Deviations from the Beer-Lambert Law may occur at high and low concentrations giving non-linear response during sample concentration measurements. For all new methods a linear range should
be dened by the preparation of a calibration curve. The quantitation mode may be used to
construct such a curve against which sample results are automatically measured.
10. Cuvettes and sample holders must be lled to a minimum level which covers the light path.
All Jenway spectrophotometers have a beam height of 15mm.
11. The instrument must be calibrated to zero absorbance/100% transmittance prior to taking readings. In the spectrum measurement mode a baseline scan must be performed before performing a sample scan.
SECTION 4 – Instrument Setup
The main home screen is displayed below:
Nucleic Acids
Optical Density
The spectrophotometer has a colour touchscreen user interface. To navigate around the spectrophotometer
screen, touch the icon or text which you want to action.
In every screen there is a back arrow which returns to the previous screen without saving any changes.
In each measurement mode there is a home icon which returns immediately to the home screen.
Blank Read
The instrument settings screen is accessed by touching the instrument settings icon in the Home Screen. This screen enables access to printing and saving options, heated cell accessory control, setting date and time, language and software updates. Touch the down arrow to view the second screen.
Correction 0.001 Abs (750)
Abs (562)
%T (562)
● ● ●
Printing (with the accessory printer) and saving (to a USB memory stick) can be performed manually in each mode but for selected measurement modes it can also be set up to be carried out automatically. Automatic saving can only be done in the single measurement modes.
Touch Printing or Saving to toggle between Manual and Automatic.
To print or save manually in any measurement mode, touch the overow icon button at the bottom of
the screen.
Touching the overow icon displays the options for manual printing or manual saving. Touch the save
icon to save the result to USB memory stick. If a USB memory stick is not inserted an error message will be displayed. Touch the print icon to print the results using an external printer. If the printer is not connected, switched on or out of paper an error message will be displayed. Touching the overow icon
once again will cycle the screen back to the previous view, allowing blank and sample measurements to
be performed.
Once a sample reading has been performed if the results are not saved to USB memory stick a warning
message will be displayed when the mode is exited by pressing the Home icon.
Are You Sure? You Will
Lose Any Unsaved Results
Discard Results
Touch Discard Results to exit the measurement mode and the results will not be saved. Touch CANCEL
to return to the measurement mode so that the results can be saved.
A heated 10x10mm cuvette holder is available as an optional accessory for the spectrophotometer. This
accessory enables the temperature of the sample to be adjusted. To set up the parameters of the heated
cell accessory, touch Heated Cell in the Settings screen. Note: Heated Cell will only be active if the
accessory is tted. Touch Use Heated Cell to toggle between Off and On.
To adjust the temperature of the heated cell, touch Heated Cell Temperature. Touch the up or down
arrows to increase or decrease the set temperature in 0.5°C increments. The minimum temperature is
32°C, the maximum temperature is 42°C. Touch OK to conrm or touch the back arrow to return to
the previous screen without saving any changes. Please note that the heated cell takes approximately 30
mins to heat a 2.5ml sample to 37°C.
The time and date screen enables the current time and date to be set. This information will be saved on
all results and displayed on printouts.
To adjust the date touch Date and use the arrow icons to increase or decrease the number. Touch OK to conrm or touch the back arrow to return to the previous screen without saving any changes.
To adjust the time touch Time and use the arrow icons to increase or decrease the number. Touch OK to conrm or touch the back arrow to return to the previous screen without saving any changes.
The date format can be displayed as either European format dd/mm/yyyy or American format mm/dd/
yyyy by touching Date Format. To display the time as either a 12 hour clock or a 24 clock touch Time
The spectrophotometer operating software can be displayed in English or French. Further language versions can be downloaded from the Jenway website ( enabling the language to be displayed in English or German, English or Spanish or English or Italian. Touch Language to toggle between the available options. The language selected will also be displayed on the printouts. The selected language in use when the instrument is turned off will be loaded when the instrument is turned back on.
The spectrophotometer operating software can be
updated via USB memory stick. The update must rst be
downloaded to a USB memory stick from the Jenway website. Insert a USB device into the USB port on the front
Update Software
of the instrument and navigate to the Update Software option in the settings screen. Touch Update Software to begin the update.
If there is no USB memory stick inserted
the above screen will be shown.
If there is no update le on the USB
memory stick the above screen will be shown.
If there is a valid update le on the USB memory
stick, then Load Software becomes active.
Touch Load Software to start the upload process.
Touch Update to begin installing the new software.
At the end of the update, the instrument will restart and the bootloader will perform the update.
