Intermec PX6C011000000020 Product Data Sheet

Product profile
PX Series
EasyCoder® PX Series Printers
• Outstanding performance and print quality – prints up to 115 six-inch long compliance labels per minute
• Sturdy all-metal construction enables 24/7 printing in harsh industrial environments
• Easily adapts to changing host environments and applications
• Supports stand-alone printer applications, eliminating the expense of PCs
• Choice of IPL or Fingerprint/DP printer command language
• Interchangeable print head provides choice of 203, 300 or 400 dpi print resolution
The EasyCoder® PX Series printers are rugged, metal, high-performance printers designed to excel in demanding environments and support round-the­clock operations. The open, modular design ensures the printers are easy to adapt, maintain and service. The PX Series includes the PX4i and PX6i, each featuring a maximum print width of 4 or 6 inches respectively.
Designed for easy integration into manufacturing environments, the PX series printers can be mounted in virtually any position. The versatile form factor facilitates the addition of add-ons such as an automatic label applicator.
The EasyCoder PX series printers can operate as stand alone devices executing user-defined programs thereby eliminating the need for a PC. With up to seven wired and wireless connectivity interfaces, these printers can operate production line machinery, including scanners, scales, other printers and conveyor as well as access information directly from the network host.
Fully programmable and able to change with the application, the PX Series printers
provide additional functionality and continued investment protection. They are not restricted by printer command languages and can communicate with and replace competitive and older Intermec printers without any changes to host programming or label format design.
The PX series printers print instantly from first to last label at up to 12 inches per second. Both versions are available with 203 or 300-dpi resolution print heads. The PX4i also oers 400-dpi resolution without any loss of speed. This is ideal for on demand and compliance labeling applications with variable data requiring immediate results.
The PX series printers are the first bar code label printer to integrate Intermec’s Readiness Indicator (IRI) light. Part of the Intermec SmartSystem™, this light provides a visual cue to the operating state of the printer. The EasyCoder PX series printers communicates with the SmartSystem Console which displays status, provides access to configuration, eases installation of new printers, and assists in identifying printer consumables that require replenishment.
Physical Description
Direct Thermal (DT) and Thermal Transfer ( TT) printers in 4-inch and 6-inch widths for printing adhesive labels, tickets and tags.
Easy Coder PX4i Easy Coder PX6i
Physical Charac teristics
LxH xW: PX4i PX6i: 4 82 x 238 x335 mm (19.0 x 9.4 x 13.2 in) Weight: PX4i: PX6i: 14.80 kg ( 32.6 lbs)
Print Sp ecifications
Max. Print Width: PX4i: 1 12 (DT)/110 (TT) mm (4.4/4.3 in) PX6i: 16 7.4 mm (6.59 in) Max. L ength with extended memory:
4095 mm (161 in) at 203 dpi 2775 mm (109 in) at 300 dpi 1016 mm (40 in) at 400 dpi
Print Sp eed
PX4i: 100 - 300 mm/s (4 - 12 ips) variable PX6i: 10 0 - 225 mm/s (4 - 9 ips) variable
Print Direction
Prints smooth text, any size bar codes and graphics in all four or thogonal dir ections.
Print Resolution
8 dots/mm (203 dpi)
11.8 dots/mm* (300 dpi)
16 dots/mm (400 dpi) ; Available in the PX4i only
Label/ Ticket/Tag
Max. W idth: PX4i: PX6i: 170 mm (6.69 in) Min. Wid th: PX4i: PX6i: 76.2 mm (3.0 in) Thickness: 60 to 250μm ( 2.4 to 10 mil) Style: Roll-fed, die-cut, continuous or fanfold labels,
tags or tickets
Label Roll max diameter : Label Roll Core: Media Type:
Ribbon Roll
Ribbon roll max diameter:
corresponding up to 600 m (23 600 in) in length
Ribbon Roll Core: Ribbon Type:
Nort h America Corpo rate Headqua rters
600 1 36th Avenue We st Ever ett, Washi ngton 982 03 Phone : (425) 34 8-2600 Fax: (4 25) 355- 9551
South A merica & Mex ico Headqu arters O ce
Newp ort Beach , Californ ia Phone : (949) 955 -0785 Fax: ( 949) 756- 8782
: 482 x 238 x 275 mm (19.0 x 9.4 x 10.8 in)
12.85 kg (28.4 lbs)
120 mm (4.72 in)
50.8 mm (2.0 in)
213 mm (8.38 in)
38-76 mm ( 1.5-3.0 in)
Thermally sensitive media
80 mm (3.15 in)
25 mm (1.0 in)
Wax, wax/resin, resin
