Radial® Jensen Twin-Servo 500™ User Guide
Table of Contents Page
Feature Set .................................................................... 1
Overview ........................................................................ 2
Making Connections ....................................................... 3
The Control Panel .......................................................... 4
Ground Lift and Omniport ............................................... 5
Applications .................................................................... 6
Block Diagram ................................................................ 7
Specications ................................................................. 8
Warranty ............................................................Back cover
Thank you for purchasing the Jensen Twin-Servo 500™
series mic preamp. We are condent that as you become
familiar with and gain experience using this device, you will
quickly nd that it is an exceptional sounding preamp for
any application.
Although the Twin-Servo has been designed to be super
easy to use, we urge you to take a few minutes to read
the manual to ensure you gain familiarity with all of the
features and functions that make it unique. If after you
have done so, you nd yourself looking for extra details,
please visit the Twin-Servo FAQ page on the Radial web
site. This is where we post updates and answer questions
from other users that can shed light on various subjects. If
afterwards you still do not nd the appropriate answer, feel
free to send us an email and we will do our very best to
answer in short order.
Now get ready to plug into what may well be the most
transparent and detailed sounding mic preamplier you
have ever heard.