Once the update is completed touch Continue to complete the update process.
SECTION 5 – Nucleic Acids
The Nucleic Acids measurement mode allows the user to select a method from a list of common nucleic
acid measurement tests for dsDNA, ssDNA, RNA and Oligonucleotides. The results displayed include
single wavelength concentration, absorbance ratios for estimating nucleic acid purity, at 260nm/280nm
and 260nm/230nm and a purity scan between 200 to 350nm. Touch Nucleic Acids to view the list of
pre-dened methods. The method selected will dene the default wavelengths and factors:
Nucleic Acids
Optical Density
Method Wavelength Factor Concentration Calculation
Oligonucleotides A
Touch the required method to begin method set up.
= 260nm 50 Concentration (µg/ml) = A1 x 50
= 260nm 33 Concentration (µg/ml) = A1 x 33
= 260nm 40 Concentration (µg/ml) = A1 x 40
= 260nm 33 Concentration (µg/ml) = A1 x 33
Wavelength (nm)
Wavelength Correction
Measurement Name
The method parameters which can be selected are the wavelength, measurement name, factor and
units. Touch the down arrow to display the wavelength correction and dilution factor. Once these have
been entered touch the forwards arrow to enter the measurement screen. The back arrow will return
to the previous screen and the home icon will return to the home screen. Neither of these options will
save any parameters entered.
Note that the wavelength cannot be changed from the pre-dened wavelength.
Correction Wavelength (nm)
Dilution Factor
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Touch Measurement Name to enter the required name for the sample. This name will be used to identify the result on any printouts or if the result is saved to USB memory stick. Either type the name required using the alphanumeric keypad or touch delete to clear the screen and then type in the name. Please note the name is restricted to a maximum of 8 characters. Touch OK to conrm and save or touch the back arrow to return to the previous screen without saving the entered name. The ABC icon will toggle between alpha and numeric options.
Touch Factor to change the pre-dened factor. The minimum factor which can be entered is -1000, the maximum factor which can be entered is +1000. Either type the factor required using the numeric keypad or touch delete to clear the screen and then type in the factor. Touch OK to conrm and save or touch the back arrow to return to the previous screen without saving
the entered factor. Note that if the pre-dened factor is
changed the unit of concentration may also need to be changed.
abc def ghi
jkl mno pqr
Either type the units required using the alphanumeric keypad or touch delete to clear the screen and
then type in the units. Please note the units are restricted to a maximum of 8 characters. Touch OK to
conrm and save or touch the back arrow to return to the previous screen without saving the entered
units. The 123 icon will toggle between alpha and numeric options.
stuv wxyz μ%
The standard units of measure for nucleic acids are µg/ml but these can be adjusted depending on requirements. Touch Units to adjust the concentration units. Please note
that this is just a text eld and changing within a unit
family e.g. mg/l and g/l will not change the concentration
result. Note that if the pre-dened units are changed the
factor may also need to be changed.
It is possible to enable a background correction (A
Method Wavelength Factor Concentration Calculation
= 260nm
DNA/RNA purity scan (260/280nm)
DNA/RNA purity scan (260/230nm)
Touch Wavelength Correction to toggle between Disabled and Enabled. If the wavelength correction
is Enabled, the option to adjust the correction wavelength will be activated.
A2 = 280nm A
= 320nm
= 260nm
A2 = 230nm A
= 320nm
= 260nm
= 320nm
= 260nm
= 320nm
= 260nm
= 320nm
= 260nm
= 320nm
) to be applied to the results.
Ratio = A1 / A2 Ratio = (A1 – A
Ratio = A1 / A2 Ratio = (A1 – A
Concentration (µg/ml) = A1 x 50 Concentration (µg/ml) = (A1 – A
Concentration (µg/ml) = A1 x 33 Concentration (µg/ml) = (A1 – A
Concentration (µg/ml) = A1 x 40 Concentration (µg/ml) = (A1 – A
Concentration (µg/ml) = A1 x 33 Concentration (µg/ml) = (A1 – A
) / (A2 – A
) / (A2 – A
) x 50
) x 33
) x 40
) x 33
Wavelength Correction
Correction Wavelength (nm)
Dilution Factor
Touch Correction Wavelength (nm) to enter the required background wavelength. Either type the
wavelength required using the numeric keypad or touch delete to clear the screen and then type in the
wavelength. Touch OK to conrm and save or touch the back arrow to return to the previous screen
without saving the entered wavelength.
Wavelength Correction
Correction Wavelength (nm)
Dilution Factor
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
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