If an FCC declaration of conformity marking is present on the board, the following stat em ent applies:
FCC Declaration of Conformity
This device complies wi th Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation i s subject to the foll owi ng t wo conditions: (1) this dev i ce
may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this devic e must accept any interference received, including i nterference that
may cause undesired operation.
For questions related to the EM C performance of this product, contact:
Intel Corporation
5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway
Hillsboro, OR 97124
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the li m i ts for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the
FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protecti on agai nst harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equi pm ent generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not i nstalled and used in
accordance with the inst ructions, may cause harmful interference to radio com m unications. However, there i s no guarantee
that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, whi ch can be determined by turning the equipm ent off and on, the user is encouraged t o try to correct
the interference by one or more of t he f ollowing measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receivi ng antenna.
• Increase the separation between t he equi pm ent and the receiver.
• Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit other than the one to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ TV technician for help.
Canadian Department of Communications Compliance Statement:
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limi t s for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out i n the
Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.
Le présent appareil numerique német pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant l es limites applicables aux appareils
numériques de la classe B pres crites dans le Réglement sur le broul l age radi oélectrique édicté par le ministére des
Communications du Canada.
Intel Corporation (Intel) mak es no warranty of any kind with regard t o this material, includi ng, but not limited to, t he i m pl i ed
warranties of merchantability and fit ness for a particular purpose. Intel as sumes no responsibility for any errors that may
appear in this document. Intel makes no commitment to update nor to keep current the information contained in this
document. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written
consent of Intel.
An Intel
installation, it accurately stores, di splays, processes , provides, and/or receives date data from, into, and between the
twentieth and twenty-firs t centuries, including l eap year calculations, prov i ded t hat all other technology used in combination
with said product properly ex changes date data with it.
Copyright 1999, Intel Corporat i on. All Rights Reserved.
product, when used in accordanc e wi t h i ts associated docum ent ation, is "Year 2000 Capable" when, upon
Third-party brands and trademarks are t he property of their respectiv e owners.
82559 PCI LAN controller with RJ-45 LAN connector (optional)
AudioPCI 128V audio controller
For information about Intel® desktop boards, including technical product specifications, BIOS
upgrades, and device drivers, go to the Intel World Wide Web site at:
For instructions on installing or upgrading the processor, see Chapter 2.
Main Memory
The desktop board has two sockets for installing DIMMs. Minimum memory size is 32 MB;
maximum memory size is 512 MB. Since some of the system memory is dedicated to video,
install at least 64 MB of memory for optimal video performance or if using the Windows NT
operating system. All supported onboard memory is cacheable. See Chapter 2 for types of
memory supported and installation instructions.
Intel Desktop Board CA810E Product Guide
Intel® 810E Chipset
The Intel 810E chipset consists of the following devices:
The Creative Sound Blaster AudioPCI 128V audio controller interfaces to the PCI bus as a Plug
and Play device and has these features:
• 100% DOS legacy compatible
• Access to main memory through the PCI bus for wavetable synthesis support – does not
require a separate wavetable ROM device
• PC 98 and PC 99 compliance
Crystal Semiconductor CS4297 Stereo Audio Codec
The Crystal Semiconductor CS4297 stereo audio codec features:
• High performance 18-bit stereo full-duplex audio codec with up to 48 KHz sampling rate
• Connects to the Sound Blaster AudioPCI 128V using a digital interface
Audio Connectors
The audio connectors include the following:
• ATAPI-style CD-ROM connector
• Legacy-style 2 mm CD-ROM connector
• Back panel connectors
Line out
Line in
Mic in
MIDI/Game port
Desktop Board Features
The line out connector located on the back panel is designed to power headphones or amplified
speakers only. Poor audio quality may occur if passive (non-amplified) speakers are connected to
this output.
Audio Drivers and Utilities
Audio drivers and utilities are available from Intel’s World Wide Web site at:
A 47 Ω inductive speaker is mounted on the desktop board. The speaker provides audible error
code (beep code) information during the Power-On Self-Test (POST).
