Revision History
Revision Revision History Date
-001 First release of the Intel® Desktop Board D425KT Product
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June 2010

This Product Guide gives information about board layout, component installation, and
regulatory requirements for Intel
Desktop Board D425KT.
Intended Audience
The Product Guide is intended for technically qualified personnel. It is not intended for
general audiences.
Intended Uses
All Intel® Desktop Boards are evaluated as Information Technology Equipment (I.T.E.)
for use in personal computers (PC) for installation in homes, offices, schools, computer
rooms, and similar locations. The suitability of this product for other PC or embedded
non-PC applications or other environments, such as medical, industrial, alarm systems,
test equipment, etc. may not be supported without further evaluation by Intel.
Document Organization
The chapters in this Product Guide are arranged as follows:
1 Desktop Board Features: a summary of product features
2 Installing and Replacing Desktop Board Components: instructions on how to install
the Desktop Board and other hardware components
3 Updating the BIOS: a description of how to update the BIOS
A BIOS Error Messages: information about BIOS error messages and beep codes
B Regulatory Compliance: safety and EMC regulations and product certifications
The following conventions are used in this manual:
Cautions warn the user about how to prevent damage to hardware or loss of data.
Notes call attention to important information.