LXD970A Demo Board for 10/100
and 100BASE-FX Applications
Development Kit Manual
January 2001
As of January 15, 2001, this document replaces the Level One document Order Number: 249103-001
LXD970A Demo Board for 10/100 and 100BASE-FX Applications.

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LXD970A Demo Board for 10/100 and 100B ASE-FX Applications Development Kit Manual

1.0 General Description..................................................................................................5
1.1 Features................................................................................................................5
2.0 Equipment and Setup...............................................................................................7
2.1 Test Setup.............................................................................................................7
2.2 Loading Test File...................... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ............7
2.3 Power Supply Option.............................................................................................8
2.3.1 External +5V Supply for Analog Circuitry (VCCA, VCCT and VCCR)..9
2.4 Test Points ............................................................................................................9
3.0 Jumpers.......................................................................................................................10
4.0 Hardware Control Interface..................................................................................11
4.1 Multi-Function Pins..............................................................................................11
4.1.1 Function/Address Settings .................................................................11
4.1.2 Additional Jumper Functions..............................................................12
4.2 LED Indicators.....................................................................................................13
1 LXD970A Demo Board..........................................................................................6
2 Basic Test Setup ...................................................................................................7
3 Optional Test Setup..............................................................................................8
4 Hardware Control Interface Jumper Placement .................................................11
5 LXD970A Schematic ...........................................................................................14
1 Test Point Descriptions .........................................................................................9
2 Jumper Descriptions............................................................................................10
3 MF Pins Input Voltage Levels..............................................................................11
4 Hardware Control Interface (JP1) Functions.......................................................12
5 Operating Speed Advertisement Settings ...........................................................12
6 Additional JP1 Jumper Functions........................................................................13
7 LED Descriptions.................................................................................................13
LXD970A Demo Board for 10/100 and 100BASE-FX Applications Development Kit Manual iii

Demo Board for 10/100 and 100BASE-FX Applications — LXD970A
1.0 General Description
The LXD970A Demo Board is a versatile 10/100Mbps Ethernet media access unit (MAU) that
demonstrates all of the integral features of the LXT970A Fast Ethernet Transceiver.
The LXD970A provides a working platform for evaluation of the LXT970A Fast Ethernet
Transceiver in 10BASE-T and/or 100BASE-TX/FX applications.
The LXD970A Demo Board is configured with a sin gle chip 10/100Mbps , IEEE 802.3u comp liant,
Fast Ethernet Transceiver unit (LXD970 A). Th e demo board is designed to plug into a transceiver
test box via a standard 40-pin MII connector. This allows system designers to test 10Mbps and
100Mbps link performance, auto-negotiation and register functionality prior to board prototyping.
The LXT970A also provides an ECL-type interface for 100BASE-FX link testing.
This document describes typical Demo Board setup procedures for a 100BASE-TX environment.
Before using the Demo Board, review the LXT970A Fast Ethernet Transceiver data sheet for
device functionality and specifications.
1.1 Features
• IEEE 802.3-compliant 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX using a single RJ45 connection.
• Quick setup, ease of use, and clear visibility of application settings for:
— Complete system demonstration
— Individual circuit isolation
• LED indicators for major functions.
• IEEE 802.3u MII interface with extended register capability.
• Configured for single 5V supply operation.
• Standard half duplex or full duplex operation at 10 or 100 Mbps.
• 100BASE-FX fiber optic capability (unstuffed optional circuitry).
Development Kit Manual 5