LAN Subsystem (Optional)
The Intel 82559 Fast Ethernet Wired for Management (WfM) PCI LAN subsystem provides both
10Base-T and 100Base-TX connectivity. Features include:
• 32-bit, 33-MHz direct bus mastering on the PCI bus
• Shared memory structure in the host memory that copies data directly to/from host memory
• 10Base-T and 100Base-TX capability using a single RJ-45 connector with connection and
activity status LEDs
• IEEE 802.3u Auto-Negotiation for the fastest available connection
• Jumperless configuration; the LAN subsystem is completely software configurable
Intel 82559 LAN Controller
The 82559 PCI LAN controller features include:
• CSMA/CD Protocol Engine
• PCI bus interface
• DMA engine for movement of commands, status, and network data across the PCI bus
• Integrated physical layer interface, including:
Jumperless configuration; the LAN subsystem is completely software configurable
Complete functionality necessary for the 10Base-T and 100Base-TX network interfaces;
when in 10 Mbit/sec mode, the interface drives the cable directly
A complete set of Media Independent Interface (MII) management registers for control
and status reporting
802.3u Auto-Negotiation for automatically establishing the best operating mode when
connected to other 10Base-T or 100Base-TX devices, whether half- or full-duplex capable
Intel Desktop Board CA810E Product Guide
• Integrated power management features, including:
Support for APM
Support for Wake on LAN technology
Support for ACPI S3 state
LAN Subsystem Software
The Intel 82559 Fast Ethernet WfM PCI LAN software and drivers are available from Intel’s
World Wide Web site at:
Two LEDs are built into the RJ-45 LAN connector. Table 3 describes the LED states when the
board is powered up and the LAN subsystem is operating.
Table 3.RJ-45 LAN Connector LEDs
LED ColorLED StateIndicates
Off10 Mbit/sec speed is selected.Green
On100 Mbit/sec speed is selected.
OffLAN link is not established.
On (steady state)LAN link is established.
On (brighter and pulsing)The computer is communicating with another computer on
the LAN.
PCI Enhanced IDE Interface
The PCI enhanced IDE interface handles the exchange of information between the processor and
peripheral devices like hard disks, CD-ROM drives, and Iomega
The interface supports:
• Up to four IDE devices (such as hard drives)
• ATAPI devices (such as CD-ROM drives)
• PIO Mode 3 and PIO Mode 4 devices
• Ultra ATA/33 and Ultra ATA/66
• Logical block addressing (LBA) of hard drives larger than 528 MB and extended cylinder head
sector (ECHS) translation modes
• Support for laser servo (LS-120) drives
Zip† drives inside the computer.
Desktop Board Features
Input/Output (I/O) Controller
The SMSC LPC47M102 super I/O controller handles the exchange of information between the
processor and external devices, such as a mouse, keyboard, or printer that are connected to the
computer. The controller features:
• Low pin count (LPC) interface
• Two serial ports
• Infrared port (IrDA
• One parallel port with Extended Capabilities Port (ECP) and Enhanced Parallel Port (EPP)
• PS/2–style mouse and keyboard interfaces
• Interface for one 1.2 MB, 1.44 MB, or 2.88 MB diskette drive
• Intelligent power management, including a programmable wake-up event interface
• Dual game port interface
• MPU-401 MIDI support
• Fan control:
Two fan speed control outputs
Two fan tachometer inputs
The BIOS Setup program provides configuration options for the I/O controller.
1.0 compliant)
Real-Time Clock
The desktop board has a time-of-day clock and 100-year calendar that will roll over to 2000 at the
turn of the century. A battery on the desktop board keeps the clock current when the computer is
turned off.
The recommended method of accessing the date in systems with Intel desktop boards is indirectly
from the Real-Time Clock (RTC) via the BIOS. The BIOS on Intel desktop boards and baseboards
contains a century checking and maintenance feature that checks the least two significant digits of
the year stored in the RTC during each BIOS request (INT 1Ah) to read the date and, if less than
80 (i.e., 1980 is the first year supported by the PC), updates the century byte to 20. This feature
enables operating systems and applications using the BIOS date/time services to reliably
manipulate the year as a four-digit value.