Europ e/Middle East & Afric a Headquart ers Oce
Readin g, United Kin gdom Phone : +44 118 9 23 0800 Fax: + 44 118 92 3 0801
Asia Pa cific Headqu arters O ce
Singap ore Phone : +65 6303 2 100 Fax: + 65 6303 21 99
Inter net
ww w.interme World wide Loca tions: www. cations
Inter faces
• EasyLAN 10/100BaseT internal Ethernet
• RS-232, up to 115.2 kB/s
• USB 2.0
• Wand interface for Easy Set™ System
• EasyLAN Wir eless internal Ethernet
Optional interface card adapters:
• Parallel IEEE 1284
• Industrial Interface* (8 digital in/out, 4 analog relay s, 1 RS232/422/485 port) • Dual Ser ial ports RS-232, RS-422, RS-485 and 20mA Current Loop*
Network Interface Options: EasyLAN in tegrated Ethernet:
RJ-45 connector for
10BaseT or 100baseTX
EasyLAN Wireless:
• Fully integrated IEEE 802.11b/g
• WEP 128 bit, 802.1x/WPA/LE AP/PEAP
• Multiple industrial antenna op tions for maximized cover age
Suppor ted Protocols:
TCP/IP -suite (TCP, UDP, ICMP, IGMP, etc.), LPR/LPD, FTP, BOOTP, DHCP, HTTP, SNMP, SMT P SNMP-MIB II supported (over UDP/IP), private enterprise MIB included
Available print er command languages:
• Fingerprint/Direct Protocol
Applications/Drivers (comes on Printer Companion CD) including:
• InterDriver™ Windows printer driver
• Intermec LabelShop® START label design and print
• Intermec Printer Networ k Manager for
administration of net worked printers
• PrintSet for printer setup/configuration
Optional sof tware for application development:
• Fingerprint ApplicationBuilder™ (IFAB)
• ERPLabel™ for mySAP™
• XML Label
Bar Code Symbologies
One-dimensional Codes:
Codabar, Code 11, Code 39, Code 93, MSI(modified Plessey), Code 128, Code 128 Subset A-C, DUN-14/16, UPC/EAN Codes (E AN 8, EAN 13, UPC Version A , UPC Version E), EAN-128, EAN-128 Subset A-C*, Industrial 2 of 5, Interleaved 2 of 5, Interleaved 2 of 5 A, Matrix 2 of 5*, ISBT 12 8, Planet, Postnet, Str aight 2 of 5*, UCC-128 Serial Shipping Container Code, RSS, HIBC Code 3 9 (IPL only), HIBC Code 128 (IPL only), JIS-ITF (IPL only)
Toll Free N A: (800) 93 4-316 3 Toll in NA: ( 425) 34 8-2726 Free phone ROW: 00 8 00 4488 8 844 Toll ROW: + 44 134 43 5 0296
OEM Sal es
Phone : (425) 34 8-2762
Media Sa les
Phone : (513) 874 -5882
Custo mer Servic e and Support
Toll Free N A: (800) 7 55-5505 Toll in NA: ( 425) 356 -1799
2-dimensional Co des:
Aztec, Code 16K, Code 49, Data Matrix, MaxiCode, PDF417, QR Code, MicroPDF41 7, EAN.UCC Composite
Standards Suppor ted
UPC/EAN Shipping Container; UCC/EAN 128 Serial Shipping Container; MH10.8 Shipping Label; AIAG (shipping parts label); LOGMARS; P OSTNET; HIBCC; ISBT 128; GM1724; UPS shipping label; Global Transport label
Charac ters Sets
Fingerprint/DP Firmware:
15 scalable font s including 12 UNICODE (1 WGL4), 1 symbol, 1 OCR-A, 1 OCR-B. Font cache for maximum performance. Non-L atin fonts ar e available as options.
IPL Firmware:
13 scalable fonts + 20 bitmap fonts.
Graphic s
Suppor ts PCX file format
Standard: 4MB Flash memor y 16MB SDRAM 1 Compac t Flash slot Maximum: Flash memory : Up to 16 MB (optional) 1GB Compac t Flash memory
Fingerprint/Dire ct Protocol:
XON/XOFF, ENQ/ACK, DTR , RTS/CTS IPL: XON/XOFF, Intermec Standard Protocol
Back-lit LCD for 2x16 characters and 3 LED indicator lamps
Keypad Control Panel
• Advanced keypad (Fingerprint/DP)
• Alpha-numeric keypad (FP/DP option)
• Simplified ke ypad (IPL)
Power Supply
115/230VAC auto-switch w/PFC
Voltage Range: Frequency Range:
90-265 VAC
45-65 Hz
Operating Envir onment
Temperature: +5° to +40°C (+4 0° to +104°F) Humidit y: 10-90% RH non-condensing
Regulat ory Approvals
CE (EN55022 Class A), FCC Class A, UL, CSA, C-Tick
Integral Self-Strip Unit w ith Liner Take-up, Label Taken Sensor ( LTS), Compac t Flash (CF) Memory, Flash and SDRAM SIMM, Various International Double Byte Fonts, Easy Set Bar Code Wand*, Keyboard Conver ter*, Various Interface Boards, Real Time Clock, Media roll retainer, Fanfold Guide, Cutter
*Not applicable when using IPL firmware
Copy right © 200 7 Interme c Techn ologies Co rporatio n. All righ ts reser ved. Inter mec is a regis tered tra demark of In termec Technolo gies Corpo ration. Al l other trad emarks are t he prope rty of th eir respec tive owne rs. Print ed in the U.S. A. 611 557-01 E 07/07
In a cont inuing eor t to improv e our produc ts, Interm ec Technolo gies Corpo ration re serves th e right to chan ge speci fications an d feature s without pr ior notice.