For more information on proper date access in systems with Intel desktop boards, see the Intel
Web site at:
The desktop board has two USB ports. You can connect two USB peripheral devices directly to
the computer without an external hub. To attach more than two devices, connect an external hub
to either of the built-in ports. The desktop board supports the standard universal host controller
interface (UHCI) and uses standard software drivers written to be compatible with UHCI.
Computer systems that have an unshielded cable attached to a USB port may not meet FCC
Class B requirements, even if no device or a low-speed USB device is attached to the cable. Use a
shielded cable that meets the requirements for a full-speed USB device.
Expansion Slots
The desktop board has four PCI expansion slots.
A battery on the desktop board keeps the clock and the values in CMOS RAM current when your
computer is turned off. See Chapter 2 for instructions on how to replace the battery.
The BIOS includes the POST, the BIOS Setup program, the PCI and IDE auto-configuration
utilities, and the video BIOS.
To upgrade the BIOS, see Chapter 3.
PCI Auto Configuration
If you install a PCI add-in board in your computer, the PCI auto-configuration utility in the BIOS
automatically detects and configures the resources (IRQs, DMA channels, and I/O space) for that
add-in board. You do not need to run the BIOS Setup program after you install a PCI add-in
IDE Auto Configuration
If you install an IDE device (such as a hard drive) in your computer, the IDE auto-configuration
utility in the BIOS automatically detects and configures the device for your computer. You do not
need to run the BIOS Setup program after installing an IDE device.
Desktop Board Features
Security Passwords
The BIOS includes security features that restrict whether the BIOS Setup program can be accessed
and who can boot the computer. A supervisor password and a user password can be set for the
Setup and for booting the computer, with the following restrictions:
• The supervisor password gives unrestricted access to view and change all Setup options. If
only the supervisor password is set, pressing <Enter> at the password prompt of Setup gives
the user restricted access to Setup.
• If both the supervisor and user passwords are set, you must enter either the supervisor
password or the user password to access Setup. Setup options are then available for viewing
and changing depending on whether the supervisor or user password was entered.
• Setting a user password restricts who can boot the computer. The password prompt is
displayed before the computer is booted. If only the supervisor password is set, the computer
boots without asking for a password. If both passwords are set, you can enter either password
to boot the computer.
Power Management Features
Power management is implemented at several levels, including:
• Software support:
Advanced Power Management (APM)
Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI)
• Hardware support:
Wake on LAN technology
Instantly Available technology
Resume on Ring
If the board is used with an ACPI-aware operating system, the BIOS can provide ACPI support.
Otherwise, it defaults to APM support.
Intel Desktop Board CA810E Product Guide
Wake on LAN Technology
The optional Wake on LAN technology connector can be used with PCI bus network adapters that
have a remote wake-up connector. Network adapters that are PCI 2.2 compliant assert the wake-up
signal through the PCI bus signal PME# (pin A19 on the PCI bus connectors). The optional
onboard LAN subsystem also supports remote wake up using the PME# signal.
For Wake on LAN technology, the 5 V standby line for the power supply must be capable of
delivering at least 720 mA of current. Failure to provide adequate standby current when
implementing Wake on LAN technology can damage the power supply.
Instantly Available Technology
Instantly Available technology enables the board to enter the ACPI S3 (Suspend to RAM) sleep
state. While in the S3 sleep state, the computer will appear to be off. When signaled by a wake-up
device or event, the system quickly returns to its last known wake state.
The standby power indicator (located between the DIMM sockets and the power connector)
provides an indication that power is still present to the DIMMs and PCI bus connectors, even when
the computer appears to be off. Figure 2 shows the location of the standby power LED.
Figure 2. Location of the Standby Power Indica tor LED
Desktop Board Features
For Instantly Available technology, the 5 V standby line for the power supply must be capable of
delivering at least 720 mA of current. Failure to provide adequate standby current when using
this feature can damage the power supply.
Resume on Ring
The operation of Resume on Ring can be summarized as follows:
• Resumes operation from either the APM sleep mode or the ACPI S1 state
• Requires only one call to access the computer
• Detects incoming call similarly for external and internal modems; does not use the Wake on
Ring connector
• Requires modem interrupt be unmasked for correct operation
Intel Desktop Board CA810E Product Guide
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